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9210804 No.9210804 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have a discussion about the Jet set radio games without outright claiming one game is better or trashing the other. Talk about your favorite aspects of each, what you didn't like, favorite memories, and so on.

>> No.9210827

Kino series. For me, The World Ends With You on the DS was my JSR3

>> No.9210856

first one is better because combat is integrated into the level and there's strategy around tag order

>> No.9210869

Too bad the controls are such a slog to get used to.

>> No.9210907
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Pros: challenging; tasteful, licensed, indie music; tightly designed levels; great character design.
Cons: Floaty controls; Jet rankings are a pain because you can't retry levels without resetting the entire campaign; trial and error type of gameplay, impossible to predict where police will be; Game is very short.

Pros: Controls feel great; maps are expansive, free-roaming is awesome; Aesthetics are awesome, especially 99th street; In-house Naganuma/Jacques OST is stellar.

Cons: Not challenging at all; map design can be very bad(particularly in the later half); Police encounters are a joke.

>> No.9211037

>play it on PC
>get to the mandatory wall jump part
>trigger a wall run
>my guy wont jump
>fail many times
>PC version must be broken
>dig out my dreamcast
>get to the same part
>Fail many times again
>finally figure it out
>you have to release the analog stick a split second before pressing a direction to jump
>still impossible to pull off consistently

>> No.9211120

JSRF is better to play, but they really ruined the aesthetic with it

>> No.9211224

Its different but not necessarily worse, 99th street and the Shibuya area are still plenty colorful if more shaded than JGR. I really like the setting of a really overdeveloped but not dystopian landscape. No other skating game is anything close to it.

>> No.9211231

It's kind of impressive, I don't like the level design. but you have a city that has its own life and even a faction system. Even Yakuza isn't as alive as this game, they finally brought npc interaction in a lazy spin off almost 20 years later

>> No.9211239

Whats the difference between the Japanese and us versions besides title? I heard they have differences.

>> No.9211271

the character designs are a huge step down

>> No.9211273

American version has extra levels/songs. The American version was put out in Japan later under a different title

>> No.9211276 [DELETED] 


>> No.9211283


>> No.9211302

dragula makes every game that it appears in better

>> No.9211805

>you can't retry levels without resetting the entire campaign
What are you talking about? You can absolutely retry stages. Unless that's something they fixed in the HD version

>> No.9211814

I never liked Rob Zombie but that song always made me want to slam in the back of my Dragula

>> No.9211904
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You guys have played its fighting game, right?

>> No.9211905

I think they mean the story chapters(not Technique/Graffiti/Crush). Once you complete it, you can't replay it for a higher score until your next go-around on the campaign. However, you could just not save and retry from your last save.

>> No.9211908
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Interestingly, Cube's design with the grey shirt is only in the first Japanese release. The original Japanese release lacks Grind City and some tracks, also IIRC has shorter time limits(to the point it became a complaint about the game)

>> No.9212201

I've played Lethal League Blaze

>> No.9212224

yes, and i think it was very bad:

- Some characters are "clones" of others(nearly same desing or nearly the same move sets).

- the female fan service character is not sexy enough.

- one of the characters is a total clone of chun-li(strange that capcom did not got angry).

- Some special moves are annoying to do.

- as far as i remember, the characters do not have a ending when you beat the game.

No doubt why most people do not remember it.

>> No.9212289
File: 605 KB, 1125x753, C72FDAD3-F967-4EBF-A9A7-CC436E2ED16A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JSRF at sunset is literally one of the best aesthetics of all time. I had this when it came out and it’s wild to see how it’s become a cult masterpiece. This and Halo were the games that proved to me Xbox was going to be untouchable graphically that generation. I had a Dreamcast but didn’t have Jet Grind Radio (I did okay the PC release years later), how exactly is the aesthetic ruined?

>> No.9212515

You can retry story chapters, but you have to do so right away on the screen after the character celebrates, otherwise the story continues.

>> No.9212903
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I love both iterations of her so much

>> No.9212909

jsrf looked great at the time (every cel shaded game looks nice), but the character designs are awful compared to the first game

>> No.9212920

i disagree but not shitting on your opinion.
curious why you think this, can you explain in more detail?

