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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9254008 No.9254008 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know if the recent patch update for Planet Laika changed anything in the script, I ask because I know some people complained enough for the author to take notice and acknowledge it. I want to know if this fixes anything or just changes some things around to be deemed less offensive

>> No.9254014 [DELETED] 
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From translators readme

>> No.9254129 [DELETED] 

Psychosisters, won't have murder him afterall... for now.

>> No.9254131 [DELETED] 

Retro game fans are the most insane people on the planet, look no further than this board and fan translators

>> No.9254251 [DELETED] 

I don't understand this stuff at all. I don't get how somebody would be interested enough in niche Japanese vidya to spend a bunch of their free time translating it but also be so culturally small-minded to get bent out of shape about trifling shit like this. You're surprised when a 20+ year old game from a foreign culture turns out to have some stuff that's alien / offensive to you? Huh?

>> No.9254430 [DELETED] 

psycho is a slur?

>> No.9254436 [DELETED] 

If you're in the camp of people getting offended by the mere use of the word "psycho", you shouldn't be allowed a voice in this or any context.

>> No.9254446 [DELETED] 

Yes, to people that identify as their own mother. Transhomomaternal(?) folx.

>> No.9254462 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9254507 [DELETED] 

Welp. I hope someone archived the old version.

>> No.9254526 [DELETED] 

From the sound of it, the update is just a trigger warning in the readme with no actual game changes because that's how the game was.

>> No.9254648 [DELETED] 

LOL. It triggers the psycho trannies who actually learned Japanese. Oh my fucking god I hate these kinds of brainwashed faggots so much, they ruin everything.
>Appropriated Native American aesthetics
Spoken like someone who would cut their own penis off. Can’t even pay homage to a culture that isn’t yours regardless of your race (unless you’re white of course then you “have no culture”).
Refuse to play this now, shame. They should give their tools to based moonspeak knowers so we can have an accurate translation.

>> No.9254649 [DELETED] 

The patch is still the same as the original release. He edited the content warnings to reflect that, but anyone with eyes can tell by the patch's release history that it was never updated.

He did the same thing for Iblard's big seizure warning, but the flashing lights were never removed but people ask about it as well.

>> No.9254669 [DELETED] 


Cargodin says, "Don't like, don't read," in the immediate next paragraph. Way to frame a false narrative.

>> No.9254674 [DELETED] 

Alright thanks just wanted to make sure to know if I should update my copy or not

>> No.9254685 [DELETED] 

Aren't there a bunch of Japanese games that literally have "psycho" in the title? Psycho Soldier, Psycho Dream, and Psycho Chaser come to mind, and I'm sure there's more.

>> No.9254701 [DELETED] 

I wonder if he's actually a tranny Aka a transsexual, NOT ""transgender"" nonbinary, genderfluid, nor agender gender studies bullshit , was groomed sexually by child-preying predators as a preteen, or has some sort of brain imbalance that's of neurological nature.

>> No.9254706 [DELETED] 

Yeah but in this case only the word psycho was used. It's absolutely silly that some people need trigger warnings for shit like this. Like who the fuck cares the only people offended by the word psycho are psychos, the irony.

>> No.9254709 [DELETED] 


This game uses it as a class type. It doesn't get explained for over an hour, so people in the space colony are calling other characters "Psycho" with no formal explanation.

>> No.9254723 [DELETED] 
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>being this mad you can't suck fan translator cock

>> No.9254726 [DELETED] 

Japan frequently uses "psycho" in contexts where English would use "psychic". It's the same way English uses "psycho" as a prefix in "psychokinesis"

>> No.9254732 [DELETED] 
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What? I'm not mad at all now. I am not mad at the term "Psycho" in this game at all. Nice try, Serial groomer or literal rapist. This is your only (you) from me.

>> No.9255781

talking about script changing, i think i read somewhere that Napple Tale translation script is censored. Is it true?

>> No.9255851

psycho thread

>> No.9256063

lol fuck off, this is such piss weak shit

>> No.9256183

fuck this, im out. interest lost

>> No.9256217

Why wouldn't it be? Fantroonalators would destroy history before offending people that need medication to live their irregular life.

>> No.9256274
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Cool deception by omission. The entire section of the readme makes it clear that the translator has no plans to alter the script to appease anyone.

>> No.9256294

Psycho is a “hard slur”? Psycho is like saying nigger or faggot? You’re telling me fictional characters in a fictional video game can’t insult or describe each other to the point where this guy has to apologize on behalf of all humanity for the word even existing?
Humans are over. It’s done.

