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File: 24 KB, 480x320, mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9239226 No.9239226 [Reply] [Original]

It's a good thing this game has an auto fight feature, because this is the most grindy game I've ever played in my life

>> No.9239232

it was the first jrpg I ever played so I didnt mind it since I didnt know any better

>> No.9239234

it doesn't even work though, it'll get you killed every single time

>> No.9239251

it's pretty grindy at the start and when you get a new party member but it's not that grindy compared to some games out there, don't you have to do it like all the time in dragon quest 1 since there's only one party member? plus some of the early megami tenseis
eh once you have lifeup it's useful unless you're fighting a hippie, maybe a redneck, not too useful when you get a new party member though cause you wanna defend with them so they don't die

>> No.9239257

Get pipi, grind to level 19 or 20 by beating up elephants.
>but dat overleveed durr!
The game was literally made so you can waste your time grinding

>> No.9239262

that'd take like 5 years
you don't need to be that high until the swamp anyway, unless you wanna beat the dragon on your first visit to magicant which would be cool but hard with just ninten

>> No.9239278

I don't remember having to grind that much. As long as you explore every nook and cranny of the world and always fight (never run away) from enemy encounters unless you KNOW you're good on exp, there should be no reason to grind

>> No.9239334

I think maybe I don't know what grind means. I mean the encounter rate is really high and the enemies do brutal amounts of damage even if you out level them.

But also yes I have purposely gotten into a bunch of fights to get to a decent level where I won't be killed in two hits

>> No.9239386

>most grindy game I've ever played in my life
Play Dragon Quest 1 after you've beaten Mother. It will be a fun rabbithole to go down.

>> No.9239419

>Get pipi
Can I borrow yours?

>> No.9239440

If it's anything like this, I think I'll pass. I've only stuck around this long because I love the other mother games, and want to complete the trilogy. If this didn't have "mother" in the title I would have shelved it already

>> No.9239621
File: 45 KB, 391x842, 1659444556080005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop holding Run, then, dumbass.

>> No.9241829

>TFW I'm still waiting for the OG Famicom version to be translated into English or Spanish.

>> No.9241838

Dq2 end game was the most frustrating gring for me. At least until I found out the healing guy also revived party members and I didn't actually have to teleport outside the final area every time a part member died. It was still annoying though

>> No.9242018

just play the mother 1+2 translation

>> No.9242095

I beat this very very easily when I was in my early 20s right when the translation patch came out. The deal is you must ultra grind right at the beginning and the rest of the game is a cake walk. I've never played another game quite like it where you only have to grind right at the start.

>> No.9242225

i beat this when it was originally translated years ago, i dont remember jack shit other than the factory taking forever, i should replay it

>> No.9242252

i had to disable the random encounters via emulator. i will turn them off/on at my own pace and its a quality of life feature i cant live without at this point on games like this.

>> No.9242585

Outside of making sure to gain a few levels at the start of the game, like every JRPG from the era does, it's not "grindy", the only way it's "grindy" is if your definition of grind is "every random encounter I stumble on during regular gameplay = grind" or if it's your first NES/Famicom jRPG and you expect the balancing to be the same as in jRPG of later generations.

If you're always on the edge, have to actually not make mistakes during combat, have to actually watch your ressources, perhaps even have to flee (use 4th D slip) against some encounters and getting your ass kicked occasionnally from bad luck, it's not because the game expects you to stop progressing and grind for 5 levels.

It's just that Famicom RPGs had better balancing and you've never played one before (perhaps you even think you did because you played the GBA versions of FF1/2, lol). Mother does everything in its power to make sure it doesn't end up into a grindfest, for instance you can use 4th D slip to flee from any encounter guaranteed, you get strong companions to help you at the toughest parts, and every boss in the second half of the game is given a "freebie". Now get good, and if you're not willing to get good at something as simple as making the right decisions, STFU and go back to your baby 16-bit RPGs.

>> No.9242730

>explore every nook and cranny of the world
But there's nothing to explore for 90% of the time.

>> No.9242893

You may if you can take it out of your mom

>> No.9243612

Yeah, my bad. By "grindy" I meant that there are too many encounters, and some of them do brutal amounts of damage.

It's starting to grow on me though. It's like the game is telling me to choose my battles wisely instead of just fighting everything like in other JRPGs. I'm in the zoo right now, and yeah I can beat the elephant, but am I willing to use resources healing myself when it takes off a quarter of my HP in a single attack?

>> No.9243979

>too many encounters

Play SMT1 and Persona 1 :-)

>> No.9244006

Inventory always full, have to examine shit with a menu, what a horrid game.

