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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9195284 No.9195284 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most Okay-est game you've ever played?

>> No.9195290

Source: Gerring Capital Partners, Wikimedia Commons

>> No.9195291

Ocarina of Time

>> No.9195293

soldier of fortune

>> No.9195301
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This game is as fun as TV static

>> No.9195314

You're just here to fight lol

>> No.9195351

I mean honestly yeah I agree. OoT was the first game I ever finished as a child and I thought it was solid, but nothing more beyond that.

>> No.9195380


starfox adventures

>> No.9195524
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Castlevania: Circle of The Moon the first time I played it. Actually really solid game and I appreciate how the player character balances out with the enemies and levels even without DSS cards, and the map is real good about providing convenient entrances and exits save for leaving the Observation Tower, fuck the devil. It's just that DSS is clearly like half the point of the game, and it didn't go from "okay" to "oh shit this is real good" until Magician mode gave me all of those cards that I missed, which were a lot. I both understand and don't understand why the devs went that route.

>> No.9195536

Final Fantasy IX.

>> No.9195547

Mario 64

Solid 6/10 games

>> No.9195551
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>contrarians rush to say popular games
Ebin. Here's a real one.

>> No.9195589

Probably Popful Mail.
Everyone talks like it's THE reason to own a Sega CD. But then you play it and it's a just okay action platformer with nothing really going for it and lots of fetch quest backtracking.

>> No.9195609
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>> No.9195621

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Star Ocean

>> No.9195628

Good choice but it is more than the sum of its parts.

>> No.9195632

Eh I would say it insists upon itself

>> No.9195635

The art really sold the game to me, but I enjoyed the experience. I'd put it above okay but I have nostalgia for the game. Had it on SNES as a kid. It's also just really really weird. If I were to have only played it as an adult or way later in life, I would definitely agree with it just being "okay". Though, I will say that the farting synth noise when hitting bosses was pretty unique.

>> No.9195636

super mario world. No point in the game was I excited or loving what I was doing, all seemed kind of by the books and at worst tedious until you figure it out.

>> No.9195646

Twisted Metal 1
That being said, I was more or less spoiled with 2 and Black since I haven't played the first until much later.

>> No.9195696
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>> No.9195864
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the plain vanilla arcade racer

>> No.9195869

That game kicked my ass but I had fun with it. Sci-Fi Castlevania, fun stuff.

>> No.9195871
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Unreal 3, probably.
I remember that game being overwhelmingly mediocre.

>> No.9195875

Same but with Alttp

>> No.9195878


>> No.9195953

>bowie sepharoth is the protag
what's the problem exactly

>> No.9195958

Super Jerry Boy for SNES

>> No.9195969

Level design is as bland as it gets, grey featureless hallways with enemies spawning in. The combat is extremely buttonmash heavy and combined with the braindead enemy AI makes for a very Musou like experience. The music is entirely forgettable. When the game decides it's time for something other than featureless hallways it makes you play some truly shitty platforming segments. Despite all that it runs well, controls nice and the bosses are sometimes interesting (by comparison to the rest of game anyway) so I wouldn't call it an outright bad game, just an exceptionally mediocre one.

>> No.9195993

Cool Spot

>> No.9195998

>he doesn't know

>> No.9196038 [DELETED] 

Dark Souls 3
I loved DS1 and 2, but when 3 came out, I played through and then dropped it. It's not a bad game, it's not great. It's Dark Souls. But it doesn't have a certain magic that the first two had.

>> No.9196119
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It was ok.

>> No.9196140
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Both Aladdin games, Toy Story, any sports game, any generic space shooter or low budget action platformer. Can't have the diamonds without the rough I suppose

>> No.9196161
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Everything made by these guys.

>> No.9196259 [DELETED] 

Nintendo reverence is a sign of lacking individuality.

>> No.9196278

There's a few gems here and there, like Puggsy and the Toy Story games, and they usually have had good visuals and music.

>> No.9196339

Yeah, they're okay.

>> No.9196465

Space Invaders
its OK, but 15 minutes of it I'm done

>> No.9196638

super mario 64

>> No.9196719

Constantly seething about anything Nintendo is a more constant indicator of that.

>> No.9197105 [DELETED] 

not retro

>> No.9197116
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I swear I’m not trying to bait, but this was the first thing that came to mind. There’s nothing wrong with this game really—it’s a bit awkward as Square’s first attempt to make a 3D rpg but it doesn’t really hold it back. But at the same time I really don’t see what other people see in it. It looks… fine. It plays… fine. The fact that all the characters are basically the same outside of stats and limit breaks is disappointing but not crippling. It’s extremely okay.

