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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9289730 No.9289730 [Reply] [Original]

CD-i core when?

What are you all currently playing? Playing through FF7 on this and its nice not having to give a shit about burning CDs for my playstation anymore.

>> No.9289814

I'm praying to gods of all religions that Russian military doesn't mobilize srg320 into their meat grinder. Let the guy work on cores in peace.

>> No.9289898

cool toy
what'd it cost?

>> No.9290131

Just finished playing Fire Emblem 7 and am starting on 6 now. The higher difficulty makes it much more enjoyable. These are the only games I have ever used a fast forward feature since I like making the enemy turns go by faster.

>> No.9290162

Is this the new raspberry pi?

>> No.9290169

yeah, except it emulates 1/3 of the systems for 5x the price

>> No.9290217

How’s the PlayStation emulation?

>> No.9290493

Dev is currently tweaking CPU and memory to get all tests in line with real consoles.

>> No.9290521

Fantastic and its honestly the reason I got one. I cant tell the difference between a real PSX, save states, fast CD load hacks. One of the best cores on the system and I hope other cores take after it.

Its also promising since if PSX of all things can get save states, Im sure plenty of other cores can too.

>> No.9290532

About 300 when I got it. Been worth every penny so far

>> No.9290548
File: 233 KB, 688x1434, fox-grapes-comics-700859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does MiSTer attract disingenuous retards like this guy? If the price point is an issue just dont buy it instead of coming in here with sour grapes.

>> No.9290581

You can't really get Pis for $50 anymore without being extremely lucky. The only surefire way to get them is to pay a scalper $200+.

>> No.9290594

Also as someone who owns both MiSTer has been a much better experience, I retired my Pi to use for Pi-hole because of it. Pi required so much fuckery in settings and config and even then even with a fat overclock emulation was subpar for a lot of consoles (especially snes and ps1). MiSTer just werks out of the box, I just had to run an update script and change 2 settings for it to show on my CRT.

Its also nice knowing that every MiSTer core is open source whereas some retroarch cores are not.

I might make an infograph on emulation boxes, its really important to have if youre emulating hardware thats hard to obtain like neo geo, pc engine, x68000 etc.

>> No.9290643

I still dont understand what a Mister is, a DE10 Nano and some shoes?

>> No.9291137
File: 476 KB, 600x450, 1501131235068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FGPA Everdrive>Aya Neo Pro>Anbernic RG 351>>Odroid>Aya Neo (regular)>Raspberry Pi>>>Retro Pocket 3>>Retro Pocket 2/2+>>Analouge Pocket>>Miyoo>Evercade>Coolboy RS-97+>>Powkiddy a66>>>Pirate multicart>Powkiddy v90>>Coolboy RS-97>>>MiSTER

>> No.9291354

its a shit device that has fucked up audio on very common games but is somehow gods gift to man.

>> No.9291404

Is there any documentation on this? I havent noticed any bad audio yet but I havent had mine for long, every game Ive played has been fine so far. Im just using audio from my TV though Im far from an audiophile.

>> No.9291424
File: 61 KB, 720x701, 81969358_10218351348987668_6934846490397376512_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coping so hard rn senpai
you can emulate the game but you can't emulate happiness

>> No.9291813

MD fourier is a third party tool that shows that the cores it can analysyse have perfect audio. Ignore the poorfags.

>> No.9291835

>30 dollars for a stack of 50 highest quality cdrs, cheaper if you go shitty cdrs
>500 dollars for SiSTer

Logic = “man it sure was smart of me to spend 500 dollars to play the same exact games again, so convenient”

>> No.9291853

>paying gas money every week to get a ride to work from a terminally ill co-worker
>down payment on your own vehicle
logic = "hey, I can go to more places and do a lot more with my own vehicle"

>> No.9291878

“Man, playing video games on a real ps1 is so stupid, stupid discs. Oh I know! I’ll spend 10 times the cost of a PlayStation I already own to emulate the same exact video games! No more 50¢ cd-rs for me! I’m too smart for that! Oh man I almost forgot to renew my MENSA membership, better mail that in!”

