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File: 863 KB, 750x1055, gta3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9193059 No.9193059 [Reply] [Original]

How did you react when you first played this?

>> No.9193062

I was slightly disappointed because it wasn't too much like GTA2. Then I saw you could change the camera, but it wasn't quite the same. Also surprised suddenly everyone was talking and playing a game from a series I was the only one I cared about until then.

>> No.9193070

This was a crazy experience for a kid. Being able to drive any car you want, with great radio, dynamic weather and a city that felt big at the time. It felt like playing through a crime movie.

>> No.9193075

I remember being at my friends house and just being blown away thinking you could do just about anything. You could steal any car, you could just randomly start doing jobs in taxi cabs, you could do whatever missions you wanted, you could just start killing people and getting chased by the cops. It really felt like the most freedom I had ever seen in a video game. My mom didn't let me get it until I was like 15 though which was around the time San Andreas came out and by then it had been completely eclipsed by other open world games, but those early memories at my buddies house were truly magical. We had a lot of fun just bullshitting in that game.

>> No.9193083

Which open world games were so much better when SA was released?

>> No.9193090

Pretty much all of them. 3 is great but it was pretty basic compared to almost every other open world game. Vice City alone made it obsolete.

>> No.9193092

>Pretty much all of them.
Name 5.

>> No.9193096

I'm not doing your homework for you faggot

>> No.9193102

When I found out that a 3D GTA was coming out, by reading the news in OPM, I knew it was going to be a big deal. Being able to walk to a random part of a city at-will and watch the sunset? Just that act alone would be unprecedented in gaming.

>> No.9193191

>my mothers my sister

>> No.9193194

Sure, because you just said something dumb and can't back up your words.

>> No.9193206

There was nothing dumb about what I said unless you're too dumb to understand it

>> No.9193214

I genuinely don't remember. Must have been seriously impressed though.

>> No.9193218

"Pretty much all of them" is definitely a dumb ass answer. I'd even call it retarded. Not to mention, you won't even be able to name 5 non GTA open world games from that era.

>> No.9193229

The only retard here is you bro, even if it was only 3 games pretty much all of them would still make logical sense. Quit being a pedantic dipshit.

>> No.9193231

I played VC and SA as a kid, III only recently.

It's pretty good. Like the city atmosphere and the light story.

>> No.9193232

I thought it sucked dicks. I played it right after Vice City and it was grey, dark, and depressing and the music was worse. I like it now, but at the time I hated it.

>> No.9193239

>Then I saw you could change the camera
I want all the GTA games to let us play in an overhead view all the time

>> No.9193243

>asked to name them
>refuses to do so
Not even the Anon you're talking to but come on, man. You look fucking clueless.

>> No.9193334

Ignore him. The idiot is already desperately backpedaling.

>> No.9193336

driver clone

>> No.9193339

>I was the only one I cared about until then.
He says about the 3rd installment in the franchise. Fuck off!

>> No.9193343

You've misunderstood his point completely.

>> No.9193345

Thought it was the most fun thing in the world just running people over. Never played the missions just ran people over.

>> No.9193346

I got addicted.

>> No.9193475


>> No.9193609

I never bothered doing many missions in these games, I would always just explore and mess around with cheat codes. It was very comfy. I don't know if any of the games are actually worth playing through completely, but at least all the cities are fun to explore.

>> No.9193662

I was amazed. Now that I think about it, it might be the last time I was genuinely impressed with a video game. Such a huge jump, and the huge city for me to explore. There were others that had bits I was amazed with, but GTA 3 was a revolution.

>> No.9193675

My whole teenage life revolved around causing chaos in the city for hours/days/months in 2002/2003. It sparked my interest in movies that influenced the game and music (especially w/Vice City/SA). It hit at just the right time for me. I find it difficult to fully explain the context to younger people.

>> No.9193731

Mind blown. It was like Driver 2 on steroids. You could finally run over and shoot people.

GTA 3 was INSANELY popular when it was released.

>> No.9193740

>It was like Driver 2 on steroids
Never forget: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SynkklMinnY

>> No.9193741

Thought that it wasn't as good as VC, though haven't really played either a lot back then.
After 100% both a few months ago I can confidently say that I was wrong.

>> No.9193743

Same bro. VC was an improvement in every way possible. I was disappointed to find out how boring GTA 3 is.

>> No.9193749

The whole point of GTA III was that Liberty City was a dark and depressing place. The atmosphere suited it perfectly.

