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9194689 No.9194689 [Reply] [Original]

just found the best FFXI private server and it has trusts, 2.5xp rate, fast travel with crystals, and it's awesome. I'm enjoying it immensely. Very easy install too, just install and let it run and play. Final Fantasy 11 is the best final fantasy and the best MMORPG ever made.


>> No.9194846

Only no lifers play MMO's, it took me over 15 years to learn my lesson. MMO's, never again.
I'd rather play games from the 90's that take me a week to finish.

>> No.9195475

haha well i have already leveled up to level 35 and only played for one day

the server is much more like modern retail than the shitty old classic which took months to hit 75

>> No.9196021

my god there's a lot of extra stuff that makes the game even more convient. This is the best server i have ever found

>> No.9196478

I-Im doing it, I am installing FFXI!!! The jews can't stop me.

>> No.9196506

you are gonna LOVE IT!!! Be sure to check out some of the new flavors added, to make the game even more easy and less of a drag.

Like i've already leveled up to 55, with only 15 or 20 hours or so of gameplay.

So many improvements are there. All outpost warps are unlocked. They even have a Warp NPC at the global moghouse.

They have Maat limit break quests unlocked, special perks, etc, and daily BCNMs that give you a ton of high quality gear.

It's just awesome! This is the best fucking server i have ever found.

>> No.9196578

Uhh, the window size issue..what resolution should I use if I normally use 1920x1080? I can't see the chat window.

>> No.9196624

another couple of nice things

you can instant travel from anywhere by typing @mog or @lib and you'll be transported

you can also use the AH anywhere in the world, by type @ah

you can also access a shop anywhere in the world, by typing @shop

yea the window issue is kind of gay, but it works, if you change the resolution, well, i am not sure how to do that actually. But it works fine for me. I can still read the quest texts and all that.

Also there is a global linkshell, so equip it.

Also there is global /yell enabled.

Awesome fucking server

>> No.9196661
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I set the window size to fullscreen and 1920x1080 while putting the background size at 2048x2048, seems to work well now but If I alt-tab I crash. I dont know wtf I am doing yet in this game but the music is great, trying to get out of the knight starter city somehow. Will try instant travel.

>> No.9196678

feel free to ask for help in global by typing /yell or in the global linkshell, just equip the linkshell in your inventory to join it

>> No.9196694

lmao, I can't even FIND my inventory. I have bought two swords now but can't equip them

>> No.9196710

are you playing with a gamepad? If not, the menu command is - _ the key next to the 0 on your keyboard

>> No.9196943

No, mouse and kb. Fun game, very charming.

>> No.9197070

yea it's do-able with mouse keyboard too. Just take it easy and play gradually.

>> No.9197261

This. All MMO players are chasing the high of the early 2000s

>> No.9197287

yea it was a high but i only first played an MMO, WoW, in 2011. So for me the high was a bit later than most

>> No.9197849

play on FF ERA, you can just bot farm with VPNs and never get banned.

>> No.9198734

i dont even know what that means, is it like multi-boxing? Fuck that, that's too complicated.

Valhalla is damn amazing. Literally the best godamn server i have ever and will ever find.

>> No.9199160

so i unlocked Paladin and will main that today. First time doing Paladin in any server in FFXI, so am excited for that. Am using this leveling up guide


>> No.9199393
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>> No.9199896

anyone else playing?

>> No.9200765

no one?

>> No.9200868

yea, you can multi-box on FF ERA. Lots of servers are single box "one account" which is kinda lame. Trying to hold people to the MMO experience when the servers all tend to be low-pop is pretty dumb. Plus Era is 4X xp, so the grind is less, you'll level multiple jobs fast instead of trying to commit to one.

