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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 54 KB, 250x359, Sonic_the_Hedgehog_1_Genesis_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9294689 No.9294689 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone act like this is some "gotta go fast" speedrun type game? Aside from literally just the very first level, it plays very much just like a traditional platformer (in fact, quite slow paced in many spots). If you just run wild, you will frequently hit hazards that you can't even realistically react to. The game even encourages slow play by making you lose all rings upon a single hit and only letting you get lives and continues through exploration and collecting a ton of rings (without getting hit, so play carefully).

Of course when you've memorized the route, all the hazards, and the entire stage, then you can go fast, but... that's true of basically any game in existence. I mean in Mario you can also just sprint nonstop like a madman to the end of the stage as well, and in fact Mario seems *more* suited to speedrunning than Sonic because it has more linear stages and less hazards that require you to stop and wait. But no one aside from very experienced speedrunners is playing like that, and in both games you would also get your ass handed to you if you played like that without a ton of experience. Frankly, in both games when you're going so fast, you basically have to just have everything memorized because there's no way you can react to a sudden hazard while going full speed.

I just don't understand the reputation at all or how only Sonic got it. And I think it really leads to a negative first impression in a lot of players who would enjoy it much more if they just played it like a standard platformer with some acceleration based physics.

>> No.9294694

90s ads and the fact that that's what he was about since 3d was a thing
you can go fast through the levels though if you know what you're doing, although that can be said for most any platformer

>> No.9294695

>can't even realistically react to
You're a retard. Anyway /vr/ enjoy your daily "how was I meant to know?" thread, today's special is one your familiar with but it's the "Sonic was never good" bait

>> No.9294701

Yeah I wont be reading all that sorry

>> No.9294702

Was going fast even a focus of sonic before 2?

>> No.9294707
File: 226 KB, 800x1114, 80069-sonic-the-hedgehog-genesis-back-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me

>> No.9294714

>selling a new fast 16bit console to kids with the character being sold as fast because they wouldn't know specs
yeah seems like a no to me

>> No.9294759

not reading this but no, kids didn't think the actual games were "fast" on their own. the "fastness" was a part of the characterization of Sonic himself, the marketing, and the supplemental story material etc.. you'll have to take it up with whoever was in charge of that stuff, blame those dudes

>> No.9294764

No which is why CD is the only real Sonic sequel

>> No.9294768

>Sonic lets you go fast in long uninterrupted segments
>Sonic slows you down for a short segment of pure and well executed platforming

You people can't be pleased and will search for whatever reason to hate on a blue fucking rat

>> No.9294773

Nobody's saying Sonic 2 and 3&K aren't fast and well designed. It's just kinda surprising in hindsight how many slow levels Sonic 1 had. Still a great game despite that.

>> No.9294790

Don't judge the series based on the first game. It has a different pace compared to every game that came after. But even in the first game, Sonic can run up walls, roll down hills, bounce on springs, and use the speed shoes power-up.

>> No.9294909
File: 88 KB, 1024x509, 1661306754462552m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonic was never fast

>> No.9294917

stop browsing 4chan on your phone

>> No.9294952

It was marketed as being fast and people can't separate IRL from marketing

>> No.9294957

will sega ever make a 3d game with the physics from the genesis games

>> No.9295318

No but you can look forward to Sonic GT and Sonic Advanced

>> No.9295320

The totem must be fucking broken.

>> No.9295337

Because Sega of America marketed it as that, and Sonic himself as a character whose gimmick was super speed. Then later sequels started focusing heavily on that aspect.

>> No.9295349

people don't actually play the games they talk about, especially when they're older than them, and marketing (in the west at least) was all about sonic going fast
just look at how many retards spout the "ocarina of time's water temple is impossible" and "navi is so annoying" memes while it's not even remotely true

>> No.9295353
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What I think happened was they had a momentum based platformer, a lot of segments where'd you pick up speed and then have to carefully control it to get over a hill or whatever without losing control, instead of marketing the game as a marble madness clone they focused on the speed aspect of momentum and sold the game on that. They then added a bunch of stilted on rails speed segments to make the player feel like they were actually going fast. So you're kind of right in it being surface level but wrong in it being any way a suprise people think about going fast with all the above.

>> No.9295369

Go back to making meme threads on /v/ then

>> No.9295380

>Only the first level
Green Hill Zone
Spring Yard Zone
Starlight Zone
There are a few moments scattered throughout that aren’t as fast, but overall these levels keep a great pace. Even Labyrinth Zone had a few fast moments with the waterfall stuff.

>> No.9295453
File: 185 KB, 539x377, SonicGemsCollection_Gallery_ClassicSonic_ConceptArt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic was always about speed, and we know this for several reasons.

-The commonly retold story that the gameplay of Sonic was conceived from replaying SMB1 repeatedly
-The name Sonic itself refers to supersonic speed (ie, surpassing the speed of sound). One of Sonic's earliest backstories was about Chuck Yeager-esque pilot that had him as a mascot.
-The core game of Sonic itself was revolutionary for using advanced physics and slopes, which require speed and momentum to proceed. The use of springs and shoe power-ups also cement this idea as being purposeful. Additionally, the fast scrolling prowess of the game was intentional as being a tech showcase.