>> No.9193750

Sorry, meant to say IS a dark and depressing place. Liberty City Stories messed up that atmosphere quite a bit.

>> No.9193809

Actually Liberty City is peak comfy.

>> No.9193814

It was shit. Overrated. I didn't miss much going the Gamecube route back then.

>> No.9193817
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>> No.9193842

It was really something special back in the day because it was a game that actively encouraged being morally depraved in a modern setting and large open world. The illusion of freedom that if provided was novel in that sense, but there were definitely RPGs that had done this sort of thing before, but not a third-person shooter.

>> No.9193903

Mind blowing

>> No.9193909

remember going to my mates house after school to play it, shit was unreal back then

>> No.9193917
File: 47 KB, 1000x563, great_sea_of_zelda_the_wind_waker_by_banjo2015-d9k4v7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not THAT'S what I call open world!

>> No.9193948

Irate, I thought GTA2 was better at the time and that GTA had jumped to 3D too early to be fun. I don't think that anymore though.

>> No.9193963

He's saying 3 had been eclipsed, not SA

>> No.9193998
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My point was, I always tried to show GTA2 to friends and they never liked it because the graphics and stuff. I couldn't understand because for me it was the funniest game ever. Then suddenly everyone was into GTA and it was even announced on TV, but it wasn't exactly the GTA I enjoyed so much. It was a weird thing to happen, that's all.

>> No.9194035

Excited. It was my first game ever.
Looking back it's still my favorite GTA game. It also got me into Dub, Trance and Drum & Bass.

t. 3 years old in 2002

>> No.9194040

His point was still shit because he couldn't back it up, have you not looked at the thread?

>GTA III was someone's first game
Your parents must have been fucking terrible.

>> No.9194046

Blown away. Sure, I played PC games back then, but the fact that GTA was now fully 3d and allowed all sorts of sandbox freedom left me up with countless hours pouring in cheatcodes, spawning rampant ai to shoot each other, blocking streets with tanks, infinite ammo weapons and just wasting away weeks of my life as a 12 year old.

>> No.9194053

>Your parents must have been fucking terrible.
Sounds like he had uberly based parents. Take a seat Jack Thompson.

>> No.9194063

Absolutely blown away. I was already a big fan of the first two games but III just cranked everything up to a new level. I used to love all the little details, satire and in-jokes. I remember laughing so hard the first time I drove down the tunnel behind 8-Ball's at full speed running over the tramps. Experimenting with the cheats me and my buddy would add things like crazy peds, peds with guns etc then challenge each other to get from one part of the map to the other without dying. The fun really did seem endless.

>> No.9194139

Nah, I just find the idea of giving a 3 year old an 18 rated game moronic.

>> No.9194162

i was 7 when it came out, the game was hugely popular even with little kids, i think most of the boys in my neighbourhood and school were playing it.

>> No.9194169

yeah desu I don't want my own kids playing any games at all until they're at least 15, but I still had a lot of fun with PS1/PS2/PS3 era games.

>> No.9194173

>I don't want my own kids playing any games at all until they're at least 15
And now you've gone in the complete opposite direction.

>> No.9194174
File: 968 KB, 2290x1218, IMG20211016185449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It blew my fucking mind for being GTA in THREE DEE OMG. Seeing a game world that felt so alive, had so little loading and let you go basically fucking anywhere was "the future is now" in a way the PS2 hype machine promised basically.

>> No.9194175

>posting the retardland version of one of the most iconic game covers of all time
Almost as bad as saying "Probotector" like it's the normal word for Contra.

>> No.9194176

Thought it was cool for like 20 minutes going on rampages and stuff but never really beat the campaign because I hated the controls and there's some mission that's basically impossible to beat due to a timer glitch I think

>> No.9194185
File: 210 KB, 714x1000, 12892-grand-theft-auto-iii-playstation-2-front-cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The American version is boring by comparison.

>> No.9194187

>there's some mission that's basically impossible to beat due to a timer glitch I think
No there isn't, you're just shit.

>> No.9194316

afaik I know the only mission that's impossible to beat due to a glitch is in the postgame where you have to wipe out all the gang members in purple, if there's already a save file where that mission's been completed all subsequent save files won't spawn any purple gangsters. All the side missions like taxi/vigilante in portland are basically impossible once you've pissed off the mafia but that's it.

>> No.9194357

That's the original cover though.

