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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 279x358, The_Immortal_cover_Apple_IIGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9267830 No.9267830 [Reply] [Original]

>all video games are easy
>hard video games do not exist
>any game you think is hard is not hard; you just suck at it
>it is NEVER valid to criticize a game's difficulty level unless it is "too easy," which all video games are
Why are you like this, /vr/? Is the only way you can feel superior to other people to lie about being some kind of elite god gamer when you obviously save state your way through every remotely challenging game you play?

>> No.9267841

Fact is most people who complain about difficulty really are just bad at the game or haven't played it enough, and anyone who complains about muh artificial difficulty is a certified retard. It's not about feeling superior, it's that so many people are so eager to blame the game instead of themselves, and most of the times it's just them. You have to be willing to meet a game completely on its terms because let's face it you literally have no choice in the matter other than just choosing not to play, or cheating if you're a faggot.

>> No.9267842

Fun is easy to come by. Nothing can replace the experience of struggling through a difficult game.

>> No.9267853

so if someone got good enough at a game to beat it without taking a single hit or whatever, and turned around and said, "this game sucks because it's too hard and i only bothered doing this to prove a point," how would you react to that
is that really what someone has to do in order to claim a game is too difficult without "just being bad at it," or is that a little retarded
personally, i think it's a little retarded

>> No.9267863

The Immortal is fucking rude to the point of it being funny. It's still a game I enjoy revisiting every few years, the NES version specifically as I feel it has the better music and combat.
Genesis version deserves attention too for those outrageous fatalities, they're awesome

>> No.9267873

>so if someone got good enough at a game to beat it without taking a single hit or whatever, and turned around and said, "this game sucks because it's too hard and i only bothered doing this to prove a point," how would you react to that
Depends on the game. You're thinking of things as too black and white. The things I said simply aren't going to apply to everything. Like I said originally though (bears repeating since you apparently can't read) most of the time it's just the person, not the game. Even if a game is hard or poorly designed or whatever, why bother bitching about it on the Internet? If that's the conclusion you've come to then stop playing it and leave it at that, because even if you don't like the way it's designed and find it unfair, I guarantee you someone else out there likes it and is ready and willing to tell you to git gud, which leads to you crying and making shitty threads like this. You will never gain anything from bitching about video games on the Internet. Sorry.

>> No.9267885

>The things I said simply aren't going to apply to everything.
i agree
they apply to nothing

>> No.9267890

wow you sure told me

>> No.9267894

>Is the only way you can feel superior to other people to lie about being some kind of elite god gamer
I don't even do that and I still feel superior, to you at least.

>> No.9267895

i didn't tell you anything, i agreed with a thing you said

>> No.9267897
File: 7 KB, 225x225, thefuckmetabee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck are talking to, there is fucking thread up right now about hard games.

>> No.9267902

It's an instance where the failures make the game fun. It's cause and effect like scenerios and it starts right from the beginning. What happens if I pick up this bait? Oh, I get swallowed alive. The game doesn't hide what it is and if you can realize that you will have a blast. The grim and bleak atmosphere is awesome too.

>> No.9267904

well, feeling is one thing, being is another
you can feel this dick, though

>> No.9267947
File: 15 KB, 435x232, x_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can feel this dick, though

>> No.9267969

You're a real faggot

>> No.9268042

So much projection

>> No.9268049

literally no projection at all

>> No.9268087

ecco the dolphin is too hard, I gave up on the last level and feel confident saying that.

>> No.9268091

>so you can feel superior to other people
>save states
All projection

>> No.9268118

zero proof

>> No.9268306

You're projecting a whole lot about yourself gamer boy.

>> No.9269263

Bump does anyone else want to talk about the game in OPs pic or are we just going to let this thread die by the hands of two(?) insecure fags? \

>> No.9269271

kys OP

>> No.9269278

OP didn't even talk about The Immortal because he is a fag who only used it to rope me in with the false pretense of a conversation that was never to be.

>> No.9269425
File: 43 KB, 451x388, getgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poseurs can easily be identified, like for instance "1CC collectors" who used savestates to """"train"""" and cope themselves into thinking "it's literally the same thing just with less time wasted"; or people who are like
>This game is a piece of cake
>>Proceeds to list all the exploits the guy used for the game that he learnt from a FAQ before even starting to play

any "get good" comment from those can be dismissed.

My comment is genuine though, shut the fuck up and get good. Pic related.

>> No.9269691

difficultly is purely subjective. what's piss easy for you could be ball bustingly hard for someone else.

for example every fromsoft fan likes to jerk themselves off to how hard the souls games are but the games actually pretty easy/simple when you realize that what makes them "difficult" is that you're suppose to take them at a slower pace compaired to something like an elder scrolls game and the game punishes you for rushing in head first into things but if you're actually good enough the pace at which you shouldn't even matter.

artificial difficulty is usually when a game has something like a mechanic or gameplay element in place encourage you to do something like spend money. like most arcade games are difficult by design in order to make you pour quarters into the machine. sure if you're good enough you can beat a game on 1 credit but it realistically wouldn't be profitable for an arcade machine to be designed like that in mind. it'd be naive to think otherwise.

for me i quite frankly think most retro games are relatively easy and the only reason why there's such a nostalgia for them being hard is that most people remember playing them as a kid.