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File: 17 KB, 267x373, Etvideogamecover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9257581 No.9257581 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the worst game of all time?

>> No.9257586


>> No.9257592

Not at all

>> No.9257610

It's not even the worst game on the 2600.

>> No.9257614

not even close. personally I think Atari Pac-Man is way, way worse

>> No.9257618 [DELETED] 

No. Just a very rushed game commissioned with too high expectations and a lot riding on it. It was also a somewhat complex game in an era where most could be played without looking at a manual ... and if you did look at the manual, all it really did was give a back story and explain what each blob on the screen is supposed to be.

>> No.9257620
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>> No.9257623

No. Just a very rushed game commissioned with too high expectations and a lot riding on it. It was also a somewhat complex game in an era where most could be played without looking at a manual.

>> No.9257640

No that's Big Rigs or Crazybus

>> No.9257649

Chris Kamara’s Street Soccer on PlayStation is the worst game of all time.

>> No.9257664

The game was actually OK for the time since all Atari games sucked. However, since there is no real way to determine which is the worst/best game of all time by pure quality, I like to pick the one that almost killed the industry and the one that saved it. So I consider ET to be the worst game, and Super Mario Bros the best.

>> No.9257686

being good for business isn't always indicative of quality

>> No.9257696

It was it the wrong place in the wrong time

>> No.9257824

>all Atari games sucked
Please get out

>> No.9257831

Fuck you I grew up on MAME32.

>> No.9257862

All the more reason to leave

>> No.9257868

It sucked pretty bad and was a confusing mess that didn't resemble the movie at all, much like Pac-Mam sucked pretty bad and didn't resemble the arcade game at all.

Those two games were pretty much what caused the home video game market in America. Both were hyped to the public and internally at Atari as being multi-million selling games, and they were... until many of those sales ended up being refunded by angry parents with disappointed kids. Both ET and Pac-Man were big sellers until the word got out how bad they were and then sales stopped while returns/refunds kept being demanded.

>> No.9257873


I think this or Pac-Man is the best selling game on the 2600. My dad had a copy for his 2600. That's how I got to play it. The game sold well on its name and advertising campaign, but apparently saw a lot of refunds. The game was notorious for being one of the games to cause the game industry to crash. There were the rumours of all the burred copies in a desert, which partially ended up to be true, as there were other games mixed in. It's not really one of the worst 2600 games, though.

>> No.9258034

The problem was overproduction, not the quality of the games. ET also caused heavy damage to Atari because the license was so expensive they'd have to sell more copies of the game than they had currently sold 2600 consoles just to break even.

The game being "cryptic" is just a dumb Youtuber take though. Raiders of the Lost Ark is far more difficult to figure out blind, yet nobody is memeing that as the worst game ever. Or even as a bad game.

>> No.9258640

no, but it was the worst overhyped game of all time, besides maybe cyberpunk but that one didn't murder the company who made it because they can still sell dlc and shit

>> No.9258971
File: 25 KB, 650x400, cbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the game when a newfag tries to fit in by shitposting? Yes. Worst. Game. Ever.

>> No.9259024

you were just supposed to read the manual

>> No.9259921

I remember lying in the back of the family Buick, returning home from the mall, reading the ET manual and being a bit confused.

>> No.9260108
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That's because you're normally only able to time travel within your own lifetime. When you go back to before your parents were born it can really mess with your head.

>> No.9260284

I think you'll find a lot of Atari games, or at least of the better ones, that there is a level of complexity there. I will say though, that if anyone had a manual, it was people who played the games growing up. Not saying everyone had every manual for every game they owned or played, or that manuals were a totally preventative solution for some games just being obtuse.

Manual or otherwise, you'd be surprised at what kids can piece and guess together. My dad still knows what to do in Raiders of the Lost Ark from memory. That had to be tough to suss out either way.

>> No.9260289

Not even close. Like at least half of the Phoenix Games catalogue is worse than ET for the Atari.

>> No.9260298

Sales are the only objective measure of quality.

>> No.9260308

That game helped killed the Atari more than ET

>> No.9260312

No, if you read the manual it's not that horrible. There were far worse games that were completly unplayable without a screen overlay and manual.

>> No.9260819

really an expertly crafted post here.

>> No.9260912
File: 58 KB, 400x193, way to kill the franchise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9260971

>I remember lying
Pretty much.