>> No.9194402

VC added bugs and fluff

>> No.9194414

Had fun for about 5 minutes then I got over the novelty pretty quickly, I remember telling my friend to put on Devil may Cry instead.

>> No.9194549

Blown away by the freedom off it, used to spend hours just cruising the city or doing random taxi shit while listening to chatterbox and head radio.

>> No.9194567

I thought it was neat playing it on a friend's computer, though I remember having a lot more fun with the driving than with the shooting. However I didn't have a capable enough rig at home at the time, and by the time I did Vice City was already out and doing everything ten times better than GTA III which in retrospect is a bit janky. Groundbreaking, but a bit janky.

>> No.9194590

Open world games are a meme that only make sense in a proper role playing game where you aren't fixed into some kind of objective. Zelda and GTA are not RPGs. Their open worlds are filler at best and tedious at worst.

>> No.9194603

>a proper role playing game where you aren't fixed into some kind of objective
GTA fits that definition.

>> No.9194609

He did though. 3 was basically the most primitive game in the genre, everything that came after it improved on it in some way

>> No.9194626

Can you read? He was asked about other games that had open world elements better than the 3D GTAs. He didn't provide an answer.

>> No.9194646

You cannot play a different character like you can with traditional role playing games. You are Claude and you can't be anyone else but Claude. All of the extra missions are just filler. Not an alternative. Not to mention the story missions you have to complete in order to see the rest of Liberty City.

>> No.9194651


>> No.9194652

>You cannot play a different character like you can with traditional role playing games.
Stop moving the goalposts. Should have said that in the first place, then it would have been true.

>All of the extra missions are just filler. Not an alternative.
Same can be said of sidequests in RPGs.

>Not to mention the story missions you have to complete in order to see the rest of Liberty City.
Same goes for main missions in other RPGs to unlock other areas.

GTA isn't a traditional RPG, that much is true, but it is still an RPG of sorts.

>> No.9194662

>You cannot play a different character like you can with traditional role playing games

>> No.9194673

For some reason I never did many missions I just fucked about a lot until it became boring,tried vice city and had the same problem

On reflection gta 1/2 are the better games

>> No.9194678

i literally bought a 36 inch tv and a PlayStation 2 to play it. It was fucking amazing

>> No.9194693

>Action RPG lmao

>> No.9194698

What's your point? That describes the series perfectly.

>> No.9194710

There is no point. This whole argument is meaningless.

>> No.9194715

In that case, why offer something that could be argued over in the first place? Sounds to me like you knew your post was complete shit.

>> No.9194768

2 years a go ? Kek. My first to gta was 2, i skip 3 cause i didn't have a hardware that could run it. I played a lot of vice city though

>> No.9194821

What other “open world” or “sandbox” games had been released up until then? Or, more importantly, what about GTA 3 made it feel so much more liberating than other games of similar size and scope?

>> No.9194831


>> No.9194891

I am not convinced by this argument, madam. Please try again.

>> No.9194907

Along with MGS2 and Ico, it sold me on the PS2. It was the most realistic city setting I had seen in a game.

>> No.9194917

3 had more soul

>> No.9194952

First I wasted many many hours just fucking around. It was the Sopranos as a game.
THEN I discovered you can drop a goddamned tank into the street with a cheat code. THEN I discovered you can take that tank, and use its cannon to blast you off into the sky and fly around the city wreaking havoc everywhere.
Late-90s early-2000s awesomeness. We will never have a time on our lives where that experience can be had.

>> No.9195145

Being basic isn't a flaw.
Vice City map just isn't good for GTA gameplay and additions to 3 were mostly unneeded, like the robberies. San Andreas got mechanics overload going even further away from arcade-ish roots to the point where it feels like a different type of game.
3 focused on basics being done well and it's a great tight package(-hunting game). 2 is still better in some regards though.

>> No.9195184
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>reading so many people who felt the same things I did back in the day
thanks everyone

GTA III blew my mind too. the only experiences i can think of that reach such a level of amazement were playing The Sims and Sim City 3000 when I was really young, and maybe playing WoW for the first time when I was like 12 or something

>> No.9195193


It was okay.

>> No.9195201

The fuck?

>> No.9195215


>> No.9195242

Zoomer humour is really strange

>> No.9195634
File: 83 KB, 512x512, 1657931459817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That "one kid" at school told me that you can find a motorbike and police heli to pilot on the second island and I would spend hours driving around said island looking for them.

