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9278016 No.9278016 [Reply] [Original]

Genuinely not trying to shitpost, I really believe that in a world in which the N64 had a couple of RPGs in its pocket (like Mother 3, DQ7, Pokemon, etc) it would have been thought of in the same light as the PS1. When you look at its library it excels in a lot of places that the PS1 doesn’t, like shooters (both FPS and TPS), platformers and action-adventure. Even with genres like racing (see picrel) I think it really held its own, even if something like WDC isn’t at the same level of content as GT. In fact, there are very few genres that the N64 doesn’t get right. I think that because the PS1 mostly excels at RPGs and horror, and these games tend to age best, people still regard it highly, but the N64 is for most else a better console. What does everyone think?

>> No.9278020

dumb phoneposter

>> No.9278023

N64 was a blurry piece of shit with overpriced games that were thin on content. They removed the RGB output because they believed consoomers didn't care for it. Nintendo don't care about you and they never did.

Captcha: MMMK0

>> No.9278025

N64 was better than PS1

>> No.9278035

It would have been very cool to see. I would have especially liked to see a game with a visual presentation like Breath of Fire 3 or Alundra on the N64 since the few games on there that were mostly in 2D all look great.

>> No.9278049

The best it could do was Quest 64. Deal with it.

>> No.9278384

Name one shooter that isn't Goldeneye or Perfect Dark. And no, Doom 64 doesn't count.

>> No.9278410

It hasn't been the 90s for 30 years, just let it go.

>> No.9278423

>When you look at its library it excels in a lot of places that the PS1 doesn’t, like shooters (both FPS and TPS)
N64 has Jetforce Gemini, Army Men 2, Winback, Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, and....? Because PS1 had TPS Duke Nukem games, the Armored Core series, Syphon Filter series, Future Cop LAPD, Apocalypse, and a bunch more I can't even remember right now. It far exceeds the N64 in quantity and quality of TPS games.
>Genuinely not trying to shitpost
If you were genuine, you wouldn't be posting absolute bullshit.

>> No.9278474

>in the same light as the PS1.

anon the ps1 had 5x the library size

>> No.9278480

>5x the library size
bloated with ports, comps, and shovelware. PS1 still wins, but not by that margin.

>> No.9278486

fuck off blurry nigger

>> No.9278507
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another seething shitendo64 widow. no one bought this piece of shit, only ameriburgers. they'll really settle for anything.

>> No.9278519
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He's coping. I grew up with the N64 and Goldeneye was what compelled me to get it. I didn't get a PS1 until 2005 but I enjoy the PS1 more. The N64 is okay, but it couldn't compete against the sheer variety the PS1 has.