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9240285 No.9240285 [Reply] [Original]

Which one explored the concept of going back in time to save the world better?

>> No.9240287

ct no contest

>> No.9240298

I like Chrono Trigger more overall, but Majora's Mask is built entirely around the passage of time and plays around with it in creative ways that fundamentally change how you proceed through the game. CT mostly just uses "time" as an excuse to give you a diverse set of environments.

>> No.9240301

Yeah CT doesn't really 'explore the concept'

>> No.9240306

noo but it's an existentialist masterpiece

>> No.9240363

It isn’t.

>> No.9240517

Majora's Mask

CT isn't even a good game lmao

>> No.9240579

Depends if you're talking about time periods or a groundhogs-day loop. Totally different approaches.

>> No.9240587
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>the concept of going back in time to save the world
I prefer the "going back in time to save myself" concept

>> No.9240626
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>> No.9240647

Both are great for different reasons but they're not really comparable. It's like asking whether Wind Waker or Silent Hunter explored the concept of travelling at sea better.

You are being too harsh on Chrono Trigger. The main plot cannot happen without the party going to the destroyed future and resolving to change it and plenty of things change as you do things in the past. From the Mystics starting to venerate Ozzie instead of Magus, to the creation of a giant forest in place of a desert and many other things in between.

>> No.9240802

Chrono Trigger's time concept mostly just exists as a plot. You travel back and fourth between different areas representing different time periods, and there's a few times in the game where you trigger flags that causes events in other time periods that the game actually explains as you changing the past.

Majora's Mask on the other hand has time built into its DNA, and revovles heavily around the groundhog day concept and all the npcs living out a scripted 3 day period that may get altered based on flags getting triggered.

>> No.9240813

Both have time built into their DNA. You cannot remove time travel as a concept without gutting either game. They just use it in very different ways, which is why they are not comparable at all.

>> No.9240973

You can absolutely rewrite Chrono Trigger's plot to make the different time periods into different islands. There's very few times the concept of time actually influences the gameplay in any meaningful way.

>> No.9241009

Different types of time travel stories. Chrono Trigger is about exploring distant eras in the past and future, Majora's Mask is a short time loop. Technically OoT was time travel too.

>> No.9241010
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>> No.9241030

Have you even played Chrono Trigger? You go to the past and Marle accidentally gets erased. You go to the future and see that the world is dead. You then go to the past to save the world from going dead, and ever more distant past, learning the truth about what happened that causes the world to die in the future. None of that can work if it's just a trip in different islands. The entire plot and most of the side quests are based entirely on time travel. Take time travel out of Chrono Trigger and you make a completely different game.

>> No.9241167

Nigga all those things you mention are tiny plot points that could easily be changed into different plot points. Yeah no shit the game would have a different plot if you rewrite the plot, but there's very few points in the game the time travel shit influences anything beyond the plot itself.

>> No.9241205

Tiny plot points? Nigga, these are not tiny plot points, they're the entire plot of the game. Are you one of those "the plot doesn't matter" fags? Do you think Chrono Trigger would be remotely as good if it was a disjointed adventure through medieval island, present island, dead future island, prehistoric island and magical ice age island?

>> No.9241210

This is a comparison between good games, get that shit outta here you wanker.

>> No.9241447

>There's very few times the concept of time actually influences the gameplay in any meaningful way.
This is somewhat true.
>You can absolutely rewrite Chrono Trigger's plot to make the different time periods into different islands.
You couldn't tell the same story. The game involves the player/character personally witnessing the ruined future of 2100 AD, the arrival of Lavos in 65 million BC, and the kingdom of Zeal and its destruction in 12,000 BC. These are sequential events and even if you shifted the time scales by thousands of years, they still have to happen in the right order and the player still has to witness them personally or else it's not the same. The entire goal of the game is to stop Lavos before the "Day of Lavos" in 1999 to save the future. Without the time concept, there would be no way to replace the post-apocalyptic 2100AD with a healthy and successful 2100AD. The story's stakes would not make sense. This would require much more than some simple plot-fixing.

The only optional part in the big picture is really 600AD and that's where most of the small/fun ways to "change the future by changing the past" can be found.