>> No.9195758

My favorite random thing to do was car surfing where you jumped onto a car stopped in traffic and either stomp or shoot it then try to not fall off as they freak out

>> No.9195876

VC still feels very arcadey and the new vehicles were welcome additions to the formula. I agree that the map design is lacklustre though.
For me it wasn't until SA that the game lost sight of its pick up and play roots.

>> No.9196251
File: 996 KB, 3840x2160, re3_2022.06.12-00.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: use re3 for the best experience these days on PC. https://github.com/td512/re3

>> No.9196273

was this before or after vice city came out

>> No.9196327

It was pretty cool, but I had already played Body Harvest on N64, which was really their first foray into an open world third person driving game and I also played and loved Urban Chaos on the PS1. So there wasn't any novelty to be had there. It also didn't help that there was a guy in my class that kept talking up how amazing it was before I got a chance to play it. When I finally got a copy of GTA3 I soon discovered half the shit he was talking about was bullshit. I thought the graphics were fucking hideous even for the time, the characters were unforgivably ugly and the main character looked like a faggot manchild. Baggy pants were cool for a teenager, but he was a grown man with an Elvis haircut and it just looked gay as fuck. I hated that you couldn't shoot out tires or kill people inside cars. You also couldn't swim or jump out of a car while it was moving. If your car caught fire, you were dead most of the time. Missions were either too basic or too frustrating, no middle ground. The weapon variety was cool, but combat overall was pretty lame, Urban Chaos did combat better in every way. Despite wishing for more, I had fun. I beat the story once, but never felt like beating it again, so I would just drive around on murder sprees. The atmosphere was pretty cool, especially at night. I hated almost all of the music, apart from a few tracks. Vice City and San Andreas improved on the formula. And GTA4 spelled the end of the series, it was trash, along with everything after it and you're a retarded, cum guzzling faggot if you think otherwise.

>> No.9196341

>And GTA4 spelled the end of the series, it was trash, along with everything after it and you're a retarded, cum guzzling faggot if you think otherwise.
I agree but you don't have to be such a fucking retard about it.

>> No.9196343

Nice essay, fag

>> No.9197198

>I can kill people IN 3D!
>heh huh huh cool

>> No.9197213

"Wow, these vehicles such cant take a lot of damage"

>> No.9197216

I was hooked the second I dropped Misty off and heard that mission complete jingle.

>> No.9198061

>3 focused on basics being done well
and then VC and SA did that basics better

>> No.9198138

The first ps2 game worth playing. It basically turned the ps2 into a game console rather than a DVD player.

>> No.9198262

I Had a ver similar experince, except VC was my first game. Did Get into Jungle an DnB because of III tho, also Hard rock and New wave bcause of VC.

>> No.9198481

Way too short..

>> No.9198524

It was incredible, there was nothing like it at the time. Me and my brothers and friends would just eat pizza and take turns messing around with cheat codes and going on rampages till like 2am

>> No.9198684

I was 15 at the time. I had played both top down GTAs and loved them.

It blew me away. It was a sense of excitement I hadn't felt since probably the first time I played super mario, and definitely haven't felt since. It was the culmination of everything videogames had been attempting to do up to that point; or rather, of what I personally had been expecting games to become: go anywhere, interact with anything, a living breathing world!

Of course it wasn't, it was still very limited, but it was open and dynamic enough relative to what I had played before. And it was fun!

I imagine people who grew up with modern open world games won't understand the feeling at all.

>> No.9198693

I wish I could say I beat this but it's the only mainline 3D GTA I haven't beat.
It's fucking hard.
But as a kid, having this kicking around before VC and San Andreas were a thing wasn't bad at all. I loved how Mario 64, OoT, Pokemon and Diddy Kong Racing had worlds to explore, so GTA being so open was fucking great.
Still love it to this day for the Y2K aesthetics and MSX FM.

>> No.9198696

blew me away honestly. I didnt have friends so I overheard some other kids talking about how you can bang a hooker and then kill her for the money back i thought to myself (whoaaa). I never got to play it though because my parents never would buy it for me.

>> No.9198701 [DELETED] 

I didn't because it's a nigger simulator. I would rather play quality white man games such as Quake.

>> No.9198959

First played when I was about 3. The ambulance siren is very nostalgic to me

>> No.9198968

I used to call tanks boom-boom cars when I was little

>> No.9198969

There are blacks also in the quake universe.

>> No.9198971 [DELETED] 

And I get to melt them with plasma. Your point?