>> No.9244515


Oh no, the encounter rate is worse in those games? Is there a new fight every 3 pixels?

>> No.9244860

I went through the game while killing 95% of all encounters, it can be done, but there no shame in picking up your fights and running. Make sure your inventory is always full of items to help when you go explore. Always try to weigh if you should use your strongest attacks or suck it up and trade that for more damage coming your way, bosses aren't much in this game so that's the entire game. Later on you'll get a power that lets flee from battle guaranteed (at the cost of maybe not fleeing -before- the enemies' first attack) and another one that lets you steal MP from some enemies.

>> No.9245232

Thoughts on the 25th Anniversary Edition hack?

>> No.9245360

>can beat the game at level 30 or less
you fuckers will never learn what grind means.
also, get good.

>> No.9245423

Haven't played it. I'm playing on NSO.

>> No.9245732

I think I may had played it for a bit, but I didn't liked the new sprites. I would give another chance since I was reminiscing on how big the world feels and the multiple tie-ins the game got.

>> No.9245783

The best way to climb Mt. Itoi is just 4th-D slipping.

>> No.9245806

Anyone complaining about the run button in the localization is nothing more than a biased tryhard fanboy hellbent on shitting up anything the localization did just because it was the localization. I've seen people complain it "ruins the atmosphere" and "they just didn't get what the devs were going for". Bull fucking shit.

I absolutely love Famicom jRPGs, I like them more than any other generation's jRPGs. The slow walk speed is the single most shitty thing about the genre at the time and the only thing I'd agree was made objectively better in the next generations. There was nothing special about Mother doing it, they weren't going for a "special atmosphere". In fact the sole reason why it's slow is because that's how it was in Dragon Quest series, most things Mother did were heavily based on Dragon Quest (down to the story with the magical music notes being another version of DQ2's seals). That's literally it.

Now STFU I don't want to hear it any more, that includes you the guy in the other thread.

>> No.9245867

Wait the jap original didn't had a run button? That's pretty dumb considering how big (and sadly empty) the world is, at least Dragon Quest has like the overworld abstracted and shrinked while the towns and dungens expanded when you enter them.

Eveyone is like Mother is just a DQ clone but the way it doesn't has a world map and the towns and dungeons are part of the overworld was pretty unique, like Pokemon or Bethesda's games

>> No.9247025

I never hear anyone talk about this game.

>> No.9247030

How grindy is everyone talkin' here? Roughly how many hours does it take to beat?

>> No.9247752

There are times I literally take one step between one random encounter and the next. I haven't been able to walk for 7 uninterrupted seconds without a random encounter. It's ridiculous. And at the beginning of the game everything beats your ass

They could have cut the encounter rate in half.

>> No.9247759

It works just like the DQ games on NES, you have times with high encounter rates, and times with lower encounter rates, so you get fighting times you get a small break for exploring. So it works differently from Final Fantasy which has the same set chance every step.

about 30 hours like most Famicom RPGs

>> No.9247791

It's got the best difficulty scaling of them all and the graphics are really cool. I probably play this game once every other year since it's so short and open and it's a 50/50 if I'll play with the new sprites. Other times, I'll just play the version without the graphics

>> No.9248087

Anyone here excited for that Mother Encore fan remake?

>> No.9250310

I'm probably just a zoomer but I've never encountered a NES RPG that I could stomach. I feel like RPGs as a genre just didn't get good until the 4th gen.

>> No.9250319

I am more happy about auto interract feature.

>> No.9250347
File: 70 KB, 720x602, cjpizamka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im playing it right now, im in magicant or something? pretty comfy game and cool soundtrack, combat sucks, I just smash everything.

>> No.9250405

>Mother Encore
Looks nice, but the "re-imagining" makes me wary they are going to add le ebin OC and references fangames have.

>> No.9250515

Final Fantasy was like that for me since I always got the steel sword in the elf city.

>> No.9250527

Every Famicom RPG is like this. You always have to grind 2-4 levels at the start of the game before starting off.

>> No.9251353

IIRC they're making story changes and adding in Mr. Saturn to "better tie in with the other 2 games"

>> No.9251482
File: 1 KB, 52x98, even ness thinks you are a fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another Mother bashing threed

>> No.9251537

it's okay, op just didn't understand what grinding is, he's playin the game
also was that intentional or a typo

>> No.9253841

I don't care what anyone says, this is the best of the 3

>> No.9254149

How much money do you think dis nigga made from Earthbound fans?

>> No.9254174

Obviously not enough

>> No.9256316

Honestly feels more like a Monkeys Paw the more I look at it