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9283989 No.9283989 [Reply] [Original]

X series was the peak of the Mega Man franchise. Once they officially killed off X and Zero I stopped liking Mega Man. I don't like Battle Network and I hate Legends for being shit for otaku faggot losers who grew up on Love Hina and Evangelion and Ranma with the harem romance shit.

The X series was peak Mega Man what with it dealing with Light and Wily's ultimate creations and how they manage to survive in the world. Once the franchise abandons Light and Wily, and don't say Legend's is in any way the same one, it's just not Mega Man anymore to me.

>> No.9283997

literally an otaku series, shonenigger
it's good though but not as good as classic

>> No.9284004

I wonder if we'll ever get something like Mega Man 10/11 for the X series.
Or a classic game connecting the two. Why does Zero have such a resemblance to Proto Man?

>> No.9284106

Imagine hating the best game on the GBA / the best Mega Man.

>> No.9284115

>not as good as classic
But I like wall jump

>> No.9284124

mega man x itself is one of the best megaman games but i feel like the classic series has a larger number of good games

>> No.9284324

yeah true the wall jumps were great
made bosses pretty interestin

>> No.9284364

Your assessment of Legends betrays your total lack of higher brain functions.

Its more or less an ARPG, with a heavy action/adventure element, and some vaguely metroid style item based advancement.
You dungeon crawl, hunt for junk/treasure, build megaman up, customizw your buster shots, develop new tools and special weapons. Play the occasional mini game. Its a very well rounded game.

Also, there are literally 2 girls in the game: megaman volnut's adoptive sister roll, and tron bonne. Tron is the obvious romantic interest (which they barely spend a handful of minutes on. While roll is basically your sidekick. She's a girl, but there's no romance at all. I think you get the option to give her a flower once, and its awkward as fuck.

Do you see females and assume it's a love Hina style pervy rom com? You seem unhinged, insecure and frankly I question your intellect.

>> No.9284390

>Why does Zero have such a resemblance to Proto Man?
Because, like many Super Nintendo entries in series that started on NES, Mega Man X started as a soft reboot of the Mega Man series. They set it so far into the future from the Mega Man series that their timelines would never interact and then they mirrored all the original elements and updated them for a new series with new/modern/edgy sensibilities. Zero looks like Proto Man because for all intents and purposes he IS Proto Man, just the thematically-updated version for the thematically-updated soft reboot series known as Mega Man X.

>> No.9284415 [DELETED] 

Stop making new threads you fucking faggot.
Ape Escape > Banjo Kazooie
Spyro > Banjo Tooie
Ms Pac Man Maze Madness > Bomberman 64
Symphony of the Night > Legacy of Darkness
Spyro 2 > Chameleon Twist
Choro Q3 > Choro Q 64
Pop n Tanks > mario party
Team buddies > mario party 2
Ehrgeiz > Custom Robo 64
Crash Team Racing > Mario Kart 64
Twisted Metal 2 > Diddy Racing
Spyro 3 > Donkey Kong 64
Rollcage 1 > Extreme G 1
Rollcage 2 > Extreme G 2
Wipeout 3 > F zero X
Goemon 5 Uchuu Kaizoku > Goemon Great Adventure
Gunnm Martian Memory > Hybrid Heaven
Klanoa > Kirby Crystal
Crash 3 > Mario 64
Klanoa Volleyball > Mario Tennis
FF Tactics > Ogre Battle 64
Breath of Fire 3 > Paper Mario
Ace Combat > Pilot Wings 64
Crash 2 > Rocket Robot
Future cop lapd > jet Force gemeni
Ghost in the shell > conker
Mega Man Legends > Zelda Ocarina
Tronne Bonne > Zelda Majora
N-Gen Racing > Sanfrancisco Rush
Gamera 2000, Omega Boost > Sin Punishment 1
Tekken 3, Soul Blade, Street Fighter Alpha 2 > Smash Bros
Cool Boarders 3 > Snowboard Kids
Cool Boarders 4 > Snowboard Kids 2
Ace Combat 3 > Star Fox 64
Harmful Park > Viewpoint 2064
Jet Moto 2 > Wave Race 64
Metal Gear Solid > Win Back
Policenauts > Wonder Project J2
Oddworld > Yoshi’s Story

>> No.9284426 [DELETED] 

Stop making new threads you spamming fucking faggot

>> No.9284442 [DELETED] 

Spamming troon

>> No.9284470 [DELETED] 

Why do you keep posting and deleting your post to bump the thread you hate so much over and over?

>> No.9284523

>walk in on her naked
>offer flower in hopes of adoptive incest
no romance my ass, he beat off to memories of her puffy mons.

