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File: 268 KB, 1200x1200, golden-sun-1-button-1643159405351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9246764 No.9246764 [Reply] [Original]

How did they create such a masterpiece??

>> No.9246768

They didn't write it in assembly, they wrote it in SOUL

>> No.9246782

It's a pretty generic RPG, to be honest.
>"Inspired" (copy-pasted) by real life cultures and locations.
>Greek theory of elements.
>Djinni that are just padding for your characters' levels: mixing them gives different psynergies but matching a character with his/her attuned djinni gives the best benefits.
>The Black Orb/Lemurian ship plothole in TLA
>Run-of-the-mill turn based combat.
I played it and enjoyed it, but it doesn't have a lot going on compared to other games.

>> No.9246805

It wasn't that good and also really short

>> No.9246808

it's a bit bland

>> No.9246826

It was incredibly fucking bad and I have no idea how anyone could like it beyond "it was my first rpg".

>> No.9246830

>matching a character with his/her attuned djinni gives the best benefits.
It actually gives the worst results, but the game is so piss easy it doesn't matter.

>> No.9246832

Any particular combos you think are the best?

>> No.9246841

I guess I should replay it, but I had absolute great memories replaying the fuck out of this game.

>> No.9246856

In general you want to give them multiple djinni of types OTHER than their attuned one for the best results.

>> No.9246959

Isaac should've been in Smash

>> No.9246960

i like it. i got it when it came out and played the shit out of it. it's worth playing.
but a lot of it is just really generic.
also it ends halfway through the story.

>> No.9248298

cutscene the video game

>> No.9248341
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>>The Black Orb/Lemurian ship plothole in TLA
tell me more.

>> No.9248371

Guys do you remember that scene fairly early on where you have to fetch a thing for the bad guys in the room.
I forget the names of everyone, and the thing they want you to get.
But they essentially send you across the room to go get a thing, and once you give it to them, they go "Oh and you have to get the other one."
Again, in the same room.
And they thought you knew you already had to do it, and you don't want to, and you complain about having to do it.
The entire conversation takes so long, that you could've done it in that time.
Eventually you submit. And go get it.
This adds nothing to the gameplay, you're not taught anything new.
You just did an extra errand you didn't want to do.

All of this would be hilarious if it was intentional.
Like legit one of the funniest things that was ever in an RPG.
But only if it was intentional.
And you can be forgiven for thinking so, because of how early in the game this is.
And then you realize this problem never gets any better.
All the cutscenes are insanely overwrought, worse than MGS codec calls.
And for that reason, Golden Sun is a fucking horror show.
To say it drags, would be a slight at rusty hooks.

And to top it all off it's a TO BE CONTINUED rpg. I didn't even know that was legal.

>> No.9248375
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He is.

>> No.9248402

You mean Felix, the real hero

>> No.9248407

Don’t know why so many people hate the game and shit the breads for the people who loved GS. The critique about the game being generic is incomprehensible to me, and I have played Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and whatnot. That the combat is easy is just how jrpgs work, except DQ which is more grindy that hard.

On the other hand, GS had fantastic dungeons, great puzzles in towns, unbeatable ost, collecting and using djinns was way better than collecting invokables in FF. Big variety of special weapons with its own animations and graphics. Combat visuals btfo any jrpg than I’m aware.

Some people accuse gs fan of being ignorant on the genre, but I wonder if the people who shit on the game are resented because they didn’t have the chance of playing such a wonderful game.

>> No.9248412

Only legitimate complaint I’ve seen is the simplified combat, which is hardly a component of a good rpg.

>> No.9248419

Do you remember after you beat the coliseum? It never ends. I don't even remember anything they said. It's like 15 minutes of dialog if you button mash it. My god.

>> No.9248420

The combat has elements of being interesting such as classes. Element mixing of djinn, attack ranges but none of it ever matters.

>> No.9248425

It is an ok RPG that ends without any closure. Buy the sequal.
Fuck Golden Sun.

>> No.9248449

>wolrd building
>epic journey
>character arcs
>build up to boss fights
turbo lol

>> No.9248483

Pretty sure the people that shit on it did play it, otherwise they wouldn't know what it's like.

>> No.9249074

What a niggerdly response, try harder next time.

>> No.9249087

He's right though.

>> No.9249395

It's just an oversight from the devs: Isaac's party join Felix and Co. but they don't have their ship, which they get at the end of 1. It could have been stolen, not needed anymore having the one from Felix's group or any other reason the cause of this.
If you transfer all the info from 1 to 2 with a golden pasword/link, though, Isaac still holds the black orb, meaning that the ship they got from Babi should be docked somewhere but unable to move.

>> No.9249506

I saw it in a longplay. Yes. I know exactly what you're talking about.

>> No.9249535

Could I please get a quick rundown on why Dark Dawn isn't good? I haven't played it and didn't pay a lot of attention to it on release.

>> No.9249546

>He's right though

>> No.9249550

It's basically the two first games except the people that played it weren't ten year olds playing their first RPG anymore.

>> No.9249553

pic unrelated?

>> No.9249556

>compared to other games.
What games?

>> No.9249557

it took the slow pace and wordiness of the first 2 and cranked it to 11

>> No.9249562

Also the same people that whine about JRPGs being too samey and long are the ones that'll play Elder Scrolls 6: Hyrule and wander the lands for 150+ hours killing bokoblins for that 14th ruby to add to their collection.

Yeah no shit. Games are all the same.

>> No.9249574


>> No.9249609

What what? I can't say because mentioning modern games gets you a warning here now despite you comparing modern games to older ones.
Figure it out. Here's a clue: TES: Hyrule is the greatest game of all time! Golden Sun is copy-pasta* same shit JRPG tho.

*assholes saying this NEVER provide what JRPG is similar to the Golden Sun games

>> No.9249813
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super easy puzzles

>> No.9249819

It sucked

>> No.9250137

It's great that golden sun is a little unique, it's a shame it does nothing with that uniqueness because it could have been pretty fun to distract from the awful cutscenes

>> No.9250201

I played GS when it came out in 2001. It sucked ass.

>> No.9250225

There's a handful of base classes that are better than the mixed class equivalents, but its a pretty good rule of thumb.

>> No.9250238

Golden Sun is supposedly much less verbose in the JP version. The first two games also aren't that slow, they're also somehow harder than Dark Dawn which has like two fights in the game that can possibly kill you and one of them is recycled from TLA so everyone knows his gimmick already.

The actual problem with Dark Dawn is that you spend an entire game addressing everything except for the core plot and then it decides to hijack the story with some furfag's waifu.

>> No.9250586

How is that POSSIBLE
It was already was bad as I could imagine

>> No.9250684

Despite being a game on a single cartridge the game starts arbitrarily locking you out of certain areas. Not just "the end of the world has begun" stuff but, "you crossed this mountain" or "you entered this cave 3 hours in".

>> No.9252354

>*assholes saying this NEVER provide what JRPG is similar to the Golden Sun games
Beyond The Beyond

>> No.9252863

>The actual problem with Dark Dawn is that you spend an entire game addressing everything except for the core plot
still not seeing how that's any different from the first 2

>> No.9253053

Love everything about it except the dialogue is pretty atrocious and redundant at times

>> No.9253068

Nintendo really said: "We are making too many good games like this, let's make Mario Party 10 to balance it out"

>> No.9253076

See >>9249550

>> No.9253782

Sets up for a sequel thats unlikely to come, introduces lots of elements/things that contradict the earlierones, still teasesyou with alex and doesn't resolve that, etc