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/vr/ - Retro Games

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923768 No.923768[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So it's been 5 months now since the inception of this board.

How do you like it so far? Any complaints?

>> No.923774

you should probably just do this here>>920128

>> No.923793

I love how it's a new board and we don't have all the fucking bullshit meme 'culture' that the other boards are rotting with. That makes them such a repetitive chore to read that this is actually the only board I go to any more.

I think it's great how people here actually love games and want to enjoy them and help others rather than just being elitist fucks trying to make themselves feel better than everyone else (although there's a tiny bit of that when people start complaining "hipsters").

It's also really nice to see how well moderated this board, it's the first time I've felt that the mods/janitors actually want to see the board run smoothly. For the other boards I went to this was not the case at all. Once they even removed a shitpost that was entirely racist slurs. And this isn't a complaint, since it's against the rules it's a good thing they remove dreamcast stuff but I really hope we can get that amended.

P.S. thanks to you all in community for recommending me a bunch of really great games (have made a few threads over the months and got wonderful responses) as well as being able to chat about some of my favorite old ones.

>> No.923796

My complaint is the same as always: This stupid unnecessary board removes some of the highest quality discussion from /v/ for no reason and disenfranchises classic games from modern games.

>> No.923795

Meta threads are cancer, fuck off to /q/.

>> No.923804


>> No.923813
File: 25 KB, 500x388, 1372547107714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.923817

If /v/'s retarded mods didn't delete retro game threads constantly, I might see your point.

>> No.923848

The first few weeks were awesome, full of great threads and civilized discussion.
But lately...you can really see it's /v/ starting to appear.

>> No.923849

too many nostalgic purists

>> No.923860

95% of /vr/ is quality (even the Doom threads). The other 5% are babbies who cry "WHY ISN'T GAMECUBE RETRO? I PLAYED LUIGI'S MANSION WHEN I WAS SIX!"

The biggest issue I have are with people who think that just because a newer game uses pixels that it belongs here.

>> No.923880

The Mega Man trolls are the wost. Right now there's a Mega Man 9 (2008) thread on front page.

>> No.923896


It's pre-millennial hardware. WTH.

>> No.923909

Overall, from all the wannabees and trolls from /v/ aside, this board is my favorite one to come to (despite it being maple syrup slow.) All of the advice on collecting, avoiding resellers, etc. have prompted me to get started on a little guide/infographic made by you guys and your wisdom. All in all, keep it up /vr/ troopers!

>> No.923917

They allowed DC threads initially, but those threads always drowned i a flood of shitposting. I'll never forget the infamous Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 thread. What a goddamn headache.

>> No.923921

It would have been better to make a separate board for news, tweets and general /v/ culture instead, and keep everything that's purely vidya related on one board. Still like this place, though.

Also >>>/q/

>> No.923931

Lies. We have an archive. DC threads have always been deleted. Since, like, the second thread about it.

>> No.923947

True, but it didn't become a "thing" until the sticky was modified.

That's when things got worse.

>> No.923954

By the way, one thing I really like is that there is very little greentext abuse. Makes shit easier to read and people writing in complete sentences means there aren't as many dumb misunderstandings as on /v/.
Keep it up.

>> No.923958

As with every board it gets worse with time, partly due to a natural tendency to see things in the past as better, and partly because it will always continue to get more popular and therefore drag it down in terms of quality.

But on the whole it's one of the better boards of this site although I do only venture into the odd few threads.

>> No.923969

People like to bitch and moan about mods, but the mods are really the only thing keeping /vr/ from degenerating into a total shit parade.

>> No.923982

Trying to moderate the quality of posts never ends up turning out well.

>> No.923984


The only thing you see on /v/ is complaints, shitposts, hipsters, console war fags, and the occasional discussion thread with an actual discussion.

The reason /vr/ is so good is because the users on here actually care about the subject and are willing to discuss it civilly without derailing threads into trolls trolling trolls.

If /v/ actually got its shit straight instead of trying to act like a bunch of elitist pricks then we wouldn't have needed boards like /vg/ and /vr/ to have a somewhat casual discussion in the first place.