>> No.9197119

I'm okay with people not seeing me as a unique specimen of a person. I like to have things in common with others, it makes me more relatable. I have opinions, sometimes they're popular, sometimes they're not. I don't concern myself with that.

OoT frequently makes it into top 10 lists of greatest video games ever made, and I agree.

>> No.9197120

I feel like Toy Story stands out from the crowd because of its graphics

>> No.9197134
File: 167 KB, 800x1136, 835DEC3B-7989-4E35-A7CD-D3680D0FCCFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and this game. I’m playing this right now and I really want to love it, it has a lot of charm and soul, but it’s heavily weighed down by really uneventful combat, little to no challenge and just absolutely CRIPPLING backtracking.

I have never complained about backtracking in a game before in my life but holy shit, you run back and forth and back and forth through the same handful of themed hallways so you can watch cutscenes you’ve already seen from a different character’s story. Fuck especially the mountains separating Caldera and Le Buque from the rest of the map, shit is like seven or eight screens long and unlike most of the other areas, you can’t just hold right and scroll on your phone to get through

But I can’t say the game is bad because I love the story and characters and music

>> No.9197568

woops, sorry
Most okayest retro game that I've played would probably be B.O.B. on mega drive. It does it's thing, it's an enjoyable platformer shooter game, but it's so average I never bothered playing past the first few levels.

>> No.9197645 [DELETED] 
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>le good game, is actually bad!
>XD I am le ebin contrarian

>> No.9197881
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That's a fair point. Even if the gameplay is kind of basic, the prerendered graphics were rivaled only by Donkey Kong Country at the time.

>> No.9198180

That's really upsetting to know because the protag's design here looks sick.

>> No.9198487

Beatles adventure racing

>> No.9198496

Sega GT.

>> No.9198515
File: 80 KB, 640x909, Rygar PS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rygar: The Legendary Adventure.
It's fine. That's really the best way to sum it up.
It's just an action adventure game that has some nice locations, very boring enemies and one weapon with incredibly minor variations. Bosses are pretty boilerplate 'big things with a weakpoint'.
It has some unintentionally funny moments and the last boss has some genuinely cool moments, but that's about it.

>> No.9198541

This is the type of shit that was actually at PS2 kid's houses. Most shovelware in console history.

>> No.9198615

I mean, calling it shovelware is harsh IMO, it's not bad, just 'okay'.
It's perfectly competent, just kind of instantly forgettable.

>> No.9199145
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Billy Hatcher is, at best, a game I have played.

>Rygar: The Legendary Adventure
I came here specifically to post this. Shocked anyone else remembers it.

>> No.9199149
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This thread could just be Suda51 games.

Except for NMH3 which was legitimately terrible.

>> No.9199191

they're not supposed to be good
you just didn't "get it"

>> No.9199570

Not really good enough to be really good. Nor is it bad enough to be not ok. But if you play through it the ending is a laugh.

>> No.9199624

Mega Man 5 is the definition of average

>> No.9199629
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It's not bad, it's not good, it's not painful, it's not fun

>> No.9199652

I was briefly a consolefag during the 360/PS3 years and I seem to remember a lot of games that I played being really bland. Not necessarily bad but just okay like you said. Splinter Cell Double Agent and Rainbow Six Vegas come to mind. I just wasn't as interested in vidya at the time as I had previously been which is why I let my PC get outdated and bought a console. I'm not shitting on consoles by the way, console games aren't inherently bland or bad, just a lot of the ones I played were from around 2007 to 2012 or so.

>> No.9199663

I thought Nanobreaker was very enjoyable.

>> No.9199773

Golden Sun

>> No.9199807
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It was ok

>> No.9200000

I was just about to post this. Pretty mediocre but hardly the abomination it has a reputation of being

>> No.9200110

There was definitely an era from the mid 2000s to early 2010s where a massive wave of generic gritty brown messes became the norm in popular gaming

>> No.9200123

Not /vr/ but the early HD era was the king of "just mediocre" games, 6th gen was the last time companies could afford to take risks when dev costs started skyrocketing in 7th gen and publishers felt the need to make every product focus tested, inoffensive and generic.

Its not as bad as the microtransaction laden hell we have now but it was the start of the bad era.