>> No.9291925

>as long I pretend playing PS1 games is all the MiSTer does, my argument about the costs of CD-Rs can't fail

>> No.9291961

What else can the amazing CuCKster do? What’s worth 500 bucks? Can it emulate snes games too? Holy shit I bet you couldn’t do that before.

>> No.9291962

Facts prevail yet again

>> No.9291967

God its this schizo again

Saying SiSTer isnt clever or funny. It makes you sound like my 7 year old nephew trying to say girls are gross and have cooties. Get a fucking life or maybe a job, maybe then you'll be able to afford your own DE-10 Nano so you can stop crying about it on here so much.

>> No.9291974

Damn you're a weak ass bitch

>> No.9291976

The pun is a subtle joke. The device is called "MiSTer" while it’s users prefer to be called women.

>> No.9291980

yeah we all got it, if thats your idea of subtle id hate to see you try to be overt. Actually I hate to see you in general.

>> No.9291983
File: 302 KB, 1001x1015, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather than argue with you, I'm just going to post that time you embarrassed yourself with your total lack of knowledge and got completely BTFO.

>> No.9291986

That isn’t me. I’m the “you spent 500 dollars to play ridge racer” guy you dumb asshole.
Do you think this place is a hive mind where everyone worships mister except for one guy? You are all delusional trannies.

>> No.9292000

lets start a gofundme me for the poorfag schizo and get him his own mister so he can stop stinking up these threads with his sour grapes

>> No.9292006

>I’ll show him I’m not a cuc.k by giving him 500 dollars for insulting me!

>> No.9292014

Honestly Im just waiting for the CDi and Saturn cores since both of those emulate like shit currently

Would love to play Wand of Gamelon in all of its original shittiness

>> No.9292064

Extensively using the PS1 core atm. I've beaten Tomb Raider 1, Ape Escape, Spyro 1, Symphony of the Night, Crash 1 and MediEvil and haven't noticed a single issue. I really like it, hoping the Saturn core is just as good. I don't care about the FPGA aspects honestly, the Mister is just my favourite living room emulation device in terms of usability and accuracy. I fucking blows a raspberry pi out of the water. I've also used an old PC with Steam Big Picture and it was nowhere near as handy as this is.

>> No.9292096

>not wanting CD-i to play Tetris in all its original gloriousness

>> No.9292143

CD-i Tetris looks and sounds great, but it is pretty clunky in gameplay department.

>> No.9292267

Mister is the ultimate way to play retro vidya. I'm playing time bandit on atari st.

>> No.9292335

i need to know how the Atari ST core is performing

>> No.9292423

that core predates MiSTer so I would assume great

that's what MiST originally stood for, aMIga + atari ST

>> No.9292429

the ST core should run any TOS version and have 100% software compatibility for particular TOS versions
does it have that?

>> No.9293606

Yes it runs perfectly.

>> No.9293707

>About 300

>> No.9294721 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 1020x870, mister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy on reddit reminded me a lot of the people on /vr/

>> No.9294816
File: 184 KB, 611x856, 53C970C3-23D8-4D56-9639-BFF14521B71A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a mister build from Retro Castle on aliexpress. Can’t wait for it to arrive. I wanted to get all of the main consoles with flashcarts and RGB mods and started getting buyers remorse after I started buying them. Then I discovered the mister and felt like a retard after realizing I could get near actual hardware accuracy and input lag for a fraction of the price and space.

>> No.9294826

I'm waiting for the pi4 core so I can run RetroArch with runahead and break the frames barrier

>> No.9294840 [DELETED] 

Oh my god these cucks are doing unpaid advertising for a product they worship complete with fake 90’s anime ad.

Hey, do you know what’s a fraction of the price of a SiSTer with cycle accurate emulators for your 16 bits complete with analog out? I bet you can guess lol.

The fake anecdote is what really makes this truly autistic and angering.

Btw fags, you always say
>“well that ancient hardware is going to die on you one day lol but I’m based for buying new thing and will enjoy gaymen forever *prideful smirk*.

