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9235776 No.9235776 [Reply] [Original]

>game is fairly linear up to a certain point, you dont have to worry about missing a certain item or spell, but you can wander off if you like
>for the first 2 bosses the game establishes that you have to take a fast travel option to get there
>get to vorador's mansion
>pretty tough and has a lot of puzzles, annoying but not that bad
>get stuck
>fuck, guess i gotta pull up a walkthrough
>walkthrough says you were supposed to walk to vorador's mansion because otherwise you will miss picking up vital spells without which you cannot beat this section
>game does not inform you of this at all

what the fuck is this bullshit? why let me advance to an unbeatable section? if i didnt have the internet to find a guide i would have wandered around that mansion for hours trying to find a solution because the game did NOTHING to inform me "this dungeon is unbeatable without a certain spell". why is this allowed? why should i even keep playing this bullshit game if it's going to pull shit like this?

>> No.9235793

>retard plays old video game as if it was modern handholding, objective icon, game
>gets upset when he doesnt understand how to progress, gets stuck, and calls the game obtuse and badly designed
Many such cases.

>> No.9235824

i'm not complaining about older games being more challenging. rather, there's a difference between challenging, and "we're literally not going to give you any hints or clues on how to advance".

it's a shame because i was really enjoying the game up to this point. the narrative is excellent and so is the voice acting. i was happy that i was able to play through it without having to use a guide, but now it's just going to be a chore because i'll have to make sure i dont get into an unbeatable situation again.

>> No.9236237

Recently watched a long review on Soul Reaver and I had forgotten just how epic or grand they tried to sell the game as. Everything from the score, story and dialogue is meant to give this sense of epicness, coolness, and wow people playing it. For its time it was absolutely unprecedented with only MGS1 really ever reaching such a peak at least in terms of dialogue between the characters and story.

Not being sarcastic here in case anyone thinks so. LOK is a series I always liked even though I never was super into it. So it was nice to get a refresher on what the games were all about again or at least Soul Reaver. Probably one of the most underappreciated series of all time in gaming. I am considering going back to play the games now. I think I may have only really beaten Soul Reaver and Blood Omen 2.

>> No.9236490

and just like metal gear solid, the actual gameplay is shit to mediocre depending in the title whilst everything around it is ten outta ten.
LoK has always been about the style rather than substance of the games and soul reaver still has the single best opening of a video game ever.
you're not wrong, between dryads fireball fucking your ass into hell and a confusing map, the original blood omen can be quite hard to orientate yourself into.

>> No.9236506

op is right, newfag. the first blood omen overall is pretty great, but obtuse and badly designed is precisely what it is. so many enemies and bosses are pure damage tanks with all the difficulty coming from the game's horrible controls. you have to go into the inventory and swap out like 20 different spells and items constantly because you only have 8 quick select slots during gameplay, and there's no quick weapon swapping and they all have very specific uses, so you spend half the time just sorting through the mess of the inventory screen. it has no excuse for being such a awful game to play.

the druid boss in particular had so much fucking health i was convinced i had encountered a bug until i finally killed him through sheer brute force.

blood omen 1 is not worth a playthrough imo, for the reasons just listed. however the story and the voice acting is pretty great. just watch a playthrough on yt.

>> No.9236516

Quite a few older games tended to be like that. I played the original Metal Gear recently and there is one point where you need to go to a certain place that turns out to be behind a wall and there's no way to know which wall or even that it is behind a wall (since to find which wall you need to hit the wall and hear that it makes a different sound). There's also a star rating system and if you don't have full stars at the end of the game you can't hold enough ammo for weapons to beat the last boss.

There is a difference like >>9235824 said between being hard/challenging and literally not giving the player enough information to play the game correctly/progress. Part of it is extending play time though, at least for some games. If people aren't getting stuck and replaying the game a million times before finally figuring out how to do something then the game might be over in an hour or less. Probably not for Legacy of Kain but for some 8 and 16 bit games.

>> No.9236517


>> No.9236521

literally never got lost in Blood Omen 1 or missed anything important except most secrets (because they're secret, duh), you're also invincible once you get repel
probably the most fun out of the blood omen /soul reaver games, and I say that as someone whose first experience with the series was soul reaver 1, being OP as Kain is just fun

>> No.9236523

>certain place that turns out to be behind a wall and there's no way to know which wall or even that it is behind a wall
i thought you were meant to contact the woman over codec and she tells you "theres a secret room here somewhere, make noise and see if it sounds different on any of the walls and use explosives to blow through"

>> No.9236531

I have never had the slightest problem in any of these games. Not a single one. However this is because I have never played them. Have a nice day, anons

>> No.9236753

First time I played Blood Omen I somehow missed the human disguise in the tents. I went most of the game without talking to people, and having every town attack me immediately. I got the upgrades for it and thought it was broken because the power wouldn'twork.

When I was backtracking to try and 100% all secrets I finally found it and felt like such an ass.

>> No.9236804

I got the disguise but didn't figure out I could use it to talk to people, just pass human obstacles

>> No.9236816

*Loading screen*
I unironically loved that game as kid though.

>> No.9236861

Yeah there was some ok dialog with the npcs. After a while I recall it getting a little repetitive though. It was fun going into the whorehouse in that one city in disguise and finding people chained up in the basement like wtf.

>> No.9236895

just finished this game. i actually really enjoyed the combat say for swapping equipment and spells but it wasn't that bad. power housing through the game was fun.

>> No.9237195

I played the game from start to finish without a guide and did not encounter any of these problems, I explored every area thoroughly and took most enemy encounters as they were. It seemed pretty obvious to me too if I jumped straight to a new location I would miss valuable items along the way.

>> No.9237293

>western game is designed like shit
What a shock, this is simply unprecedented

>> No.9237341

>oh god I fucking love one-in-a-million Famicom RPG that has never been heard of and is full of bloat to stretch it out

>> No.9237447

I got stuck several times in omen1
I didn't got the power to posses npc, so fuck vorador mantion for 2 hours.
I didn't know that "that" boss becomes Invincible and you need to escape.
And if I remember correctly the game doesn't tell you that the axe can cut trees.
Up to 2k games coul be very obtuse indeed, but most times I can't discern between incompetence (by modern standards) or willing bullshittery to pad game time or buying a game guide

>> No.9237468

The haaaht of dockness

>> No.9237469

p-please help Me kind sah!

>> No.9237723

>ITT: zoom zoom

>> No.9237756

Yeah because the fucking manual tells you what the axes can do.

>> No.9239212

Reputed to be taken fro mthe greastest vampire to ever lived, Janos Audron the heart restored vampiric unlife, life is precious Janos discovered as it was torn throbbing and bleeding from his own body

>> No.9239876

This thread just reminded me of how much I fucking hated this game. I tried so hard to like it, too.

>> No.9239883
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>> No.9240040

oh hey, i just started playing this too. pretty fun so far, the different forms are really cool.

>> No.9240052


>> No.9240101

Because you're thinking of it like a modern game. The logic is simple. If you can't progress, look around you. If nothing is found, then look outside. If nothing is found, then go to the areas you haven't explored prior to reaching the mansion.

I get it. Aging brain and modern games being as easy as they are, isn't conductive to patience when it comes to older games, but do try to get in the groove of how those games did things. It's quite enjoyable.

>> No.9240119

Or just google the solution

>> No.9240135

Ctrl+F in GameFAQs. Fuck Google.

>> No.9240139

zoomers will always be too spoiled to appreciate this game