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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9277106 No.9277106 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't this game sell well?

>> No.9277124

there was a better version in arcades and on dreamcast?

>> No.9277129

The franchise hadn't been gentrified into memetic relevance yet

>> No.9277130

More people had the PS1 though

>> No.9277131

Because Tekken 3, KOF98 and MvC1 existed

>> No.9277138

>gentrified into memetic relevance
oh my god, fuck off

>> No.9277141

It's cool, I'm sure you "liked it before it was cool"

>> No.9277142

if he's usin meme the way it was supposed to be used, then he's not saying anything wrong
that said i doubt he is
it's a pretty good manga despite the shitposters

>> No.9277152

I didn't, you're just a humongous douche.
>it's a pretty good manga despite the shitposters
I agree. It's really low-level contrarianism to punk on JoJo, especially here of all places.

>> No.9277172

Probably cuz most of the people on this board weren't born yet or were infants back in 1999 and didn't know of the series till the memes came rolling in

>> No.9277201

There's nothing wrong with that anon's statement considering that what he said is true, same happened to Berserk.

>> No.9277227

>2d fighting games were on the decline sales wise, CPS3 machines costed a lot more then CPS2 machines and generated a lot less money then the Bemani based machines which were taking over arcades all over Asia but it did well enough to get a second version.
I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.9277257

I was 9 when that game came out. First time I heard about jojo was when the wryyy memes came and then later decided to check it out around 2009 when I saw a top ten anime baddies video by jesuotaku. It's funny to think how niche that series was before 2012 outside of Japan considering how every normie nowadays has heard about it.

>> No.9277273

Watching the OVA made me buy the Dreamcast version. Playing the Dreamcast version made me read the manga.

>> No.9277290

True, I guess I may just be appropriating the usage of the word, upsetting and displacing its genuine user base in the process.

>> No.9277367

He used it perfectly well in this context, though I'd take "ghettoised" too.

>> No.9277430

Why are all the low IQ contrarians from /v/ coming here lately? Was it the inclusion of 6th gen?

>> No.9277458
File: 244 KB, 605x421, ce13946558a6c49356ed179cbaf19fce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right. There weren't hoards of homosexual zoomer consooooomers back then to propel the franchise to success in the West. It didn't become popular until the anime came out and redditors said "omg this animu is so queer and represents me :DDD xD"

>> No.9277461

Shounen anime attracts retards.

>> No.9277537

How did this happen, anyway?
I first heard of Jojo from Wryyy memes like that other anon, but didn't fully understand what it was about until 2013 when that one fighting game came out (and received a 40/40 from Famitsu, back when the score hadn't been _completely_ discredited). Spent a few more years occasionaly seeing it referenced until 2017 when I met the first people IRL who watched it and by the following year it seemed like every zoomer and their mother was suddenly a fan, truly bizarre...

>> No.9277543

>It didn't become popular until the anime came out and redditors said "omg this animu is so queer and represents me :DDD xD"
I've legitimately never heard this angle despite being someone who got into JoJo with the 2013 anime.
Like the other anons, I knew wryyyy and za warudo when I was a kid, but the name of the source material pretty much went in one ear and out the other for ten years and I just thought Dio was a weird Capcom character or something.

>> No.9277564

I remember in 2008/2009 seeing Mugen videos on Youtube where the character slams a roller on his opponent and screams WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I've found roller combo videos but haven't found any with the WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9277570 [DELETED] 

>when I was a kid
Judging from your post, you're still a kid. Regardless, think of the Jojo fanbase. How many of them are normal, cisgender white men in their 30s? Now, how many of them are "queer" zoomers?

>> No.9277591 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure I watched that video too. I at least watched some video with him in MUGEN; I played a shitload of MUGEN back then.
I'm 27 and I don't really concern myself with what gay zoomers I don't even know have to say about a manga and anime that I like. I would have to go out of my way if I wanted to know what they have to say about their genitals or politics.
Sounds like a waste of time to me, but not to you, a presumably normal, white cisgender man, I guess?

>> No.9277606 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 1197x900, onizuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you say "I've legitimately never heard this angle" if, by your own omission, that you don't go out of your way to engage with the community that I was talking about?
You said that you've "never heard" that angle before as a way to discredit what I said, but clearly you wouldn't know either way because, as you said, you don't "concern yourself" with the fanbase.
So my question is this: why would you try to discredit what I said and make an appeal to authority by saying you "got into JoJo with the 2013 anime" if you really had no fucking idea what the fanbase you're talking about is like? Retard.

>> No.9277610 [DELETED] 

The vast majority of JoJo fans I know are cis men. Hell, I even saw someone refuse to read it calling it a "manga for incels." You unironically have /pol/-brain and cry about "troons" and "muh joos"

>> No.9277617 [DELETED] 

You don't need to sign your posts, anon.

>> No.9277621 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, gay as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You unironically have /pol/-brain and cry about "troons" and "muh joos"
You're the first person in this thread to mention troons and Jews.
>I even saw someone refuse to read it calling it a "manga for incels."
Yeah, it is for incels. You think "queer" zoomers are having sex? They are incels; "progressive" and "tolerant" incels, but incels nonetheless.