>> No.9200153
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The wii was 1000 times worse with the shovelware. I remember walmart back then and the 4 first party nintendo titles were full price and then there were just bins of random wii games for $20, franchises no one ever heard of or games made in 4 weeks based on kids shows. There is a reason 90% of the wii library never got a sequel and many of those companies dont even exist anymore. It was just a pump and dump cash grab with random waggle contrlos added on or fruit ninja clones. Many wii devlopers quickly jumped ship to making forgettable phone games insteas of forgettable console games.

>> No.9200162

Frontline: Fuels of War.
Imagine diet Battlefield.

>> No.9200178
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kek, good choice
But seriously I'd probably pick some SNES platforming game. Not really sure which one though as it's been too long.

>> No.9200237

The super star wars games were quite popular when they came out. Solid plaform action and outstanding music in an era where every company was shitting out furry mascot games. There had not been many good star wars games by the time these came out and the super star wars series finally delivered.

>> No.9200270
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Should also mention critics loved it back in the era where game mags actually mattered. EGM gave if action game of the year award for 1992. Gamepro gave it a very rare perfect score of all 5s and was one of the few to ever accomplish this at this point in the magazines history (not even sonic or super mario world scored perfect 5s).

>> No.9200281
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Rygar really isn’t shovelware, it’s just meh. Shovelware is shit like this.

Not retro

>> No.9200320
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One of my favorite games as a kid, but i cant stand playing it for more than a few minutes now

>> No.9200337

Hunting games are a very popular genre for normalfags just like all sports games. The cabelas games in particular sold well and big game hunter had like 12 fucking sequels. There is a reason every bar on the continent had a big buck hunter cabinet for nearly a decade after all other arcades closed down. Every cabelas game has 4 starts at walmart so they satisfy their core demographic. This is the opposite of shovelware.

Collectors like to bitch about sports games, hunting games and atv games flooding their retro storeshelves, but those are the games people actually bought and that is why they are so common. The games with “dad appeal” helped get the console in the home in the first place.

>> No.9200365

paper mario
mario and luigi rpg

>> No.9200496

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle

>> No.9202008

Super mario world.

Probably the weakest in the 2D mario series

>> No.9202080 [DELETED] 

>thinking OoT is anything other than "the best game ever" is seething
You people are mentally ill.

>> No.9202225
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>> No.9202572

Came in here to post this.

>> No.9202596
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>> No.9202927 [DELETED] 

Elden Ring.

it would have been impressive in 2009 but the game literally came out in 2022.

>> No.9203002
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>> No.9203040

Resident Evil 0 is probably the best example of that. It's not trash, it didn't piss me off with bad qualities, but it also didn't engage me or challenge me much. It just kind of "was", and unlike other Resident Evil games, I immediately felt like I was done with the game after beating it, I didn't want to play it one more time.

There's an exploit where you can activate cards you don't have, but that doesn't change that by design, the DSS thing is a little bit awkward. I feel that Aria/Dawn did the whole thing with "random ability drops from enemies" quite a lot better, even if the luck stat was actually broken in Dawn.
I do like CoTM for what it is, even without scoring all the cards, but it could have been better in some aspects.

People give FFMQ way more shit than it deserves, so it's always refreshing to see someone say that it's ok. It's a real easygoing game, and that's a lot of people's complaint, but they forget that this was the intent of the game, to be a beginner's JRPG, and it does that perfectly well.
I think it'd be a really good game for teaching a young kid at like 5-8 some videogame basics (resistances, item use, target priority, etc). The game is more forgiving than Pokémon, which is what you want out of Babby's First Jarpig

>> No.9203098


>> No.9203267
File: 51 KB, 600x450, PROJECT_EDEN-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Project Eden, my beloved mediocrity. Great atmosphere, solid team puzzle and resource management game, a little bit "what were they thinking" at action and enemy types.

>> No.9203327

RE0 is a good choice. It's just, I dunno, fine. Most I can say about it that it looks good and plays not so good.
Even then it's not that it looks great, and not that it plays terribly.

>> No.9203364


I remember everyone at the time blowing their fucking load about it "it's the scariest shit to" and I was unimpressed. The graphics were nice but nothing that astounded me.