>> No.923995

I love /vr/ but I do wish it wasn't quite as slow. If I post in a thread on the front page it's already dead.

However, I'm aware that the relatively low traffic is part of the reason for the board's quality.

>> No.923994



>> No.923997

Simply deleting shitposts is fine, but the problem with that policy is that some people think that anything that doesn't alive with his or her own views is shitposting.

>> No.923998

Too much civility is boring. You can have sterilized, highly moderated "civil" discussions about retro games on any website forum.

>> No.924000

>/v/ culture

now that would be a shitty board

>> No.924004

Goddamn autosuggest... ALIGN.

>> No.924023

The majority of /vr/ actually care about the subject matter, and as such, the conversations are quality.

It's only when someone from /v/ clicks here by accident, or someone who misunderstands the point of this board (retro "aesthetic" doesn't count here) barges in that things turn sour.

>> No.924018


There's a difference between sterilized, highly moderated discussions and an actual discussion that doesn't devolve into accusations of being a casual with the occasional "you are the cancer that's killing video games" being thrown about

I mean, 9 times outta 10, you can't even bring up a discussion on what your favorite game(s) without someone posting an "EPIC MAYMAY !!!!111!!!!11" that basically derails the thread and turns it into trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.

>> No.924031

>So it's been 5 months now since the inception of this board
Good lord, where has the time gone?!

>How do you like it so far?
I've considered it making my browser homepage numerous times, how's that?

>> No.924035

4chan might be the wrong website for you if you're so offended by seeing memes. Stop taking yourself so seriously.

>> No.924034

/vr/'s speed is the only thing keeping the mods able to do their jobs.

>> No.924043

Or maybe the mods "doing their jobs" a little TOO much is why /vr/ is so slow in the first place.

Kinda hard to have a successful board when everyone is getting kicked out of it.

>> No.924056

My only complaint? /vr/ has drawn the quality posters away from /v/ so badly that it's now absolutely unusable.

>> No.924058

I actually bought a pass because of /vr/. No regrets. Yet.

>> No.924061 [DELETED] 

It was honestly a shithole to begin with, I think taking away posters could have done anything to change it's uncouth demeanor

>> No.924064


I have no problem with memes, in fact I could care less, the main problem I have is when someone comes along and derails the discussion in the thread.

I mean, when was the last time you saw a metroid thread on /v/ that didn't get derailed because some jackass came on say "Metroid: Other M was good" or "Why are primefags so butthurt over their FPS garbage?"

>> No.924065

It was honestly a shithole to begin with, I don't think taking away posters could have done anything to change it's uncouth demeanor

>> No.924068


Only those who can't follow simple instructions.

>> No.924078


If everyone wasn't breaking the rules then there'd be no problem.

I mean, for god's sake man, the sticky is literally the fist thing you see on the board yet people still ask why their thread got deleted.

>> No.924081


Or spamming Samus rule 34.

>> No.924084

"do not make a post I don't like" is a stupid instruction.

>> No.924095
File: 12 KB, 285x351, Dreamcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell is a console from 1998 not allowed on /vr/?

Does anyone actually care about the generational numbering? I certainly didn't back in 1998, and I still don't care now. What generation is PS1 in anyway? 4th? 5th? 6th? I don't know, and who the hell cares? The year is what matters, not some random numbering system that a video game "journalist" came up with.

>> No.924101

How would talking about Metroid "derail" a Metroid thread?

What you're really just saying is "I don't like immature posts", which is just pompous.

>> No.924104

/vr/, It's the only board where we can talk polite about videogames and it's moderated at least.

/v/ is pretty much killed by his own moderators.

>> No.924105

Definitely agree that Dreamcast discussions should be allowed.

>> No.924106

Other than /tg/, /wsg/, /k/, /d/, the wallpaper boards and /e/ it's the only board I have personally visited and can verify that it isn't full of cockbags. So far I still would say it's my favorite SFW board, my only problem is that everybody goes full retard when the Dreamcast is mentioned, both Dreamcastfags and retro police alike.

>> No.924108
File: 14 KB, 410x253, gameboy-glacier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I miss on the board.

