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File: 178 KB, 1280x720, ys i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9250649 No.9250649 [Reply] [Original]

He filtered millions.

>> No.9250670

Vagullion is the actual filter. Dark Fact ain't that bad unless you're on Nightmare.

>> No.9250802

More like tens of thousands.
I don't believe that many have played Jeez, let alone to the end.

>> No.9250816

what a dogshit title for a video game series

>> No.9250905


>> No.9250908

What kind of person calles their game e's?

>> No.9250932

filters are good, like the filters that keep shit out of my water, or the filters that keep shit games out of my life

>> No.9250959

It took a bit of trying on my last play through, it feels like luck but it's not that bad. Dark fact was my big filter.

>> No.9250962

Can I get a filer for your shitty take on a good game? Can I get a filter for your shit attitude? Why waste your time like this?

>> No.9250968

Falcom has exclusively developed kusoge for 40 years

>> No.9251000

It's okay if you couldn't beat it anon. You can try Zelda, it's easier.

>> No.9251040
File: 43 KB, 690x740, Cheat_Engine_7.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related filtered millions more and I filtered the game with it.

>> No.9251049

>I filtered the game with it

>> No.9251073
File: 13 KB, 701x229, nbd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9251079

>freeze HP
>not die
simple as

>> No.9251129

i didn't even try
and youre right zelda is better

>> No.9251143

dude I loved Lagoon! Cant believe I beat it as a kid but I cant as a fat mankid now

>> No.9251146
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>> No.9251150

Imagine getting bested by a boss where his pattern is just the DVD logo screensaver.
Great fight though. I love Ys 1 and 2

>> No.9251176
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>> No.9251357
File: 760 KB, 897x895, unknown-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After i beat the game i realized that it was so hard because the framerate being 144fps fucks with his speed. Least that's what someone told me, I haven't gone back and tried it since after I beat it. Maybe it just really is that difficult..

>> No.9251397

Dark Fact on Nightmare is one tough motherfucker.

>> No.9251414

i love Ys but i doubt even a million people played this game

>> No.9251431

isn't he actually broken on newer PCs?

>> No.9251441

i think that's referring to the full series. considering there's more than 10, safe to say this one didnt sell a million

>> No.9251442

Dark Fact is easy.
The real filter is not paying attention to the story at all and equipping the Battle gear instead of the Silver stuff for his fight.

>> No.9251467

you should try to get a filter for all that cum you guzzle

>> No.9251475

He is pure evil.

>> No.9251493
File: 201 KB, 406x480, 5wqh677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you look up the story behind it?
It fits the first two games perfectly. That and Falcom went:

>> No.9251526

i can't get past the stupid bat thing

>> No.9251545

don't run too far from it

>> No.9251558

I just die no matter what I do. He takes like 100 hits and he kills me in just a couple. I started on nightmare mode because I wanted to get all the achievements in 1 run but it's literally impossible.

>> No.9251697

hey it's not much worse than VVVVVV

>> No.9251831 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 1000x563, faggot game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le lego of tranny

>> No.9251843

In the pc version the damage you recieve and dish out are tied to the framerate, while you can beat most of the game just fine, the last two boss fights are impossible.

>> No.9251850

so how do i fix??

>> No.9251860

I have no idea, I quit playing the pc version and decided to emulate the pc-engine version.

Also the Ys 4 Dawn of Ys is the best game in the series.

>> No.9251862

i want to play the other ones but i can't play them until i beat this piece of shit

>> No.9251865

I think you set monitor refresh rate to 60hz or something

>> No.9251868

i'm on laptop i don't have moniter

>> No.9251891

Right click desktop and go into your graphics settings

>> No.9251894

blame the french
yogleks and omulgun were harder maybe im retarded

>> No.9251907

Ys Eternal and the PC version of Chronicles are the most bullshit. The original boss fight was much more reasonable.

>> No.9252052

Ys 1 is such a kino game
>lone bump chad hero
>great music
>simple story that builds up next title
>deeper worldbuilding than games in the 00's
>sparse dialogue, no drawn out cutscenes
It's a game that every dev should play, shows them how to make a game engaging and interesting even when it has to fit on a toaster.
Nu-Ys is generic jrpg garbage with bloated badly written scenes that go on for eons, coomerbait waifus, and they're making my boy Adol into Rean 2.0

>> No.9252253

The bat dude was the hardest fight in the game and everything else felt trivial afterwards

>> No.9252257

Why does everyone have trouble with the bat? At least with him its just timing and spacing. Dark fact is straight up luck unless you practiced it a million times like a speedrunner.

>> No.9253043 [DELETED] 


>> No.9253165 [DELETED] 

Ok closet homo

>> No.9253209 [DELETED] 

Face it buddy, Falcom has never made a good game in their 40 year existence.

>> No.9253235 [DELETED] 

You’re a fudge packer. Nothing you say is true or worth listening to.

>> No.9253237

Not gonna lie I gave up and watched the ending on youtube.

>> No.9253240 [DELETED] 

Alright, have fun with your RPG Maker tier games.

>> No.9253250 [DELETED] 

Thanks I will.

>> No.9253259

>The engulfed Breton city of Ys
That's pretty cool, and I always wondered how the guys from Falcom even knew about this, it's an extremely obscure myth even in France

>> No.9253294

>it's an extremely obscure myth
It really isn't.