>> No.9212967

The complaints I see over JSRF's aesthetic compared to the original are muted colors, more overdesigned characters, and a less realistic cityscape. As far as the characters, they generally went from having more modern day styles to more avant-garde futuristic fashions; see Beat's giant headphones, Ryth/Mew's red bikini over her outfit, Cube's giant metal beltbuckle, just to name a few. The JSR cast are more like normal teenagers, the JSRF cast is more like models; see how Poison Jam are like husky kids in the original and big musclebound behemoths in Future.

>> No.9212968

(also more thoughts since it wouldn't fit in my last post )
As someone who started with JSRF but had JSR soon after and loves both, they each have merit, I love how Future expands on the original. But the small maps with a lot of interlacing and shortcuts There's stuff that took me a couple replays to figure out; JSR is structured to make you keep replaying levels to figure out efficiency. As much as I prefer Future's levels, I respect JSR's game design, it's really clever, its meant to be played in short bursts so you don't burn out on these levels. I think it would've made for a great portable game(besides that questionable GBA port and the ability for the VITA to play the 2010 port)
I also love how Future ditches any semblance of realism in In JSR, you're moving through a world not really meant to be skated in. The objective is to figure out how to make this work for you. In JSRF, the world is a skate park. I love the movement in the game so its my preferred take. The way Future elaborates on JSR's stages is also really cool; a railway in JSR's Benten-cho gets turned into a whole train track uniting three stages; the center it leads to gets turned into a massive pagoda tower with two dragons circling it. 99th street is one of my favorite game areas, ever. It feels like the devs were looking at the first and thinking, "what if we did THIS bigger?" or "wouldn't it be fun if this was a big thing you could grind up?"; ditching the realism for interesting designs.
Speaking of dusk, I love how both games divide their areas in Day/Dusk/Night. Shibuya-cho feels upbeat and free; Kogane-cho feels destitute and depleted;Benten-cho feels full of nightlife and dangerous, sleazy little corners. This extends to how Future has more upbeat and commercial places in the first area(record stores, parks), dilapidated housing and Favela/Kowloon-esque urban development in the second, and themeparks, sports arenas, and elaborate landmarks in the last.

>> No.9213513
File: 482 KB, 1532x851, Jet Set Radio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game have the best gals.

>> No.9213658

the character designs are just way nicer in the first game

>> No.9213723

i prefer the police in JSRF over JSR because the threat escalation is slower in future.

in the original it feels like a sudden jump from regular beat cops to SWAT with millitary hardware.

>> No.9213726

the sudden jump is probably because JSR is more arcadey

>> No.9214878

I agree that the DC style looks better. It's cool how they took that art style and developed it into a sharper, edgier, grittier look for Future.

>> No.9216049

I think that in part because JSR had a fairly long conception(with the designers thinking about it since the Panzer Dragoon games, and programming not starting until very late int he game) they had a lot of time to develop the aesthetics of the game and how they wanted it to look like. So there's a lot of influence from a bunch of the pop culture zeitgeist; modern Japanese fashion, street culture, the 70's nostalgia wave, taking elements of a lot to make a blend. In comparison, Future feels very contemporary to 2000/2001 in some ways, Clutch and Jazz in particular look like they could be straight out of an urban fashion magazine in 2001. I think they were trying to get a more cutting edge look quickly and went for more of an avant guard fashion which ended up arguably less timeless than JSR.

I don't think the Tony Hawk games influenced JSR per se(the dev times are too close, but after THPS came out I think Smilebit rethought how their stylized skating game should play; THPS and other games like it went for much more grounded aesthetics and physics, so I think they sought to go a different way for Future. I feel like once they had the idea that the skates automatically propel you upwards drove a lot of the changes; now instead of being the near-future is was a sci-fi one. So in otherwords; JSR is wacky characters in a realistic but stylized world, JSRF is more like contemporary(but high-fashion) characters in a completely stylized world.

>> No.9217009

I love them both for sure, I just prefer Future due to gameplay and the fact that it is rare. Also, Future is the only non-racing game I ever 100% cleared. Well that and SotN which doesn't really count because I never did the Sword Brother trick or whatever and got over 200%. Bwa ha.


>> No.9218124
File: 646 KB, 1552x1524, 1207641_wikipetan_euri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- Some characters are "clones" of others(nearly same desing or nearly the same move sets).
That's a genre standard, I get why it might bother you but it doesn't hamper my enjoyment of the game

>- the female fan service character is not sexy enough.