>> No.9284527

Bro Roll writes in her diary that she's come to realise she loves Mega Man. Also this is Japanese media so adoptive sisters are prime for fucking

>> No.9284531

Legends is nothing like Love Hina, Evangelion or Ranma. It's basically Yatterman with a dash (heh) of Turn-A Gundam.

>> No.9284532

OP is right, you people are just Mega Niggers

>> No.9284535
File: 112 KB, 882x962, Mega Man X Development Document translated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the pre-production plan the planner of Mega Man 5 (who was the director or AD of Mega Man X, I forgot which) posted on twitter a few years ago, Wily used Proto Man as a reference. Here's an english translation of the guy's twitter post. This was after it was decided Zero was too different looking from Rock to be "Rockman X" and Inafune asked a "mangaka friend" (I forgot whom) to design the "real Rockman X" based on the classic character.

>> No.9284682

Based post, I love the X series despite the major flaws in the latter entries. I think X 1-6 is peak Mega Man. I can’t even play the classic series anymore because i end up just wishing that I was playing the X games. Zero series is too hard and just not fun, never tried legends or Battle Network, just not interested. These games are all I need

>> No.9284864

>Your assessment of Legends betrays your total lack of higher brain functions.
What kind of braindead cocksucking faggot actually says shit like this?

>> No.9284879

Anybody who has ever read a single fucking book. In other words: not niggers

>> No.9284946
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol he saw her naked XD
MML is cringey embarrassing weebshit

>> No.9284959
File: 263 KB, 1161x2000, 06ac109fea1738183ae998a40702c335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X had the misfortune to be the perfect entry on the first try, both in gameplay and the story setup. Gameplay suffered going forward immediately, with everything they added in the later games being mostly tacked on garbage. The story was set up to have three arcs, death, return and final conflict between X and Zero, and it becoming ridiculous from 4 onward is proof of that.

Legends is fun but should not have tried to be a mainline entry. Legends also has the same problem as Shantae, in that the villain ends up having better gameplay than the hero.

Zounds! By imbibing copious amounts of literature I have become a most distinguished fellow of the literary arts, if I may say so myself! Humbleness is the better part of valor yet I cannot seem to rein in my truly extraordinary gentleman brain from inexhaustibly concocting speech inaccessible to those of lower rank. I tip my cranium cover of the fedora style craftsmanship in thee general direction, m'lady! May I invite thee to an expedition with the shoppe of the dark brew as venerated destination, perhaps? Mine company surely makes pale that of the knave currently vying for thine filigree hand. Where are you leaving hurriedly? I beg thee for but a crumb of thine divine mound of venus!

>> No.9284963

For me it’s the Zero games

>> No.9284987

The weapon leveling and punishing you for using upgrades you found suck ass.

>> No.9284993

Weapon levelling sucks but you can get your sabre slash on Aztec Falcon's stage so it's not like it takes a while. As for losing points from Elves, you can still get an A but obviously if you're playing godmode this becomes more difficult

>> No.9285036

Weapon leveling doesn’t matter. You can beat the game easily without ever worrying about it and if you don’t want your grade to get hurt by elves just don’t use them. It’s not difficult to win without them just gotta try till you succeed!

>> No.9285072

>Weapon leveling doesn’t matter.
It unlocks more combos, where is the fun in doing boring basic attacks over and over? No Megaman game is hard, the issue is locking away all the fun stuff for no reason.

>> No.9285218

I reckon you would get your arse handed to you taking on the final level of ZX with Model OX on expert difficulty

>> No.9285297
File: 75 KB, 813x695, I LAUGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9285306

>I hate Legends for being shit for otaku faggot losers who grew up on Love Hina and Evangelion and Ranma with the harem romance shit.
... The fuck is the matter with you cunt. You think your personal hangups are impressive to us?

>> No.9285378

ZX is excellent and expert mode is epic

>> No.9286062

OP seethed so hard he went and made a /v/thread to vent his frustrations.

>> No.9286154

X > X5 > X8 > X6 > the rest

>> No.9286167

wretched bait
like it's not even bad in the sense of it's obvious but it's bad in the sense of i want to vomit

>> No.9286776

Legends shits on ocarina

>> No.9286831


>> No.9287115
File: 38 KB, 450x356, ken-akamatsu.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this specific individual make OP seethe?

>> No.9287123


>> No.9287147

Not that anon but Ken Akamatsu is a writer, and apparently politican these days, esponsible for harem comedy manga like Love Hina and Negima. The kind of thing OP apparently has a stick up his ass about. I'm pretty sure OP is also the same one who's spammed every Mega Man thread that even mentions Legends lately with >>9284946 seething about the gag where Volnut can accidentally walk in on Roll naked.

>> No.9287241

what's his story with Mega Man?

>> No.9287281

There isn't one. OP just name dropped his series Love Hina and other harem comedies to complain about Legends.