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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9294502 No.9294502 [Reply] [Original]

One of the worst games I've ever played. These controls are unacceptable.

>> No.9294527

Don't care, still fapping to ps1 Lara

>> No.9294530

It's Eurojank that sold exclusively on coom bait. What did you expect?

>> No.9294581

You're a massive faggot and your thread sucks

>> No.9294630

It's just tank controls, and it's easy to grapple since the camera is always behind you.

>> No.9294794

It's not the tank controls, it's the responsiveness (or lack thereof).

>> No.9294834

It's one of the best games ever and you're missing out because you can't deal with the controls. Just do the training course in the mansion. You'll get used to the controls in no time.

>> No.9294841

I did the training course and I've completed the Peru level, it doesn't stop me from having to press X like 5 times before it actually lets me climb on something.

>> No.9294853

You only need to keep it pressed.

>> No.9294856

>filtered by a 30 year old children's game

>> No.9294863

Skill issue.

>> No.9294926

>it's just shit controls!

>> No.9294932

>I'm so unique and quirky zoomer haha
>Sadturd and poop raider were actually good!

>> No.9294935

I'm not a zoomer, I'm 31. Just haven't played it before and my disappointment is great.

>> No.9294936

Based OoToddler shitposter from /v/.

>> No.9294937

Most games back then had garbage tank controls

>> No.9294940

I'm not shitposting, I started playing the game for the first time tonight and I nearly smashed my controller about 20 times getting through Peru.
I don't even care about the tank controls, it's everything else. It's like that feeling when you dream and you're trying to run or trying to drive a car.

>> No.9294941

Stop shitting up Zelda threads

>> No.9294943

Stop shitting up every thread. The N64 sucks. Get over it.

>> No.9294946

You just need to realize the character moves on a grid of squares. The controls feel weird at first and they have some momentum before they respond but they're very precise. Use the walk button often and don't rush. It's a great game, but I can see the camera and controls discouraging new players.

>> No.9294950

>Get over it

>> No.9294993

They've literally done studies, people who can't into tank controls have an underdeveloped portion of their brain that handles spatial reasoning. It's the same reason why they have a difficult time driving remote controlled cars and perform poorly in estimating real world distances.

>> No.9295001

Your mental retardation is unacceptable.

>> No.9295004

which youtuber did you get that line from?

>> No.9295026

I'll take that into consideration when I play tomorrow, thanks.
I don't watch youtubers.
I don't have a problem with the tank controls.

>> No.9295323

how come people bash bubsy 3d for tank controls and not this

>> No.9295334

It's literally Prince of Persia controls in a 3D space. The controls are responsive, but the game is made up of blocks and Lara won't jump until she reaches the end of her current block. This is a good thing since it means you'll always know exactly how far she'll jump.

>> No.9295335

Once you get the hang of it, it’s the best controlling platformer of its generation. Even Mario 64 can’t compare.

>> No.9295434

Tomb Raider was a better implementation of Prince of Persia in 3D than the actual official Prince Of Persia 3D ended up being.

>> No.9295528

It's true. Even early on the brilliance of the game shows with how slope jumps work. By the end of the game you'll actually be pushed to use every move you can do.

>> No.9295702

Tomb Raider 1 is far too ambitious for the slim hardware its on.

>> No.9295772

It is indeed trash. Even back in the day I didn't get the appeal. Sloppy, grid-based platforming. Sparse enemies, wretched level design. Just a very dull, jank game.

>> No.9295784

You're treating it as a 3D platformer. Tomb Raider is an "evolution" of cinematic platformers like Prince of Persia and Flashback. Go play one of those until you "get it", then you'll understand why Tomb Raider controls the way it does.

You're half-right. Though Lara's controls are very consistent she is not locked to a grid, hence you must align yourself to the grid for certain jumps.

>> No.9295901

Works on my PC.

>> No.9297446

people bash bubsy 3d for lookin like wet dogshit, no one played that crap

>> No.9297828

You shouldn’t have listened to people telling you to play it on console. I’ve played the pc versions of these games my entire life and the one time I gave it a try on console with a controller I thought “wow this is fucking horrible lol” and then I promptly returned to playing the pc versions. Give it a try and you will see the difference. Using the keyboard feels more natural with the movements. Now watch the piss station fanboys get mad at this

>> No.9297873
File: 765 KB, 1198x2224, booba raider stupid 25 year old console war shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> piss station fanboys

>> No.9297875

This. I knew i couldnt be the only one. I played all 5 Cores for the first time soley on a mix of PC/PSXemu and i found keyboard mapping of WASD for directional and NUM keys for jump/shoot ect... worked great. And i much prefer it to a gaming controller.

Anyway, are you sure you arn't rushing OP? TR is not a speedy platformer you need to play it slowly and methodically. Trial and error is built into the gameplay for first-timers and sometimes fall damage is entirely necessary. Making it through levels is all about precision too. There is usually only 1 of 2 optimal routes/series of exact jumps to take. Some other tips: dont waste ammo, USE THE SHOTGUN and up close too, its by far the most time/cost effective weapon and save as much as you want.