>- one of the characters is a total clone of chun-li(strange that capcom did not got angry).
Mía was reused from Vs. (westernized Fighters' Impact), they must've seen her and thought "hey let's give her a blue alt and kikosho for good measure", references are nothing to get mad over

>- Some special moves are annoying to do.
That's what DJ Practice is for!

>- as far as i remember, the characters do not have a ending when you beat the game.
I'll give you that, but it reminds me characterization is interspersed through those little comic strips. This is one of the only games I know of that put loading times to good use, the other being Capcom's 5th gen ports showing some aesthetic art with command lists.

>No doubt why most people do not remember it.
That's because it's one of them PlayStation Hidden Gems™, a Japan-only 2000 release.

8/10 would've been on Dreamcast in a fairer world

>> No.9218902


>> No.9219436

Man, while some of the music in these games are documented down to the origins of each sample, others are a complete mystery.
Reps, the band that did 'Bout the City is basically completely unknown. It drives me nuts

>> No.9219790
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>JSRF at sunset is literally one of the best aesthetics of all time.
This. Really love those aesthetics with Sweet Soul Brother Remix.

But what's with these stacked houses in everywhere?

>> No.9220164
File: 1.88 MB, 2016x1512, The_concept_of_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a Cube guy for the JSR, and in JSRF Gum got my interest with her upgrades. Did anyone ever figure out the reason/meaning of the rotating clock in JSRF?

>> No.9220320 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 580x750, gentle giant .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But what's with these stacked houses in everywhere?

Like a lot of things in Future, its basically a more elaborate, exaggerated version of something in JSR; Rokkaku Dai heights is basically a bigger version of the sloped roof and shanty town area of JSR.
In universe though, I think it's meant to imply the Rokkaku family basically built the area like Kowloon walled city; basically cheaply built housing meant to keep people inside and others out.
You also see this with the Fortified residential zone, which looks like a cage but is actually meant to be a housing complex as well. Basically implying Rokkaku's city planning is these massive hellscapes of cramped, tiny, drab housing meant to stuff people inside. Compare those areas where everything is made of housing and sewers, to Shibuya-cho's record stores, parks, and malls and Benten-cho's rollercoasters and nightlife, and its far more drab and depressing.
Also fun fact, the statue in Rokkaku Dai-Heights is the Gouji model from JSR. This might be a bit of a play on how the ending of JSR implies his son took over the business and the Gouji in JSRF is his son.

>> No.9220341
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, koganecho .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But what's with these stacked houses in everywhere?

Like a lot of things in Future, its basically a more elaborate, exaggerated version of something in JSR; Rokkaku Dai heights is basically a bigger version of the sloped roof and shanty town area of JSR.
In universe though, I think it's meant to imply the Rokkaku family basically built the area like Kowloon walled city; basically cheaply built housing meant to keep people inside and others out.
You also see this with the Fortified residential zone, which looks like a cage but is actually meant to be a housing complex as well. Basically implying Rokkaku's city planning is these massive hellscapes of cramped, tiny, drab housing meant to stuff people inside. Compare those areas where everything is made of housing and sewers, to Shibuya-cho's record stores, parks, and malls and Benten-cho's rollercoasters and nightlife, and its far more drab and depressing.
Also fun fact, the statue in Rokkaku Dai-Heights is the Gouji model from JSR. This might be a bit of a play on how the ending of JSR implies his son took over the business and the Gouji in JSRF is his son.

>> No.9220353

A fellow jsrf sunset enjoyer.

JSRF is set in a dystopian future, and dystopian futures have commie blocks.

>> No.9220381

I played the fucking shit out of Future back when I first got my Xbox. Unlocked everything.
Really looking forward to Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, seems like an incredibly faithful spiritual successor.

>> No.9220460

there's no way that JSR wasn't inspired by tony hawk. The tony hawk games were THE hot shit around that time

>> No.9220559

Look up the release dates, JSR was conceptualized before THPS was released and programming on it began before release. While its possible in the ~8 months between the releases Smilebit checked THPS out and tweaked JSR to be closer, at the end of the day JSR goes for a much different playstyle and level design than THPS, Future is even more different as the physics are meant to not be realistic at all when it comes to grinding.

