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File: 794 KB, 1430x2430, Lunar - The Silver Star (U) (Front).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
926386 No.926386 [Reply] [Original]

So I want to play myself some Lunar 1 & 2 but I'd like to know which are the better versions/versions worth playing.
The Playstation ones or the Sega CD ones?
Also Sega/Mega CD general

>> No.926391

There are some extreme purists that say play the SegaCD versions first, but if you're just playing them once, then go for the PS1 versions.

>> No.926390

Meant to put that in Subject

>> No.926408

I'd honestly advise newcomers to try and hunt down the PSX/Saturn version for a really fantastic LUNAR experience.

>> No.926420


I have both the Sega CD and PS1 versions, but I'd say go with the PS1 version. It was given a total graphical overhaul and the cutscenes are really well done.

>> No.926429

The PSX version of Lunar 1 is an improvement in leaps and bounds, no questions asked. Lunar 2's PSX remake is a significant improvement, but is much more faithful to the source material.

>> No.926443

I was always a fan of the PS version.
Just be sure to never touch the GBA and PSP "remakes", especially if you want to play Eternal Blue after.

>> No.926452

I've heard Saturn is the best version, but it's japanese only, there is also a PC version which is japanese only too.

>> No.926468

That was my mistake. I bought Lunar Legend for the GBA and upset to see it didn't have an overworld, and they changed how you battle entirely. But I suppose it will have to do till I can fork over the dough for either the Mega CD version or the PSX version.

>> No.926498
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They both have their ups and downs. Lunar 1 on Sega CD is really, really barebones. However, the soundtrack is much better than what they were forced to replace it with in the PlayStation remake (Noriyuki Iwadare said something about the rights being lost to all of the original game's music so it had to have a new soundtrack from scratch; it does, however take from songs from Lunar 2). It's also a much more non-linear RPG than its remake, so if you like being able to walk around and explore, you may like the Sega CD version instead. They're almost entirely different games and they're both worth playing, either way.

Lunar 2 is another thing, though. You can go either way with it, as the remake is really similar to the original, unlike Lunar 1. Notable differences in the PSX version are the lack of random battles and a more streamlined magic system. Lunar 2 originally had regular experience and magic experience; the remake just gets rid of the magic experience and has you gain magic as you level up like most JRPGs. A big problem with the English Sega CD version, however, is that Working Designs, in their neverending wisdom to make games more irritating than they need to be, added a mechanic that forced you to use magic experience in order to save your game. It doesn't ruin the entire game, but it's an incredibly annoying change that I wish someone would fix.

Also the cutscenes are way, way better in the Sega CD version of Lunar 2. Lunar 1 barely has cutscenes to speak of; mostly mouths flapping, but Lunar 2 has it full-on and it looks fantastic. Definitely the best example of pixel animation on the Sega CD. The remake uses FMVs for all cutscenes, though, and they're really, really compressed. Artifacts are everywhere and it's really sours them.

I played the PSX versions first and then went on to the Sega CD versions.

Just don't play Lunar 2 until you've beaten 1.

>> No.926537

Admittedly, trying to cram the Lunar games into a little GBA cart was pretty impressive, but they had to take some major liberties with the material. PS1 is still the most complete experience, although all versions are worth checking out.

>> No.926868

>PS1 is still the most complete experience
Nope, that's the Saturn version, unfortunately it's in moonrunes.

>> No.926883

Of Lunar 1? It's virtually identical to the PSX version except for the fact that the music sounds slightly better.

>> No.926974

I think you should be good either way honestly. Id recommend the playstation version personally

>> No.927069

By far, play the PS1 versions

>> No.928784

I never had the Sega CD version of Lunar 1, so I can't speak for that one. But as for Lunar 2:

The PS1 version is definitely much prettier. The visual overhaul did wonders for the game. However, some of the gameplay elements were stripped down, a lot of the bosses were nerfed, and the whole thing just feels less rewarding. Although certain cutscenes from the Sega CD version look genuinely bad (like the opening where Lucia is walking through her temple after she wakes up), it has aged quite well overall. I'd say go for the Sega CD version first, but ultimately play both of them.

>> No.928913

Lunar remakes on playstation have substantially better graphics, anime sequences, and presentation. However, Sega CD versions are more challenging and have more of a tradtional JRPG feel (random battles, explorable overworld, etc). The Sega CD version of the first game is also a bit darker, with more death and sorrow playing an overall theme.

Generally speaking, the PS1 remakes are more normalfag friendly, so unless you're super open-minded towards things being dated, go for that.

Just be sure to play part 1 first, since the games have a continuing story.

>> No.928920

Play the remakes. If you like them and end up being a fan, play the Sega CD versions after so you can appreciate the differences and have some extra challenge. The fight with Borgan on Sega CD is one of the hardest fights in any JRPG. On PS1 it's a joke.

>> No.928967
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Nobody should be recommending the SEGA CD version. If they are, that is the worst case of nostalgia goggles I've ever seen.
Everything about the PS1 is superior -with the exception- of the music, which as somebody mentioned, saw massive cuts due to loss rights etc.
So what to do? Youtube the amazing intro.
Then immediately go play the PS1 remake.

I'm going to go ahead and drag in a strawman, Lunar is -much, much better than Final Fantasy 6-, and being that the original was released 92/93, that makes it even more of a slap in the face. It took another 5-6 years after 6 to even attempt voice acting. Just...saiyan.

