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9247967 No.9247967 [Reply] [Original]

Whether they're better or worse than the originals, I still think that they're all pretty interesting.



>> No.9247980

I like them, It's cool to see how these tracks originally sounded when they where being composed.
This channel in particular has a ton of tracks: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChurchofKondoh

>> No.9248128

absolutely soulless

>> No.9248308
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Genuinely kino when they go into pure autism to figure out what samples was used on a Yamaha Keyboard to recreate the soundtrack prior to compression on cartridges; Shit like Golden Sun is night and day with clear samples


DKC also benefits a lot from it:

Then shit like Super Mario World is pretty interesting since the restored version hits very differently and in my opinion worse than in-game; Almost as if Kondo purposely mastered the compression to get his desired sound. In fact, I'm pretty sure he hinted at this in interviews and he simply got better with experience in picking samples that wouldn't differ very much after compression to the SNES:


Absolutely love restoration projects regardless

>> No.9248328
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the enhanced SFX are amazing with these but most of the time the mixes are garbage, instruments end up too subtle or WAAAYYYY TOOO LOUDDDD

>> No.9248383

I want to murder every single mixer that remixes Metal Mario's theme and missed the point of the song
>No cowbell
>No banging garbage cans
>Offbeat as shit

>> No.9248424

They are indeed interesting, and when mixed properly can sound amazing, but the keyword here is "mixed properly". Even if they get all the right samples, if they don't get the mixing right, some instruments will sound too loud while others will sound too quiet, and the whole thing will then sound off compared to the original despite using the same instruments and in higher quality. And then there's the case of games where the compression was clearly taken into account to get the desired effect. I think DKC2 is a good example of this, where the restoration was very well done, but somehow doesn't offer much of an improvement over David Wise's original end product.

>> No.9248792


>> No.9248818

They're kind of interesting as trivia, but also misleading.
The way the tracks were "meant to sound" is exactly how they sound on the game cartridge. Composers took into account the sample compression and sound profile of the hardware and took advantage of those limitations in their "engineering" and arranging. Dave Wise specifically has commented on this before in interviews. It's why some of the Donkey Kong "restorations" sound wack as fuck and weak. Sorely lacking that sampled grit.