>> No.9295587
File: 333 KB, 400x285, tumblr_m498imfezv1qgm4amo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never understood this argument, people want Sonic to only be fast but this would be boring, so they add obstacles but then people complain its unfair because they don't have time to react, so they add segments where you slowdown to progress but people complain that Sonic should always be fast.

In the current year its even stranger because a majority of the people I hear vocalize these complaints have never finished a Sonic game and only repeat what some guy who doesn't even like platformers said about it on a YouTube video.

>> No.9295632
File: 2.40 MB, 1212x1580, 25B9D984-C69B-486D-B809-4E7CA289999F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SNES was being shit on in game magazines for struggling with fast paced action games. Many if the 1991 titles had slowdown which was blamed on the below average CPU speed (but more likely a result of inexperienced programmers on new hardware).

Sega marketing team put a massive emphasis on “speed” as a concept to try and exploit this perceived hardware weakness of the SNES. Sonic was just one part of this ad campaign. The blast processing ad campaign was the second part of the attack.

A few years later nintendo actually paid to publish fake tech articles in magazines to explain why a slow CPU didnt matter and how they could have made a game as fast as sonic 1 or 2 for the SNES but didn't need to. Pic related is one of these ads disguised as editorials.

>> No.9295636
File: 2.42 MB, 1182x1613, C15A1F83-D174-4036-803B-87A5F5286993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2 of the fake article. The copium is amazing.

>> No.9295643


I think the speed was mostly there to show off the tech. "Look at how the console keeps up with that movement! Can your NINTENDO do that?!" is what it says.

>> No.9295694

And what if itold you that /vr/ is retarded?
I just did-.-

>> No.9295707

will she cheat on me?

>> No.9295712

Was Sonic ever good?

>> No.9295816

>durr it wasnt about going fast
then why can he fucking loop de loop and run up walls and spinball down slopes faster than games before you fucking retard
your standards have changed or youre zooming

>> No.9295971

Sonic 1 was good. Then with Sonic 2 got fat and stupid.

>> No.9295991

That's the romhack you're playing. Try the regular game.

>> No.9295997
File: 137 KB, 960x806, 1644452778763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was Sonic ever good?
no, which is why the entire sonic fandom is about fanfiction, cosplay, and porn instead of the games.

>> No.9296067

Will Shadows character ever be redeemed back to the level it was at during the final moments of SA2?

>> No.9296079

Sonic required fast processing to move around like he did, and was capable of accelerating to high speeds with those pinball like physics.
Sonic was not a character who just goes fast all the time, and wasn't supposed to be, but even Sega got confused about that past a certain point.

>> No.9296338

I know the fat romhack. Is there a stupid romhack though?

>> No.9296343
File: 3.46 MB, 498x206, sonic-the-hedgehog-gotta-go-fast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic the character came before the idea of Sonic the game. In that sense it's not really like Mario where they designed the game first and then decided to make him a plumber with a red hat. Speed is Sonic's thing, just like Batman has gadgets and Spider-Man can swing from a web. If you take away the speed, he's just not Sonic anymore.

>> No.9296416
File: 9 KB, 300x168, download (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just don't understand the reputation at all or how only Sonic got it.
Have you played Castlevania, classic Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden? Even on Genesis there were a lot of slower platformers like Flicky, Bonanza Bros, and Altered Beast before Sonic came along. Would also recommend checking out some other platformers like Metroid, Bonk, or the Valis series before saying Sonic 1 is slow.

>> No.9296435

Flicky is fast as fuck

>> No.9296446

Because the marketing and everything after the 3d games portrayed Sonic as fast and 2cool unlike Mario. Like >>9296343 said it's a byproduct of Sega designing Sonic as a character before making the actual game. But if you go into playing Sonic completely ignoring that stuff mentioned, it's a pretty solid standard platformer.

>> No.9296563
File: 96 KB, 572x621, 1661973261106899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best genesis speedrun game incoming :


>> No.9297707
File: 93 KB, 960x554, 1652667237223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9297746

>fandoms equal quality
classic fan torchbearers know better

>> No.9297896

>Why does everyone act like this is some "gotta go fast" speedrun type game?
Because it is you stupid fuck. It doesn't matter if the first game also has traditional slower paced platforming. The game was marketed with the idea of blast processing and going through a level super fast. You are on a timer in these games. They always encourage you to quickly go through a level. Dumb ass thread I will not read further.

>> No.9297945

I'm pretty sure they had a game about rolling a ball around, which eventually became Sonic. Eggman was also designed as a possible hero for that game. See how he's round and looks kind of like Mario?

>> No.9298269

>"Sonic" the hedgehog
>The word "sonic" is literally a fucking slang for the speed of sound

>> No.9300028

I see it, I see it, but is it all within my reach?

>> No.9300034
File: 36 KB, 330x362, 166361673023782095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9300067

There's the whole side of the fandom that dissected and documented everything about the old games and made incredible reproductions leading to stuff like Mania. Not to mention other great fangames like Roboblast 2.

>> No.9300139

I'm glad someone else brought up the Mario comparison. You actually go faster in Mario by sprinting and flying LOL. Sonic is a cuck who has to jump on springs and get carried to higher platforms by machinery constantly.