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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 27 KB, 256x250, Final_Fantasy_8_ntsc-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9280492 No.9280492 [Reply] [Original]

It just gets better the older you get

>> No.9280497

It’s very much a teen’s game.

>> No.9280510

I can confirm since I played it in my senior year of high school and beat the game for the first time under a very awkward living situation with a girl I was having a long distance relationship with but then broke up with her cause I found a GF at school but broke up w/ that girl and the first girl ended up still flying down to visit me for New Years Eve week. She found a new boyfriend so it made things extra awkward so I spent a lot of time just sitting in my room playing FF8 sometimes she'd come in and just watch with me. She even watched me beat it.

Probably why it's my favorite FF because it's the most personal to me.

>> No.9281860

>I found a GF at school
We get it, you attended Galbadia and acquired Cerberus.

>> No.9281914

This is very true.
And so is this.

For all it's problems, the Squall/Laguna dynamic hits on a lot of the themes that resonate with people at two completely different stages of their life. Playing the game again in your 30s and suddenly you "get" Laguna in a way that you may not have at 15. People want to talk nostalgia? Laguna and Raine's backstory functions as an analysis of nostalgia as a concept and the bittersweet nature of the passage of time. You feel it in your fucking chest. ...And you just don't get it the first time you play if you were still in high school. FFVIII does that thing Pixar movies are famous for where you start to question if it's actually meant for kids because it's suspiciously tailored to making you reflect on things that a kid wouldn't yet have experienced. As a whole the game has serious pacing problems and a few major instances of plot points that rely on characters being idiots. But a good bit of the game, and everything about Laguna, is shockingly well written for a PS1 RPG.

>> No.9281926

Nostalgic from day 1; Balamb/Balamb Garden themes perfectly conjure the feeling of hanging out at school after hours in early summer, literally playing cards in the cafeteria.

Furthermore, a brilliant juxtaposition where the school's top students are also the nerds and misfits. Makes me think the haters are the preppy normal kids desu.

>> No.9282002


Kind of unrelated but I feel the same way about Kingdom Hearts too. (But I guess FF8 and Pixar are in it.) Winnie the Pooh levels especially hit hard. Not retro but 3 put you in limbo where you watched 11 hearts pass on. And it's shit like a mother who died when her child was still a newborn and a small kid who thought she was playing hide and go seek with her dad.

Being older makes you understand how shitty the sorceress war must have been if it caused that many orphans.

>> No.9282164

My favorite JRPG. And I'd agree it get better. Some of that is personal memories though.

>> No.9282896

>already thought it was great when I was 14 and it came out
feels good to have always been more mature for my age

>> No.9283154

>Being older makes you understand how shitty the sorceress war must have been
The world has obviously been decimated in a MAD-level Lunatic Pandora event.

>> No.9283182 [DELETED] 

>another FFVIII thread
Mental illness. Grow up already. Outgrow your childhood.

>> No.9283202 [DELETED] 

You must realize how silly you sound telling a board for manchildren to grow up.

>> No.9283207 [DELETED] 

Not as silly as making one weekly FFVIII thread.

>> No.9283221 [DELETED] 


>> No.9283232 [DELETED] 

FFVIII is far from the only game that gets weekly threads.

>> No.9283236 [DELETED] 

Given a choice between
>an eternal weeb flamewar about FF
>blatant advertisements for RasPi knockoffs and assorted cheap dongles sourced from recycled kitchen appliances
I know which I prefer.

>> No.9283240
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its not just the best final fantasy
its not just the best role playing game
its the best videogame of all time, ever made

>> No.9283248 [DELETED] 

and somewhere in the middle, you got e-celebs cribbing /vr/ arguments for their trashcan yt channels and podcasts, that's pretty unaesthetic

>> No.9283257 [DELETED] 

>you got e-celebs cribbing /vr/ arguments for their trashcan yt channels and podcasts
I don't know what's sadder: that happening, or you being aware of it.

>> No.9283308 [DELETED] 

I'm going to play it soon. I was watching some of a longplay (I saw my friend playing this start to end when I was in high school, not every detail) and the world and story are more interesting now. The characters realize GFs made them lose their memory, I thought this was something you have to read into the story. And there's something sinister about Rinoa.
I'm not saying she's Ultimecia, I'm aware of that theory, but it's obvious there's something going on. She's an outsider to the group, and she targets the emotionally vulnerable Squall like a jaguar pouncing on a gazelle. I want to see the full story to try and understand what's going on.
It's very dark, intimate, and fascinating. A world dominated by sorceresses, but on the surface people don't know about it. There's the mindfuck factor of the story about the orphange, and it's just creepy, like the whole history of the world could be a lie.

>> No.9283346 [DELETED] 

I hope you die in a car accident.