>> No.9253316

this game is garbage

>> No.9253330
File: 340 KB, 800x800, 1663000910490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the choice of title was pretty...


>> No.9253382 [DELETED] 

>still seething over it 5 years later

>> No.9253426

I always hated how such amazing soundtracks was wasted on the games that played like that.
Got excited for a bit when 3 was a side scroller with jump and attack buttons but nope it still sucked
So mad at it I can't be fucked to check if later games improved on it.

Their turn based games are fine, it just fucked up what kind of game they consider "action"

>> No.9253429

I wonder how many people got to this fight on the Windows port and gave up because they didn't realize that g-sync was fucking up and causing the game to run way too fast

>> No.9253494

none of them got past the bat

>> No.9254253
File: 995 KB, 768x480, fuck you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that guy.

>> No.9254317


>> No.9254618

I don't know what half of what you said means. Nu-Ys? Bump chad? Rean? Coomerbait?
Sweetheart, some of us are ancient gamers in our 30s so do be respectful and use common English, please.

>> No.9254705

Why would they make it this hard? It isn't even enjoyable and probably soured tons of people on the series as a whole.

>> No.9254724

What kind of a name is Dark Fact anyways?

>> No.9254729

JRPG main villains usually embody some truth that the normie protagonists can't deal with or reject. It's a good name.

>> No.9254737
File: 35 KB, 500x500, img_player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact is his last name, it's also been romanized as "Fukt". Ys Origin goes a lot into detail about the Fact family's past.

>> No.9254743

For clarification for those who don't know: Every time you strike Dark Fact, he destroys a tile below him, if you're on that tile as it's destroyed, you die instantly.
So don't be standing there when you hit him.

>> No.9254745

Hugo got the best girl too. The wild plains warrior chick. Hugo Fukt.

>> No.9254753
File: 6 KB, 251x191, 1394297029279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little brain damaged myself so I can translate:
>Bump chad
He's praising the simple bump combat seeing as you just run into enemies and slash them to pieces

Just googled it, he's some generic effeminate stereotypical JRPG protag. I agree with him because I strongly prefer classic stoic Adol with his blue armor and big shoulder pauldrons.

He likes the big portraits of the girls in Ys because they make his penis THE BIG PENIS

He's specifically addressing the newer Ys games, usually Nu is used to described new games/shows that people don't like here.

>> No.9254759

Hugo was such an unlikable dick I just feel sorry for her.

And Yunica is best girl. Would marry in a heartbeat

>> No.9254768

More like Yucanhaveher

>> No.9254771

Just like, walk into him.

>> No.9254831

i hate that fucking bat

>> No.9254906

i really like the ova

>> No.9255002

Rean is also supposed to be a babe magnate (as his games may be described as glorified dating sims) and that's also the explanation for the coomerbait bit, I believe.

>> No.9255004

Wrong thread, Juanito Abdul.

>> No.9255245

Vaguillon and Dark Fact on nightmare are very hard, almost impossible.

>> No.9256124

kek, thanks for the laugh, fren.

>> No.9256812

Japs do. You should try the Xak games.

>> No.9256817

>using cheat engine on an emulator
good job retard

>> No.9257021

He filtered me on 144 fps before I learned that I'd been playing the game on >2x speed the whole time.

>> No.9257072

I was so mad about the Steam version being sped up that I never beat him. I need to start ys 2 soon, I enjoyed the game up to that point

>> No.9257082

>everyone tells me he is so hard because 144 hz
>tells me to change graphic setting
>go to graphic setting
>i'm already on 60 hz

>> No.9257138

Whos talking about zelda, faggo

>> No.9257142

can't beat bat

>> No.9257457

the world.

>> No.9258340

A multiple bosses in 1 are broken because of code tied to frame rate. You have to knock your refresh rate down to 60 in order to play properly.

>> No.9258474

>boss fight varies difficulty based on the port youre playing
>boss isnt actually weak to the weapons and armor you get right before you fight him, but is weak to earlier armor and weapon sets instead
>breaks the floor below him when hit killing you instantly, in a game where you have to bump into enemies to damage them
this boss was fucking retarded
took me like 2 hours of attempts before realizing i had to switch equipment, then another hour of attempts after that to beat him
maybe its because i was playing the steam version, but once you get into the rhythm of it, hes not that bad

>> No.9258480

>boss isnt actually weak to the weapons and armor you get right before you fight him, but is weak to earlier armor and weapon sets instead
The game literally tells you this, your fault for not paying attention.

>> No.9258483

In the Famicom port it's Pictimos, who was made stupid hard there for some bizarre reason.

>> No.9258692

In the turbografx version, he starts taunting you and says you'll never beat him without the silver equipment, which makes him look retarded because he does that even if you're wearing it.

>> No.9258874

There's multiple versions of Ys on PC you absolute fucking retard. And Cheat Engine/ArtMoney works perfectly fine with emulators if you know how to use it. And there are emulators without internal cheating functions, but I doubt you're aware of that. Dipshit.

>> No.9258910

Ys is a mythological city in old france

>> No.9258915


>> No.9259109
File: 11 KB, 640x400, yspc88boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was so hard about it?

>> No.9259975

All these young whippersnappers and their new-fangled million-Hz monitors