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File: 79 KB, 800x600, 3266-the-sims-1-irgjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9225070 No.9225070 [Reply] [Original]

Were there any other life simulation games at the time? Or did this pioneer the genre?

>> No.9225105
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Little Computer People which is also a direct inspiration.

>> No.9225108
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Probably some autist had written a comparable medieval sandbox that's obscure even beyond this board(and/or not at all), but unless you count GTA3 there was no present-day analog to Sims 1 at the time. Second Life dropped in 2003.

>> No.9225112

I stand corrected.

>> No.9225121
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Creatures came out a few years before it. It's a cool life sim with a ton of mods available.

>> No.9225407
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>> No.9225519

Princess Maker

>> No.9225520

can I find that on hypnotube?

>> No.9225659

Creatures was a pretty big thing because of its advanced AI (for 1997).

>> No.9225823

Damn I remember playing the kiddy version for this. I never knew what game it was until now. Felt like a fever dream.

>> No.9226238

I keep hearing that women outnumber men in the Sims playerbase...
Is it really true, and is it a recent thing?

>> No.9226382

The game got gay, so in modern day yes. No one can tell me though that the OG Sims, a game about architecture and controlling the lives of others, is for women. Also, managing a family of 5+ on speed 3 is simply something that would make a woman's brain explode.

>> No.9226413

A high number of girls still played the first Sims back in the day. They typically had a brother though in my experience. But yes they went all out on marketing towards women for Sims 4.

>> No.9226493

>games got gay so in modern day yes
Uhh, there's more to females who are into the Sims than being gay. Also how many speed settings are there overall. I never checked.

>> No.9226794

Og Sims and Sims 2 were so pure. Leave it to EA to screw everything up

I still listen to the build and buy mode music sometimes.
>that piano

>> No.9227118

i had classmate girls that deliberate would visit my house to play sims 1 because i was only one who owned pc

>> No.9227192
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I played all the Sims games and most of their console ports and spinoffs like the Urbz and MySims.
2 is my favorite still, 3 has alot to do, but frankly, I hate how the game looks. 4 is great too with it's build mode, sliderless CAS, and mare cartoony aesthetic.

>> No.9227227

Sims 4 is a money sink for women and is a terrible Sims game. If Sims 3 had a x64 build to fix the horrible loading times, nobody would bother with Sims 4, which is exactly why it never got one. Sims 4 has worse art direction and it’s newest iterations go heavy on the gender agenda.

Sims 4 shipped as barebones as possible so they could sell women back the ability to have a swimming pools and toddlers.

They seriously took out something that shipped with Sims 1 (pools) and Sims 2 (toddlers). It’s unbelievably shameless but why wouldn’t they milk the easiest market (women) for all they’re worth?

When they were questioned why it didn’t ship with swimming pools, EA had the audacity to say “it’s because the new engine lol”.

You should feel bad for giving Sims 4 any positive comment.

>> No.9227260
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The Sims 2 looked so cartoony and fun, even after they kind of toned it down for the final build. Such a great game, poured so many hours into it. Wish I could say the same for 3. Pretty much never even bothered with 4 since it's just the same thing all over again. They probably should've just stopped after 2 or 3 and moved onto something else. I think Animal Crossing and stuff like Gardenscapes kind of eclipsed it at some point. Even MySims was in direct competition with Wild World and City Folk. Maybe if they hadn't botched the mobile versions so badly The Sims would still be relevant.

>> No.9227834
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>4 is great too with it's build mode, sliderless CAS, and mare cartoony aesthetic.
You are literally pic related.

Even LGR gave up on Sims 4.

>> No.9227897

Man, I remember watching all of LGR's Sims videos. I kind of forgot that was a thing lol. Hilarious but also kind of sad he doesn't care about Sims anymore, just goes to show how far the series has fallen since the earlier games

>> No.9228080
File: 803 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_pwlie8dgf51xuwkybo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sims got progressively more and more "mallcore" starting from 2
just listen to TS1 build/buy themes compared to the rest of the series

It feels like Sims 1 actually tried to have commentary and subtext. Buy Mode item descriptions being witty, your Sims barely meeting their needs (needs stopped being a problem in 2) then just disappearing for half of the day like work literally isn't a part of their lives, etc. It could actually be spooky or create different moods too, whereas i feel like everything from 2 onwards is just played for laughs. It could also be quite hard, whereas starting from 2 it's pretty easy and is just basically a fantasyland for your dolls.

>> No.9228109

Yeah counter strike was a life simulator if you're from iraq

>> No.9228280

i play sims 4 for porn and sims 1 and 2 for gameplay. sims 3 i dont talk about

>> No.9228301


>> No.9228381

I'm sure it got even worse, but Sims 2 was already soulless compared to 1. Or maybe my modern hardware is conspiring with my nostalgia to make me think so.

>> No.9228485

>mallcore starting from sims 2
anons i'm afraid to say i have to power level here: i am a femanon and i remember every and i mean literally every girl my age i knew when it released raving about the sims back in the day. literally EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. and this was the sims 1, not the sims 2.
>It feels like Sims 1 actually tried to have commentary and subtext. Buy Mode item descriptions being witty, your Sims barely meeting their needs (needs stopped being a problem in 2) then just disappearing for half of the day like work literally isn't a part of their lives, etc. It could actually be spooky or create different moods too, whereas i feel like everything from 2 onwards is just played for laughs. It could also be quite hard, whereas starting from 2 it's pretty easy and is just basically a fantasyland for your dolls.

this is categorically false and you have not played the sims 1 or the sims 2. try harder.

