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9248754 No.9248754 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is the best "GTA clone"?

>> No.9248759

The one not pictured, saints row.

>> No.9248762

Well GTA3 got boring before I finished it and so did Mafia so I guess Mafia. I beat The Getaway. Only played the other True Crime.

>> No.9248802

scarface it even surpasses GTA in every way

2nd rank:

3rd rank:
true crime la
true crime ny

saints row series

>> No.9248852
File: 456 KB, 1033x764, 1D1D3076-A847-4A2B-B05F-B6B269243277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last boss fight in true crime is so fucking stupidly hard. Had that when it came out. Vividly remember getting rip my hair out pissed off. I tried for a week every day after school to beat it. I forget if If I ever did or not.
True Crime was definitely the most memorable clone for me, and I missed out on The Getaway.

>> No.9249372

The Getaway is the best game featured in that pic but it objectively isn't a GTA clone. Neither is Mafia.

>> No.9249387

Scarface is very good but repetitive. It also has an identity crisis and doesn't lean heavily enough into it's 80s trappings. It's like they tried making a game that exists in the 80s and the modern world of 2006 simultaneously. The soundtrack is a dead giveaway but some of the NPC designs as well. Fuck the guy who had the huge reggae boner when making that licensed soundtrack. Gunplay is vastly superior to GTA, if too simple and easy (although lte game shootouts get tough) and it's economy system is handled with a lot more depth than Vice City, but I think Vice City nails what it set out to do much better, and not having an identity crisis and sporting a better soundtrack are two key reasons why.

>> No.9249396

Sleeping Dogs but it's not retro
so saints row

>> No.9249980
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>> No.9250003

I don't remember any part of True Crime being hard. Fun game though.

>> No.9250013
File: 112 KB, 800x800, torrente 3 the protector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torrente 3 the protector

>> No.9250042

LA was only difficult if you wanted to unlock everything, NY was way easier

>> No.9250647

I've never played a single GTA clone that I thought was every even half the game that the GTA games are. Not that they are bad but they just are so clearly well below the GTA games to me.

>> No.9250651

of the 3D era of GTA? true crime.
of the HD era of GTA? saint's row.

true crime LA was an interesting take on GTA by having you play a cop and doing a branching storyline. i didn't play NYC or sleeping dogs but i heard that sleeping dogs was the best of the series while NYC was apparently awful.

saint's row was a return to a more arcadey & over the top direction that rockstar basically abandoned with GTA4's more gritty & realistic direction.

>> No.9250673

true crime new york city is so fucking weird, the whole game is like a fever dream.

>> No.9250674

best gta style game is mercenaries playground of destruction

>> No.9250698

Let me correct myself here. For the 3D GTA's. There is one 2D GTA clone I played that to me was far better than those shitty 2D GTA games and that was Retro City Rampage. That was a fun game and would be considered a 2D GTA clone based on the 2D GTA games.

>> No.9250737


>> No.9250741
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even better which one is the best gta san andreas clone?

>> No.9250782

Yakuza. it got rid of the driving aspect tho.

>> No.9250797
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>> No.9250914

I did 100% LA. I remember it just being tedious with collecting the dogbones.

Never tried NY as it looked like shit.

>> No.9250971

Me too. I think it's a soul issue. Even the better ones never really have very good gameplay, like they're always basically just mediocre shooting + mediocre driving + mediocre fighting, so you really need style and soul to make it actually feel worthwhile.

>> No.9251030

Mafia and the Gateway are not really GTA clones, they were in development at the same time as GTA III and they are way more linear and story driven so they are closer to Driver

>> No.9251042

Mafia is one of the most soulful games in existence, it has tons of attention to detail and it's clear the developers put a lot of heart into it.

>> No.9251046

Total Overdose is Mexican Max Payne clone

>> No.9251207
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wtf im 10 minutes in and this

>> No.9251269

Simpsons Hit and Run

>> No.9251626

you're 10 years to early to understand the greatness of torrente

>> No.9251687


>> No.9251696
File: 184 KB, 800x1145, 190404-mercenaries-playground-of-destruction-xbox-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even a contest, this game is fucking magic.

>> No.9252246

>static x plays

>> No.9252271
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>> No.9252330

Exacty, they're Driver 2 clones. The on foot action in Driver was limited to cutscenes, so these devs tried to give them 3rd person shooter combat.

>> No.9252332


>> No.9252380

Mafia has nothing to do with GTA and was in development before GTA3 came out

>> No.9252402

some of those aren't even open world games you jackass

>> No.9252419


>> No.9252720
File: 209 KB, 1280x720, getaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this tonally so much better than modern movie games? I get that it's just a Guy Ritchie movie knockoff, and its story isn't anything special, but come on it was brilliant in terms of presentation, dialogue, and atmosphere. This is the perfect representation of early 00s bongland.

>> No.9252728

I remember playing the demo and being pretty impressed with the cutscenes. Playing the game itself wasn’t very enjoyable though, or at least my 10 year old brain at the time felt intimidated by it and gave up trying.

>> No.9252775

I'd recommend giving it another go. It doesn't at all play smoothly and there's definitely a learning curve to the combat, but I don't think it's a bad game either. It's worth playing for the positive qualities I mentioned, it really believably puts you in the narrative. Probably the most important thing to note is that leaning against a wall for a while will refill your health.

>> No.9252802

I’m pretty sure The Getaway was the first time I heard someone say “fuck” in a game and it blew my mind at the time.

>> No.9252861
File: 83 KB, 640x480, Getaway 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was quite exciting seeing UK places in a big-budget game back then. I have some nostalgia for this game despite it not being very good.

>> No.9252898

Same. I remember liking it more than GTA at the time though, it looked nicer and the animation was better. It doesn't really play well though. I like the attempt at realism, especially for the time. The character models and texture work on them is still pretty good. Environment textures aren't so good though, some blurry, lo-res stuff in here.

>> No.9253116

Yeah, I respect what they were going for. It's a shame, it's one of those games that feels quite close to being great, like it could be 10/10 if they just rejigged some little things. I remember people making fun of how you lean against a wall to regen health, pretty funny in hindsight now that regen health is commonplace.

>> No.9253143

That was actually one of the things I appreciated about it back then though. It's silly to recover from multiple bullet wounds by leaning against a wall, but it's equally silly to have a character take bullet wounds through the whole game and assume that the canon playthrough is one where the main character doesn't get shot at all, so to see a character actually have to react to such a thing is actually kind of neat. Also the entire absence of a HUD through the whole game really sold its cinematic presentation. It's dumb but I liked it for the same reasons I liked its use of turn signals.

>> No.9253156

The character face on the bottom left looks like the "millenial boomer sipping Monster drink".

>> No.9254254

crime life is the warriors clone

>> No.9254431

Red Dead Redemption

>> No.9254824

this game will never get old for me

>> No.9254845
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I absolutely loved Driv3r when I was a young lad that didn't know better. I could buy like 1 game every six months and my father already knew the "controversy" about GTA so I couldn't get those.

>> No.9254931

How is Mafia a GTA clone?

>> No.9254934

You step in a car
you step out of a car
you steal a car
and uuuuuh crime!
yep all clones here!

>> No.9254937

it isn't, OP doesn't have a lot going on behind the eyes

>> No.9255061

Shame the gameplay is so frustrating

>> No.9255756

Urban chaos

>> No.9255806

the driving parts of this game are great, it's just the horrible on foot shit that brings it down

>> No.9255835

European magazines love gateway at least the first one