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9288375 No.9288375 [Reply] [Original]

>Mega Man 2 fans think this is good level design

>> No.9288404
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>> No.9288405

You have to have that power up at that point, I don't see the problet.

>> No.9288407 [DELETED] 

Looks like that hit close to home

>> No.9288415

The problem is your "platformer" plays more like a turn based jarpig where you spend more time in menus than actually platforming.

>> No.9288419

But that's not even remotely true, you rarely have to switch weapons at all. Is this short webm your entire exposure to the game? I don't think you have enough information to make an assessment.

>> No.9288427

>posts a fun looking game with no commentary on why this is bad

No one is going to waste perfectly good cum on OP's idiot ass.

>> No.9288490

MM3 is just as guilty with rush coil but with a way worse menu.

>> No.9288529
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>help, the game is requiring me to use the items it has given me, this is NOT okay

>> No.9288532
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Eh, that part is fine. Mega Man games are halfway decent time wasters and occasionally have some inspired moments, but the games are really mediocre when you actually think about it. This is because of Mega Man's life bar. Its generous length allows for random and almost unavoidable boss patterns, perhaps with the idea that you're supposed to trade blows with the boss and can't fight it properly without its weakness that just overpowers it and takes all the challenge out of the fight. The long life bar also is why there are random item drops when you kill enemies and why the enemies respawn. The devs were probably betting that players would just sit in one spot and farm for life or weapon energy, so a reliable way of getting the same enemies over and over again was the only way to guarantee that. These two reasons together are why it's hard to challenge run Mega Man games (speedruns, no-damage runs, etc), but they're also not suited for beginner players either. It's an awkward middleground: too mean to be casual-friendly, but too random to be hardcore. If you want an casual platformer, just play Mario or Sonic. If you want a hardcore platformer, play Contra or Metal Slug.

>> No.9288536

that honestly does look like shit

>> No.9288539 [DELETED] 

>essay of centrist reddit garbage
>spongebob scifi reaction pic
stuffed full, tied and put directly into tje garbage

>> No.9288541 [DELETED] 

btw i put this typo here just so you'd know you're gay

>> No.9288751

Of all the glaring flaws in Megaman 2, item 3 of all things is what bothers you?

>> No.9288798

Play ZX on Expert difficulty

>> No.9289109

I remember at the time that Mega Man games were mediocre. when at another kid's house looking through his NES games, Mega Man games were not exciting. the heavy-hitter first party games were exciting, and then there was the total crap games, and Mega Man was in the middle. sometimes we'd settle for a Mega Man game, but experience taught me that it probably wasn't gonna be a good time. my family never bothered to buy any of them

>> No.9289129

That's a fairly small amount of cum for an average-sized person, I'd say?

>> No.9289134 [DELETED] 

Fuck's sake. >>>/v/

>> No.9289207

>Level presents problems which can be resolved
I don't see the issue

>> No.9289212

was your intention to play like an absolute idiot?

cause if so, congrats you should apply to be a game journalist at kotaku

>> No.9289238

I see no difference between that, and battling opponents using a manual setup in an JRPG. No more or less messing around with the D-button and sub menus. You're a weird bastard.

>> No.9289242

I see nothing wrong. NES Mega Man games were all good.

>> No.9289267

>random and almost unavoidable boss patterns
They're not though. They're all basic patterns which are easily memorizable and easily dodged once you learn them.
>can't fight it properly without its weakness that just overpowers it and takes all the challenge out of the fight
Every boss is beatable with only the buster. Every. Single. One.
> it's hard to challenge run Mega Man games
They're not even hard you just suck.

>> No.9289270

Its almost like there are different flavors of games for people with certain kinds of taste. Imagine being a BBQ or salty chip faggot and then not understanding why anyone would like salt + vinegar flavored chips.

>> No.9289291

>They're not though. They're all basic patterns which are easily memorizable and easily dodged once you learn them.

Some of Air Man's attacks are unavoidable. Doesn't mean he's hard when you can just tank attacks, spam, and win, but that's just bad design, all of it.

>> No.9289428

>Some of Air Man's attacks are unavoidable.
They're not though. You just suck.

>> No.9289430

they are unavoidable in mega man 3
that said he's not guaranteed to use them there so you just gotta get lucky

>> No.9289452

>writes post complaining about the life bar being too big leading to "bad design" and then says exactly why the life bar is so generous, because they have to make it possible to play for people who suck ass at basic pattern recognition and dodging anything such as the author of this very post.

>> No.9289498

>They're not though. You just suck.

Nope, he just got lucky on the RNG in the video and Air Man didn't use the unavoidable ones.

Also people like you using videos as proof generally have no idea when said videos are TAS. Rightfully so because many TAS videos don't mention the fact that they're TAS. The guy probably used a savestate before the fight until he got lucky with the RNG though.

It's the same ones in MM3 though the RNG might differ I haven't checked

>> No.9289509

>Someone is better at me in this video game, it must be TAS!
Very sad.

>> No.9289564 [DELETED] 

What a garbage post. Worse than op’s.

>> No.9289697

>he just got lucky
He didn't get lucky. He practiced until he memorize the pattern and was able to pull it of without taking damage. It's not hard at all.

>got lucky
>save state

>> No.9289817

mega man was only good once the SNES era arrived

>> No.9289903

If this was trash (i.e. Megaman Zero) they'd lower your rank by 2 for using the special weapon.

>> No.9289926

When I say he got lucky on the RNG, I know this because I have read MM2's 6502 ASM code.

And on YouTube, if a video does not specify "not a TAS" then you can assume it is one. All the """longplays""" are actually TAS for instance.

As for the getting good part, I have beaten every NES MM + 9 and 11 on a single life, buster only when applicable (no TAS), I say when applicable because when you say "everyone is beatable buster only" you're also wrong on that count, I have done Mr Perfect in 9 and 10

tl;dr unlike you I actually know what I'm talking about, you're just ressorting to trolling because you were caught pretending to know what you were saying just because you watched a TAS on youtube that you didn't even realize was a TAS

>> No.9289937

Oh, and I forgot to mention the video is on "Normal" difficulty, "normal" difficulty being an easy mode added to the international version of the game in which bosses die twice as fast as they should. Had he played on the intended difficulty, Air Man would have had time to fire twice as many shots, greatly reducing the chance not to deal with the two unavoidable patterns he can fire.

>> No.9289967

>that's just bad design
Unavoidable attacks aren't automatically bad design. In any real game you always have to balance skill with chance and randomness. If you don't play skillfully you can't win, but playing skillfully doesn't have to guarantee perfection every single time.

I don't mind seeing criticism but when I see comments like this, I just see someone who doesn't know jack shit about games or game design trying to compensate by being an huge dick-sucking faggot.

Incidentally, at the end of this video you can see a whole range of the patterns that Air Man delivers:

The guy doing the run says that some of the patterns are nearly impossible to dodge.

>> No.9289968

not using item 2 to fly over everything

>> No.9289986

I don't see a single spike or bottomless pit, so yes.

>> No.9290645

>All the """longplays""" are actually TAS for instance.
TAS means "Tool-Assisted Speedrun." So first of all, if it's not a speedrun it's not a TAS. So a longplay cannot be a TAS by definition. If you're suggesting that most longplays are actually bots (a Tool-Assisted Longplay/TAL) that's retarded because the amount of effort it would take to fully automate a longplay like a TAS is way beyond what takes to just play the game normally, with maybe some savestates and editing to get a clean run if you can't get a youtube-length segment without mistakes.

But really it just seems like you're suggesting that longplays aren't liveplays, which is true but doesn't make them TAS or anything remotely similar to TAS.