>> No.9277628 [DELETED] 

Sure if you use the word literally, and ignore the cultural context and way it's used. If you have zero cultural literacy.

>> No.9277631 [DELETED] 

I would like to talk about video games online without the culture war rearing its head.

>> No.9277646 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP wanted to know why a game about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure didn't sell well. The answer is that America was less gay in 2000. The flamboyant homoeroticism present in Jojo didn't have the people required to build a fanbase in America in the year of our Lord 2000. It's unavoidable in this discussion.

>> No.9277684 [DELETED] 

Ah, of course. Please kill me.

>> No.9278704

Not true because it was always cool, it just wasn't popular outside of Japan.

>> No.9278715

>How did this happen, anyway?
The 2012 anime came out. Which I enjoy but it fucking catapulted it into popularity in the west.

>> No.9278725

I was under the impression that all things considered HftF sold decently well.

>> No.9278731 [DELETED] 

Jojo being considered a "gay" thing wasn't really a thing in the west circa the early 2000's. people who just knew it through the OVA and fighting game just thought of it as a stylish but ultra masculine , exotic thing like Fist of the North Star or Ninja Scroll.

>> No.9278942

ITT: zoomers figuring out Jojo being popular is not that old

>> No.9279007

This board seems to be mostly /pol/-brain zoomers

>> No.9279164

Somebody pls find the WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9279170


>> No.9279176

lol, look at the midwits seething at a $35 sentence. Good work, anon.

>> No.9279194

>$35 sentence
Is this an American gameshow reference

>> No.9279195 [DELETED] 

I blame Araki's artstyle change from mid-DiU and the scene where Buccarati licks Giorno. Before that I also saw JoJo as ultra masculine.

>> No.9279245

It probably is, now that I think about it. I actually don't know the origin of the term "ten-dollar word."

>> No.9279276

The CPS3 board in general was not successful, and at the time hardly anyone outside of Japan knew what Jojo was so they weren't likely to buy the console ports either.

>> No.9279310

Mugen made it popular on 4chan because DIOs AI used the roado rolla da super a lot

>> No.9279327

If you search writing it like this you should find some clips probably
There are two versions of DIOs super, quick version where he just stop time and drops the road roller on the opponent, and difficult version where he stops time, drops it and then does a barrage of attacks to the roof of the roller, yelling "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA, WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"
It might be hard to find clips of this super from pro play though because its very difficult to do on a moving opponent, they prefer using the knife throw super which is almost unavoidable

>> No.9279332


>> No.9279334 [DELETED] 

You have npc brain, Jews are the greatest threat to civilization and this has been proven a gorillion times, and trannies are everywhere when they should be nowhere - and guy mentioned neither. Get help, cuck.

>> No.9279354 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 2048x1152, E7zFcFeXsAA1RJr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those two characters in your pic were retconned to be gay in the nu anime adaptation. There was never any actual gayness in the manga, just flamboyant posing, which is inspired by renaissance statues and fashion model poses.
The most Squalo and Tiziano, the characters in your pic ever do in the manga is lean on each other. In the anime they were faggified, making them stare at each other in the eyes from centimeters away, and fondling each others pecs. Fuck David Productions, they did Parts 1-3 perfectly but have let everything after that down. I bet they are gonna make DIO and Pucci in part 6 flashbacks appear gay too when that was absolutely not the case canonically.

>> No.9279358 [DELETED] 

what >>9277628 said. incel denotes mysogyny and self-entitlement. if someone can be chill about not getting laid, more power to 'em.

>> No.9279365 [DELETED] 

Leftists hate women the most, they insist on forcing women to live like men, as career women who are independent and don't need no man, who die alone regretting their lack of kids.
Women are the happiest as mothers and housewives, their lives were better before masculine responsibilities were forced on them.
It is us traditionalists who respect women the most.

>> No.9279386

First time I ever heard of Jojo was in 2007 when it was used to crack CPS3 open for emulation.

>> No.9279453


>> No.9279462

what was wrong with their part 4 adaptation? i thought it was pretty good

>> No.9279669

To make it 39 episodes they had to cut out lots of scenes, the manga of part 4 is even much longer than part 3, but in the anime part 3 was 48 ep and they fucked with part 4 pacing so much it could fit in 39 ep. Causes a lot of unnatural feeling scenes, ruins some joke punchlines because dialogue was cut, etc
The colors were awful, piss yellow sky for 39 episodes was nauseous to watch, why do that? Every part of the manga has official fully colored releases and the sky is blue in every single part.
"Quality Queen" and other incredibly bad artwork in the anime. Parts 1-3 had much higher production budget clearly. Even after they "fixed" Killer Queen it had a completely different design than in the manga, where it actually looks eerie, psychopathic, fitting for a serial killer Stand user. Looks pathetic in the anime.
Lots of scenes showed the studio didn't care to put in any effort, for example in the final fight it seems ridiculous Jotaro couldn't hear Josuke screaming behind the corner while its barely dripping a tiny bit of rain from the sky. In the manga Josuke was like 3 blocks away and it was a heavy downpour of rain, it made sense Jotaro couldn't hear him. The studio literally used the least amount of effort possible throughout the entire Part.