….so the real hardware will fail and the PVMeme your emulation box is hooked up to with far more sensitive and hard hard to replace components is going to magically outlast a Sega Genesis or PlayStation?

What a sick, retarded cult. That is literally what you are.

Enjoy your stupid thing, it’s good at what it does, but for fucks sake you faggots it is not the second coming of Christ.

Also, I guarantee beyond a shadow of a doubt a tranny made that poster and that’s their heavily embellished self insert lol.

>> No.9294843
File: 90 KB, 633x640, C27772EC-08F7-447E-85CD-51ABC4D370F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of fun toys
>steam deck finally arrived
>micro sd hadn’t yet so I tried out a couple of pc games
>man… I think I wasted my money
>micro sd comes
>immediately gets stuck in the port
>have to almost force it out
>… Man… so this is the steam deck huh?
>finally get the emulation working
>boot up some games
>dat damn near perfect emulation
>emudeck doing almost all the work for you in making everything look nice and organized
>no constant finagling with settings to get the best experience

I love this thing.

>> No.9294848 [DELETED] 

Cry harder. I stated the reason for getting one, it’s cheaper in the long run and gives me a better experience. I also have a Miyoo Mini for playing emulators on the go.

>> No.9294854

fucking kek

>> No.9294857 [DELETED] 

nice reddit spacing

>> No.9294859 [DELETED] 
File: 369 KB, 554x494, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have nostalgia for 90's ads. That is just a piece of artwork invoking that feel. Calm down schizo, not everything needs to be a conspiracy.

>> No.9294860 [DELETED] 

you're smarter than them but still retarded for using original hardware instead of just using a PC

>> No.9294862 [DELETED] 

>you're smarter than them
To what standard? Does 4chin perform IQ tests every time you post?

>> No.9294864

Why does the mister make schizos seethe so much? Is it because of the price point?

>> No.9294872 [DELETED] 


>> No.9294875

What's even the point of having these threads? There's nothing to talk about, everyone who wants one of thesr already has it, just play games and doesn't care and the occasional nebiew is always attacked by shitposters. In the end it's always the same posts every thread - and their purpose is always for sour grapers to get their jollies. I'm starting to think they're the ones who routinely open these.

>> No.9294878 [DELETED] 

>To what standard?
common sense. you can build a good PC for $500 that will let you play 99% of all games ever made for free and you still waste money on old plastic just like these retards waste money on their flavor of the month soi hardware
you fell for the jewish trick yet again

>> No.9294881 [DELETED] 
File: 1.27 MB, 1125x1832, 9246663D-570A-435F-BD68-8A9BFF23EBD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owned. Reddit spacing is also a zoomer meme to deflect criticism, I’ve been on 4chan longer than you’ve been alive.

Enjoy being

A little


I also checked out the artist of that poster, not trans but trannies love him and vice versa.
Ye. It’s madness getting a modern PC hooked up to a tube properly and configuring it each time. I use a pi for 8/16 bits and a PSone. Cost a fifth of the price of a mister.

>> No.9294891 [DELETED] 

Absolutely deranged schizoposter

>> No.9294894 [DELETED] 

What is schizophrenic about these posts? Do you still believe we are all the same person? That is literally schizophrenic behavior and you should probably get checked out.
Just get the psychotherapy core on your MiSTer, it’s more convenient and even better than the real thing.

>> No.9295035
File: 53 KB, 1080x810, my coomlection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I love not being poor.

>> No.9295036

Probably similar reasons to why people hate Retroarch

>> No.9295067

Is that why you can't afford real hardware?

>> No.9295084

I could have bought 20 MiSTers with the money I took off coomlectors for my rotting plastic. Turns out I only needed 1 MiSTer though and now I have a bunch of space for books. Post coomlection. You won't.

>> No.9295131 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 717x880, E45BA277-606B-402C-B62E-0AC54373A144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back faggot

>> No.9295206

Nice one bro enjoy ur vidya and retros.

