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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 32 KB, 269x370, HYPER_-_Issue_1_-_December_1993_-_Front_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9212036 No.9212036 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys collect retro magazines? I've been thinking of starting a collection up to the end of 6th gen purely because it's fascinating to peer into the window of different eras. If only I had the money and space for it.

>> No.9212076
File: 72 KB, 362x467, retro-gamer-magazine-issue-205-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to get Nintendo Power growing up. Now I buy Retro Gamer magazine when I see something interesting in it. It's one of the only magazines that really goes into depth when it comes to older games and still gives me that old school vibe.

If you're considering collecting just for the sake of reading them though, you can find a lot of them in PDF format on the archive.

>> No.9212112

I have a few retro gamer issues myself but I like the oldschool magazines from the 80s and 90s because of the differences in culture back then.

Guess I'll stick to reading PDFs on the archive for now.

>> No.9212285

Went to Japan in the early 2000's. Fondest memories is checking out the gaming magazines at the convenience store. Do they still have them?

>> No.9212319

>chun he

>> No.9213679

I think i still have a stack of hyper several feet high back at my parents place.

I had all the classic era british mags once (the rignall era shit like CVG/Mean Machines/NMS etc) and i fucking threw the lot in the bin when i was about 18 coz i thought they were stupid.
Now i hate myself for what i did.

>> No.9213717
File: 2.70 MB, 2016x1512, Wrong_choice_was_made.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly kept what I had back then, aside from the first two years of Nintendo Power that I regrettably threw out due to moving. I did get these old magazines later, well past their time, for research into impressions of a game across the pond for a video and it is interesting peering into an alternate dimension where Sega was actually liked. The rising cost of housing in this recession era is making it very difficult to have space for any of these expendable luxuries.

>> No.9213736
File: 80 KB, 600x387, 191CE1D8-A54D-44E1-9AC1-153EF4E23B18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know, I just went for the Strong Zero Chu-Hi’s and the surprisingly good gas station food

>> No.9213754

Guides and magazines are already expensive. The coomlector truly knows no limits

>> No.9213909

Same shit here in Canada. Flavored beer isn't a Japanese thing.

>> No.9213926
File: 963 KB, 1668x2200, Wipeout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9213980

Loved Hyper. Especially the fan mail.

>> No.9213993

I mean Strong Zero the brand specifically

>> No.9214012

Why hyper Chun Li look fine hot compared with old/nu-Chun Li from Street Fighter VI?

>> No.9214079

Well, I don't really give a fuck as long as it tastes like booze and gets me drunk.

>> No.9214246

I still have some of my early 2000s PC Gamer mags which depressingly are now retro. I wish I had collected them before 2000 in hindsight. It's still pretty wild to go back and read the articles and insider info on the industry. It's like ancient history and doesn't resemble the modern day at all. It's freaky.

>> No.9214264

I think I have every issue of PSM, and every EGM from 1993 or 1994 onward

>> No.9214298

With my BAC, that qualifies my semen. Open up.

>> No.9214453

I only drink long necks.

>> No.9214501

They still have them yes.
Porn mags to, shit's great.

>> No.9214559

I don't need to collect. I've got old vidya magazines sitting around in boxes that I acquired simply by growing up whilst they were in circulation.

>> No.9214608

I got some old game guides, but that's about it. I still use them sometimes. For example I tend to get lost in Turok at times so it's nice to whip out the book and refer to a map inside.

>> No.9216183

Yup i even scan and translate some of them

>> No.9217002

What archive, where

>> No.9217212
File: 114 KB, 1023x1024, 5BFFCC96-D23D-4A62-BCBE-32AB153073BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn loved hyper in the 90s
Hi tek worlds top 10

>> No.9217245

I was about to say "not retro but", but then I remembered the rules change.
I had a ton of issues of Official Xbox Magazine back in the day, I started with issue #8 I think because they had demo discs, missed a handful between there and #30 before subscribing finally. I kept that up all the way through to about 2010 or so, when I traded them along with my xbox 360 off for a wii and a bunch of games because I wanted to softmod it and thought that would be more enjoyable. I was wrong. I gave the demo discs to a friend though luckily so when he moved off a few years later I was able to get all of those back.

I really wish I had kept them, the guy who got them probably threw them all away as soon as he got home. finding scans of them online is a pain, basically impossible for a majority of the issues. I saw a bunch of them were scanned and uploaded as pdf's on archive.org awhile ago but they had all the ads removed which was half the fun of looking at them. And when I went to look for them just a few days ago I couldn't find them anymore, I'm wondering if they were pulled for copywrite issues.

I had this idea during GG to do reviews of xbox games and compare mine and others impressions of the game now to how it was reviewed at the time specifically to see how much bias there was in OXM and maybe a few other magazines of the era. But the lack of availability of them online really hurt that idea.
Pandamonium ended up doing pretty much what I had in mind but he does the Saturn instead of the Xbox.
I still think its a pretty good idea, though I realized eventually that I'd basically just be reinventing metacritic, except with my opinions instead of bighog_45's 1 star review where he writes "game didn't work" in all fields.

>> No.9217323

wish I kept the ones I bought back then

>> No.9219301

>hurr console war bad
Newfag and pcunt never understand the golden age.

>> No.9220126


>> No.9221316

>during GG

What's GG? Gamergate?

>> No.9221519

Gabe x Gate

>> No.9221562

>the golden age of retarded children calling each other faggots on the internet over buying a different console
kill yourself proto /v/ nigger.

>> No.9222896


>> No.9224685

Sega was pretty much kept afloat entirely by Europe.

>> No.9226979
File: 2.23 MB, 2016x1512, E3mag00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty much what I read about Sony's most recent consoles.

>> No.9226991

I want to start collecting late 90s - early 00's american Gamepro cause my local bookstore used to import it and it was just so different than all the other gaming magazines from my country, it left behind a nice feeling of nostalgia in my mind.

>> No.9226996

Lol did you buy Nintendo consoles? Poor baby.

>> No.9227000
File: 3.28 MB, 6048x4024, 1661619476017074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone who moved to Japan started reading their old game magazines?

>> No.9227048
File: 1.23 MB, 1632x918, egm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I've got a run of 90s Electronic Gaming Monthly and Gamefan in addition to a random assortment of Japanese gaming mags, like PC Engine Fan.