Lunar 2 however, is a different story.
The pixel art cutscenes are amazing, compared to

As another anon mentioned, Lunar 2 on the PS eliminates random battles (which is never a bad thing), but I'd just say from a perspective of
Lunar 2 is more impressive than the playstation version.

God Tier
Lunar (PS1)
Lunar 2 (Sega CD)
Great Tier
Lunar 2 Eternal Blue(PS1)
Ok without playing Tier
Lunar (Sega CD)
Lunar (PSP remake)

>> No.928983

Negative. Sega CD versions had better overworld, better music, deeper subplots, and generally better art production. The whole black dragon crisis, culling of burg, dragonmaster storyline, etc were completely omited from the PS1 version, and the haunted mansion in Lunar 2 was turned into a wooden shack maze in the remake. And there was NO encounter in the remakes that was even the least bit challenging.

The PS1 remakes definitely had better presentation and cutscenes, but the originals had better gameplay.

>> No.928996
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The PSP remake completely destroyed the final boss theme from the PSX version.

Also, you can >Imply in the middle of a sentence by paying attention to pic-related.

>> No.929006

Nope, I have a counter for your counter
major improvement
>visuals and presentation
You acknowledged, so that's 3/3 for the game. Then we go to the
There is no major difference that effects gameplay.
There is some give and take, Lunar SSC adds material and takes away, its a plot reboot, plus expanding Luna's role past the ship.
Also better in SSC, the humor might be working designs 50/50, but AT LEAST PEOPLE DONT TALK IN CAPS TO MAKE IT EXCITING.

The only things I'm willing to give is the dragonmaster storyline was presented in greater detail in the original, nothing about the culling of burg or the dragon crisis do I miss compared to the additions made in SSC.
>Expanded Luna role
>characters of Royce and Phacia
>Luna meeting Ghaleon in Vane
>Playable epilogue
>not killing the dragons/dragons implementation in the Grindary
Sorry bub, got to say you got some nostalgia goggles on. Not that I disagree about Lunar 1 in a bad way, SSC is just superior.

>> No.929009

>I have a counter

>> No.929012
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That was quite common in games, translated or not. I don't know who started the caps thing, but I have a nice gift from France that I would like him to try out.

A probable reason is likely because the default character set only included capitals since Japanese very rarely has a need for roman letters, and when it does it's usually in the form of acronyms.

>> No.929020

Where did I say that? The only two points I said didn't matter were the overworld, which really has NO imapct on the gameplay, and two points of the story I didn't care for.
>gameplay beats it
>visuals and presentation beat it
>also has additions to the plot from those it does subtract from
>acknowledge one superior plot angle and music
Learn to debate better.

>> No.929034
File: 27 KB, 300x301, 1364698619636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playstation version of Silver Star is the best version.

Sega CD version of Eternal Blue is the best version.

>> No.929040

I picked up the PSP version a few years ago for a few dollars. I couldn't really get into it though, but Lunar was one of the games I really wanted to play back in middle school, but never could due to lack of a PS1 or SCD. I still remember going to the Public Library after school, and flipping through the strategy guide they had hidden away at the board game book section. (Along with a Doom strategy guide, and those 100 game cheat books for N64 and what not)

Anyway, it's been a series I've really wanted to like, but I found the PSP one a bit bland. Could someone tell me what's different between the SCD, PS1, and PSP versions?

>> No.929092

Graphics, difficulty, story, music, and translation (in comparison to each other).

SCD has the worst graphics, is the hardest, has the best story, best music, and worst translation (still pretty gud). Dungeons are a bit more non-linear and there are random battles.

PS1 has mid graphics, mid difficulty, worst story, worst music, and best translation. There are no longer random battles, the world map was changed, several story and plot points are now completely different, battles and gameplay has been refined from the original.

PSP has best graphics, lowest difficulty, same story as PS1, mid music, and mid translation. The game's difficulty is extremely easy with toned down enemies and new moves that break the game. On top of that, the translation is much more literal than the original versions of the game (good? bad?). It's not a bad version of the game, per say, but it is really easy. Only worth going through if you're already a fan of the games.

Out of those, I'm a guy who likes his stories in jRPGs, so I prefer the Sega CD version. The PS1 version is probably best overall, though. PSP version is decent if you have it. Don't touch the GBA version ever.

>> No.929134

Thanks. That really clears up a lot. I think I'll try to hunt down the SCD version of the game. Nice to know that the PSP version was easier, and it wasn't originally like that.

>> No.929164
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Play this one.

>> No.929183

>is the hardest
Ah... no. Lunar 1 is ridiculously easy. Even the final boss does buggerall damage to anyone who isn't Nash, and the zombie dragon isn't much harder either. The remake is a good bit more challenging.

The only difficulty the original has is that you can't revive people in battle, and the remake has Nall randomly bring people back every now and then. The battles are much more difficult, and when you head to the Frontier later in the game you can find yourself running out of healing items which WILL fuck you over.

>> No.929225

>starting with either the PSP or GBA version

You poor thing.

>> No.929294
File: 31 KB, 280x500, gabryel01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>autoattack option to skip the terrible combat

>slowest walking speed in an RPG since the first dragon quest
>You can run, but you lose health while dashing
>enemies can break your equipment
>painfully long walks when navigating on
map (with unmarked town names).
>Virtually no exploration
>you get either items OR experience in combat, not both.
>"fetch 10 lizards tails" busywork quests, but they are rare drops (combined with no XP for killing creatures for quest items)

It was like the developers went out of their way to make me ragequit,