>> No.9201397

interesting... anyway i think Valhalla allows multiboxing too, actually i am certain of it cause one of the main players has like 5 clones following him around. Obviously must be a multi-boxer

>> No.9202314

hey does anyone know how to turn on Merit Points? It's not enabled on my menu, like i can't turn it on, and i also tried doing it inside my mog house but it won't work there either

>> No.9202759

oh man i got stuck on Windurst 3-1, where you gotta flip that switch and drop thru the floor.

In this game they have all doors automatically opened, so no keys required. Unfortunately it doesn't trigger the cutscene if you merely drop thru the trap door and so i am stuck from progressing. Can't hit the switch either

>> No.9203063

Seems very low populated

>> No.9203193

well maybe, altho there's quite a few regular players. Anyway due to TRUSTs, you don't need huge parties. They also have daily quests, BCNMs, and dungeon runs. They've done an amazing job with the server, custom content. I'll be happy playing for months and am planning to learn all the end game stuff finally

>> No.9203234

how many trusts there are? is there lvl99 endgame content?

>> No.9204246

there's like 10 or so different trusts you can get https://www.valhalla.group/home/doku.php?id=trust

and yea. a lot of the end game content is there. Max level is 90

it's a very well designed, polished server.

>> No.9204320

just found this awesome leveling guide, which is specific to this server

you can hit 90 in like 7 hours with it


>> No.9204873
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>> No.9205491
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>> No.9205496

Anon, you could've been a bit less obvious with your shilling and samefagging. You've soured the server's name already.

>> No.9205545

i could FUCK YOUR ASS, BITCH!!!!!!

>> No.9206237


>> No.9207348

I have never played a MMORPG and I've also never played a 3D Final Fantasy game. I am tempted to make this my first.

>> No.9207452

as i said before in a another thread awhile back the ultimate redpill of MMOs is realizing that alot of the "classic" MMOs that people gush about are complete dogshit as games and the only reason why people have so much nostalgia for them is that they remember why they played them with their friends. conversely the ultimate blackpill of MMOs is realizing that most "modern" MMOs are basically just singleplayer games with an online functionality.

>> No.9207454

X was really good.

>> No.9207561

well FF 11 is a bit difficult to get into, but if you have patience and follow the beginner's guides, you will be rewarded with an amazing, charming experience. The game has such charm.

>> No.9207564

my strong advice is to follow the BG-wiki guide

and also play with a PS2 style gamepad controller. Don't play with mouse and keyboard. Game was meant to be played with gamepad

>> No.9207658

Here is the MUST READ for beginners


It will take you from level 1 to 90

This is also a good one to read, it gives some history of the game, changes, and some tips and stuff: https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Returning_to_Vana%27diel

>> No.9207919
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>> No.9208232


I watched Let's Plays for 9, 10, 12, and 13, because I wanted to know where the series had gone after I lost touch with it. I don't feel the need to play any of those myself. (I'll try 7 eventually.) But a MMORPG is such a different kind of thing that I'm curious about actually trying it instead of just watching a condensed version from a distance.

>well FF 11 is a bit difficult to get into,

That just makes it more interesting, so it's fine. If I'm playing out of curiosity and historical interest then I don't need it to be pleasant right away.

>> No.9209413

i'd suggest Valhalla server, it has all of the good parts of retail and none of the bad shit, like trying to log in to PlayOnline

Altho you can set up PlayOnline just be aware that it is confusing and requires two different username and passwords. Be sure to follow a visual guide for installing it

>> No.9209423

actually for y our first time, i suggest retail. Just follow the install guide so you dont get confused and rage quit before you even start


>> No.9209638

>actually for y our first time, i suggest retail.


>> No.9209765

because you'll get the full experience then.

>> No.9210627

been grinding for the items to upgrade the Artifact Gear, killing NMs in different Abysses areas. Once again am impressed with this server. The NMs respawn within like 2 minutes so you can keep grinding them and collecting the items to use for upgrades for your +1 and +2 gears

>> No.9210705

The only reason I would want to play a private server is to play the game like it used to be before the addition of trusts and easy exp. If I wanted that stuff I would just play the retail version

>> No.9211550

to each his own... i really liked TRUSTs since it makes the game much easier. I tried a couple of other servers and the grind was just insane, like past level 18 or so, it took literally 1 or 2 hours to level per level.