>> No.9199103

they respawn

>> No.9199120

He likes to play as eminem

>> No.9199137

I played it after Vice City so mostly I just wasn't that into it and thought it wasn't as good.

>> No.9199140

I get it you hate blacks but also love hip hop and using their "based" lingo.

>> No.9199157

you said other open world games as if there were a plethora of them, at least on the ps2 there weren't.

>> No.9199164 [DELETED] 

And what negroid vernacular would that be? You're projecting, just like your project yourself onto the nigger protagonist of GTA.

>> No.9199173 [DELETED] 

Why yes, I do choose the Xian model in Quake 3 and have ^1NIGGER mapped to the N key. How could you tell?

>> No.9199185

that changes the colour of the text in the chatbox right? ^(digit) changes the colour of your text in IW engine which is based on id tech 3

>> No.9199208 [DELETED] 

yeah, it's red

>> No.9199225

>Your parents must have been fucking terrible.

You're just a fag is all.

>> No.9199252


>> No.9199268

Same. I played this at a friends house when I only had only ever played PS1 games. I thought it was super cool. For me we're talking like going from Spyro, Croc, Crash, FF7 to this. Blew my butt off. But ya just ended up bullshitting for a while. It's hard to go back to 6th gen+ gen now though. They felt novel then though.

>> No.9199390

I'll say that motorcycles are wonky, unless you're into doing crazy stunts in unintended places and helicopters are more of a neccessity if you want travel quick from one corner of the map to the other than a compelling vehicle. Hydroplane was kinda fun though, once you actually manage to take off, but it's more for dicking around, like Dodo in 3.
Agree on SA being the one that lost sights of the roots completely.
The only thing from those games that I miss in 3 is being able to shoot tires and through the car windows.

>> No.9199445

fun as fuck
>I wan,t to go back

>> No.9199779

Bikes are high risk high reward. If you crash you fly off the vehicle, but you are nimble and can shoot forwards. It's a worthwhile option in the toolbox to play with.
Copters are mainly fun for being able to land anywhere. You can reach vantage points on tall buildings or fly into a guarded area. Also, the apache is incredibly fun to use.

>> No.9200070

I didn't play it back then.

>> No.9201369

>Baggy pants were cool for a teenager, but he was a grown man
Where do you think he was hiding that rocket launcher?

>> No.9201418

Amazed, but then when Saints Row 1 came out, I look at GTA3 differently because how much more interactive the world was in SR1. You can rob gunstore and best thing about it, you get free weapon from the safe, no need to spend money unlike GTA3 there is no incentive to spend your hard earned money after mission.

>> No.9202368

Ah yes the long long ago

>> No.9203369

damn, seriously? i wouldn't thought it's feature complete jtph8p

>> No.9203385

ya rly

>> No.9203391

Saints Row 1 is closer in release date to GTA4 than any of the PS2 games.

>> No.9203431

>loved it

Didn't like the controls are graphics at first. Low quality but I learned you could turn off the motion blur so that helped. Once I got past that it was amazing. Lots of chaos, fun, freedom and a huge world to explore. Once I beat it 100% and has my fill the gameplay annoyances started to wear on me and unfortunately they were never fixed. Still present in gta v.

>> No.9203432

I was thinking where are my damn tools

>> No.9203443

Why did you play V if you didn't like III's gameplay?

>> No.9203450
File: 959 KB, 3840x2160, re3_2022.08.07-19.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a place you can go.

>> No.9203469

I used to think it was terrible for kids to be playing GTA. But dicking around in an open world with no real goal is more fun when you're a kid.

>> No.9203491

I never thought it was revolutionary but I did enjoy the visuals and missions when I first saw it.

>> No.9203496

>The only retard here is you bro, even if it was only 3 games pretty much all of them would still make logical sense. Quit being a pedantic dipshit.

5 goes down to three now, you still won't give anyone even one open world game you think was better. The only dipshit here is you.

>> No.9203562

It's not the gameplay as the whole but annoyances like the wanted level logic.

>kill someone out in the middle of nowhere
>still get a star

How? Fix that shit.

>> No.9203569

I'm sure that was something V introduced.

>> No.9203581

The deer were reporting you for your crimes.

>> No.9203584

No in three you could kill people nowhere with nobody witnessing it and still get wanted.

>> No.9203587


>> No.9203840 [DELETED] 





>> No.9205504

Claude Speed

>> No.9205653
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I was 10 years old at the time, having grown up with an NES, Gameboy, PC and N64.

