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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9236580 No.9236580 [Reply] [Original]

While I appreciate the "art," I honestly don't find these games very fun. The shooting is clunky and the overhead camera should have been tossed after the PSO. I actually think Zelda does stealth gameplay better than Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.9236586

Cool. You're gay. MGS is the penultimate PS franchise. The NES ones were good too.

>> No.9236589

>The shooting is clunky
That is the point

>> No.9236592

i only played the first one so far admittedly but i thought it controlled fine
would've been nice if they told ya about snake's secret moves over codec though since i only figured out they were a thing until after the game was finished, and well they give you another reason to play it so i can't complain too much but ya know

>> No.9236594

I think 2 makes the arcade stealth scheme work pretty well. only problem is how overpowered the tranq gun is, if you do a self imposed no tranq challenge it's a solid overhead puzzle game.

>> No.9236597

for what purpose?

>> No.9236607

shooting in 2 and 3 is fine, if anything it's a little overpowered. You're intended to be stationary when you fire.

>> No.9236629

You're not supposed to shoot regular enemies you're supposed to snake

>> No.9236639
File: 2.93 MB, 667x500, MGS2Fatman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shooting could be a little tighter. Especially since there are bosses you're expected to shoot. The part that it affected the most for me was the sequence where you're running up the stairs. You can apparently pass that part without firing a shot but I remember it being pretty annoying trying to shoot people while running up the stairs.

Though it's a stealth game, not a shooter. The shooting does get better as the series goes on though, until MGSV where the gameplay is basically a third person shooter.

Yeah the tranquilizer kind of breaks the game. There needs to be more limitations on it but I don't know what you could do with it.

>> No.9236672
File: 31 KB, 480x300, 36762-THIEF2THEMETALAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I don't know what you could do with it
I'm not sure how they would make it fit in realism wise but I think any non lethal projectile like the tranq should be an unwieldy projectile that you have to lead and arc significantly, like an arrow in thief. getting a headshot that isn't close range should be pretty tough and something you only want to do if you're in a tight spot. To their credit they do put some limitations on it but the bullet drop and delay isn't really relevant to taking out individual guards.

>> No.9236676

I played it to death in late 90s, it isnt that good but it was different from most other console games at the time and that was the thing of this one.

Its not that great of a game with many segments being bs like the temperature cards and so many cutscenes its more theater than gameplay but that was the thing that made it stand out . you play it to hear what hackima dreamed on an opium fever while watching james bond not for gameplay (the gameplay sucks )

>> No.9236689

>the gameplay sucks
I think the bosses are mostly pretty good as an overhead action game.

>> No.9236703

Holy shit so many bad opinions
It auto-aims in MGS1&2, maybe 3 as well? You didn’t know how to play.
>stealth better in zelda
You are a retard, that is all

>> No.9236714

Maybe in the HD collection, playing on the fucking xbox 360. Pressure sensitivity was a mistake.

>> No.9236734

I'm pretty sure I remember those versions having a separate button for a "soft" press. Or maybe I'm thinking of the PC version of 2 where this does exist. If you hold the button down and press another button it emulates not being fully pressed down. Not ideal but better than not having it at all.

>> No.9236750

Yeah, but the main appeal in MGS is playing around with all the items. It's a "make your own fun" kind of game.

>> No.9236879

After all, it is a kind of role-playing game.

>> No.9236884

In practical terms, you're holding one trigger for aiming and another for shooting, which works much better than holding a face button halfway for aiming, but not too hard or you shoot some fag in the face.

>> No.9236928

So you don't rely on it. It's a stealth espionage game, not a shooting game.
>boss fights
Almost all of them are gimmick fights.

>> No.9236936
File: 285 KB, 690x346, 1644915303610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would play a whole game with puzzle bosses like this guy

>> No.9236946
File: 23 KB, 315x315, Tenchu_Stealth_Assassins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought that while MGS is the better overall game, Tenchu was the better stealth game.