>> No.9283347 [DELETED] 

ultemecia targeting squall makes sense
i would say she both herself and rinoa
timeline fractures & there is only one path to find her again

no matter what happens soulmates will try to find eachother for all eternity

only people who were truly in love understand

>> No.9283372 [DELETED] 

I have a more cynical view of their relationship. Rinoa knows exactly how to push Squall's buttons, she doesn't really love him, she only wants to lock him down.

>> No.9283394 [DELETED] 

I hope all your female relatives get raped and any woman you impregnate miscarries.

>> No.9283398 [DELETED] 

>only people who were truly in love understand
this retard got played by a thot and doesn't realize it

>> No.9283407 [DELETED] 

I want to make clear that I shat on you because of your shitty retard post
>i was watching a longplay
>my friend did this
You are garbage. You are barely even human. Live your own life.

>> No.9283417

This but unironically

>> No.9283439 [DELETED] 

Based. At the very least, we don't need that information and absolutely never wanted it. fuckin blogpost

>> No.9283447 [DELETED] 

I hope your cats and small animals get mauled to death by pitbulls, and police shoot your dogs.

>> No.9283450 [DELETED] 

Calm down, glownigger.

>> No.9283454 [DELETED] 

sorry to hear you live in niggertown

>> No.9283458 [DELETED] 

I hope your family members who get cancer begin to make a recovery, enough to give you hope, then fail to recover.

>> No.9283463 [DELETED] 

bitch i worship death, grow the fuck up

>> No.9283475 [DELETED] 

I already knew you were homosexual without that clarification.

>> No.9283481

It's a good example that writers can produce kino without fully understanding what they are doing evinced by the story of R=U.

>> No.9283486 [DELETED] 

oh, he's a feisty one. give us a little kissy, zoomzoom

>> No.9283492 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9283501 [DELETED] 
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kissy kissy

>> No.9283504 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9283509 [DELETED] 

If you honestly extrapolated from my post that I don't play video games, you have subafro IQ, although I'll give you some credit insofar as I think it's more likely that you have some kind of mental illness.
I didn't play every single game my friends played. He played FF8, I didn't like it at the time. Now it seems more interesting. This is directly responsive to OP's observation that the game gets better as you get older, you cunt hair.
As for longplays, I was looking at games that I'm going to emulate and deciding which ones I want to play first.

>> No.9283510 [DELETED] 

you posted that awfully quick, feels like you were waiting to use it. I think we've about covered everything.

>> No.9283513 [DELETED] 

If you watch games instead of playing them, you are a faggot. There is no two ways about this.

>> No.9283515 [DELETED] 

Great, then I'm not a faggot. Thanks for that, faggot.

>> No.9283518 [DELETED] 

>you posted that too quick, it can't possibly be real
The absolute fucking state of communists.

>> No.9283523 [DELETED] 
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...yeah, that's gotta be it

>> No.9283526 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9283531 [DELETED] 

100% this! People that watch other people play games are pathetic ugly faggots. The kind of bullied people you stick in a trashcan and kick around.

>> No.9283537 [DELETED] 

you do have a bunch of these saved. 'Bout what I expected. My time's better than this, frankly, and you're still the one who posted your gay diary so I'm cool on all this. cheers faggot

>> No.9283541 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 896x895, 1661882320526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any part of this post sound like you're above it all? You sound desperate.

>> No.9283570 [DELETED] 

>one guy arguing back and forth with himself for 20 minutes
You said you worship death but I think I broke you.

>> No.9283578 [DELETED] 

We are not the same, you and I. Nice try though.

>> No.9283596

It's funny how FF8fags say their game is the most intelligent game ever created but the threads are always an IQ-decreasing shitshow. Meanwhile all other threads about other FFs are heaven in comparison.

>> No.9283598

For some reason, liking this game induces extreme mental illness and sperging from other people. I just think the game is really interesting, it's like the developers had a million ideas and rejected none of them, it's like they just found ways to make whatever crazy shit someone pitched work.

>> No.9283601

If people actually cared about FF gameplay, there would be a weekly FFV thread, but we're in hell.

>> No.9283608

FF8fags aren't the problem, it's that the unhinged rants almost always come from the haters.

>> No.9283612


>> No.9283614

>FF8fags say their game is the most intelligent game ever created
>threads degenerate at a rate disproportionate to my favorite gaem
more headcanon

>> No.9283616
File: 128 KB, 380x480, sd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know?

Squall is Jotaro Kujo.
Laguna is Joseph Joestar.
Adel is Kars.

>> No.9283634 [DELETED] 

You might not be the samefag, I could be wrong, that's my reading of the thread. But I'm definitely not the samefag. Are you suggesting that the samefag did all that samefagging to make it look like I was the one going back and forth with him? Because to me that would be additional evidence that you are both the samefag and him. In any case fuck you.

>> No.9283642

funny, fans of VIII are the masters of headcanons.

