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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9271125 No.9271125 [Reply] [Original]

Any MOH games worth playing?

>> No.9271183

only this one

>> No.9271194

the first game is kind of novel as one of the first modern twin stick shooters on the ps1. allied assault and frontline are kind of meh

>> No.9271202
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The first one

>> No.9271239

MoH is bretty good.
Underground is not as good but still good.
Frontlines is crappy.
Allied Assault has quick-save based game design and is shit.
Pacific Assault is shit.
European Assault is meh.
Vanguard is good.
Airborne is kinda cancer on PC, it's a really shitty port. But it's otherwise a good game.

>> No.9271253

Rising Sun is the best in the series.

>> No.9271262

Infiltrator on GBA is supposed to be really good.

>> No.9271310

the original and frontline are the only ones i played. i liked both but played the first a lot more.

>> No.9271505

so many games on the gba would have been better off taking that approach than trying to do shitty 3d.

>> No.9271524
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this game rules, I want to try the top down gba game, it looks good

>> No.9271543

>I want to try the top down gba game, it looks good
It's really challenging and fun. Controls nicely too.

>> No.9271552


Don't listen to this idiot. Allied Assault is great, and the original on Playstation is great. Everything else is mediocre or garbage. Airborne is obscenely bad and practically unplayable.

>> No.9271563

shitty series for retarded NPCs. muh generic world war 2 setting and boring, sterile gameplay. can't imagine playing this shit beyond the time it takes to hate it (which isn't very long). could be playing classic PC shooters or at least decent console shooters like timesplitters or halo CE but instead you want to play gay army man shit where you assume the role of your grandpa who fucked your grandma and blew bush's baked bean farts out of his asshole before dying in 2006. what a fucking terrible series, fuck you.

>> No.9271623

it's fun

>> No.9271643
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A janky mess of shit that I played the fuck out of anyways because muh ww2. I think the only one I would consider “good” is the 7th gen paratrooper one, that one is awesome.

Anyone else miss when white men could be represented on the cover of video games about wars in which they were 90 percent of the participants?

>> No.9271802

>wars in which they were 90 percent of the participants
Surely you do not mean WWII? More than a third of the participants were Asian.

>> No.9271812

Really? The Allies? Do tell.

And before you say “China”, they were not considered part of the core “Allies”.

>> No.9271814

This is what having /v/-/pol/ tier posts looks like

>> No.9271982

>God tier
MOH, MOH:Underground

Excellent teir
Allied Assault, Frontline

Meh tier:
everything else

>> No.9271985

keep coping

>> No.9272089

AA is great, it's basically the precursor to Call of Duty

>> No.9272109

>Vanguard is good
Fuck no

>> No.9272112

I liked it but the final stages were brutally hard

>> No.9272486

rising sun is really good

>> No.9272519

Best part of the game right here


>> No.9272538

There were so damn many WWII shooters in the early and mid 00s,no wonder everyone got sick of them

>> No.9272665

Not /vr/

>> No.9272669

it was released before you were born

>> No.9272680

Not /vr/

>> No.9272697

Frontlines is janky but has something really special about it, I think it's the level design. European Assault is fantastic and extremely difficult. Airborne is a little generic but still pretty good.

>> No.9272712
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>he didn't know this was before realistic WW2 settings were done to death by CoD
Ihre papiere, bitte.

>> No.9272731

16 years old stuff became retro

>> No.9272784

I remember thinking the beginning level at Pearl Harbor was peak gaming technology when I was 13 lmao

>> No.9273123

I thought the production values of those games was something else at the time, like movie quality.

>> No.9273127

airborne is probably the most unique game in the series

>> No.9273209
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>> No.9273218

>this faggot argument again
nigger the first mainstream FPS ever made, wolfenstein 3D, was a fucking WW2 shooter. the setting was boring before games even existed and it's boring now.

>> No.9273221

No it didn't

>> No.9273249

I want to try MOH game but hate infinite respawn.

>> No.9273413

>Really? The Allies? Do tell.
Their colonies, you flamboyant retard.
NTA, by the way.

>> No.9274032

Neither the original psx MoH games nor Allied Assault have infinite respawn, and those are the only ones worth playing

>> No.9275876

airborne was kinda fun

>> No.9275963

Don't play the one in the jungle. Even as a kid I recognized the game was trash.

>> No.9278009

psx ones are the best ones by dreaworks

>> No.9278019 [DELETED] 

I've only played the first one and Rising Sun. They were both pretty fun.
Very embarrassing post, anon!

>> No.9278027

I always found it very strange that games about WW2 were getting churned out in the early 2000s at this rate because I still had a living relative who fought in that war at the time. Something about it didn't seem right to me. Anybody else?

>> No.9278037

Frontline is the best one, play it on hard and get the PS3 version if you can
Rising Sun is pretty goofy fun although it's piss easy even on hard
Same with both OG ps1 games
Everybody sucks Allied Assaults cock but it's only fun if you dont play it on hard where it's an unbalanced hitscan nightmare unlike Frontline which is actually balanced around Hard
The rest of the series is pretty much shovelware although MOH 2010's multiplayer was actually pred good.

>> No.9278039

You can actually destroy the snowman? Holy shit I never knew.

>> No.9278119 [DELETED] 

I bet you can’t explain why it’s embarrassing.

>> No.9278129 [DELETED] 

Seeing someone claim to feel underrepresented as a white man gives me pretty strong secondhand embarrassment, speaking as a white man. It reeks of someone with a victim complex that wants me to validate their neuroses because I’m the same color as them.

>> No.9278139 [DELETED] 

>”speaking as a white man”
>project victim complex
Post nose.

>> No.9278172 [DELETED] 

Looks about like this: ʖ
It’s a Welsh and English nose.

>> No.9278175

Which one has the beach level?
I want to die during the disembark while being in the front of the door

>> No.9278193


>> No.9278197 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9278206

Have you ever made OC before?

>> No.9278213

that's rich, an NPC trying to talk about OC.

>> No.9278216

I’ll take that as a no.

>> No.9278221 [DELETED] 
File: 2.04 MB, 734x643, clarissastrikesback.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last original content you created was the cumfart you blew before kvetching again. I’m going to puff you out of a fucking smokestack and he’s coming back.
Here’s some OC for you btw lol.

>> No.9278229 [DELETED] 
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fucking kek

>> No.9278246 [DELETED] 

Not bad lol, but I’m not even slightly Jewish, anon

>> No.9278248 [DELETED] 
File: 580 KB, 431x402, bergusongif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s because you’re entirely Jewish. Get the fuck off my board with this shit.

>> No.9278256 [DELETED] 

What’s your favorite Medal of Honor game?

>> No.9278265 [DELETED] 

Airborne which I guess is technically retro here because of the PC release but I would not consider it retro. I’ve never liked Medal of Honor.
The original Battlefield 1942 is the best WW2 game to this day.

>> No.9278690
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Only pre 2006 titles