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9233154 No.9233154 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth playing?

>> No.9233159

If you feel the need to make a permission thread about a game just don't play it. Life is short, play games you're interested in.

>> No.9233165


>> No.9233224

Imagine not knowing the difference between asking about quality and asking if you're allowed. Fucking retard. "Life's short" says the internet dweller 4chan contrarian who mistakes the first idiotic thought that pops into his brain for wisdom.

>> No.9233230

Yes, it's good.

>> No.9233234

is it worth asking us?

>> No.9233251

My all time favorite for the party selection, branching classes, memoriable music, gorgeous spritework, and Angela.

>> No.9233354

The real question: is it better than Secret of Mana?

>> No.9233572

It looks good but there is little story after Wendell and the fighting is CLUNKY as fuck. Also Kevin is so OP the other two members are 100% worthless. Start as Angela or Duran because there is a secret boss only they can fight.

>> No.9233732

Visuals and music in the SNES version are truly unique. Story is shit, which makes it a chore to play for me.

>> No.9234072

Play it and find out.

>> No.9234410

Play the remake instead. They did everything better but if you have time you should play both games.

>> No.9234416

Mate if you want a good story I recommend Proust or Dostoevsky, we’re talking video games here not literature.

>> No.9234459

>Tombstone ghost boss but less bullcrap design

>> No.9234512

Amazing artwork & music, mediocre gameplay (especially the combat), bad/boring story

>> No.9235448

Repro cart and Super NT/SNES mini hack

>> No.9236651

>Play the remake instead

>> No.9236673

Absolutely. Remember Square's best time was after the NES and before they decided to go exclusive FF. They got a bunch of talent then lost it all before the decade was out. All the talent that left was just that, the best talent.

>> No.9236728

Bugs out the ass limit the apparent choices you think you have in the game. Critical hits are completely broken (they consult some obscenely rare value instead of your Luck stats, so Luck is useless), Agility is completely useless the same way. Saber spells override your buffs. Some spells don't work. Spellcasting timers are completely busted - they count down during menu time and casting time and you should be using the menu during normal play so "just don't abuse it" doesn't exist except to play very abnormally.

What's left that works? A very stripped down series of non-choices and just accepting partly working gameplay. It becomes a masher that should have had nuance to it.

Unironically just play the remake.

>> No.9237196

Get a load of this >>9233224 moron. He thinks he's so smart.
Point at him and laugh, people.

>> No.9237314

Meh, just ignore autism.

>> No.9237328

lol you guys are such loser nerds. None of you have ever had a friend or any kind of social interaction outside of the internet, have you? xD

>> No.9237337

Imagine thinking that you provided anything of value here when anon clearly likes story in their games. How fucking stupid are you to even proffer this statement as if you held some nugget of information? Absolute dumbass.

>> No.9237679

If you know of the game to make this thread, you know it's quality. It didn't get recommended to you or show up on a list of shit that isn't worth playing.

>> No.9237783

...huh...? "If you're aware of a game's existence, you know all you need to know about it." wat? The "I'm too supremely logical for conversing about games on this social gaming board" social retard clique around here is so damn sad & cringey.

>> No.9237991


>> No.9238996

Then go back. Again, SD3 didn't get recommended to you or show up on a list of shit that isn't worth playing.

>> No.9239001

Pseud faggot

>> No.9239027

If you like co-op then the og game, otherwise the remake. The remake is less grindy too and the stats actually work. If you're going for the og then theres some patches that somewhat fix the game and balance it out.

>> No.9239461

My waifu a werecat?

>> No.9239464

But there are a lot of SNES games with stories and characters that I do like

>> No.9239680

Not really, no.

Story's the big draw, and there's some neat ideas there.

But gameplay is the worst parts of both Secret and Legend of Mana. The menus are horrendous and lag regardless of what you're playing it on.

The remake is also not really worth playing, as it goes from a dated ARPG to a bland as fuck ARPG.

>> No.9240410

Not really.
Combat for the entire game is mash A until your meter builds up so you can press B to do a big attack.
The menus for equipment and everything are laggy and feel like you're trying to play on a severely scratched PS1 disc thats trying to load each menu as you try to go into it.
Late game balancing can be summed up as "lol just get lucky" as bosses and even normal enemies can and will screen nuke spam you for 300-400 damage until you die if they feel like doing so.
The story is okay, nothing amazing. The only thing the game really has going for it are the stellar graphics and the novelty of choosing your party and class paths.

>> No.9240543

>mash A
You can simply hold the button down and your character fights the nearest enemy on his own, no mashing necessary.

>> No.9240547

Also, those screen nuke attacks mostly only trigger if you use a level 2 or 3 tech on the enemies.

>> No.9240598


>> No.9240945

VGH…finally playing original.

>> No.9242337
