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9226232 No.9226232 [Reply] [Original]

New DNF restoration project update is out


>> No.9226680 [DELETED] 

>scroll down in the comments
>see something about a beef between gianni & john
what happened?

>> No.9226727 [DELETED] 

Basically John harassed Gianni for having made more popular shitposts than john

>> No.9227251 [DELETED] 


>> No.9227256
File: 400 KB, 687x489, 6DNFRP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking good

>> No.9227348 [DELETED] 

John just copes hard because Gianni can do the Duke voice and he not anymore

>> No.9227453 [DELETED] 

I thought this was just distorted Twitter drama between drama whores, but looking it up this is actually the case. Sad to see him become such a petty diva.

>> No.9227458 [DELETED] 

JSJ is a huge faggot nowadays

>> No.9227468 [DELETED] 

>John harassed Gianni for having made more popular shitposts than john
is there somewhere we can see Johns side of the story ? Judging by the length of Gianni's twitlonger post he's extremely emotional and the pronouns on his twitter make him look like he's into virtue signalling

>> No.9227479

is this the one with the shrek or this is a different one?

>> No.9227485 [DELETED] 

Gianni is making more money impersonating Jon's voices than Jon does with his own side jobs.

I can understand Jon's issue with it, especially if he's also trying to do cameos and shit. Gianni's videos seem harmless and Gianni is talented at capturing the exact sound of old gaming voice lines, I don't have a problem with it but I can see why it's a problem.

>> No.9227494 [DELETED] 

JSJ is not worthy of being duke anymore, he burned all bridges with the community, and his behavior keeps people away.

Even Clint can do Duke better than him these days and he is the epitome of lazy.

>> No.9227510 [DELETED] 

>he burned all bridges with the community, and his behavior keeps people away.
can you give some links to examples ?

>> No.9227872

Where's the changelog?

>> No.9227918 [DELETED] 

all i know is that he does the boomer thing of screaming if you dont agree on his political ramblings and act like if trump still on office and being a a space alien overlord or something, basically schizo boomer that should be on a retirement home screaminf at clouds like abe simpson

>> No.9227961
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>that model

>> No.9229037 [DELETED] 

the TL:DR of the twitlonger from what i read of it was apparently jon would do things like post something insulting to gianni, keep it up long enough for him to get the notification about said post and then delete it so nobody could see it and spreading rumors about gianni.

the whole thing feels like he was trying to egg gianni into starting a fight with him. supposedly they worked it out and they're cool now but gianni probably unknowingly did something to piss jon off.

my best guess it either had something to do with gianni doing LGBT stuff with duke or gianni doing duke's voice in the restoration mod.

>> No.9229080 [DELETED] 

it would be good to hear jons side of the story. It's not really normal to write a 4000 word twitter post complaining about someone and it makes gianni seem like a massive drama queen, he doesn't include any links either so you just have to believe what he says. Maybe it's true but it could also be really exaggerated

>> No.9229090 [DELETED] 

...actually, here's one of the dms between the two
It sounds to me like gianni is a massive cry baby. Sure jon was a bit blunt at then end but the majority of people wouldn't run to twitter to make him out to be a psycho after this like gianni did. Jon also says he had LGBT friends so it wasn't that

>> No.9229097
File: 33 KB, 427x300, maxp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trailer that includes music from the legendary Duke3D composer Lee Jackson, who gave us some music tracks to use that we put into our Teaser! These tracks were concepts by Mr. Jackson
That's awesome and the trailer look pretty good.

>> No.9229258


>> No.9229264 [DELETED] 

> Sure jon was a bit blunt at then
posting messages and deleting them isn't blunt

>> No.9229273 [DELETED] 

jon st john is a huge cuck

>> No.9229304
File: 576 KB, 714x621, uasd34345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just need to fix Duke's model and his fucking ape face and it's good.

>> No.9229917 [DELETED] 

yeah i'd like to see these "deleted tweets". From what I can see gianni was confused over whether or not to continue doing dukes voice so he decided to publicly humiliate/cancel jsj

>> No.9229924 [DELETED] 

gianni sounds bigger cuck than jsj, he's clearly further left. That doesn't really make the whole thing make any more sense though

>> No.9229936 [DELETED] 

>all but 2 posts about some diva drama between two actor bitches
I know Duke is "butch" but I didn't realize this game actually drew the faggot crowd

>> No.9230010

this looks pretty good actually

>> No.9230160

nah it's good. fix your autism

>> No.9230174

this looks amazing. right now how much of the game is complete? will it ever be complete or will it always miss something that is impossible to retrieve? don't know if i sound like a dumbfuck but i haven't been following the news on this. good work nonetheless god damn

>> No.9230212

Pretty sure nothing's going to get missed. About how complete this mod is, people can only estimate from the updates being put out. The group says they're going to release a demo

>> No.9230213


something like 65% complete with a lot of unfinished everything. There is a knowledge base to finish the game though.

>> No.9230219 [DELETED] 

translation: Jon is a devout christian (he actually is an ordained minister), and gianni can't take an insult without blogging about it on his livejournal.

nothing to see here. Same bullshit as how they try cancelling Doug Tennapel.

>> No.9230249 [DELETED] 

Posting a private exchange you have with someone is total bitch shit.

>> No.9230259 [DELETED] 

Jon kinda sucks as a christian. Do you see how the dude acts? I'd say he isn't really christian

>> No.9230261 [DELETED] 

even if i like jon, i wouldn't really want to get married to the love of my life via a clown who can't even make a proper duke nukem expression anymore

>> No.9230263 [DELETED] 

tbf, jon brought it on himself with the shit he does

>> No.9230319

What is the issue here?

>> No.9231278
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, Shot0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some leaks.
Classic waterfall designs restored into their boulevard thing whatever the fuck it is. Looks ass in my opinion.

>> No.9231282
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, Shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9231286
File: 1.35 MB, 1275x932, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't told what this is.

That's all I have for now.

>> No.9231912

that looks pretty good actually

this is also looking pretty good

>> No.9232105

The face of Duke in the restoration project looks like a fucking ape you retard.
This was someone creating a new duke model using assets from Critical Mass because it seems like that model is closely based on the DNF 2002 model with some slight modifications.

>> No.9232356 [DELETED] 

Legit asking: Who are those people and why does it matter? What're they doing for this project?

>> No.9232369 [DELETED] 

That gianni fag seems like bitch.

>> No.9232404

And I'm guessing that 65% is all over the place, not in big playable chunks.

>> No.9232430

great mood. i hope they won't change the way
it's lit.
the other one looks just as bad if not worse. who gives a shit

>> No.9232524

Is this the vidya equivalent of The Thief and the Cobbler: The Recobbled Cut?