>> No.9283647 [DELETED] 

it ain't me. It might not be you. Only the samefag knows for sure, and he might not even be samefagging, just playing you and me against one another. I don't care enough to go through the thread again, because the stormfag kikespam is nauseatingly fucking boring and I should never have responded to it.

>> No.9283652


>> No.9284006

One thing I like about ff8 is the world itself. Its so mysterious, probably by accident. There are hints of a lost golden age with large statues of sorceress' from the past, the deep sea research center and the Garden technology. But it's so obscure it may not be there at all.

>> No.9284545

How tight was Rinoa though?

>> No.9284550

I'm on disc 2 just after the missile base, at what point does it start being worth it to do things OTHER than spamming GFs? Even with 99 fire junctioned to strength my attacks do dick-all damage in comparison

>> No.9284571

If I recall, this changes when you can junction the really powerful magic (like Ultima, etc.). Then you can arrive at kino mash x to win most battles.

>> No.9284607

I recently played it with a fan rewrite mod. He removed the whole superfluous amnesia thing and adjusted the story for that. The dialog is also way less... juvenile? At least it felt like the characters were real people. It was pretty good. Unfortunately, my gaming station died just when Lunatic Pandora hit. I still highly recommend it though. It's called Succession Mod.

>> No.9284614

>missile base
>99 fire junctioned to strength
Anon, that's a starter magic. Convert that shit to Firaga at least.

>> No.9284619

> fan rewrite mod.
>removed amnesia

I don't think that's a fan rewrite mod, more like a hater rewrite mode

>> No.9284620
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is there a GF ability to upgrade magic or do i need to specifically farm firaga from enemies?

>> No.9284628

I love this game so much bros

>> No.9284634

Yes. If you just want to convert fire elemental magic, I think Ifrit has it. Shiva has ice and so on. Ideally, you want to convert cards into items and items into high level magic instead.

I remember when I first played it in high school and having lots of high level magic before I even got to assault the sorceress but that was because I was having fun with the game a lot and accidentally unlocked the other GF abilities.

Anyways, missile base had a boss with meltdown and aura as drawable magic if I recall. Meltdown makes this easy game to very easy imo

>> No.9285583

A masterpiece, not everyone was graced with discernment.

>> No.9285682
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Teen games are tight!

>> No.9287278

I've enjoyed it more and more each time I've experienced it.

>> No.9287302
File: 133 KB, 1200x964, How to win at Blitzball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks because it doesn't have Blitzball!

>> No.9287321

>Galbadia and acquired Cerberus GF.
kek. i got that reference

>> No.9287326

You have to be at least 30 to post here.

>> No.9287397

The Draw System is still the dumbest system implemented in a jrpg ever.

>"What's that? You have Firaga? Are you fucking retard?" :::DRAWLOLOL::: *BOOOOOM*

It makes the idea of carrying spells around stupid.

>> No.9287407

It was great until Squall died at the end of disc one [_spoiler]

>> No.9287412

This is one of the dumbest things I have ever read. You could tell me that this was written by an 80 IQ amerimutt and I would believe it.

>> No.9287417

>It just gets better the older you get
Yeah the schoolgirls look even juicier now

>> No.9287535

Meltdown is arguably the most broken thing in FF8.
>Inflicts a status effect that reduces Physical Defence to zero
>Also reduces Magic Defence, despite this not being mentioned anywhere
>There is zero immunity to this status effect, for both the player and the AI
>Only a small handful of enemies use it, whereas the player can easily spam it against every enemy from Disc 2 onwards

>> No.9288019
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>> No.9288071

>It makes the idea of carrying spells around stupid.
I've never done a no-junction playthrough but saw a streamer do it up to the final boss. It can be done but you're relying on RNG a lot and hoping Ultimecia doesn't cast apocalypse on you.

>> No.9289487

Bumping so they'll bite for the Disciplinary Committee

>> No.9289491


>> No.9289553
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>> No.9289554
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>> No.9289776

Thanks for the heads-up I'll be glad if it removes a few of the "whatever"s

>> No.9289924

I didn't know that was in the game. Dollet was a weird town I keep feeling I'm missing something in it.

>> No.9290325
File: 191 KB, 480x368, Winhill_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Best prerendered backgrounds of all the PS1 games.

>> No.9291750
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>Best prerendered backgrounds of all the PS1 games.
FF was pretty good about that.

>> No.9291767

Based Japs dunking on troons

>> No.9291820

based squall is dead believer

>> No.9291843
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What game has better cut scenes as well? Or a better sound track?

>> No.9293418

It's very much a card game

I'd buy every final fantasy if they all had triple triad...

>> No.9293423

Dope no way the amnesia stupidity is what tmade me feel the need to quit. It just felt lazy story writing for a final fantasy tier experience.

>> No.9293515

I liked sucking out the magic out of my enemies until I was full manually.