>> No.9256303

The translator got complaints about characters casually calling each other mentally damaged. Translator posts a note about the context, rebuking the interpretation. Psychos on 4chan crucify the translator for politely addressing the issue instead of changing their work.
Chill out.

>> No.9256332
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Wonder how these psychos are going to react when Doki Doki Poyatchio gets fantranslated one day

>> No.9256341

The fact he is even addressing it using the newspeak is cringe. He is putting mental illness on a pedestal by doing this, for something he isn’t even making a profit on.
This didn’t need a write up other than “don’t like it, don’t play it”.

>> No.9256360

Nobody is putting mental illness on a pedestal. It's just over the last two decades people started addressing mental health in a more delicate manner, with suffering people being treated as persons in need of professional help and potential recovery and reintegration into society, instead of damaged organisms needed to be isolated forever in psychic wards. The world is getting more humane to people in need, no need to raise a ruckus on the internet over some words becoming more abrasive to some people.

>> No.9256378 [DELETED] 

>psycho is a slur
>delusional is a slur
>nooo not indians with feathered headdresses!!!
>you need to publicly apologize for an 90's enix game to have included all of these
I hate all of you Americans who brought this curse to the world.

>> No.9256426

The fact that he wrote that fucking wall of apologies for not adding the proper trigger warnings is retarded to begin with. How do people like this even function, and why would someone that gets triggered by seeing a fucking word like "Psycho" decide to play a video game from the 90s in the first place?

>> No.9256450

Anybody who loses their mind at the sight of the word psycho probably should be isolated forever in a psych ward. The translator was apologizing to people who need to be ignored because they are perpetually unhappy and never satisfied and not worth engaging with on any level.

>> No.9256469

Nice twitter rhetoric here, calling to "deplatform" people you disagree with instead of engaging with them and trying to alter their worldview for the better.

>> No.9256480

Ignoring people whining at you because they are unstable and never satisfied is "deplatforming?" He also specified cultural appropriation, which has never been a real thing outside of Netflix calling their original cartoons anime. It is good he didn't change the script though.

>> No.9256481

Instead of calling somebody a "psycho" for acting crazy as an exclamation or insult even in a work of fiction, the entire world has to dance around the truth and this will somehow be seen as humane...???

Instead of works of fiction being inspired by real life cultures, they will be inspired by nothing because cultural inspiration is inherently evil. This will work, because nothing is the mother of inspiration...right...?

I absolutely guarantee you chopped your peepee off you fucking psycho lol.

This gets thrown around a lot here but never has it been more needed to say:
You have to fucking go back to preddit.
Take this psycho mindset with you.

4chan is not the place for this newspeak babble designed to silence and hinder expression. Any and all attempts at hindering language with arbitrary rules is an attack on artistic expression and you are so brainwashed you see this kind of self imposed censorship/useless apologetics as a net positive for the world when all it does is harm. Think about what a tool for evil you are, what a corrupter of the truth you are, and what a soldier for evil you will eventually become.

Psycho isn’t a slur. It definitely isn’t whatever a “hard slur” is.
Translator didn’t have to apologize, and even if the game used actual “no-no” language (nigger,faggot,gay,retard etc), that’s the creative intent of the game and personality of it’s characters.

The more of you that exist in our world, the worse it becomes. You are not an amorphous grey blob and neither are the people inhabiting the world around you.

Begone .

>> No.9256489 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9256519

>Translator didn’t have to apologize
Just translate a game, upload it in one of the literal hundreds of file upload websites, make a basic website to divulge them if you must. Don't create a fucking twitter to engage with anyone, don't go on some tranny police state romhacking site, don't associate yourself publicly with it. Soon a hub like cdromance will pick it up, the people interested in your translation will play it, the people that didn't like it won't. End of story.
Romhackers/translators can be virtually independent from everything but they choose to subject themselves to terminally online retards willingly. Why?
>nooo the admins at ywnbawhacks.org will reupload a censored version of it without my consent on their site!!!
literal non-issue, who gives a fuck

>> No.9256531 [DELETED] 

The hilarious part is that the usage of "psycho" in this game is >>9254726 so it would've actually been more accurate to translate it as "psychic" in the first place.

But the translator probably doesn't know enough nip to realize this.

>> No.9256540

This longer explanation is even more embarrassing. The grovelling is no different from a revision. In the future this guy intends to bend the knee to petty maniacs.

>> No.9256649 [DELETED] 

Psychonauts is now a slur

>> No.9256691

As long as the translator doesn't alter the script, he can write a litany of content warnings for all I care. Yes it's cringe but so is the moral panic ITT.