>> No.924115

Since 9/10 of threads on /x/ are "ask a faggot anything" or "I want summon a succubi", /vr/ is my favorite board so far. The threads are almost always good and the mods do their job very well

>> No.924125

/v/ just totally lacks any informed discussion now. At least you used to find the occasional thread with useful information or some real technical debates. It seems like anyone who has ever touched an assembler now lives on /vr/.

>> No.924126

It was only released in 1998 in Japan for the rest of the world it was released very late into 1999. It was only a few months ahead of the PS2's launch.

>> No.924128


I don't think they delete the threads, it's just that /v/'s become almost as fast as /b/ so that during the busiest time of the day if a thread isn't receiving a bump a minute, it dies in 5 minutes.

>> No.924135

GBA deserves to be /vr/ more than the Dreamcast. It has worse specs than any 5th. gen non-portable. It's only considered 6th gen. because portable hardware lags behind non-portable. Now there are so many ways of playing GBA games on non-portable systems it shouldn't qualify as 6th gen. anymore.

>> No.924139


>How would talking about Metroid "derail" a Metroid thread?

Because when Other M gets dropped in a metroid thread, it slowly moves from Metroid and devolves into "Sakamoto doesn't know what he's talking about" or "Face it fags, Samus was always supposed to be a little bitch" or general discussions on how Other M's story screwed up the timeline and then someone calls out the prime fags and the discussion gets dropped and somehow feminism is the cause of Other M turning into complete shit except it isn't because that's probably what Samus's character was supposed to be from the start . . .

Then the thread dies a sad, pathetic death when people start dropping it either because of the shitposters or because most of the trolls have lost interest.

>> No.924140

>tfw you were 12 and a nigger stole your gba and all your games.
Part of me dies when I think of it :( I have a white gba now, and more games than I had when they got stolen, but I want to find a blue one for a decent price. I hate this feel....

>> No.924142


The problem with the Dreamcast is that the majority of its library doesn't fit the /vr/ guidelines.

Even when Dreamcast threads DID pop up in the early days of /vr/, people would post about Sonic Adventure 2, or Skies of Arcadia, or THPS 2. That would lead to Gamecube discussion, which led to thread deletion, which led to butthurt, which led to shitposts.

I love my Dreamcast. I was in line on 9/9/99. But allowing discussion of it just leads to problems.

>> No.924154

Well, technically they qualify. One of the definitions of retro is "of or alluding to the past".

Not that I want them here, but it IS true.

>> No.924162

I've been here since the first day, and it was great- totally awesome, the land of brotherly love. PSXfags didn't trash n64 fags, they just let each other have their threads. There weren't rampant trolls, and even threads that were surveys or recommendation groups were given respect. I don't think there was any greentexting at all, and we never said stuff like 'go back to /v/' because we didn't need to.

Summer came, this place is only slightly better than the rest of 4chan now. Too much name-calling and bickering over stupid shit, and it's awful. I lurk now where I actually used to be an avid poster. I can't wait to see you faggots leave.

>> No.924164

It's certainly a better board than /v/ will ever be, I'll give ya that. The problem is, some series span retro and non-retro (Mario, Zelda, ect) and sometimes its frustrating not being able to bring up newer games in comparison to the older games. And you can't discuss that on /v/ without the thread devolving into shit flinging and "wich waifu wud u fuk".

>> No.924167

Major NA releases:

Soulcalibur: September 9, 1999
House of the Dead 2: September 9, 1999
Shenmue: December 29, 1999
Power Stone: February 25, 1999
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike: May 12, 1999
Sonic Adventure: September 9, 1999

and many more "lesser" releases

>> No.924173

So then why is Mega Man 9 okay?

Why is a game released in 2008 okay for /vr/? Explain that me.

>> No.924181

I miss ryoko. I can't relate to most of the threads. I wish i would have been born in the 80s.

>> No.924201

This board is nice but way too slow paced. I'm not even comparing it to /v/. This board is too slow compared to other boards like /co/ and even /tg/

>> No.924203

Why is everyone so anal about the Dreamcast. It will not somehow unleash a floodgate of CoDs here, people.

>> No.924209


Did you read that thread? There's people in it disagreeing with its OP. I'm one of them.