Valhalla also has a ton of custom content which is super fun too

>> No.9211910

Valhalla also has a lot of convience custom stuff, like allowing you to unlock various things by paying gil and thus skipping a lot of pointless quests

easy upgrade system for empy weapons and Seal gear

super fun custom dungeons, and solo trials, and BCNM dailies for a ton of gear

AH can be used anywhere in the world, by typing @ah

Really a well designed server.

>> No.9212654

ah man went on my first Alliance raid today ever in Final Fantasy 11, Dynamis D

a very interesting experience

>> No.9212972

Thanks for promoting this! Really exciting to see someone get this working. Just made a new character in Sandoria (Autochadsftware). I'll meet up with y'all in Discord :)

>> No.9214239

see you soon!

>> No.9214546

has darkstar fixed beast pets over 99 yet?
I bet the answer is "no".

>> No.9214556

theres a few different servers that have that. theres probably like 6-8 total 'homebrew' servers with a high-enough population

>> No.9214770

Valhalla is fun, small but a tight knit community that regularly runs group activities, group NMs, alliances, dynamis, dungeons, and so on.

>> No.9215149

FF ERA is designed around being 75 cap and doesn't do all those trusts.

>> No.9215360

that's fine, but i dont wanna spend 3 months grinding to hit 75. If other people enjoy that, that's cool. I only played FF11 for the first time in 2019, and at first got pissed off cause how clunky it was designed, but finally gave it a chance and learned, and eventually i finished 4 of the expansions. The game is amazing.

I only know the era of TRUSTs. I guess it made since to grind back then since there was a ton of players. But since the population died off, TRUSTs are required now.

Valhalla has daily group activities usually. Sometimes the epic NM boss runs, sometimes alliance runs, sometimes dynamis or dungeons, it's a very friendly community

>> No.9215376

is it possible to play this solo, without getting a virus?

>> No.9215381

uh yea, man. Because of TRUSTs, you can play it solo. Just follow the leveling guide on the forums or the BG-wiki one, whichever you like.

All home crystal points are enabled, all outpost warps are enabled, and there's a Warp NPC at the @mog zone , so fast travel is there. Oh yea, the movement speed is 1.5 times the speed of retail so you have faster movement.

>> No.9215576

never played ffxi before but heard good thingd about it. downloaded this, loved it, but some of the early missions are kinda wonky because things like doors and stuff are pre opened or cutscenes dont always trigger

how is retail in 2022? is the installation really that bad?

>> No.9215587

the installation for retail isn't that bad as long as you follow a visual guide for installing it. Just don't get confused at the part where it wants you to enter two different username accounts, that is the part that fucks up most people.

Otherwise retail is pretty awesome even now.

Once you're done with retail, a nice private server like Valhalla is a good place to be

>> No.9215593

and the doors being pre opened, you can turn that on and off in the defaults file, yea it's kind of a pain a couple times but it's actually very helpful because you can skip most of the bullshit in the missions since you can go right thru the doors and directly finish much faster in most cases. So I really love the gateway addon, which is the add-on that has all the doors automatically open and thus no key item shit required in most cases.

If you get stuck, ask in discord and they'll help you.

>> No.9215594

gotcha. sounds good, yeah i want that authentic experience(tm) first. the intro cinematic didnt even trigger and i initially completely missed it at first

>> No.9215601

can you blame them?

>> No.9215662

we are chasing the high of how comfy life felt back then. The 90s and early 2000s was peak gaming. It also happened to be the rise of the MMORPG era too.

>> No.9215782

anarchy online
lineage 2
star wars galaxies
citoy of heroes
age of conan

please tell me all of those can be played officially or not roughly as it has been back then? I dislike the soulless graphic engine most mmos get at some point...

