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File: 152 KB, 800x632, 17896-harvest-moon-back-to-nature-playstation-inside-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9287856 No.9287856 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a comfy Harvest Moon thread!

Post your favorite:
>love interest

Or anything else that comes to mind when you think about the good times spent fixing up your derelict farm.

>> No.9287951

What game do you recommend for a newcomer? My gf loves Stardew and I've played a bit of it and enjoyed the core gameplay but I dislike the Tumblr-ish characters. I think I'd prefer to play one of the 2D ones. How is the one on PS1?

>> No.9288054

Back to Nature is the best imo. Just a comfy game with a whole lot of content to keep you busy.

>> No.9288068

BtN has lots of content. I personaly prefer the SNES original, while not as fleshed, for its shorter playthroughs, no loading times and comfy graphics.

>> No.9288174
File: 1001 KB, 523x1195, Mary (FoMT).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played fuckton of times when I was a kid, still the comfiest for me and whenever I revisit the game, I still have a good time. I used to fill the farm with grass and just goof around with the horse once I was rich enough to not care about anything.
>Cooking Contest/Dog Race

>> No.9288475

>Harvest Moon FoMT
>Cooking Festival

>> No.9288619
File: 411 KB, 799x1149, ps2_innocent_life_a_futuristic_harvest_p_4muq20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9288913
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Only one I've played is Magical Melody. It was okay. I married this girl.

>> No.9289016

Wonderful Life for me
Celia of course, town bikes and boring dikes can get out of my way

>> No.9289032

>Post your favorite:
>>love interest
Full Moon Festival, 13th of Fall. When I first saw it, I knew, risking to buy this game (since I was a kid who didn't know which games were good on the GBA) was worth it.

>> No.9289237

Back in the day it used to be Karen, but today I'm a Popuri man.
Swimming contest

Not sure if it's retro yet, but is Hero of Leaf Valley good? It kinda looks like 64 in style and the girls are cute.

>> No.9289269 [DELETED] 

These games look comfy. I thought about picking up the original or 64 and trying it out but I'm a bit hesitant to because I recently learned that the games cater to trannies.

>> No.9289276 [DELETED] 

Maybe in 2025, definitely not 1996.

>> No.9289323
File: 153 KB, 800x800, 8944e8a8-8ec1-498c-807e-a4b3746bb431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My introduction to Harvest Moon was actually through the Game Boy two years ago. I had already known about the series but never actually played it. I got a vertical handheld emulator so I could enjoy Game Boy games in their original form factor and tried Pokemon, but it didn't fill me with the same joy as it did most GB fans. Then I tried Harvest Moon GB out of curiosity, and I was hooked from the start. I like how relaxing it is, being able to manage your farm, visit the shops, and watch your farm grow overtime. I only wish more people knew about these, way better than Pokemon imo. Completely different type of game, but still.

>> No.9290603 [DELETED] 

>the games cater to trannies
No, I don’t think they do at all. In fact I should think they’re antithetical to the modern tranny dogma seeing as how the only way to earn respect in the game’s fictional community is to work hard on the farm and get married to a member of the opposite sex.

>> No.9290627

absolutely loved back to nature on ps1
saw my friend play a wonderful life on gamecube and the game looked so grey and dreary i lost all interest in playing it

>> No.9290810

A Wonderful Life is the game that got me into Harvest Moon. A friend loaned it to me over winter break when I was in high school, and I played it obsessively for like a week. Having gone on to play a bunch of the other games, WL isn't very good, but I'll always have a soft spot for it.

>> No.9292049 [DELETED] 


Just play the 90s/00s stuff where everything is normal

No one should think about touching gba onwards unless they want to see filthy disgusting faggots

>> No.9292470

This. One of the first games I owned as a kid was HM3: Boy and Girl on the GBC, which I recently revisited. Game is maximum comfy. It has its problems but also a surprising amount of content for a GBC game. There’s even a snowboarding mini game! If you liked the first one I recommend the other two GB/C titles.

>> No.9292678

Friends of Mineral Town for GBA, the only one I played
>love interest
None because I learned that you can't have a daughter and you can't even eat the son
Besides, my farm was more important
Harvest festival or the cock-fights

>> No.9292684 [DELETED] 

Heckin comfy soul my fellow reddit bros!

>> No.9292813
File: 21 KB, 187x400, elli3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swimming or Egg. Races were fun too.

>Or anything else that comes to mind when you think about the good times spent fixing up your derelict farm.
First playthrough as a kid, I always forgot to feed my animals. So I had a lot of dead chickens. It was funny seeing them buried in the graveyard next to grandpa, especially since their names were like "KFC" and "KFC2"

>> No.9292831

My older brother and I could never afford new games when I was a kid, so we got into emulation pretty hardcore. I remember downloading a rom of Friends of Mineral Town after seeing it in Nintendo Power, and we would huddle up around the CRT monitor for hours watching each other play. He went for Elli, and I would always go for Mary, but my file always ended up a mess compared to his.

>> No.9294627

This was my first farming game. I bought it when it was brand new at Funcoland. Due to a glitch I never had chance to buy the saddlebags. I still managed to play 7+ years in game without them. Nowadays when I play stardew valley with my wife all I want to do is farm. In harvest moon gb, farming was literally all there was to the game lol.

>> No.9296923 [DELETED] 

You sound like a gigantic faggot. How does your brother feel now that he has to call his little brother 'sister' now, seeing him slowly lose his sanity to HRT? Very sad!

>> No.9296931

>Karen/Elli (can’t decide; don’t make me)
>Chicken sumo festival

>> No.9296949
File: 320 KB, 772x453, 1660629352998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only played the gamecube one but didn't like it very much, apparently you can grow old with your wife and kids in that one and die but i didn't know how to progress
might try the snes one

>> No.9297006 [DELETED] 

So heckin comfy my fellow reddit bros. So heckin sovl and comfy kino!

>> No.9297196

SNES one is cool but there's way less to do than later games. Still, I'd recommend trying it and 64.

>> No.9297231
File: 54 KB, 620x578, be91d7b744a6508b4fcdee86771bcdfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does 64 compare to Back to Nature? Only thing I've heard is that it's like they're in parallel universes. I had a PlayStation growing up so I was only able to play Back to Nature, which I'm doing a current playthrough of right now.

I gotta say-- trying to maximize efficiency every day in BtN is really stressful, but also extremely rewarding once you get the hang of it. The number of times I've had to restart a day for accidentally littering a crop or getting too greedy with fishing or something had burned me out for a bit.

>> No.9297237

Just play FoMT if you want an easier BtN.

>> No.9297241

I'm already way too invested in BtN, not gonna play FoMT anytime soon. Would probably do 64 next if anything.

>> No.9297276

64 is faster paced. The days are shorter and you have less time to putz around. There's also less stuff to pad out gameplay, like tools just upgrade on their own, you don't have to mine ore and then wait a few days to upgrade at a blacksmith. The characters mostly have different relationships to each other (like in 64 Gray and Ann are brother and sister, but Popuri and Rick are totally unrelated) and different personalities (like in BTN popuri is the rebellious one unhappy with farm life, in 64 it's Karen. Elli is like a responsible nurse lady in BTN and in 64 she works at a bakery and has body image issues) 64 has a slightly "darker" tone, like the characters have more personal issues and it's less idyllic.