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/vr/ - Retro Games

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922459 No.922459 [Reply] [Original]

What did you guys think of Megaman 9? Too hard or not hard enough? Also, have any of you actually completed the challenge "complete the game without missing with megabuster"? That's freaken insane.

There's one side of people who claim it's bad because you have to trial and error to succeed. On the other hand, people still find it fun all the way around.

In my opinion it was a pain compared to Megaman 2. Nonetheless the music, colours and ultimately the gameplay was great.

pic related, Splash Woman is tasty.

>> No.922471

I thought it was the most difficult Mega Man. Haven't played 10.

>> No.922476


There are people on YT like Clement and Mike (AVGN) who I think claim 2 was easier. Like seriously?

Did you enjoy it?

>> No.922480

2 was harder*

>> No.922486

Loved it. Difficulty was perfect. Hard for the first runthrough, but never unfairly so.

>> No.922493

Yeah true. They still kept that thing where "you stuff up it's your fault" kinda thing. Did you complete that challenge? I wonder if anyone here has actually done it.

>> No.922519

I got really high, bought it on launch day, and played for hours with my wife and good friend.

I was taken back to playing megaman as a child when I had to learn the patterns. We would have beat the game in the first day if it weren't for those fucking lava beams in wily stage 1. We didn't think to concrete them.

>> No.922524

Agreeed, I wanna slice her tail up and eat it with rice.

>> No.922535


I didn't concrete them. I just called Rush and jumped to the ladders. It works!

I'm glad you enjoyed it with your wife.

>> No.922540


You know she was called "ocean man" during the game production? Fack.

>> No.922537

mega man 9 and rockman & forte are my two favorite classic mega man games, though i haven't played most of the classic series in a while. i didn't really mind the removal of the charge, but i wish they'd have left the slide in
i also forgot the challenges were a thing

>> No.922546


Well the challenges are so ridiculous. I mean, "complete the game without missing with megabuster?"


>> No.922548




Rage vidyas to megaman

>> No.922561

tell me about it. i had a hard enough time with ones like "beat galaxy man in 10 seconds or less." that galaxy man is such a jerk

iirc i only managed to complete about 70% of them before i took a break and forgot about it

>> No.922565


I think you have to finish him with his weakness. But still, the challenges are screwed...

>> No.922573


The music in this game is fucking awesome.

>> No.922648

Its too hard for me and Ive beaten 1-8 many times

>> No.922678

I think it's more difficult than 1-8 and I still haven't beaten it, but I never really practiced it enough to get good like I used to do with the old games.

>> No.922750

I think that in between 1 to 6 + 9 and 10 it's the best one. Difficulty is spot on, gameplay and level design is the best you can find in the 8 bit series. Musics were great too.

I played it so much I reached 98% achievement. The only ones I couldn't get was Mr Invicible (beating the game without taking a single hit). I have a save where I beat all 8 robot masters without getting hit, but I'd always end up getting hit during the wily stages at some point...

>> No.922758

>Well the challenges are so ridiculous. I mean, "complete the game without missing with megabuster?"

This one is really fucking easy. Simply put : you start by Splash Woman's stage, you never miss in this one; and once that's done you simply never even use the megabuster again.

>> No.922757
File: 53 KB, 841x580, 1240199234088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was alright. the powers were definitely good. it was clearly aimed at the mm2 crowd though. give me slide/charge and later nes graphics.

>> No.922762

>give me slide/charge and later nes graphics.

The slide and charge were not missed considering the level design worked around NOT having them.

During the NES series only MM4 got the charge shot right anyway, but it's true that having a game with slide would have been nice too.

As far as graphics are concerned, I agree with you. I would have love to see more details and animations in backgrounds as well as palette swaps like in MM5 and 6.

Now what the fuck went wrong with 10? It just didn't appeal to me as much. Sure it was good but I've only played through it 5 or 6 times, something felt off.

>> No.922768

I prefer Mega Man 10, it has a better balanced difficulty. Mega Man 9 relies too much, in my opinion, on pointless gimmicks in order to make the game harder.. That said both of them are very good and worth playing.

>> No.922771

"Gimmicks" have been a part of the Mega Man series for a long time, probably even since the first. It's a good way of bringing original things in the level design.

>> No.922782

I don't remember earlier classic Mega Man games having as many gimmicks as Mega Man 9 has.

>> No.922785

Plus, contrary to older MM titles, MM9 introduced each gimmick very well by encountering them first on an easy part where the player can learn to know them before exploiting the gimmicks in a more advanced way in the later screens.

That's also something that's part of MM9's legacy : fan made MM games that were made after it use this formula as well (MMxSF & MM Universe come to my mind)

>> No.922902

I didn't like the music much in 10 nothing really stuck out to me. But 9's music? Every track is amazing, especially Jewel Man, Galaxy Man and Wily Stage 2.

The weapons in 10 were really crappy too when not used against bosses. The Blade weapon was the only one I really liked using.

>> No.922912

I fucking loved it.

Perfect difficulty. Hard as fuck at first but youplay it more and learn the game and get better at it. Like Ghosts n Goblins games.