>> No.9295269

predictable sour grapes, misterfags are the saddest poorfags pretending to be richfags

>> No.9295426

The video that broke /vr/


>> No.9295432

Fixed link


>> No.9295446

okay so here's my deal, figured I'd ask on here first since the MiSTer forums are slow

I have my MiSTer hooked up directly to a CRT with VGA > component cable, good enough right? However there's 2 things that don't work as they should

>vertical arcade games are always in tate mode, and the option to flip the orientation does nothing.
>the X68000 core (and I assume other PC cores I haven't tested) does not work, just gives me a static screen, this makes sense since the original hardware would have outputted a 31hz signal and my TV is 15hz.

Is there any way I can get these to work? Or is it not worth the hassle and I should just plug it into my flat panel? I was thinking about getting a CRT monitor but honestly it's not worth it.

>> No.9295482

ok since i missed it last time.
stupid example, it's basically a rhythm game, you don't need to react to anything so it's pretty easy to adjust to any reasonable amount of input lag (we're talking digital tv levels)
however in general input lag is important. that's why retroarch allows you to get less lag that on the original hardware if you wish so. fpga is nice though, it just feels good to be efficient and in a superficial way closer to the original hardware.

>> No.9295540

Agreed with everything you said, anon. Funny enough I had a raspi emulation box, put together a MiSTer, and I was so immediately dissatisfied with the raspi experience that I turned it into a pihole too.
You should make that infographic.

>> No.9295564

>negative framelag
>inputs happen onscreen before you press them

>> No.9295663

what's the obsessions with pees, do people bring it with them everywhere? of course it's gonna suck compared to a normal x86 pc.

>> No.9295679

yes, runahead is capable of doing that technically. it's just really dumb seeing your character teleport around (you press jump in mario, and it warps him where he'd be if you pushed jump X frames earlier)

>> No.9295689

Genuinely not trying to start shit, but did you use RetroPie for your attempted Pi setup? Just wouldn't be surprised if that's what made your experience so shit

>> No.9295716

i think most people use retropie, i know batocera and recalbox are options too but I generally go with what has the most support

not that guy but I'd be curious to know what you prefer about the other options. I had a pretty bad experience with using my Pi as an emulation device but a lot of that was related to hardware limitations - poor composite out quality and lackluster or nonexistent emulation for anything SNES or more powerful.

>> No.9295725

What's the power draw on one of these?

>> No.9295741

i think its like 1.5A at most, if you have a powered USB hub that might add a little more though

>> No.9295743
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>> No.9295774

I personally go with lakka but that's because I'm used to RetroArch. Comp out by way of the jack is shit but I found its output to be pretty decent by soldering to the pads, and both comp and HDMI-to-VGA are capable of 240p output with basic config.txt input now. That said yeah even the 4s can't really do shit past 4th gen but at that point I just emulate on PC anyway

>> No.9295838

His surname, Dvodnenko, is Ukrainian, just for your consideration. It's the first time I hear of this guy but I think this works universally - the more you donate to the guy the more likely he'll consider fleeing the country.

>> No.9295916

Don't think you understand the meaning of that term, Singh. I had the hardware, a whole room full of and decades of experience with it. I now have one tiny box and a pile of cash and space. That's not sour grapes. Post coomlection. You won't.

>> No.9296035

Get out of this thread pifag.

>> No.9296154
File: 125 KB, 500x930, Bilokurakyne - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably can't flee, his small town is in the middle of Luhansk Oblast and the region has been under Russian control for months. If the Ukrainian army manages to make a hole in the Russian defense line again and start rushing east, it will still take some time before they reach his location.

>> No.9296336

damn, honestly i have no idea how can one be alive there

>> No.9297204

On the subject never use those ching chong inline switches they can destroy your mister. I just leave mine on all the time it uses a tiny amount of power and this subjects it all to less thermal cycles.

>> No.9297205

Yeah, not that anon but i'll apologise to you for him: sorry, it's so hard telling nine year olds apart.

