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/vr/ - Retro Games

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921042 No.921042 [Reply] [Original]

What retro RPG should I play after I finish FF6?

I like games with epic engaging stories. I'm thinking I'll play Mother 3 after.

>> No.921049

Breath of Fire 3 or 4.

>> No.921084

Suikoden 1+2, Wild Arms.

>> No.921086

It doesn't get any better then that.

>> No.921089

>3 or 4
>not starting with 1 or 2
Why would you even?

>> No.921096

Two would be ok, but 1's fairly generic. That's kind of what I like about it though.

>> No.921112

1 is bland and boring and 2 is full of random encounters. Also 3 has the only good dragon system.

>> No.921123

I mean just look and especially listen to this.
I implore you.

>> No.921125


>> No.921129

Should I play Soul Blazer/Gaia first?

>> No.921130
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Ever play Phantasy Star 2 or 4? 2 is my favorite but is hard to get into (some grinding, have to draw maps, only way to find out what a tech does is to use it in different situations). 4 is more accessible. Both have epic stories.

>> No.921134

You don#t have to.
Soul Blazer especially is very simple and feels more like an updated NES game.
Illusion of Gaia has more to it, but I sadly never came to play it much myself.
Terranigma has some similar ideas in it, but stands on it's own feet.

>> No.921132

I've considered it before. What about 1/3?

>> No.921143

OP try Golden Sun

>> No.921145

Chrono Trigger is a must, assuming you haven't already played it.

>> No.921159

Vagrant Story.

>> No.921161

2 doesn't have that many more than 3, plus 2 has the better story/characters and depending on his taste he might not prefer the trainer system of 3.

>> No.921165

Dragon Quest

>> No.921186

They're both decent. One is a little bland once the allure of the first person dungeons wears off, and can be really vague about what you're supposed to do in some parts. Three feels unfinished and was done by a different team than the rest, but has some neat ideas, mostly that you play through three generations and the game changes based on who you make a baby with. 2 and 4 are the best of the series in my opinion, though, and you don't need to play em in order.

>> No.921247

FFT muhfuka

>> No.921252

was gonna say >>921247

but >>921145 is a good choice as well

>> No.921336

FF8 :)

>> No.921364

I agree with this, although all the cutscenes on disc 2 is quite annoying.