>> No.9228552

Yes and EA/Maxis of course did market research and studied the demographics of who bought their game, and continued to market towards their sizable female audience until it became a mediocre, frivolous female product (Sims 4). I’m 30 and Sims was one of the few games girls in the 2000’s had on their PC and tons of fan sites and fan made content for Sims 1 were by women.

I will agree that even Will Wright himself knew Sims would be popular with women since it is (can be) about domestic living fantasy and the anon who said it was strictly for men >>9228080 is being ridiculous but I understand he just hates what it has become because who doesn’t? Btw, to that anon, The Sims was originally developed under the working title of Dollhouse and the sims were going to be dolls… so there you go. I will agree with him though that difficulty of the “game” portion of it was brought down substantially starting with two in no small part that they figured they could sell more copies by making it a playground rather than a game.

>> No.9228564

Sims 2 is still decently difficult, it's why it's infamous as the actual sims murder-grinder game because it has so many ways to die. Sims 3 is the game where it REALLY became impossible to fuck anything up.

If you don't micro sims constantly in TS2 they'll just play SSX3/drink "punch" until they keel over
(source: had this happen earlier when playing TS2 and I went to go make spaghettios thinking that Pescado's Macrotastics would keep my stupid little twerp alive.)

>> No.9228596

I agree with you, but Sims 2 it’s definitely easier to manage your sims in comparison to the first.

Sims 1 for aesthetic and feels (it’s forever the best one)
Sims 2 for balance
Sims 3 for content
Bustin’ Out for gameplay

>> No.9228698

Fuck off

>> No.9228708

I will buy you Korn t-shirts of you come to Brisbane

>> No.9229220

Not retro but had 3 not being coded with a potato leading to massive slowdown only solveable with a million fixes, it would be the GOAT Sims game in the meantime 2 is still the best

>> No.9229225

The Sims wasn't the first, but it was one of the most complete games of its kind.

>> No.9229228

>No one can tell me though that the OG Sims, a game about architecture and controlling the lives of others, is for women.
bitch as someone who grew up with several sisters, I vividly remember getting mad with them over hogging the family PC to play Sims 1

>> No.9229306

>i am a femanon

>> No.9229331

>at the time

>> No.9229347

The Sims 2 has more of what we know as modern EA creeping into it but it is still all Maxis. The music especially is an indication of it. I think the music from the first sims game is more based on them knowing people would have limited sound card capabilities. By the time 2 came out that was no longer an issue for the vast majority of people.

>> No.9230817

was really bored with the game when it came out, didn't understand the point of it, but i'd like to try again. if i'm only going to play 1 of them, should it be Bustin' Out?

>> No.9230825

It should be Sims 2.


>> No.9230853

The main series is mostly just for designing cool homes and fun characters and basically making your own story, if you want more objective-based gameplay you could try The Urbz or Bustin Out.

>> No.9230860

You have no fucking proof that that anon is one with GID or was groomed, get your head out of your asshole!

>> No.9231104

>anons i'm afraid to say i have to power level here: i am a faganon and i remember every and i mean literally every fag my age i knew when it released raving about the sims back in the day. literally EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. and this was the sims 1, not the sims 2.
You're not powerleveling, being a femaonon doesn't add anything to your point of view. Btw I'm gay

>> No.9232250

>Sims 2 is still decently difficult
sims 2 dating dlc breaks that balance by letting you farm want points on dates infinitely
one of the coolest features about sims 2 was limited lifetime. and one of the wants awards was elixir of life. so earning points towards that elixir was de-facto your main goal, it's arguably even better than sims 1 in that aspect. however with late night dlc you could go on date, and when you do you get spammed with basic bitch wishes like kiss and hug your date that leads to you farming points and completely the skipping the main challenge

>> No.9232260

A chick told me that in the Sims she makes sims out of people she doesn't like and put them in the pool and drowns them. She also told me what she does as the mayor of her village in animal crossing. She hits people with nets and traps them in holes, cuts their houses off from the island and leaves signs around their abode that say they're ugly, sends them threatening letters telling that she hates them, and bullies villagers until they leave town

This shit is more toxic than Halo wtf, gentlemen how do we step up our game?

>> No.9232630
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>> No.9232648
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Jones: Life in the Fast Lane is still the king of life sims.

>> No.9232652
File: 84 KB, 224x199, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even LGR gave up on Sims 4.
As they say in my country - "crow swore off pecking shit".

>> No.9232659

That's the first review he's done in a year on Sims 4.

>> No.9232823

i would hate myself if i was forced to actually play sims 4. i havent even touched any expansion packs in non meme way

>> No.9232854

LGR says he keeps making Sims videos because they get the most views. Watch them, he never has a good thing to say about them.

>> No.9232859

id give her my freuden shaft

>> No.9233731

There are at least 2 chicks I have met who were extremely enthusiastic Sims players, the only other person I’ve met who openly expressed enjoying it was a guy. It wouldn’t surprise me if that’s an accurate claim.

>> No.9233742