It blew my goddamn mind. No game before it had managed to give you such an intoxicating feeling of freedom. The pedestrians, the array of cars, the in-game radio that went on even when you weren't listening, the atmosphere, the day-night cycle. The violent subject matter was important, but thats only telling half the tale; The real reason it was so amazing was that it all contributed to the feeling of "I can do anything". Of course, you could just go do the missions and kill random pedestrians; Or you could say "fuck it" to any violence at all and go be a taxi driver in a seedy part of town, listening to flashback fm in the early hours of Portland docks as the rain falls on your hood. You could explore, just drive around, hell, you could even fly if you wanted to. You didn't ever need to, but it was there.

It might seem quaint in 2022, but at the time it genuinely felt like a game where you really could do anything. Liberty City truly felt alive, and every bit of GTA 3s success was completely earned.

>> No.9206137


This is the kind of sad nostalgia you only feel in dreams now. Damn, what else is like this?

>> No.9206162

one of the most prominent examples where muh freedom was used to excuse less than mediocre gameplay

>> No.9206581

Greetings fellow serial killer simulator enthusiast!

>> No.9206686

Craig Conner music IS gta! Another way in which III is connected to the top down games that the later games aren't.

>> No.9206758

For anyone who wants to give GTA III a second life, try the FPS mod:
Did you know: The PC port of GTA III has remnants of an FPS camera mode that was left unfinished for some reason. Perhaps for technical reasons or time constraints but very possibly to avoid further controversy for as we all know first person is the most immersive perspective.
There are FPS mods for VC and SA and they're great too but for playing III in first person brought me back to the wonderment of exploring Liberty City for the first time. The only real drawbacks are the janky gun models and difficulty driving with a cracked windshield or flapping hood but if you're here you should be up for the challenge!

>> No.9206797

nothing blew me away as much as playing GTA3 for the first time

Ive been playing video games since about 1988

>> No.9206806

Everything GTA has just been the same game with more bloat
VC and SA had good writing though and are probably better games, but GTA3 was like a paradigm shift so it is the most important

>> No.9207646

Thanks to this thread I dusted off my PS2, hooked it up to a shit CRT and loaded my last save game I have of GTA III. I play it on PC these but I sure got some feels seeing a save date of 13 September 2002.

That said the inability to hold 30fps is something I don't miss.

>> No.9207656

>Excited. It was my first game ever.
I hope this is a joke otherwise your parents are seriously retarded. Or maybe you're just white trash and your parents didn't care.

>dub, trance, drum & bass
Holy shit you really are retarded

>> No.9207659

What mission are you up to?

>> No.9207745

Oh I'd beaten the story misdions. It was the last save I'd made when hunting for 100% (which I never achieved on my PS2). Did tickle me that I had jammed a Mr whoopee into the Portland garage which is now impossible to remove as it's roof decoration jams against the ceiling and even with explosives you can't get enough force to push it out.

>> No.9207770

Check to see if you've got mr whoopee ticked off on the wanted list at portland docks. Might have been part of the reason you gave up.

>> No.9207790

>Holy shit you really are retarded
Holy shit you really are a faggot. GTA 3 has all of those genres

>> No.9207849

One love plus one love equals two and that is why we're here at studio two.

>> No.9207850

To the two shitflinging autistic faggots:
You two have been going back and forth like this for 5 fucking days. You're both retarded manchildren who have probably never seen a vagina in person. Stop posting.

>> No.9208028

This is probably the last game that completely blew me away and made me rethink how video games could be

>> No.9208038

gamecube was for weebs and babbies unless you were buying it as a second console just to play nintendo exclusives

>> No.9208041

the top down perspective in the ps1 gta games filters lots of people

>> No.9208046

this is way more stylish and it's the type of cover they've used since

>> No.9208057

the topdown view was fine, doing missions and trying to save just wasn't fun

>> No.9208145

"It's a little ugly", but fun. The whole PS2 series looks like an N64 game with expanded draw distance and more actors.

>> No.9208205

I felt like a horrible person when blowing people's heads off with the sniper rifle but the i started loving doing it

>> No.9208229

it made the driving harder than it should've been

>> No.9208231

nowadays it does but no one thought that back then

>> No.9208248
File: 658 KB, 815x549, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was an autistic Catholic mama's boy in high school, so I was like, "I refuse to play a disgusting MURDER SIMULATOR." When a friend convinced me to give it a try, I was like, "Oh. It's just a game." I enjoyed it and I became a fan of the series from then on.