TR can be a punishing game when youre new to it, but once you gitgud youll enjoy it a lot more.

>> No.9297897

> use the shotgun

You can cheese like 90% of the animal fights in the first game by just jumping on top of something and shooting at the bear/lion/wolf/gorilla/alligator/whatever with your infinite ammo pistols while it runs back and forth. The combat in TR is not the draw of the game, the exploration/atmosphere/puzzles are.

People criticized this after the game released, which caused the devs to go full retard and do a massive overcorrection with the sequel, which they filled with a million human bulletsponge enemies with hitscan weapons.

After the first one, we didn't get another truly great Tomb Raider game until The Last Revelation.

>> No.9298108

TR4 is way too bloated with filler levels and loses variety in the last half.

>> No.9298115
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It's Prince of Persia 3D, and it really emphasizes the 3D with the verticality of it. There is a reason why early 3D games were often quite vertical, but now modern games are often just open flat plains. They end up confusing people. It's quite literally a kind of game that can't be made today at all because play-testers would hate it. Even the later PS era games become more combat focused.

The only control issue I would point out is the auto-aim gunplay which I've never liked.

Plus there's new campaigns that are really cool with very cool well thought out level design.

>> No.9298118
File: 2.10 MB, 1280x720, 1599120773128[1].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

webms taken from this thread:

>> No.9298212

I disagree but I see where you are coming from. The controls are very demanding and not intuitive.

It clicked with me but I also played it when it was new.

Good day.

>> No.9298217

Playstation version looked objectively better.

>> No.9298227

>The only control issue I would point out is the auto-aim gunplay which I've never liked.
For what it's worth, I bet that's easy to patch out of Open Laura if you want to play with centered aim.

>> No.9299429

> Can't even see the other end of a room in Lara's house


The only only upside the PS1 version had is the framerate doesn't dip as much, but both consoles chug hard in some areas. If you're playing through the central area in the Cistern on a console you might as well be playing Myst.

>> No.9299445

Great moment

>> No.9299449

to be fair, the controls werent something they made for YOU, it was more 'get used to these controls, because if you want to play thats how it has to be'
at the time we were up for it. now, people arent used to this kind of one-way demand

>> No.9299459

this anon is right, if you push jump its not going to respond until it gets into the middle or the start/end of the current grid square

>> No.9299470

Lara literally tells you this in the tutorial when you do the first running jump. It's something like "I won't jump until the last second" or something like that. People who complain about TR controls are just shitters who either didn't do the tutorial or who want Zelda style babby autojumping. It's not difficultto figure out that the entire game is essentially based on a grid system, every pillar in the game is the exact same size.

People like that always remind me of my friend in highschool who tried playing Phantasy Star Online and complained that it was "too slow" because he kept trying to buttonmash attacks, which would interrupt the attack combo and lead to like one swing every five seconds. He never bothered to actually figure out how the game's mechanics worked, then tried to brute force his way through them and complained that the game was "bad" after it didn't work.

>> No.9299481


It was a bad game. But people bought it for the tits and stayed because they sunk their money and were hoping for some pay out.

>> No.9299708

Core Tomb Raider may be stiff feeling and you get a better first impression from the way Anniversary feels, but after awhile of playing both you realize how shitty Anniversary's movement actually is when you're trying to get around, causing you to constantly fail jumps. Underworld is far worse with jumps that Lara can literally make, but you fall to your death because you're not supposed to jump to that ledge from where you were, so the magnets don't engage. I call those cock-blocked jumps and they're the reason that game takes longer to beat than it has any reason to.

So yeah, Core Tomb Raider feels kind of shitty to play at first, but once you get over the learning curve, the controls are much more precise and any failure at platforming comes down to a player skill issue.

>> No.9299723


>> No.9299752


>> No.9299809
File: 3.74 MB, 509x512, 1643208668929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a PC with Voodoo Graphics and a PlayStation.

What would be the best way to play the early titles?

>> No.9299857

For the first game install using the physical cd and then install the 3dfx patches for both the base game and UB. This will give you by far the best looking version of the game without using something like tomb1main. Beyond that you can patch in the music so that it retains both the ambient and music tracks if you desire. There is no reason to play the PlayStation version unless you are just that hung up about green water.
For the rest of the games and expansions they are fine as they are on pc with a standard install

>> No.9299897

And just in case it doesn’t get presented to you for whatever reason, make sure you launch games 2-5 with the -setup parameter the first time to access the external settings configuration and flip some of the graphical improvements on

>> No.9299917
File: 696 KB, 1250x1736, lara_swings_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nice.

>> No.9299934

Also another thing about the music - the pc version is not missing “all” the music, just some of the tracks. But what it lacks in music it makes up for with lots of ambient tracks. Contrast to the PlayStation version which has no ambient tracks at all, so ironically the ps version is dead silent when music isn’t being triggered

>> No.9299952

Is there anyway to inject the missing tracks as well?

>> No.9299984

The easiest way is using tomb1main or the automated fix, but if you are planing to play it on some era appropriate pc I don’t think it will work. A lot of the older methods involved overwriting the ambient tracks.

>> No.9299995