>> No.9297301

Why the fuck does an aluminum case cost $80, is available only when the planets align, and require some proprietary usb connector none of the chink sellers use

>> No.9297317
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1659189322955147s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i just sell my console collection and get one of these? Seems like it's basically the same experience without having to deal with cancer like burning discs or video scalers and you can even use original controllers?

My console collection takes up my entire closet and I cant even keep any clothes in there

>> No.9297354

I keep seeing the word emulation in this thread. But isn't this not an emulator? You use the FPGA to basically recreate the hardware itself right?

>> No.9297363

thread after thread and I have yet to understand why anyone would actually want one of these over emulating ouside of epeen basedddit prestige

>> No.9297451

Why did you make another thread to ask this?

And yes do it if you dont care about collecting. As someone who has one most cores are the exact same as original hardware.

I think part of the reason MiSTer has so many detractors is a lot of people dont understand what FPGA is, and youre not going to understand unless youve taken a university level course on it. But in laymans terms FPGA IS original hardware when its done correctly. Granted it can still be done incorrectly and not every core is going to be 100% accurate, but since its open source every core can reach that in time. Whereas emulation cannot be fully accurate. It can be cycle accurate but thats not the same thing since it still adds overhead and variable input lag depending on the hardware its running on. With FPGA there is no overhead, since in that moment the system is functioning on the exact same logic as the hardware.

>> No.9297462

I did try RetroPie originally, and later I tried Lakka. Performance seemed fine for both, I don’t play anything past 4th gen. My real issue was how janky the whole experience felt. The config editing was irritating, having to sideload drivers to use my Xbox controller was a very poor experience, and the startup/reboot times were really slow. When I tried playing MAME games, I had to look up tables to find out which version of MAME was compatible with the given ROM, customise launcher settings to use the different versions on a per-game basis, and even switch between FinalBurn and MAME for NeoGeo.

By comparison, MiSTer was much more of a console-like experience… it didn’t have much of a UI, and required some initial configuration, but after that it was instant-on, set-and-forget, and just werked.

>> No.9297481

It's an emulator. It can't recreate the original hardware because it can't magically morph into the same transistors / power supply to have the same gate timings, so all the sources of error inherent to software emulators are still there. It just emulates weird obsolete hardware functions more efficiently.

>> No.9297507

PERFECT example of

Its literally being configured to behave like original hardware circuits. Hence the "field programmable gate array".


>all of the sources of error inherent to software emulation are still there

Such as? Theres no source of error "inherent" to emulation since emulators are capable of being cycle accurate. The only thing inherent to emulation is processing overhead, which does not exist with FPGA simulation.

>> No.9297579

'inherent' is a bad word choice, but you're still at the same task as a software emulator. Namely documenting the instruction sets and processing delays of original hardware so you can model those on new hardware. Most software emulation problems for older consoles are timing problems, and being a FPGA doesn't magically make these go away. You're working from the same documentation as someone writing an emulator in C and building with more difficult tools.
>The only thing inherent to emulation is processing overhead, which does not exist with FPGA simulation.
You've either never looked at the source for one of these cores or are very disingenuous.

>> No.9297581

Can you show me a single, say PS1 software solution that can match the mister core's console accurate audio timing?

>> No.9297584
File: 15 KB, 646x646, 17906289_kindlephoto-42997830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get one of these

>> No.9297597

>You've either never looked at the source for one of these cores or are very disingenuous.
I'm not being disingenuous, I agree that you said inherent is a bad word choice. If by flaws you mean human error then sure, I agree with you. You're right in that they have to make assumptions about how the original hardware worked.

Also when I say overhead I'm referring to the emulation adding input and audio lag, that does not happen with FPGA.

not him but duckstation comes close, unsure if it matches. It would depend on how powerful your hardware is.


Watch this, I don't think you'd be able to tell unless you went frame by frame.

>> No.9297605

>I don't think you'd be able to tell unless you went frame by frame

I know for most people it's not important, but that's not the point. There's a parallel timing to audio and video on original hardware that software based emulation hasn't been able to recreate, where as FPGA has. I have a decent system (9900k) and I can still only get audio delay in the ps1 retroarch cores down to 2 frames. And depending on the game, if you're really familiar with the original on native hardware, 2 frames can be noticeable on sound effects. Not to the extent to really bother anybody, but still.