>> No.922947


>> No.923105

Well yeah that's true, but my point is gimmicks were there from the start and their importance became bigger and bigger with time. 1,2 and 3 had a few gimmicks. 4 had a little more. 5 and 6 had much much more.

I think the "ammount" of gimmick in 9 is spot on : more than in 1,2 and 3 but not as much as in 5 and 6.

Yeah, I thought weapons in 9 were really clever overall and all had use in different situations. You could say though that once you have Splash Woman's weapon there is no need to use the megabuster ever again... so that's the only grip regarding weapons for me.

some people argue about Tornado Man's weapon being overwpoered but I disagree. Its big use of energy makes up for it, a full bar only means a handful of shots so you have to save it for the best situations.
Also screen-clearing weapons have been around since very early.

I agree about the music too. Overall 10 had worse music though a few tracks kick ass (Solar Man is my favourite).
but in 9 every single music was fantastic. I even bought the OST which I listen to once in a while

>> No.923110
File: 149 KB, 850x796, 132532907397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part of me likes it because it's a generally fun game with good music, but it feels like a total step backwards from the games that proceeded it due to them removing the charge, slide, and basically every evolutionary cool thing the megaman series actually managed to add to its generally stagnant gameplay.

again, it was fun, but I don't see why they removed the slide and the charge. did people not like those things?

>> No.923126

They did it because MM2 is the most popular of the NES series and it has no slide or charge.

But to be honest, in the classic series the charge sucks overall. It's okay in 4 because you don't have to use it, but in 5 and 6 gameplay completely based around the charge and makes it less fun that way, especially bosses.

>> No.923652

Lazy nostalgia pandering =/= retro

>> No.923718

You might want to check the definition of the word

>of, or relating to the past, past times, or the way things were

>> No.923776


And you might want to read the sticky.

>> No.923789

Mega Man 9 IS retro, though.

Just like Double Dragon Neon, Fez, and Scott Pilgrim.

>> No.923798


>Doesnt read the sticky

Seriously? Do you nazis have better shit to do?

>> No.923820

>September 22, 2008

I think it's not retro

>> No.923847


Nope. Into the furnace.

>> No.923869

Piece of shit doesn't even run in 240p

How can it be retro?

>> No.923881

Will illiterate people ever stop ruining every single thread with their anti-factual meta related shit?

Something "retro" can also be something made in the style of old. It's in the DEFINITION of the word.

Open a damn dictionnary before opening your mouths.

>> No.924276


Read the damn rules before posting. There's a reason you can write about Sonic 3, but not Sonic Generations.

>> No.924306

>Release Date: September 22, 2008

>Release Date: 22nd Sep 2008

>Release Date: September 22, 2008 (US)

>22 September 2008 (USA)

>Date: 22nd September 2008

>> No.924363

Autists, sir. All they do is shit on everyone's fun. They were the same people who kept screaming that Game Boy Color was HURRR NOT RETRO.

Yes, I too, have argued about the stupidity of the naming of the board, as retro is new in the style of old, and classic is OLD IN THE STYLE OF OLD, but we can't call the board CV or else Dracula will return.

>> No.924384

It's a really good Mega Man game. The difficulty's just right, the weapons are all great (I judge an MM game harshly if I rarely find use for two or more weapons), the aesthetics are spot-on, the difficulty was high but not frustratingly so... it was pretty much all a Mega Man fan could ask for after so many years without a true new installment.

I still haven't played 10. Might do that tonight.

>> No.924397

Just realized I mentioned the difficulty twice. Having a bit of a derp moment. Polite sage.

>> No.924408

>the aesthetics are spot-on
For the late 80's, they are.

It's like they tried to recreate the feel of Megaman 2. Which they did a pretty good job of, but fuck, Megaman 5 has beautiful backgrounds.

>> No.924431

All they would need to do is to change the description to Vidya Games Retro and all would be well.

The board is what's retro, not the games.

>> No.924429
File: 14 KB, 759x671, the autism spectrum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>introduces gimmicks in an easy way


>> No.924436

too many spikes

>> No.924437

I think the game has more in common aesthetically with MM3 or 4 than 2, but yes, the backgrounds could have been less sparse. It hardly hurts the experience, though.

>> No.924503
File: 6 KB, 300x222, star-kid-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.925447

It was good, hard enough at first then really easy when you play it more; like it should... obvious.

The only challenge that pissed me off is beating GM in 10 secs. only becuase he is one random bastrard. The rest i did them in the last Willy stage.

The music is really catchy at time; i grew fond on Willy stage 2 as i play trough it, i only play 9 just for the music and the stage.


Sage for not retro.

>> No.925460
File: 35 KB, 576x816, SplashWomanNES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question, does anyone have a "clean" screenshot of Splash Woman inside her boss chamber? And another one, do you fight her again later on, as with the other Mega Man games? And if so, could I also have a pic of that as well? I have some research to conduct, literally. Let's just say I'm trying to debunk the myth of "Splash Woman would not work on an NES".

Pic is my research this far.