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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 823 KB, 1000x696, super mario 64 n64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9241556 No.9241556 [Reply] [Original]

and I'm tired of people pretending they were.

Could you imagine Zelda OoT, SM64, Wave Race 64, Mario Kart 64, Star Fox 64 and Godleneye being better games because they were on CD and had more memory? Fuck no.
Can you imagine all those games with horrible loading time like PS1 games? Oh yeah, and it would suck ass.
Along with the dithered and z-buffered graphics, this is why the N64 is still so popular today. Even the zoomers get it. The games just plop in and start playing right away. No wasted time.

>> No.9241571

nobody cares about console war shit, discs won because they were cheaper to produce, end of story.

>> No.9241580

Even early disc games didn’t have near the loading times of modern games. I’ve been playing old fighting games and that shit puts you in the match like immediately

>> No.9241615

this, cheaper to make + easier to develop with since you didn't have to worry about storage space. This is all that really mattered was the majority of Nintendo's big 3rd party devs like Square, Konami, and Capcom jumping ship to focus on PSX. People don't realize how hard it was to work with the amount of storage space on old cartridges. The consumer endpoint of these things was irrelevant, they saved tons of money and time from both a developer and publisher perspective at the time.

get with the times and use an SSD old man. Or stop playing bloated 200GB AAA garbage.

>> No.9241628

Cartridges can actually outperform discs AND match disks now. Highspeed transfer protocols and dirt-cheap storage space make it possible for carts to go 1v1 with everything except NVMe.
Optical discs were always a give-take option. The first thing to go on most consoles are the optical drives.

So I kind of agree with OP, carts are NOW an awesome option. During the N64 days though, memory limitations were still a hindrance.
The biggest boon that arcade games all had was LOTS of memory and storage space. This allowed 68000s and SH2s to really stretch their processing legs, despite being pretty timid for CPUs.

>> No.9241632

I agree.

>> No.9241643
File: 1.43 MB, 2880x1440, н7789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can and play it, original OoT textures are shit. Mario 64 have DS or many HD mods. I only cant find something fo banjo

>> No.9241657


>> No.9241678

this looks like complete shit, why would you even bother with this? I don't see the need for some soulless low-poly overhaul. Looks like an ad for Runescape.

>> No.9241713

Because now its normal ps2 game for 1 DVD, not 64 mb blood from eyes, its look awesome.

>> No.9241765
File: 50 KB, 477x488, 1639282303830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having a developer-friendly format that's 30x cheaper and holds 20x the memory is a bad deal because of 2 seconds of loading

Nintendo fanatics actually say shit like this and don't see what's wrong with it.

>> No.9241774

Even when I was a kid I thought people who bitched about loading times were idiots looking for something to complain about. They were basically the "30fps is unacceptable"fags of the old days.

>> No.9241781

Cartridges were based. 32x proves this as it was able to out perform certain Saturn and psx titles.

>> No.9241791

An add-on that barely anyone bought had multiplats that sold better than 2 much more popular consoles? You're lying. Name them.

>> No.9241796
File: 161 KB, 975x720, Screenshot_20220908-083016_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loading doesn't matter
Have you tried playing this psx shit? It's fucking horrible due to loading constantly mid match.

>> No.9241797

dollar fag confirmed.
Imagine being having congolese dollars as currency, imagine the cost of a burned ps1 title in comparison to a n64 cartidge.
the ratio was 50 to 1 . if you were from a common cunt you could get a n64 with mario 64 or a chipped ps1 with 50 titles, and thats exponential, 2 n64 games or 100 ps1 ones?
maybe n64 games were of greater quality, but are they better than 50 ps1 titles?

for the consumer burned cds were king and thats why nintendo went under, i really like their platformers but theres a reason they got raped by a bunch of niggers in the 2000s

>> No.9241802

32x MK2 is better than what psx got. See >>9241796 for proof. Virtua Racing, Doom and Virtua Fighter were all better on 32x than Saturn.

>> No.9241812

What does that have to do the storage medium?

>> No.9241823

That its irrelevant if the gameplay isn't right.

>> No.9241852

they were a mistake on a business level. If you limit it to just what was better for storing games of that generation they had advantages and drawbacks vs cds so they weren't a mistake on a pure design level, but they were a worse choice for attracting third party devs and making tthe product seem more 'modern' to consumers.

>> No.9241859

But on the flipside we got some of the best games of all-time, all which would have been objectively worse on CD.

>> No.9241864

which ones, and how so? The console specs themselves would have made the bigger difference. Assuming the only thing you change is the storage media you'd just get the same game with upgraded audio and downgraded load times

>> No.9241874 [DELETED] 

>muh loading times
you wouldnt mind staring at a black screen for a few seconds if you didnt see such an ugly fattie in the reflection! try getting on the treadmill

>> No.9241880

Wow, I guess CDs have been deboonked then just because some ports exists, even though the storage medium has nothing to do with hardware or software quality at all

>> No.9241881

I had a psx but I agree because when you think about it all that extra cd space was used for cutscenes that aged like milk and muh voice acting (both which ruined gaming making it more movie like for normalfags)

>> No.9241925

>best games of all time
On n64? Outside of the AKI games can you name one?

>> No.9241926

>some ports
Cope. Mk2 was huge at the time.

>> No.9241927

OP names quite a few, and you know it.

>> No.9241938

i don't think anyone who argues about this stuff knows anything about cartridges or cds (frankly neither do i), i think they just want an excuse to be console warring niggers and not have janny delete the thread. i'm tired of people caring about company decisions 25 years ago.

>> No.9241974
File: 37 KB, 478x461, fc6430eaa208868598843b26ebb5be53f211d83f416f120db1787d6dd5f57a77_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still apologizing, 25 years later
thank you for your service

>> No.9241991
File: 392 KB, 600x613, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9241993

People talk about movie games now but there were quite a few FMV games on the PS1 because they could fit all that video on there. And even with the storage space, there were games that had to be multiple discs like MGS and FF games because of the voice acting.

>> No.9242013

Maybe, just maybe, nintendo shouldn't have pushed free-roam, full 3d games so early, and just waited for the 2000s.

>> No.9242020

>and you know it
I don't consider any of them GOATs but some were good party games.
Give me Sega Rally over Wave Race. Panzer Dragoon over Lylat Wars, Driver over Mario Kart 64.

>> No.9242036

>discs won
Except they didn't. Look at the Switch. Cartridges are making a comeback and discs will soon be outdated

>> No.9242047

They managed to do it fine on the cartridges. There was some texture crunch but having more memory wouldn't necessarily have been better for them since devs might have wanted to waste that space on prerendered cutscenes or voice acting like Sony did.

>> No.9242056 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 634x815, lol mel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't consider any of them GOATs but some were good party games.
>Give me Sega Rally over Wave Race. Panzer Dragoon over Lylat Wars, Driver over Mario Kart 64.

>the absolute state of SEGA furries

>> No.9242084

>give me inferior experiences over the best

>> No.9242097

>Could you imagine Zelda OoT, SM64, Wave Race 64, Mario Kart 64, Star Fox 64 and Godleneye being better games because they were on CD and had more memory?

>> No.9242125 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9242201
File: 10 KB, 252x252, images - 2022-09-08T115508.854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9242498

Load times aren't a problem with intelligent programming though. Many games streamed the levels from the disc.