>> No.9220782


>> No.9220816

If you can just replay any stage then that's in the HD version. The original did piss me off because to unlock the dog you had to get the highest rank on every level in one go.

>> No.9220819

Any difference between those two versions other than the covers?

>> No.9221924

>it’s become a cult masterpiece
No it isn't. Jet Set Radio Future has always been regarded as one of the best games ever made even in its time. The only thing is that you had to have had an Xbox to have played it, making knowledge of it rarer than it should have been.

There has never been a moment in its life where it was underrated, only underknown. JSRfags do however cope with never having gotten to play either on original hardware by saying JSR is better.

>> No.9221928

>Did anyone ever figure out the reason/meaning of the rotating clock in JSRF?
remind me what that is

>> No.9222213

Reminder that Jet Set Radio Future has a level creator now. If you know how to use Blender you can start making your own maps right now

>> No.9222270

I would love to see Jet Set Radio recreated with Future's engine(even though it'd arguably break it like TTS does to MGS). Really can't be understated how much the JSR fandom has done to keep the games alive, though. Well over two decades without any proper new games now and its still well remembered and talked about to this day.

>> No.9222991
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The one with Beat is the original one that I played through, but I've not played far into the one with Gum on the cover. That one is the US version which supposedly has an extra area or two and some new songs.

There are 2 clocks, one of which activates at a certain time in a test run. The game can be paused, the clock will continue, but the animation will activate if you did make it there in time, but only once and it won't happen again.

>> No.9223675
File: 191 KB, 400x600, tony-hawks-american-sk8land-20051118042918154-000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone always compares JSR to Tony Hawk, but later THPS games did take a few elements from JSR. Most notably, the car hitchiking mechanic from JSR is used in Underground and a few games after that. Wasteland has graffiti.
If you want another game that might scratch that JSR itch, check out Tony Hawk's American Sk8land for the DS. Its basically a port of American Wasteland for the DS, but with a simpler storyline and a mid 2000's Newgrounds/DA artstyle(which I find kind of charming). The graphics are celshaded and there's graffiti tagging and it has aforementioned car riding mechanic. For an early DS game where a lot of devs were still figuring out how to best use the system, I found it a lot of fun. Also lets you record voice samples and draw your own graffiti, IIRC.

>> No.9224057
File: 58 KB, 466x466, 0E2DB58F-A408-4349-9D5A-6284D3A3713E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good info. Now I just need to find an emu that runs it properly. Redream has some weird artifacting when displaying it.

Should I even subject myself to pic related? Apparently it was well-received.

'Till Future is remade/ported.

>> No.9224112

the only good thing is dj k is playable on this

>> No.9224215

>dj k is playable

That alone makes it worth a look imo.

>> No.9225172
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I love Gum.

>> No.9225801
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I've recently gotten into roller skating, and i go to a rink weekly to fly around, and the music at these places is either outright hiphop, edm, or 70's/80s funk music remixed in between. There were even groups of guys in the corners doing choreographed dances together like they gangs do in the game. Gave me a much tighter perspective on how this game was inspired.

Will always love the series. Also really looking forward to bombrush cyberfunk. That seems to be taking the best between both games and putting them together with it's own ideas to make a fucking awesome spiritual successor.

>> No.9225830

Rollerskating at a high enough level just becomes a swag convention of who can be the slickest motherfucker there.
Is it a little gay? I don't give a shit. It's rad.

>> No.9225834

I want to get into roller skating but I'm 23 and have zero coordination

>> No.9225862
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i'm 32 and just started for the first time, and it takes like 1 week to figure out. it's actually really stupidly intuitive once you start moving. and once you fall on your ass the first time and realize you're not really any worse for ware, you get over being scared pretty quick and keep progressing.

highly recommend, although depending on your rink the rental skates may not be the best representation of skates in general. if you go and do enjoy yourself regardless of how shitty the rentals are, i'd invest in a cheap 100 dollar pair for learning on. tons of fun. plus the chicks are fucking hot most of the time as well.

>> No.9226049

I had a pair of skates when I was a kid. I was worried about falling too, and when I did, I was embarrassed, but it's not like you can just sit in the rink, so I got back up and tried again. Other replier is right, it takes no time at all to stop falling. Get a pair of inlines for cool factor because the pair with stoppers will kill you.