>> No.9297626

mednafen and mister ps1 both have a number of known problems. On balance I'd take mednafen because its issues are limited to minor reverb differences or issues with shit nobody plays.

>Also when I say overhead I'm referring to the emulation adding input and audio lag, that does not happen with FPGA.
Also poor word choice. Nobody makes a serious attempt to emulate the exact delays of real hardware in either case. retroarch on a decent PC can easily have better input to video latency than real hardware and sound within under a half frame. Latency is only an issue with very bad hardware.

>> No.9297652

>t. someone who has never done any serious testing

>> No.9297663
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1495067834241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody makes a serious attempt to emulate the exact delays of real hardware in either case.
this is not true whatsoever

>retroarch on a decent PC can easily have better input to video latency than real hardware
with run-ahead yes, but you're sacrificing accuracy to do this since you're rolling back every animation at least by a frame, maybe more. This is also compounded by the fact that input lag is inconsistent based on what's happening on the screen, although you're right that with a powerful enough machine it will stay under 1 frame at all times.

I'm not trying to shill people into buying a DE-10 Nano board here. I get that you can have a similar experience with retroarch. I don't think that its "better" than emulation necessarily. It just gets great results with less config needed and more flexibility. MiSTer is the only thing that can satisfy my autism. I currently have it plugged into a 1440p monitor and a 15HZ CRT at the same time, and it outputs to both. I use the CRT for 240p games, and I use my monitor with filters for PC cores and vertical arcade games. Having a setup like this would be a hackey mess on anything else, and take tons of hours of config and screwing around and be inconvenient to set up every time. With my MiSTer I turn it on like its a console, turn on whichever display I want to use, and it just werks. No per-game configs, no run-ahead, no messing with plugins, none of that shit.

I really do understand the animosity towards MiSTer though since a lot of people treat it like its some superior hardware just because it's expensive. I read a post of someone calling it "the ferrari of emulation". Most retarded shit I've ever read.

>> No.9297679

Is that US dollars? Holy crap lmfao.
You know you can download emulators for free right? And they have more customisation options, and they're more accurate, and they have less input lag, and you can emulate everything from the 1970s up to modern systems.
You sound like a regular poster of r/emulation

>> No.9297685

blatantly lying about the input lag again

>> No.9297789
File: 74 KB, 725x521, emutards BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind them.

>> No.9297795

I don't think I've ever seen a group of people get so much shit done in such a short period of time as mister core devs

>> No.9297798

>never use those ching chong inline switches they can destroy your mister.
Works on my machine.

>> No.9297915

I've heared the arcade game rastan is on msiter now? How about it's sequels radtan 2 and 3? Are they availabe as well or does every single arcade arcade game need its own mister core?

>> No.9297919

There is only one acceptable measurement of latency and that's not better than original systems.

>> No.9297923

You were warned.

>> No.9297947

>doesn't know how DC regulators work

>> No.9297949

if the hardware is different then it needs its own core. so no.

>> No.9297950

I'm the guy he warned. I don't know what those are either so I assume I don't have one.

>> No.9297951

you obviously don't. tell me, when that inline switch drops the voltage too low, how is the de10 gonna make up the difference?

>> No.9297953

So a lower voltage will damage the DE-10 now? Are you retarded? If the switch goes bad you get another, stupid.

>> No.9297956

>says something retarded
>calls others retarded
oh boy.

>> No.9298010

You were warned.

>> No.9298137

Based mister devs

>> No.9298828

Is there any option for a USB light gun? Probably not but I just want something I can use for every core that functions like a light gun (i.e. not a wiimote).

>> No.9298847

Yeah you can use a gcon2 across cores

>> No.9298853

Guncon 2 for PS2 is connected by USB and can be used as a controller. Remember that you need to provide a composite video source from MiSTer to use it.

>> No.9298859

Component is fine too right?

>> No.9298991

Sure, green plug has enough data for guncon.