>> No.9216143

just finished installing ffxi retail. literally not that bad, you just gotta follow the instructions, like installing gentoo. pretty autistic how squeenix has like 3 diff logins for the same thing tho lmao, what the fuck were they thinking

>> No.9216403

well for WoW get WoW Warmane, it's the biggest server by far, like 30,000 players online usually.

As for Star Wars Galaxies, SWG Legends i heard is the best emulator server. I tried SWG and man it's a shitty game. Bad graphics, pointless sandbox, no direction, it just sucks. I don't understand why it was popular.

Also you forget to mention Ultima Online. Try retail or try Outlands. Ultima Online is damn amazing. It's also quite easy to learn. FF11 by comparison is much harder.

Another couple of MMOs you forget to mention is

Phantasy Star Online Ephemea blue burst

The Sims Online freeSO

and Meridian 59 server 105 (Resurgence)

these are all amazing games

>> No.9216404

yea the three logins is fucked up. Otherwise installing it is pretty simple.

>> No.9217219

>that's fine, but i dont wanna spend 3 months grinding to hit 75.

ERA is also X4 XP rate.

>> No.9217773

not bad then. Any extra content, custom content? Like what is the end game scene like? What do you do at endgame post 75 and does it require a party?

>> No.9217886

true. the sad truth is that some mmo’s are kinda cool but require people being on the same page (aka: having a soul). I played vanilla wow at release but was just a dumb kid and didn’t really know what to do, only ever got to level 20 or so. when they released classic servers I played with a bunch of friends and alls they did was look every little thing up. they knew where every quest, dungeon, weapon was. they knew how to play their class before even using their first spell. absolutely fucking soulless bugmen. the redpill is that mmo’s would be cool if people treated them like an adventure and figured things out intuitively together instead of looking everything up. this is what made me turn away from multiplayer games and newer games in general, take Metroid for example, they don’t explain anything and you learn by experimentation in super Metroid. in dread it’s just fucking prompts and tutorials and etc. nu-gaming is for soulless fucks with no inner monologue.

>> No.9217960

There's a lot of custom content, it's got a slew of quality of life stuff. There's a lot of endgame activity too. There's linkshells they do Absolutely Virtue and Pandemonium Warden. That means everything leading up to it to spawn them. You'll find with optimal set ups you can low man a lot of things, outside of the previously mentioned super bosses. Relics are very accessible, all 4 salvage zones work, they put custom stuff related to kirin so even he is grinded out. The server has swings with population, but when it's a bit higher its always good, lower, well, you can still do stuff. Leveling is so fast you actually get to use your gear to do stuff, not just grind to 75. Really nice.

>> No.9217991

Can you play all expansions stories?

>> No.9218134

>Let's plays

>> No.9218950
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i know this is about private servers but i'll ask anyway: anyone know any decent linkshells/guilds on >>>asura in retail?

looking for one more 4chan friendly that gets our sense of humor. autists should stick together and all

>> No.9219087

ive tried this a few times and never find anyone but redditors. would love to join like minded people like yourself. i'd be willing to subscribe for a month just to get it outta my system.

>> No.9219404

truth be told i'm a newfren coming into this blind, but i'm on asura if you ever want to get back into the swing of things. can probably exchange >>>discords and go from there

>> No.9220202

You asking about ERA? Cause the answer is yes for most 75 cap content, the add-on scenarios are not there. Missions, ZM, COP, and TOAU all work, I think some of WOTG does too.

>> No.9220241

This is true for all video games today. Zoomers grew up in a world where they had constant instant access to the internet in their pockets, so placing them in a situation where they have to figure something out by themselves is terrifying to them. Their instinctual reaction to every problem they encounter in life is immediately looking it up on their phone. The concept of something unknown is completely foreign to them. They are a failed generation in every way possible.