>> No.9256707 [DELETED] 


>> No.9256742

The game isn't even that good

>> No.9256787 [DELETED] 
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>instead of damaged organisms needed to be isolated forever
fuck off this does nothing to improve the lives of people with actual mental illnesses and is just another social justice circlejerk. I've seen all the love and care your ilk gives to people suffering with schizophrenia, dementia and other judgement impairing illnesses when they inevitably say something racist through no fault of their own.
This gets specially ridiculous when talking about translations of text from an era you weren't even born yet. Yeah I'm sure getting mad at the word Psycho, used in the context of 80's-90's japanese pop culture ESP, will improve the lives of people and not social policies, better treatment in hospitals and places of care, and improvement of public healthcare overall. Retard.

>> No.9256804
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I will never got be amused by the fact grown-ass, autistic mutts picked up the behavior of teen girls from tumblr en masse (and the ideas of academia pedophiles, in turn).

>> No.9256805 [DELETED] 

Jews aren't American you fucking idiot. They're just jews. We got them from you.

>> No.9256806 [DELETED] 

take your meds

>> No.9256807 [DELETED] 

All of this was created by adult jews, not teenage girls.

>> No.9256808 [DELETED] 

bro that's what i said

>> No.9256809 [DELETED] 
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None necessary. It's a fact. Every gay movement and major gay institution is ran and funded by jews

>> No.9256821 [DELETED] 

>more accurate to translate it as "psychic"
Changing it to Psychic is needless localizing when "Psycho type" is it's own thing in the game. It's understandable that it means psycho-logical stuff like Psyker and whatever else.

>> No.9256830 [DELETED] 

you take YOUR meds. How many jabs did you get?

>> No.9256849 [DELETED] 
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SJW theory may have been created by the Frankfurt School, but did it blow up in Europe? No, instead, it fit the USA's narcissist population like a glove, they embraced it with open arms and are now spreading it to "uncivilized" countries, all while projecting their internal issues onto the rest of the world. Take some responsibility for once in your life.

>> No.9256851 [DELETED] 

this is the non-schizo entertainment board. you're probably looking for /tv/
first two

>> No.9256953

Wow, what a bunch of easily triggered pussies. It's as if these overreacting folks are looking to be offended. Anyway, retro video games.

>> No.9257036 [DELETED] 
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It didn't "blow up in America"
Jews literally own every single media company in America, which is basically just Disney, Comcast, national amusements, Netflix, and at&t. Jews own YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Amazon.

So again, it's just fucking jews spamming the world with this shit. White Americans hate this shit. You're a fucking retard if you actually think people in Ohio, Texas, Florida, etc... Are about this trash.

And yeah, the niggers are here to enable them along.

>> No.9257049
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Anyone ever try psycho racing?

>> No.9257050
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Psycho soldier, true hidden gem

>> No.9257054
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Psycho Chaser

It's decent

>> No.9257056
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Psycho Dream

This one is really good. Short though.

>> No.9257057
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Kiss Psycho Circus

The most underrated boomer shooter

>> No.9257059
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Akira Psycho Ball

Really good pinball game

>> No.9257086 [DELETED] 
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It did and every time I see a non-anglo gendie or handmaiden I die a little inside. Also, White Americans? The biggest SJWs in the planet? lmao, I know the j00s are overrepresented between the elites but have you guys considered not being golems? Pawns share part of the blame too, you know? And I don't care for states, you're all goblinos at the end of the day. Video games.

How about Psycho World for MSX?

>> No.9257093 [DELETED] 

>/pol/tard false flagger
No its not da jooz its just retarded americans letting college leftists run loose. Quit making schizo excuses for your failed nation and assume responsibility for once (also play retro games)

>> No.9257105 [DELETED] 
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>college leftists

Again, jews. Why do you think the colleges are lefty in the first place retard? They weren't always.

>> No.9257106
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>> No.9257107 [DELETED] 
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>college leftists
>Jewish run companies that own half of the entire stock market demand everything be full of faggots and blacks

This is why video games are going to shit

>> No.9257110 [DELETED] 
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Britain, Germany, Canada, Australia, and France are exactly the same.

>> No.9257124 [DELETED] 

>but did it blow up in Europe? No
You are one ignorant motherfucker. The first place that's been specifically targeted by Frankfurt school social engineering was west Germany. They hate themselves, while any Pro Germany political group is labelled far right in west parts of Germany, gets major support in East Germany (which went under commie social engineering after the war instead)

>> No.9257130

are they talking about a fictional character?

>> No.9257291 [DELETED] 

>did it blow up in Europe?
yes? ignorant of your own continent now are we? pretty sad to not even know of antonio gramsci