These days, I would probably play an actual murder simulator.

>> No.9208260

I remember all the gamecube only fags on gamefaqs being like I'M GLAD GTA ISN'T ON GAMECUBE I PREFER TO PLAY MATURE GAMES

>> No.9208274

I was there. I saw the blocky models. I thought that back then.

>> No.9208283

They certainly don't resemble something from the N64.

>> No.9208358


>> No.9208362

I was there too. There were better looking ps2 games, but the ps2 gta games weren't considered ugly games then

>> No.9208435

I was like 11 when it came out. I thought GTA1 was pretty cool so I figured a 3D world version of it would be tits and bought it on a whim seeing it on the shelf.
Blew me away.

>> No.9208462

Blew my mind, the step up from gta 2 and first actual big open world was amazing. Was an actual milestone in gaming, a revalation.

>> No.9208925


thanks for the recommendation anon, feels like a brand new game when you can run it with full ps2 visuals at 60 fps

take two are assholes and made github pull the the re3 releases though. i found a link where you can find them archived:

>> No.9209049 [DELETED] 



>> No.9209185

>the topdown view was fine
for an 80s game

>> No.9209603
File: 976 KB, 3840x2160, re3_2022.07.19-21.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still shouldn't play at 60fps.

>> No.9210318

what the fuck there was another release after the shutdown? First time I see the ped and vehicle density options.

>> No.9210362

I was the only kid in my normie secondary school to get one for christmas (UK). Me and my brother played the shit out of it whilst listening to cringe music on my new shitty cd player that I thought was great. One of my favourite gaming memories of all time. Thanks for buying it me mom. I miss you ;_;

>> No.9210392

GTAIII had an optional overhead camera.

>> No.9210396

I remember discovering the cheat to change your character model. I changed mine to the old lady with the shopping bags and laughed myself silly over the old lady stomping on people.

>> No.9210430

It's actually my favorite because I really liked the missions and the aesthetic of 3. Now SA had the most features but the worst aesthetics since LA is just an inherently ugly place at all and particularly to render with early 2000s graphics and I'm much less amused nowadays at this swamp of novel features like the lowrider rhytm game and whatnot.

>> No.9210462

I thought it was amazing, but yeah it was weird that a series that was so niche (at least in my neck of the woods) suddenly became the biggest game franchise in the world.

I didnt own it when it was new but when I was hanging out at friend's houses, we'd just take turns seeing how long we could survive a crime spree before getting killed by the cops.

>> No.9210562

disappointed because it was "more of the same, only with awkward full-3D world this time" so basically not as good as before - but it had been so heavily hyped that I somehow expected it to be at least a little better

I'm sure it's great if it's your first game of this type though

>> No.9210569

You can easily spot who played it at the time and who didn't.

>> No.9210571

I wonder if you've actually played any GTA game.

>> No.9210590

First time I saw it was at a classmate's house, he wanted to show it to me. He went around randomly shooting NPC's and driving cars, which bored me to tears. When I asked him if there was more to the game, he said you can also do missions. So we started doing story missions, which was boring half the time, and absolutely frustrating because of the horrible shooting controls the other half. I was thoroughly unimpressed, terrible first impression. Didn't help that everyone I knew who played this game was a total whigger who lacked any positive male role models in their lives. Going back to it years later I've found it mildly entertaining, but not nearly good enough to warrant the smash success it became. I'm assuming the only reason it became popular is because of the edge factor making all these nigger rap worshiping children flock to it like flies to shit.

>> No.9210607

My cousin was the one who introduced me to gta3 and all he wanted to do in the game was fuck hookers and then kill them

>> No.9210613

Decent sandbox game. The radio was great

>> No.9210680

Back then I had only played N64 games. My neighbor was the one with the PS2 and he invited me over to play GTA with him. I dont remember being blown away but I enjoyed the graphics a lot, specially the wet reflections on the roads lol, but that was it.

>> No.9210685

I have to add that I was constantly impresssed by most PS2 games though, every game looked amazing to me back then.

>> No.9211107

Thought it was a ton of fun, but having played plenty of PC games at the time I never found it exactly impressive. I had already played tons of open would games, and WAY more complex ones. But it was fun to drive around and crash in to shit going really fast in 3d.

>> No.9211575 [DELETED] 



>> No.9211590

It was game changing. Played it on PS2 on 01. My friend said it was the best game of all time. He was not lying.

