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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9269343 No.9269343 [Reply] [Original]

You DID beat it without using the new year bomb, right /vr/?

>> No.9269410

I was a cheapskate so I just used PK Flash instead.

>> No.9269743

Nah, I kinda lost interest in Mother 3 around that part where you play as a Monkey in the desert.

>> No.9269753

You did beat Mother 1+2 by poisoning Giygas instead of praying, right OP?

>> No.9269898

Is that a thing you can do? How long does that take?

>> No.9269901

No, I only played the two good Mother games

>> No.9269942

but salsa is so cute!

game does kinda suck with its pacing though, I can't really blame you.

>> No.9269947

Which is funny, because I do like Earthbound, but I also hate how the pacing of that game changes after Fourside.

>> No.9269948

The GBA port introduces it as a bug. Giygas doesn't have much HP, but it fucks up the scripting.

>> No.9269949

I beat the last boss of Shadow Hearts 2 with Poison II. It was the only final boss, or regular boss for desu, I was ever able to do that with. Can Giygas really be poisoned?
Mother 3 was so fucking easy I probably did beat it without the "new year bomb". I don't even remember it. Shitty game for Detlarune emo furries.

>> No.9269958

Really? that's when the game gets good. I gave up when Paula was kidnapped for a few months but then basically played it nonstop until I beat it after that. I love how the game really opens up and you get the teleport ability.

For Mother 3 the game just jumps around too much and they shoehorn this mini-version of the sound stone scavenger hunt right as the plot was picking up speed. Very annoying IMO

>> No.9270525
File: 44 KB, 400x267, dd5247d4985c6513eb06d42fc5a97d3a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mother 3 was so fucking easy I probably did beat it without the "new year bomb"
I doubt it but while I wouldn't consider Mother 3 a hard game at all, I do think the bosses are actually at least a bit challenging, compared to the bosses in Mother 1 and 2.

>> No.9270531 [DELETED] 
File: 319 KB, 477x660, Trofeo_de_la_Estatua_de_Porky_SSBB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You DID get this trophy in a legit way, right /vr/?

>> No.9270691 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 270x985, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mother 3 was so fucking easy I probably did beat it without the "new year bomb". I don't even remember it.

>> No.9271231

>Mother 3 was so fucking easy I probably did beat it without the "new year bomb". I don't even remember it.
You killed a boss that takes barely any damage and 99,999,999 HP without the New Year Bomb? Fucking liar.

>> No.9271389

mother 3 was harder to play emulated because the timings on the attacks never work with even a slight delay

>> No.9271390

You don't really need those anyway.

>> No.9271404

I couldn't even figure out how to make this guy attack me. Or maybe I did, my memory of it isn't great.
Well yes, how else would you get it?

>> No.9271557

He was optional, right?
I think I missed him completely.

>> No.9271989

Stop fucking lying and delete your post, faggot

>> No.9272792

>Well yes, how else would you get it?
download a save state.

>> No.9272820

I never found this boss fight

I didn't bother with trophies after melee

>> No.9274740

You didn't even play the game.

>> No.9274780 [DELETED] 

This describes nu-/vr/ pretty well.

>> No.9276025 [DELETED] 

>playing Brawl
not retro

>> No.9276027 [DELETED] 

>caring about the rules after the change

>> No.9276028 [DELETED] 

>I didn't bother with trophies after melee
>Inb4 some zoom tells you watching a movie is really worth the trouble

>> No.9276035 [DELETED] 

Brawl is gay, so it's a current necessity.
I also vote /vr/ to be /v2k/ once X gen is here.

>> No.9276036 [DELETED] 

ok zoomer

>> No.9276062 [DELETED] 
File: 610 KB, 245x205, 1644829109876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh zommner bogeyman
commit suicide thank you

>> No.9276241 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 732x501, deedee fucking dies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's all you can say! That's all you can sa-ACK!

>> No.9276250 [DELETED] 

>fellates a Wii game
>not a zedhead

>> No.9276336 [DELETED] 

i didn't say anything about the wii, for that was my first post in the thread
do remember that anonymous is not a username, newfag-kun

>> No.9276358 [DELETED] 


>> No.9276363 [DELETED] 

>zoomie things he's smart he could tiptoe away the fact he's discussing Brawl
Nobody asked.

>> No.9276618 [DELETED] 

I have no idea what you're talking about. Did brawl have a movie in it? Was it just something that played all the cutscenes in order or something? I honestly haven't played brawl in 10 years at least, vanilla sucked dick and my mates and I played the modded games until we moved on.

I stopped bothering with this comic after it was on hiatus for like 10 years (and also felt too desperate for edge), did it ever go anywhere or is it still in hiatus hell?

>> No.9276803 [DELETED] 

Subspace was filled with cutscenes to the brim.
They knew the general beat em up gameplay isn't going to hook in casuals (as it's already terrible itself no thanks to Sakurai), so they had to waste their development by having the writer of FF7 to director almost many cutscenes for the mode.

It's basically is a movie.

>> No.9277116 [DELETED] 

i didn't say jack shit about brawl whether positive or negative you retarded jackass go learn how to differentiate people

>> No.9277441 [DELETED] 

But anyway, to win the King Statue trophy you just need to beat the boss rush mode in very hard. Well, you DID it, right? Brawl is very casual and easy, right?

>> No.9277916 [DELETED] 
File: 319 KB, 477x660, Trophée_Statue_de_Porky_Brawl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting this trophy is really hard though. And you can't cheese it with any special item.

>> No.9278347 [DELETED] 

>lying zoomer faggot proceeded to shill his Brawl talk after he totally proved that anon wrong
>the superjanny came and cleaned up the mess
kek, that warning was worth it. eat shit, wagglenigger.