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File: 477 KB, 1536x2048, AnalPocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9295893 No.9295893 [Reply] [Original]

>new cores releasing every other day now
is this pos worth buying yet

>> No.9295927
File: 667 KB, 1034x1660, HAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your phone is better than that hunk of shit
>make piece of shit chinkware to play "original games"
>it can't even properly hold game within the cartridge slot
>rips the labels of the $400 game you bought with your covidbucks

>> No.9295984

It plays everything one of those AT handhelds from 2006 does.
For the price, it's not worth it.

>> No.9296014

The ergonomics of this thing are still ass, so sadly no.

>> No.9296057
File: 168 KB, 1225x653, miyamoto soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only dpad and 4 buttons

good way to lock yourself out of every game made after 1994

>> No.9296102
File: 1.16 MB, 1737x1006, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely you would be better off just getting one of these and using your phone.

>> No.9296107

>modern smartphone fits perfectly to the shape of a gameboy
>every phone controller goes for this dogbone shape instead
fucking WHY

>> No.9296153

It's for phone games

>> No.9296223

FPGA seems cool but I haven't ever been able to tell a difference between OG hardware and emulation on a decent chipset. I guess the screen resolution is supposed to be really good but paying $100 for that on top of not having access to as many systems as an emulation handheld seems pretty steep.

However if they ever make a portable FPGA machine in landscape and it has access to N64, PSX, and Saturn I'd consider it, but by the time that's released I'm sure emulation handhelds will have devices with N64 and Saturn support.

>> No.9296239

Is that 3D-printed?

>> No.9297503

Yes. Look at the uppermost right corner of the d-button. That's some pretty shoddy cut work for a supposedly pro-made product.

>> No.9297535

it has shoulder buttons

>> No.9297542

I like the pocket, but I'd like just about any other device with that screen too (though the fpga nature and compatibility with it is cool). It's not horrible or anything but the ergonomics aren't great especially when using the shoulder buttons.

But man that screen rocks though. Pixel perfect SNES looks like it was practically made to be played with that screen

>> No.9297567

Imagine owning a """phone"""

>> No.9297573
File: 346 KB, 1280x720, xcV9MNCBLrkNx8veuidPUF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyperkin made a controller like that called the SmartBoy. It just turned out to be not very good.

>> No.9297575

I have to call your mom somehow

>> No.9297578

why do these dumbasses use the original cartridges and not a flashcart?

>> No.9297580

I avoid hyperkin like the plague, but that's actually an amusingly designed device. What was wrong with it?

>> No.9297651

Yea sure. While you're at it, i've got some magic beans you'd probably be interested in buying too.

>> No.9297709

The anbernic rg351v does everything the pocket can do and more for far less. I don't see why people would buy the pocket if they're not using original carts other than >FPGA

>> No.9297717
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, gamesir x2 usb-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From seeing some reviews, it just works really poorly. You can maybe use it as a generic controller if you don't want to use the cartridge slot. The only problem is you aren't going to be able to see most of the screen when you're going through menus.

Interesting concept but I'll just stick with pic related.

>> No.9297721

It's a big piece of shit that wouldn't fit even in a thick jacket pocket. Also, if the emulator doesn't support moving the controls around (it presses areas of the screen instead of being a bluetooth controller), or if your phone is of a different size than what hyperkin expects, then you're fucked and that just becomes a useless plastic chunk.

>> No.9297728

If you have an android the Pizza Boy emulators take advantage of this

However its still touch buttons so its not ideal, although the haptic feedback helps a little.

>> No.9297737

the hyperkin 6 button genesis controllers are really good.

>> No.9297941

Get a cheap chink handheld like one of the 351 Ambernics and see if you like playing games that way. Even with AmberElec, those handhelds really feel like a slapped together user experience. Lots of shitty little things that I never hear mentioned, but it does it's job of playing Gameboy/GBA/SNES games perfectly well. If you wanna upgrade from that and have cash to burn, I guess the Analogue might be worth it. It's just so fucking pricey for how shit the build quality feels. The screen is lovely though. FPGA shit really doesn't fucking matter for the kinds of games you'd be playing on there honestly.

>> No.9298897

Why buy a fpga device to play real cartridges and instead opt to use a flashcart? At that point you should have just bought a random chinker handheld and loaded it with roms

>> No.9298910

yeah bro the way you actually fight the jews is by being a socially retarded hermit with no phone and no money who still masturbates frequently and pays for games on steam. go get em tiger

>> No.9298921

We have adult hands now. Ironically the brick-boy's huge size is ok in adult hands, but smartphones are slimmer.

>> No.9298972

>why buy an fpga device and not a real device
if you're going to buy fpga anyways a flashcart wont make it any less authentic, and you wont reduce the lifespawn of your precious plastic that way

>> No.9299035

I don't play games on my phone because I am not a child

>> No.9299243

The advantage of the Pocket is playing your precious plastic though, as there are quite a few carts with built in hardware that a flash cart doesn't have, such as a camera or motion sensors. Also, by buying an FPGA device you can avoid buying the flash cart in the first place.

I think most people don't really need portability though, so would be better served by a decent PC/MiSTer/Pi, and even if they would need portability a Steam Deck/chink device would be an acceptable choice. The minority of people with both a collection of carts with hardware, a boner for portability, and an Analogue Pocket, probably just consists of me, but I'm enjoying it, and the new cores are nice.

>> No.9299253

Lol you play children's games on a toy

>> No.9299793

What kind of retard would get the white one?

>> No.9300023
File: 11 KB, 214x317, white supremacist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A white supremacist?

>> No.9300149

you fags will buy anything except original hardware and actual video games

>> No.9300193

Wrong answer Steve