>> No.9242792


>> No.9242795

Majora Mask, in chrono trigger it's just a plot device

>> No.9242820
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Final Fantasy I

>> No.9243939
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Trigger's time travel is so poorly handled and rigid that it could entirely be replaced, with little rewriting, by changing it to visiting continents with different levels of advancements.

>> No.9243942

The craziest thing about majora is you dont even know the world is fucked at first.
Tatl never says "oh my goooood the moon is gonna kill us", you see the timer and the moon (probably through the observatory for your first time) and have to piece it together yourself.
Tatl only starts literally screaming for help at the very end, and the moons movements aren't obvious until the third day.
Then you repeat this process dozens of times.

>> No.9243957

Read >>9241030 and >>9241205 and stop being retarded.

>> No.9243961
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Majoras Mask and it isn't even close. And this comes from someone who loves CT.

Majoras Mask gives you a lot more agency and actually integrates the passage of time into its three-day cycle, with NPCs and events happening and changing depending on your actions. Meanwhile CTs approach to time travel is incredibly rigid to the point you aren't really "time traveling" as much as you are exploring different world maps.

MM actually makes the player feel like a time traveler, while CT simply uses it as a plot device.

>> No.9243973
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>> No.9244000
File: 489 KB, 1280x887, 1494995743870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, retard. The plot is so fucking poorly written that time travel consequences only apply when it's convenient for the plot, some crap makes literally zero sense like bothering to help in the future, Robo and Doan somehow existing despite the future being overwritten, Ayla's descendants being around despite her leaving the past, etc, etc. The plot would be literally infinitely better if it was just "oh no some interconnected monsters inhabiting each past/current/future continent are on the move to destroy everyone"

>> No.9244767

lmao. Room temperature iq take right there.

>> No.9244875

Cry some more, these are undeniable and irrefutable facts.

>> No.9244887

Not the one you're replying to, but he makes a really damn good point. Time Travel in stories rarely works out well, and as good as CT is for it's time as an RPG and with its story, it just didn't do the whole time travel thing very well, even though that's what the whole thing is supposed to be based around.
Go play Dragon Quest 7 to find out how time travel is done right in an RPG, that is some damn good stuff if you don't mind a 100+ hour game.
Stay away from Final Fantasy 8.

>> No.9245281

I see, you are a gentleman and a scholar!

It saddens me to see this gem being basically forgotten

>> No.9245302

R=U. I have no idea how this is even in question lmao.

>> No.9245313

Chrono Trigger wasn't even about going back in time to save the world. It was about time-travelling to figure out what was happening and then going to the end of time to kill an alien.

>> No.9245335

Oracle of Ages

>> No.9245376

>but he makes a really damn good point
No he doesn't, and the examples he supposedly cites to show how time travel doesn't matter in Chrono Trigger are completely inane.. Time travel is integral to the game's story, as that anon explained in >>9241030 and >>9241205 and whose points were never really addressed. If you take time travel out of Chrono Trigger you're left with pretty much nothing. It would be possible to rewrite the entire plot and have a game with Chrono Trigger's gameplay that is not about time travel, but that would be a completely different game.

I mean, as a couple random examples that weren't mentioned already, just try to rework the story of Magus, Schala and Zeal without getting time travel involved. Or, say, the side quest that has you turn a desert into a large, vibrant forest. You just can't.

>> No.9245492

>just try to rework the story of Magus, Schala and Zeal without getting time travel involved
Exactly what parts of that absolutely requires time travel? Magus could've easily just been sent to a different continent.

>> No.9245496

The part where you defeat him and he is sent back home before the disaster that destroyed it and uses his future knowledge to pose as a prophet and get another shot at killing Lavos, only to watch it all happen again right in front of his eyes? Anon was right, you really haven't played the game, have you?

Or just think for a moment anon. If Magus had just lost his home and his sister and got sent to a different continent as a kid with no time travel involved then you'd never even get to see the kingdom of Zeal or meet Schala. It would have all been gone decades ago!

