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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9219127 No.9219127 [Reply] [Original]

>silky smooth animations
>smooth 360 degree object rotation without causing any slowdown
>absolutely soulful vector graphics, no pixelshit
>voice synthesizer
>self centering analog controller
>has its own monitor, no need to beg to your mom to use the tv
>very portable
>only $199
How the actual FUCK did it fail?

>> No.9219143

Video games went to shit in the early 80s. Too many consoles and too many crappy games. People were more interested in buying PCs at that time.

>> No.9219146

It failed for many of the reasons you listed

>> No.9219153

its god tier
but realistically
you need one that has been serviced\recapped if youre gonna dump money on one today

also the genesis controller adapter and flashcart\multi

the pen unit and 3d headset still blow my mind the system is literally older than i am

>> No.9219176

>silky smooth animations
>smooth 360 degree object rotation without causing any slowdown
>absolutely soulful vector graphics, no pixelshit
>voice synthesizer
>self centering analog controller

Irrelevant gamer shit that only matters to a very small core of gamwr nerds. This is NOT why it failed.

>has its own monitor, no need to beg to your mom to use the tv

Why the hell would you buy a big ass box when it CAN'T be used as a TV? Families need electronics that are multi-purpose.

Mom would take one look at it and say "I'm not spending $199 on box that can only be used for one thing."

If you buy an Atari then you can even hook it up to this beast. You are still gonna bother mom to use the family TV.

>very portable

It's a giant ass box. This is not portable. A Sony Walkman is portable. This is not. It's too damn heavy and cumbersome to put this on your bike and go to a friend's house.

>only $199

Way too expensive. Especially for the 1980s. You could buy an actual (much nicer) TV for that price back then.

>> No.9219245

I wish i had a controller for mine.

>> No.9219292

I want to toggle that joystick so hard bro.
It looks so well made

>> No.9219307

>Why the hell would you buy a big ass box when it CAN'T be used as a TV? Families need electronics that are multi-purpose.
A TV isn't multipurpose unless you buy a console, computer, or VCR to hook it up to. Besides, hooking up those devices wasn't anywhere as easy as it is today with thumb sized android sticks and shit, so most TVs were only used to watch TVs and nothing else. Most people would rather buy a dedicated computer monitor.
>Mom would take one look at it and say "I'm not spending $199 on box that can only be used for one thing."
It's only $24 more expensive than the colecovision.
>It's a giant ass box. This is not portable.
It's a lot smaller than TVs actually. It has a handle and controller container. It was designed to be carried around.
>It's too damn heavy and cumbersome to put this on your bike and go to a friend's house.
It's much smaller than Compaq and other portable computers at the time.
>Way too expensive. Especially for the 1980s. You could buy an actual (much nicer) TV for that price back then.
As I said. It's a lot cheaper than Atari 5200 and only a few bucks more than Colecovision. Plus its got its own monitor. I mean, you gotta be stupid not to see how good of a deal it was.

>> No.9219472

...alright maybe this term has a use after all

>> No.9219515

How can I get my hands on a vecfever?

>> No.9219546

No third party support for games.

No color.

VERY expensive to produce. Profit margins were slim on each system. So a lot had to be sold. This is why you don't add a screen to your system.

A color version was too expensive to manufacture so they had to stay with black and white.

>> No.9219773

My bud had one back in the day it was cool in 83. I considered getting one but I'm glad I got a vic20 instead.

>> No.9220042
File: 42 KB, 300x407, Vic-20_Battlezone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm glad I got a vic20 instead.
Vectrex was a neat gimmick but came at a time when the public was hungry for computers. When the choice was 'choose one' it was hard to pick a games only device.

>> No.9220049

One of my biggest coomlecter regrets was passing on one of these for 300$ a few years ago

vector monitors are so fucking cool, that was the real loss from losing CRTs

>> No.9220090

We have cheap lasers with arbitrary scanning now. It would be possible to create a laser vector display if you wanted to make a modern day vectrex. Whether you'd project the laser onto a wall or rear project it onto a piece of coated glass is a choice you can have now.

>> No.9220345

>no games
>vector graphics instead of pixels
This is why it failed, moron

>> No.9220683

I can top that, i passed on a complete unit for 100 a number of years ago, all because i had one already i got for free but had no controllers for it and at the time, all i wanted was a controller, when the controllers alone are like 200 so i could have just bought it and had a controller and spare unit as well. Now i have to wait for that VectAdaptor to go back in stock.

>> No.9220790

>Irrelevant gamer shit
I wonder what that means in that handicapped head of yours.

>> No.9221946

I like Vectrex more than the Colecovision, Fairchild Channel F, and Bally professional arcade.

>> No.9222050

At the moment they’re basically unobtainable.

>> No.9223143

How can that be?

>> No.9223336

It’s cool but the novelty wears off after a while.

>> No.9223589

>>silky smooth
>>smooth 360 degree object rotation without causing any slowdown
never used one before, have you? it was shit.

>> No.9223592

> more than bally arcade
your personal preferences are still insulting to anyone with any self respect.

>> No.9223687

>3d headset
Vectrex had VR?

>> No.9224036

not him but it sounds to me like YOU’VE never used one

>> No.9224209


There was no such thing as a "gamer" in the early 80s. Videogames were novelties and toys, like laser tag or RC cars.

There were enthusiasts, but nobody would have built there whole identity around playing videogames like they do today. In fact it's still pretty pathetic today.

>> No.9224342

>its pathetic to built your whole identity around playing video games.
Agree, but only to a point.

>> No.9224358

Oh, how is that so, dear former Bally Midway employee, or if not, oh dev on Ballyally.com? Do tell me where you got your disgust for the Vectrex to be as it is. FYI, I never said I hated either the Colecovision nor the Bally Professional Arcade.

>> No.9225195

My vectrex takes ages for the screen to turn on, 5 minutes or so but you can hear sound immediately. It's never had new caps so I'm going to try that first, is there anything else could cause it?

>> No.9225260

seems dumb now but people literally thought video games were fad that had ended like hula hoops

>> No.9225362

Games back then were seen as a fad. It wasn't the big industry we have today.

>> No.9225491

It didn’t have the games, the marketing or the price point. In 1983 you could buy a 2600 for well under $100.

>> No.9226162

>Video games went to shit in the early 80s. Too many consoles and too many crappy games. People were more interested in buying PCs at that time.

That is the most Jewish reason I ever heard. I'm supposed to believe that everyone just stopped making and playing video games and that only Japan could bring it back? Sounds more like the Jews moved our video game industry overseas like they did with everything else. The burial of all those E.T. cartridges was an act of hate, not economics.

>> No.9226173
File: 18 KB, 360x261, 1431475938628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source on this? Also, there REALLY WERE so many crappy games released not only on the 2600 and 5200, but also on Intellivsion and others. Video game market on the consoles section was fucking saturated in many areas of Europe and Especially in North America.
>ET Dindu nuffin wrong
It was a fucking rushed and unpolished game, numbskull.