>> No.9236954

MGS 1-3 don't have stealth gameplay, they have cinematic action gameplay. Their gameplay is basically just a 3D evolution of cinematic platformers which provided an experienced with the focus on narrative, visuals, and a fully cohesive and immersive experience which is what MGS accomplishes. MGS 1's gameplay is not like Thief, Deus Ex, or Splinter Cell at all and that's ok because it's not meant to accomplish any of those games goals. Some people say MGS is an arcade stealth game but I'd say MGS is barely stealth at all, sneaking around the guards is basically the same thing as sneaking around zombies in Resident Evil 1 but while avaiding their line of sight. The game prioritizes its bosses, set pieces, and atmosphere far more than it does any notion of "stealth." Any argument which attempts to say MGS is bad because it's not a good stealth game miss the entire point of what makes MGS good, which is a seamless immersive experience, which is why the game through its VISUALS presents a "stealth" scenario while the gameplay doesn't

>> No.9236971

>decent amount of the gameplay involves avoiding enemies
>not a stealth game
It doesn't play like Thief and them, no, but it still definitely is a stealth or at least stealth adjacent game. Some other stealth games also involve set pieces or boss fights (at times), like Splinter Cell, Deus Ex, and Hitman.

>> No.9236975
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zelda does stealth gameplay better than Metal Gear Solid
> 1 single sneaking into the castle mission is better than all of mgs
play the vr missions. get good zoomba

>> No.9236978

Avoiding enemies isn't inherently stealth gameplay though. Like people claim pac-man is a basis for the stealth genre but that's genuinely just splitting hairs. If you want to claim MGS is a stealth game and has flaws for not having better stealth you'd need to define what stealth is in the first place because it's a word that encapsulates so much yet nearly nothing

>> No.9236985

you've got a point with 1 but 3 is solidly a stealth game. Every segment that isn't a setpiece involves line of sight and quietly knocking out guards. Splintercell has numerous airport novel type setpieces sprinkled through the vanilla stealth bread n butter.

>> No.9237030

The problem with MGS is the level design, I believe there's enough game in there but it's only truly exploited in those lame-ass VR missions, not in the main campaign.

>> No.9237036

I love watching reviews and video essays about MGS games
I have never played any of them
and I never will

>> No.9237050

Tossed after the Phantasty Star Online?

>> No.9237051
File: 79 KB, 1161x627, G30QLCN080Xt2KGhqSREGsuEfsU586FloBfl8E1z5lE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could honestly say the same about a lot of games. Fan missions in Thief give you things that you don't really get in the main games of either. Though you can beat any MGS without doing much, the game allows you to do crazy shit if you want, that might speed up the game. It even gives you a stats screen at the end to show off your autism.

>> No.9237082

The overhead camera should have been tossed after the Phantasy Star Online?

>> No.9237093

zoom zoom

>> No.9237098

It seems PSO exclusively means "Phantasy Star Online", though you CAN prove me wrong

>> No.9237105

MGS2 is for obvious raisins

>> No.9237114

yeah I feel like that's the area where the cinematic qualities most contaminated the gameplay. They wanted impressive hangars and snow fields, atmospheric walking segments, isolation. Cramped hallways with tons of guards would give the exact effect of the atmosphere they wanted.

>> No.9237115

*exact opposite.

>> No.9237126

Just booted up emulated after seen this post, 20 years have passed.
How was input lag on original hardware?
i get 6 or 2 frames emulated.

Sound design is great, gameplay not that much, im playing through the radar, thats some early 80s gameplay.
ye goy , art direction (stolen from western spyfilms) is nice (stolen) but gameplay is like cleaning geriatric home diapers.
Now i know why they call the guy that made this hideo hackima

>> No.9237149

>stolen from western spyfilms
name one movie that has similar atmosphere to shadow moses

>> No.9237159

escape from la / ny

>> No.9237169

thats where the characters came from, atmosphere was from ghost in the shell and futuristic anime from the 90s

>> No.9237174

inspiration ≠ stealing
i know the copyrightfags in the state would have you believe otherwise, but there's been plenty of stuff building on the ideas of other stuff for literal millenniums

>> No.9237402

Tenchu has unplayable controls. really good otherwise.
Same with the original Armored Core games

>> No.9237415

>NES ones
Oh no no no

>> No.9237423

>MGS is the penultimate PS franchise
Well, what's the ultimate one, then?

>> No.9237473

pro evolution soccer

>> No.9237707

I genuinely think you'd enjoy Twin Snakes then.

>> No.9237828

Yes and no. Technically, you're right but it's also true that you're just an NPC in Kojima's meta experimentation with sequels.