>> No.9245503

That was my first post in the thread you autist. You're really hung up on incredibly minor details of the story that could've easily been changed to different details that had nothing to do with time travel.

>> No.9245540

>You're really hung up on incredibly minor details of the story
>Tiny plot points? Nigga, these are not tiny plot points, they're the entire plot of the game.
Take out these plot points and all you're left with is "party of teenagers saves the world from a monster" which is unbelievably generic.

Let's hear it from you anon: Rewrite Chrono Trigger's story, the entire story, to take out time travel without mangling the characters and rendering it a completely unrecognizable mess. Go on if it's so easy. I challenge you. Put up or shut up.

>> No.9245782

Nah he's right. And nobody has even responded to the post I made about this, here:>>9241447, that goes directly to assessing most important and fundamental story elements in the game. Nitpicks are what the triple-zero IQ poster here does (>>9244000), since nitpicking problems in a time travel story is always stupid because time travel isn't real so authors will always be something that doesn't quite make sense.

>The player/character personally witnesses the ruined future of 2100 AD.
>Witnesses the arrival of Lavos in 65 million BC.
>Witnesses the events of Zeal and its destruction in 12,000 BC.

The player has an adventure in each one of those locations. Each of those locations is tied to the core story being told (not just the specific plot details). You can't replace those settings with "themed islands" without totally changing the story.

And that's before even getting into the many time-links between 600AD and 1000AD and the Magus/Scala storyline. Most of the side content has some kind of time-travel relevance. Some elements could be trivially replaced (like obtaining tools from 1000AD to bring to 600AD) but others aren't (reading the message on Toma's grave, re-charging the moon stone, etc). Those bits aren't just plot points, they reflect the nature of the game world and how different parts of it relate to each other.

>> No.9246628

how exactly is travelling to the point where crono died and replacing his body with a clone a "minor detail"? like imo majora does it better but this ain't partners in time rules where the time travel literally does not matter outside of having younger characters and only one younger character really matters to the plot at the very end

>> No.9246657

R =/= U, only brainlets think otherwise

>> No.9246863

Day of the Tentacle

>> No.9246950

Yeah but time travel doesn't affect how you play the game though, whereas in Majora's mask, it's built into the gameplay.

>> No.9247150
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>> No.9247157

Soul Reaver 2.

>> No.9247159
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>> No.9247662

I don't think he's being harsh on Chrono Trigger, it's a good game. But while time travel is important to the story, in practice it doesn't do much to effect the actual gameplay outside of some sidequests. With Majora's Mask, the time travel mechanic is very much tied to the gameplay and is something you always have to keep in mind while playing

>> No.9247703

>You can absolutely rewrite Chrono Trigger's plot to make the different time periods into different islands.

Yeah so I left Robo on Middle Island and then Present Island suddenly got a forest inside, wtf is up with that.

>> No.9247706


>> No.9247849
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>irrelevant sidequest

>> No.9247886

The art style of both of these games is so ugly.

>> No.9247963

>I have nothing to say and yet I must speak

>> No.9247973

You’re sorta right, assuming no prior knowledge, but I think everyone goes in knowing MM is the game where the moon falls. I think it was even shown in the commercials.

>> No.9248119

>I think it was even shown in the commercials.
I remember the commercials. It was. "You have 72 hours to save the world" was the tagline.

>> No.9250145

You have ignored every post that brings up the main quest. You lose.

>> No.9250650


>> No.9250652

Majora's Mask is overrated. Chrono Trigger is always properly highly regarded as the great game it is. Majora's Mask always felt like what it was to me. An extra side adventure or side course for the N64. A nice little bonus perhaps worth playing but nothing more than that. I will never get how some think its the best TLOZ game ever.

>> No.9250776

This is truly underrated

>> No.9250909

It really isn't.
It is a neat little game.

>> No.9250950

People feel like they need to take a maximized position on this. Of course time travel is an indispensable part of CT’s plot. One of its principal innovations, having many different endings, makes use of the non-linear plot progression provided by time travel.

Majora’s Mask is basically the same way, but wins overall because it has the Bomber’s Notebook. No game has made better use of time travel than the Bomber’s Notebook, or even attempted it, amazingly.