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File: 165 KB, 1104x961, EarthBound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9235528 No.9235528 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the intro to EarthBound have this weird picture? Is it a real place?

>> No.9235538

Yes it is real

>> No.9235540

It's your neighbourhood anon, they're wrecking your house while you're shitposting in a mongolian basketweaving forum.

>> No.9235575

It's the future you're trying to avoid.
I still found it weird

>> No.9235676
File: 52 KB, 475x347, 9CD73C1F-8EAF-4417-9096-6DF2EC33A1C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s called ‘localization’ anon. For some reason sharters were quite fond of extremely ugly art in the 90s.

>> No.9235724

it was meant to represent smalltown USA, and the classic eerie ufo vibe from the 1950s. it did come off as a little odd, ive always found it a bit out of place really

>> No.9235747
File: 12 KB, 513x224, introscreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's in the original.

>> No.9235796 [SPOILER] 

Its the bad future you are trying to avoid, the future Buzzbuzz comes from that he warns you about and very likely the bad past the founders of the Nowhere Islands in M3 escaped from.

>> No.9235928

Itio (creator of Earthbound) traveled to LA back in the late 80s for something related to Studio Ghibli and that forever gave him the imprint of what he thinks of American culture.

It will always be a picture of 80s America

He has not been back since

>> No.9236037


>> No.9236043

By the end of the game Onett is already getting invaded.

>> No.9236057

that boxart is awesome. post leprosy mega man next time

>> No.9236406

It looks like some random shithole town in the middle of Arizona or New Mexico. Probably the latter if it's playing on the UFO culture, aka Roswell. I imagine it's some town near the desert you have to pass through that you never get to actually visit.

>> No.9236640
File: 1.06 MB, 1366x768, 1642648022065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was a mystery for almost 30 years but it's not actually a picture, it's a drawing
this was taken from nintendo dream vol. 89

>> No.9236686

Interesting. Kinda crazy to think about how many weird things that fans wonder about in their favorite games might have answers that are "locked away" in articles and interviews in random and obscure (to us) Japanese publications.

>> No.9236709

Tons. Those didyouknowgaming shitbags have started having shit translated and pretending that they "discovered" stuff that was literally published and public knowledge decades ago.

And somehow they still manage to get it wrong.

>> No.9237108

I find weird that none of the cities look like that.
Not a direct 1:1, but the architecture in game is more simple. It's probably just the yellow tone on the pic, however.

>> No.9237143

it was drawn by a Japanese artist but they deliberately made it in the typical ugly American style so it would appeal to foreign audiences. that’s why it feels so incongruous to the rest of the game’s aesthetic

>> No.9237787

The original games aesthetic is literally Charles M Schulz art with a 1950s b-movie premise. So yes, you dumb fucking paki, the invasion art fits the aesthetic. Never comment on a mother thread again

>> No.9237794

The 50s were such a fun time in US History, the obsession with martians, the stories and urban legends of people getting kidnapped by lights in the sky. It was fascinating.

>> No.9237796


>> No.9237801

It looks very fallout esque to me

>> No.9237805

We're talking about a game where enemies include wacky hippies and sentient piles of vomit. We're talking about a game where the previous iteration was deemed too weird and funky for western audiences despite being heavily inspired by americana.
The Mother series is literally a love letter to American pop culture as seen by Japanese writers. Everything from War of the Worlds to ET to Stand By Me to the Blues Brothers, etc.

Whining about "American style" in Mother games is kinda fucking retarded.

>> No.9237824
File: 49 KB, 330x505, CF9D5B16-3EF9-4F16-A926-18D60648CCE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I’m just talking specifically about the US style of localization art you got in the 90s that was generally quite ugly and not representative of the game. It was probably something that NOA came up with and demanded be put into the game at the last minute because it appeals more to “edgy” American values unlike the more typically Japanese style of the in game art.

>> No.9237849

A whole lot of headcanon and assumptions coming out of your smelly turban. Take your meds

>> No.9237859

>t was probably something that NOA came up with and demanded be put into the game at the last minute because it appeals more to “edgy” American values unlike the more typically Japanese style of the in game art.
My God, I would kill to live a day inside your head; it sounds absolutely fucking loony in there. Have you even played any of the Mother games?

>> No.9237861

I figured it was meant to be Onett getting invaded like it does toward the end of the game

>> No.9237864

>It was probably something that NOA came up with
...For a game that was never expected to end up in America much in the same way that its predecessor didn't.

>> No.9237869

I’ve played and beaten Mother 1 and Mother 3, as well as Earthbound. The third is the best one because NIntendo of Shartmerica didn’t get a chance to meddle with it.

>> No.9237874

Is it really that hard to wrap your head around the fact that some Japanese devs really just like American pop culture and art styles?
You're getting mad at things you're making up in your head. Seek help.

>> No.9237878
File: 42 KB, 548x560, E2404CCC-44C1-4ECD-B2A2-C81D251F52FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And look at what a mess Nintendo of Shartmerica made of the marketing campaign for Earthbound. Typical soulless Amerishart aesthetic abounds.

>> No.9237885
File: 1.46 MB, 1757x1323, 20220801_173351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thing added in sequel to jap only game, before any non jap release was decided
>"no they added the thing for the localization"

>> No.9237890

To be fair, the localization for Mother 1 added the game's actual ending. Originally, it just cut right to credits after defeating the last boss.

>> No.9237903

That localization was never released officially until 20 years later so thats irrelevant

>> No.9237909

It’s relevant to how Nintendo of Shartmerica loves to add superfluous bullshit to games in the name of “localization”.

>> No.9237918

Illuminati Confirmed

>> No.9237923

It's like you think NOA had an office "localizations" with guys in charge of changing shit up that came up with an ending for a game out of their ass. That's not how it worked, any change to the game for another release was done by the original devs, stuff changed by the translator like the run button are minor in the great scheme of things and would go with og devs approval.
It happened all the time at the time, having more dev time for the western releases, they often fixed bugs, added some things, rebalanced the game, etc

>> No.9237925

i wish the game was like this picture

>> No.9237937

It came out in Japan 1 year earlier than the US >>9235747

>> No.9237947

>seething about americans
>still eats cheeseburger anyway
you're living in an american vassal state no matter where you are and how badly you don't want to.

>> No.9237951

Play G.O.D.

>> No.9238813

Australia-troon plays Mother games now? LMAO he must have ran out of master system games to play

>> No.9238826

How is that? I've been thinking of playing it for a while.

>> No.9239373

>where the previous iteration was deemed too weird and funky for western audiences despite being heavily inspired by americana.
was it that? i mean they did localize the whole thing but i thought it was that it would've came out too late and they wouldn't be able to recoup the money spent on advertising in magazines and such

>> No.9239420
File: 41 KB, 640x480, FO1_loading_PA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout had a few weird intro screens depicting art/events that doesn't happen in the game too.

>> No.9239458

He is also a Japanese libshit which is why Earthbound is so wholesome and so cringe at the same time.