>> No.9220463

we could create one. I just started so I don't know how would that works

>> No.9220674


Don't be uppity about your great willingness to sit through non-interactive, tremendously overlong, highly repetitive 3D animations for many hours while not even eating breakfast or something at the same time. Some games aren't interesting enough to deserve to occupy a person's entire body for forty hours. They need breakfast and commentary added to them. Value your time anon. Save the actual playing for games that deserve it. Unless you're a kid, in which case you can do whatever you want because you're still learning.

>> No.9220707

it's pretty easy. you find a linkshell distributor NPC and create one. that's about it.

>> No.9220714

also, i meant to add. typically i would be first in line to make one but i'm already in charge of two guilds from two different games and i don't want to do it again it would be nice to have someone else be in charge.

>> No.9222012

you can AFK during FF11 a lot of the time, especially if you have TRUSTs and they are tanking and doing DPS

>> No.9222020

one thing about Valhalla i noticed is that the NM monsters that drop seals and stones, cards, etc for upgrades, respawn within like 2 minutes. That is a very nice feature. Also you dont have to spawn them with any item, they are automatically there in the zone where they would be, already spawned.

Very nice feature

>> No.9222024

well, Final Fantasy 11 is so obtuse in many ways that the only way is to look it up in the BG-wiki guide.

>> No.9222128

if those games suck then why did you watch the gameplay
and how much time does it take for you to eat breakfast

>> No.9222185

does someone needs to be "in charge" in a LS?

>> No.9222294


>> No.9222474

post linkshell or at least a discord link if you guys are serious

>> No.9222546

on Valhalla, the entire server has a LS, it's one giant linkshell

also you can use /yell for global chat but most people use the linkshell

>> No.9222581

Yea, it's not really fair to apply this to a game where they wanted you to be clueless and keep playing for years and years. People were convinced of so many wrong things and the only way to debunk it would be to spend hours, days, weeks, testing it yourself. There's nothing wrong with not having the time to devote to that kind of gameplay and just wanting the answer.

>> No.9222821

What's the progress on the content? Such as wotg and soa?

>> No.9223052

Alright, I created a channel where we can discuss the name and other stuff about the ls on Asura.

>> No.9223067

forgot about you anon

>> No.9224453

there is custom content from those two expansions, the cities are available, but the missions and quests from those expansions and cities are not available, mostly.

It's really quite a customized server, I think you'd be surprised.

>> No.9225464


>> No.9227109

thanks for the bump

>> No.9227626

Is this game comfy?

>> No.9227787


>> No.9228803
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I tried this game and I am way too fucking much of a zoomer to properly play it. I don't know how to open my inventory, you start with basically nothing, I don't know where to go....

>> No.9229659

yea i hear you. I also tried it first time in 2019.

You have to play with a controller, a PS2 style controller. You can buy an off brand one on Amazon for like 5 dollars. Using that is much easier. Then you gotta set up the controls using the Config.

All in all, you have to really want to play the game otherwise you'll just say fuck it.

this game is the most comfy of all games, and i dont have nostalgia even. I only started in 2019

>> No.9229745
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I almost never come to /vr/ but something so stupid as a "play tony hawk" in the frontpage made me want to browse this board. And now I come across your thread.
I hope you are right, I've been wanting to play XI for a while and the sub bundle with XIV isn't coming anytime soon it seems.

>> No.9229852

Is there a way to play this with controllers?

>> No.9230001

follow a guide.
this is good https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Quickstart_1-119_Guide
it's the most comfortable way. you can set the controller commands in the config menu

>> No.9230238

yea this guide is pretty much THE guide to follow

>> No.9231645

yes, just buy a cheap 10 dollar PlayStation 2 style USB controller and plug it in

and use the config tool to map the keys. All pretty easy to do

>> No.9232161

Do you still need to pay a monthly fee to Square Enix?
Also can I play in Japanese