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9254273 No.9254273 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get past this part?

>> No.9254294

Go on the barrel and press up and down

>> No.9254298

Swing your arms from side to side

>> No.9254301

Stop touching yourself at night, God put that barrel there to punish you.

>> No.9254309

Start touching yourself at night, God put that barrel there to titillate you.

>> No.9254323
File: 200 KB, 608x1620, usenet barrel6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9254346

Do a barrel roll.

>> No.9254692

ill never understand how retards didnt figure this out. any one who didnt figure this out should be euthanized for being a fucking npc. The game has 1 button. If that doesnt work try other shit. fucking retards.

>> No.9254697

The problem is that that one button DOES work.

>> No.9254721

The barrel of doom is the THIRD barrel of its kind. Jumping on the first two barrels works. Jumping on the third barrel ALMOST works. So you think the problem is in the rhythm. It's a failure of game design because the game taught you something that was actually wrong.

>> No.9254740


>> No.9254762

Nah, I didn't get filtered. Honestly didn't even remember this spot when I first saw all the online drama about it, but since I did beat Sonic 3, I obviously got past it just fine.

>> No.9254773

you ever wonder where old internet boomers are now
where is ian a pinnell

>> No.9254779
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You fags that are saying it should be so easy aren't thinking that no other part of the video game asks you to use the d pad this way

>> No.9254785

okay we get it's stupid, and i agree, but what will complaining about it do? you can't go back in time and tell them to change that, and there's the internet if you get real stuck so even if you could, there would probably be better things to do with it frankly

>> No.9254817

It's extremely counter-intuitive, that's all.
1) Jumping in a certain rhythm works on the barrels before this one.
2) You don't need to use the UP button on any stages OR games before this one, except for the Super Sonic stage on Sonic 2.
3) When you step on the barrel, Sonic starts to spin around, making you think you lost control of him.


4) Even if you know that you need to push the buttons, there is no immediate and obvious feedback onscreen. The barrel doesn't really change height until you get into the 3rd cycle of pushing UP/DOWN.

Like said above, the game just teaches you something that is wrong. An easy way they could have mitigated this was to just print arrows on the barrel or near it.

>> No.9254834

Another game that makes your life harder by teaching a wrong maneuver is Jagged Alliance 1. Everywhere, even the manual, tells you to click both mouse buttons at once to crouch down. However, this only works like 30% of the time, so you just get used to mashing it until the character crouches.
However, the right way to crouch is simple:
- select a character
- right click on the same square the character is at. The cursor will turn red.
- left click still on the same square. Character crouches. Works 100% of the time.

In its defense, JA1 seems to have been changed a little right before release, so maybe they changed the controls after printing the manual. We know they've changed stuff because the manual references gameplay systems that are found nowhere in the game.

>> No.9254842
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>> No.9254848

just hold up once you enter the spin animation

>> No.9254852
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>> No.9254875

Thats the fun part, you don't

>> No.9254932
File: 87 KB, 679x570, FVb0OcOX0AEmpqR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this explained precisely in the manual? If so, everyone whining about this is a faggot and probably a zoomer.

It's a water-based city, ergo, hydro( )city.

>> No.9254948

obsessed faggot can't even read the thread
checks out

>> No.9254954

>It's a water-based city, ergo, hydro( )city.
It's clearly a pun that critiques the perceived incompetence of Japanese water utilities, who failed to maintain their infrastructure and then blamed outages on "high draw" regions

>> No.9254960
File: 24 KB, 680x358, tw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except for the Super Sonic stage on Sonic 2.

>> No.9254968

>Isn't this explained precisely in the manual?

>> No.9254973

Yes, so clearly kek.

>> No.9254975

>game for babies

>> No.9255447

>what is marble garden
>what is mushroom hill

>> No.9256097

Turn off the game and play Sonic CD instead

>> No.9256535

I meant Doomsday Zone on Sonic 3.

>> No.9256558

Intelligence action is the opposite of random. Retards are the ones who found it easier.

>> No.9256598

If you try hard enough, using momentum like the game is advertised to push it up and down like a pedulum

What the retarded kike devs wanted you to do is stand on it, and with no visual feedback from Sonic indicated otherwise, press up and down to make the barrel magically move on its own up and down.

You should play the Origins port with mods as the base game adds looking up and crouching down animations while on the barral so you can see Sonic is indeed affecting the barrel while on it, it helps.