>> No.9261310
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>> No.9262213
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If it has gameplay, it can't be the worst game of all time.

>The ZX Spectrum version of Sqij! is renowned as one of the worst games ever; due to a bug, it couldn't actually be played at all - surely the very definition of a broken, unplayable mess.


>> No.9262375

It's pretty shit but it's at least playable and can be made somewhat decent by 2600 standards with minimal adjustments.

>> No.9262437

>"Cosmic Race"
>0 results
You haven't played a shit game until you've attempted to play Cosmic Race on the PS1. This shit was so bad, it was the only game ever to get a pure 0 score from Game Players. Whereas they used to just rank anything below 30% as "Total Crap!!!", after reviewing Cosmic Race they changed their ranking. Everything between 20%-29% is Heinous, 10% to 19% is Putrid, 1% to 9% is Shoot Me, and 0% is Cosmic Race.
It was created by some complete unknowns who decided to take advantage of the cheap licensing cost of the PS1 and tried to hop in on the launch of the PS1 in Japan for some easy money. Every single graphic and sound is taken from example libraries and assets that were in the devkit. Spending just one minute playing the game will show you they didn't even understand how to program. The review from Game Players really says it all, I just can't seem to find it. If anything, the game is only known because Game Players reviewed it back then and called it the worst crap ever.
The controls are less than non-responsive, and no button ever seems to do anything you want, or even what it's supposed to. There is no collision-checking anywhere in the game, no walls, no floor, nothing. It's pretty much unplayable no matter what you do, and it's painfully obvious that it wasn't even beta-tested by anyone. Even the worst of shovelware is better than this aborted mess.

>> No.9262870

I inherited this game from cousins and I don't even think I ever had a manual... but maybe I did? Anyway I liked it then and I like it now, even though it is kinda rough and also is badly hampered by being an Atari 2600 game

>> No.9263347
File: 30 KB, 900x561, raidersLostArk2600Screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 1981, the movie thrilled me.
In 1982, the game...not so much. Huge let down.

>> No.9263454

It is, quite genuinely, the worst game I have ever played. The central mechanic is the immense tedium of waiting to hover out of holes. Every other mechanic exacerbates the tedium - falling back into the holes, getting robbed so you can start over falling into holes, etc. Awful, awful game.

Big Rigs is fucking Shakespeare compared to ET. Some fun can be had with Big Rigs. None can be had with ET.

They're all shit, every one of them. Appalling garbage. Minutes of fun may be had, at most.

The problem was both. If McDonalds manufactured a billion TurdBurgers (TM), The issue would be both the overproduction, and the greasy reheated turd mashed between two buns that they expected the public to feast on.

In short, the game thoroughly, unironically, and without a trace of hyperbole, deserves a sober denunciation as a Shitload of Fuck.

>> No.9264857

lol this is so sad

>> No.9264920

No you. Atari games were trash.

>> No.9264927

You can stop, no one cares

>> No.9265521

>muh video game crash of 1983! Nintendo saved video games!
This shit again? It's a myth. There's a grain of truth to it, but so many layers of bullshit have been lathered on top over the years that the version of events as popularly repeated is basically fictional.

First of all, it only applied to one segment of the video game market, game consoles. The home computer market continued to grow rapidly. The Commodore 64 was released just the year before and was a massive success, and the Apple II and VIC-20 were still selling well. Secondly, it only applied to the North American market. The video game market in East Asia and Europe was just fine.

Even the Atari 2600's demise is greatly exaggerated. In fact, it continued to sell reasonably well up until the end of the decade, just at a heavily discounted price. It became the system that the poor kid who lives in a trailer would get for Christmas. The last Atari 2600 was produced in 1992 - that's nearly a decade after the supposedly fatal blow delivered to it in 1983. Most consoles today would be lucky to have a production run that long. So even after the "crash", the Atari 2600 was still profitable to manufacture and sell, it just wasn't as profitable as when it was new, which... should be kind of obvious?

The whole idea there was a "video game crash" was made up by Nintendo fanboys in the 2000s so they could cast their favourite company as heroes who literally saved the video game industry when in reality they just aggressively monopolised it (at least in North America). It's ahistorical nonsense and only people who weren't actually around at the time believe in it.

>> No.9265527

Faggot answer