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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9286723 No.9286723 [Reply] [Original]

Prove your worth and skill, you posers


>> No.9287145
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>> No.9287160

I like the idea but most sets are pretty fucking hardcore, so not really for me.

>> No.9287168

Most normal achievements are meant to show how far you got into a game, but "true gamers" think achievements have to showcase your skills at the game instead.

Dead Rising did achievements best. Everything the same value but some were very difficult while others just cared about you beating the game.

>> No.9287172

can i manually choose achievements if i did them on hardware instead of emulator?

>> No.9287173

achievements are for fucking morons
nothing I hate more than that asinine notification popping up after a dramatic scene
yeah thanks

>> No.9287184

Achievements were always supposed to be challenges. The whole pitch from Microsoft when they introduced them was, "You ever do something super cool when no one's around and then they don't believe you? With achievements you'll have a record of it!" But then lazy developers couldn't come up with a minimum 1000 points worth of actual challenges so they started just giving you achievements for progressing and before you know it they were just a marketing analytics tool to see how far people got in games.

Either way, retro achievements are dumb. Just enjoy the games.

>> No.9287190 [DELETED] 

achievements are for people with daddy issues
"well done champ! proud of ya buddy!"

>> No.9287215

I don't want people knowing that I finished LEGO Bionicle (Game Boy Advance) at 4:40 am.

>> No.9287225
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Sounds based to me desu

>> No.9287640 [DELETED] 


Nice to see reddit has leaked into 4chan.

Retrocheevs is good shit

>> No.9287705
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I thank the guy who didn't added the No-hit achievements for Super Metroid. These made A Link to the Past a bore to play.

>> No.9287723 [DELETED] 

Achievements are not retro.
BUT I have something to post
beat me.

>> No.9287729 [DELETED] 

in 4 years they will be

>> No.9288238 [DELETED] 

I don't know what the deal is with contrarian redditors lately. The weather's cold now, but it seems like summer never ended. Achievements are fun, if you don't like them don't use them. You have to go out of your way to set them up on RetroArch anyway.

>> No.9288438
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Absolutely bonkle-pilled.

>> No.9288458
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how? is there an AI to play as ROB for you?

>> No.9288524

Pretty easy to just control it with another input. I was just showing off my Tetris and dr Mario completes

>> No.9290241

yeah they really fucked that shit up. i would have loved to see stuff like in Halo how high up have you flung a warthog, ect, something neat like that would be cool

>> No.9290246

If im not a lame assed faggot is there any reason for me to use that site?

>> No.9290254

Capri sun is fucking disgusting now.

>> No.9290558

Can't wait for PS2 support to be added on Oct. 1st

>> No.9290569
File: 2.78 MB, 768x672, DeathPerfectFull.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my proof, but I play for myself, the no life runs, score runs, 1CCs, etc I do them for myself not to show off. Even the videos I make I don't care if people watch them, I just enjoy doing them and knowing I have a video with it done.

Calling someone a poseur for not showing his "achievements" seems contradictory to me. If you look at Steam forums, people are obsessed with using guides and cheats to unlock "their" achievements. That would be being a poseur, not really achieving the thing yourself but caring about showing it.

>> No.9291840 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself fucking zoomer. I bet you also watch "retro" e-celebs. Fucking faggot.

>> No.9293071


>> No.9293082 [DELETED] 


>> No.9293090

that will be sick af

>> No.9293098 [DELETED] 







>> No.9293312 [DELETED] 

Are you just linking every thread in the catalog or what? Use your words, Mr. Schizo.

>> No.9293320
File: 1.67 MB, 1914x1022, Screenshot 2022-09-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 cheevos are unveiled on Oct 1st! I hope I can get cheevos for King's Field and MMX7+X8

>> No.9293368

What's even lamer is that they usually don't unlock anything. In game achievements outside of the system usually have unlocks, but I believe that Microsoft and co has blocked the idea of 'em unlocking profile pictures and such. So lame
Huh. That's a good idea, variable achievements Could have a minimum to unlock, then it records the maximum attained. So you can have this instead of needing in-game and outside of game custom account stats like some FPS has

>> No.9294906

Why are you zoomers like this? You cant do anything without letting everybody know. One of these days I saw a mf say he doesn't play old games and games without achievements because it is not registered therefore it is a waste of time. What a fucked up logic is that?

>> No.9294963

you took this shit way too seriously. play the fuck how you want, my guy.

the site literally has a casual mode WITH TOOLS ALLOWED and its ranked the same as regular mode, so seriously, calm down with your diatribe lmao
yes im op btw

>> No.9294967

what the fuck are you even complaining about? did you go to the website or did you just sperg out for no reason? the site has casual tool assisted modes completely allowed thats weighed the same as "hardcore regular mode".
fucking chode lmao

>> No.9294969

>needing cheevos
This skinner box retard shit has ruined an entire generation of gamers.

>> No.9295075 [DELETED] 

I like this. It's like I have stumbled upon a secret level select hub inside a stupid thread that I wouldn't have clicked on under normal circumstances, but it's midnight and everyone is asleep so here I am.

>> No.9295091
File: 236 KB, 315x613, cheevs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit record with most of these being really easy games, but i'm a mediocre player anyway.
There is also one non-perfect game among these for which i've got badge accidentally, because emulator glitched out and auto-gave me the last achievement.

>> No.9295545 [DELETED] 

Specific threads I want to save so I can read them later in the future, you ignorant scumbag.
Thank you but those links are for me.

>> No.9295548 [DELETED] 



>> No.9295552

I 1cc'd G-Darius

>> No.9295604 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 396x681, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work smarter, not harder.

>> No.9296261 [DELETED] 

I need those links for when I use the archive.

>> No.9296283

The website has died?
Doesn't open for me. And I've spent about two hours playing the game and earning achievements, they didn't count. Well, I'll just go fuck myself then

>> No.9296284

It might be down tomorrow too for the PS2 cheevos rollout. You should spend these 2 days collection PS2s ISOs to get those new cheevos

>> No.9296291

Finally, a reason to play all these shitty old games.

>> No.9296572

tfw i play every game in the original japanese but many of the jp versions don't have retroachievements
the struggles of being fluent in nippongo...

>> No.9297194

is there a local offline option or is it strictly web based and you need an account?

>> No.9297203 [DELETED] 

Achievements are for niggers. >>>/v/
Just get the extension you fucking newfag.
Offline option aka just playing the game works best.

>> No.9297207

>Offline option aka just playing the game works best.
I ask because Steam emulators have this feature with Achievement Watcher

>> No.9297210

>Achievements for Steam Emulator
You're in trouble bucko