>> No.9203376

Wolfenstein 3D
Only the first three episodes, though. After that it goes from "okay" to "I already killed Hitler, why am I still playing this?".
I'm not trying to devalue its amazing legacy but the game just lacks variety to justify its length. Every level is just a flat indoor maze of varying colors (already terribly disappointing after breaking out of prison in ep. 1, why not try to make at least some kind of outdoor hedge maze?), all enemies (sans one, and a few bosses) are just hitscanners at varying speeds, no new enemies after ep. 3, and the only difference between your guns being the rate of fire. It really needed more gimmick levels like the secret Pac-Man one and some guns like the rocket launcher and flamethrower in later versions to mix things up.
What I did like about the game over its successors was its robust sound. The guns sounded powerful (Doom's pistol and chaingun sound like peashooters in comparison), every door not opened by me made me feel stressful (hunted, even) and even mere guards managed to startle me when they noticed me. I might be wrong but the AI seemed more aggressive to hunt you down than in Doom.

>> No.9203389

Tried to love this game hard a few years ago as I always thought it looked cool as a kid. It was horrible. I wanted to just push through it but the second or third level was like a.hospital under attack or something and the devs really thought it would be ok to have a BLARING siren alarm go through the entire level.

>> No.9203957

Darkwing Duck
The 16-bit Mickey Mouse games
Earthowrm Jim
Tiny Toon Adventures (MD)
McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure
Light Crusader

>> No.9204389
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I kind of agree, particularly in that it runs through most of its mileage with the original three episodes, and the Nocturnal Missions feel like a bunch of filler, they should really have added some more enemy types and weapons for that, to add more depth and complexity. Compare to Final Doom, where it's still Doom 2's gameplay, but there's more than enough depth and complexity that it's not a big deal that there's no new enemies or weapons, in fact the levels use the gameplay in a much smarter way than the original games.
Wolfenstein 3D in its base form doesn't have enough going for it to do something like that, it has a smaller and simpler roster, and it has a lot more limitations in what levels can actually be, being stuck with perfect 90 degree angle walls in segments, so you'd really want to change up the gameplay to get more out of it.

Like just adding something like the flamethrower, using its own ammo pool, as well as an enemy type which uses it themselves, so that you'll have to dodge some more physical projectiles (outside of just boss battles), additions like that would do a lot. Perhaps that enemy is decked out in some sort of suit which makes them immune or heavily resistant to flames themselves, and with high-ish health, possibly you could fit in the rocket launcher here, which makes short work of guys like him, so you would save rockets for fighting those guys, in addition to bosses. To save time you could just color the SS Trooper's uniform black, put a tube on his back, and give him a gasmask.

It's a fun game, and it's not completely braindead (it's actually quite hard on I Am Death Incarnate), but it really ought to have had its content developed further for doing three whole new episode of levels, because you can tell they're scraping the barrel for the game by that point. Spear Of Destiny added a bit of new content, but mainly bosses, it could also have benefited from some additions like a new enemy type and some new weapons.

>> No.9204408

Agree so hard on FF6. Was my #1 game as a kid. Now after playing PR, the second half just sucked hard.

Still a great game but yeah not holding it to the pedestal I once did.

>> No.9204787

People bought Carnival Games hand over fist too, it’s still shovelware. These games are rushed products designed to get a quick buck whole they churn out a new one every year, these are absolutely shovelware

>> No.9204790 [DELETED] 

Not retro, faggot. Read the sticky.

>> No.9204796
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Remember seeing pic related in my glossy new Game Informer but the rental places in my town didn't carry it so it became this forbidden fruit. When I finally played it years later I found it to be so fucking bland.

>> No.9204981 [DELETED] 

autism. you know what should really be on the sticky? "backseat jannying is strictly prohibited"

>> No.9204984

Plok. It's alright.

>> No.9204992

Probably Super Mario Bros. 3

>> No.9205148

Wrath of Cortex, possibly.

>> No.9205324

I thought it was decent. Controlling minions with the shoulder buttons while slashing away with Adol is fun.

>> No.9205720

to add on to your post and this incredibly based gentleman >>9195291
really most nintendo games ive ever played. I cant see myself going back to anything ive played that isnt mario 64 or majoras mask, ocarina of time i lost interest in just recently in spite of the pc port. nintendo has always just had this sort of sterile feeling to their games, while "good", at some point they lost their fun charm.
Ironic for all the shit sega gets for having little to no quality control, there's sure as shit a lot more to enjoy on their side and i find myself going back to the beginning of sonic's worst periods more often than nintendo's "golden years".
Infinitely more replay value watching sonic characters zoom around bouncing off walls in sonic heroes than playing mario 3 for the 3rd time in my life or trying to side dodge jump my way through hyrule field again.

>> No.9205832

Mario world

>> No.9206130

i assume you meant Unreal 2, which was so agonizingly boring I'd say it enters legit bad territory. Unreal Tournament 3 was a mess but I liked the overdesigned techdemo style of it.