>> No.9211823

“The future is now.”

“Oooo I’m playing something controversial.”

I was 9 when this came out and my blessed mother bought it for me. GTA3 really changed everything and was the game that ushered in “the future”.

>> No.9211857

Ah a fellow 9 year old GTA player. Yeah that's when I first played 3 too, but I had already played 2 on the PS1 so seeing this was a big change, I loved it but looking back it's not a great game to actually play. Liberty City is still a really fun location brimming with personality and I think it's the best 3D GTA. No I don't care if you can make CJ fat, GTA games aren't really that fun.

>> No.9211869

>Go with my dad and brother to Fincoland to buy this game
>Store clerk tries to warn my dad about the game contents
"Just so you know, this game has a lot of drugs, sex and violence in it"
>Without missing a beat my dad replies
"Oh, they can keep the drugs and violence, I'll take the sex"
>The clerk then silently rang up the purchase
Thanks pops

>> No.9211881


>> No.9211885


>> No.9212527

I remember thinking 'oh it's like a racing game but you can get out of the car'

>> No.9212552

Happy 30th birthday fellow 9 year old GTA3 player.

It’s funny, at the time I thought GTA3 was more generic compared to VC (my favorite) and SA, but as time marched forward GTA3 stands out as a really gritty foggy, green tinged time capsule of the new millennium, which is impossible to see when you’re living during the new millennium. Sopranos-esque. You can definitely make the argument that GTA3 is the best one. Unlimited feels. Everybody and their brother was playing this.

Completely arbitrary but I think the greatest fan project would be to somehow use the re3/reVC source ports and bring London 1961/1969 to 3D.

>> No.9212896
File: 317 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better with some mods

>> No.9212963

Were interiors that fleshed out in the original game or does this mod alter them? I remember trying really hard to get good looks at car interiors in the old GTA’s and there was definitely some detail, I just can’t remember if there was this much.

>> No.9212964

Kind of disappointed because my PS2 at the time had issues with the lens so it kept freezing and roads did not load in time

>> No.9212973

Definitely not that much.

>> No.9213021

the interiors in the cars were just basic shapes mostly

>> No.9213024

I thought that about driver 2

>> No.9214416 [DELETED] 


>> No.9214417 [DELETED] 

awkward white kid's entry point into nigger culture

>> No.9214775

That was San Andreas.

>> No.9214787


>> No.9214790

The novelty wore off in a few hours. I liked it, but it wasn't great. A friend of mine gave me a burned GTA2 CD and I found it a lot more fun. Didn't really like the series all that much until San Andreas.

>> No.9214801

GTA games were always these things to me that I just turned on every now and again and fucked around it. I'm actually kind of surprised that people are so nostalgic for them, as if they were big formative games for them. Do people feel the same way about Postal 2, or Camageddon?
They're not actually great games, they were just kind of "neat" for the time.

>> No.9214803

>plays game casually
>"I don't think it's great"
Well no shit.

>> No.9214806

I beat Vice City eventually. After like three years. Nothing about the actual mission design stands out to me. The combat was bad. The driving was so-so. There's no story to get attached to, because it's just a very on the nose pastiche of gangster movies, and all of the characters are jokes.

>> No.9214809

>all of the characters are jokes
You didn't find the humor of vice city appealing?

>> No.9214817

Sounds like Anon thinks edgy humour is beneath him if he didn't like Carmageddon.

>> No.9214825

Well, I don't really remember most of it. It all sticks in my mind as very shallow and I guess try-hard.
Edgy humour can be good, assuming it's written by naturally funny people. Metalocalypse is funny as hell.
The extent of GTA humour is what? There's a Jewish guy, and it's funny because he's Jewish?

>> No.9214829

>The extent of GTA humour is what? There's a Jewish guy, and it's funny because he's Jewish?
That isn't GTA humour, you're clearly confusing it with something else.


>> No.9214836

I don't know. It's fine. I feel like the people writing this aren't smart enough to write anything beyond very shallow observations about American culture being crass and stupid. It's a low hanging fruit. I don't care.

>> No.9214838
File: 25 KB, 739x415, images - 2022-08-28T191559.641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont remember any of it
It's been forever since I played this but I still remember Fernando and those gangs of puerto ricans with funny spanish quotes/music in the background. Running them down was great.

>> No.9214839

You obviously do care. Sounds to me like you were proven wrong about your perceptions and you're too arrogant to admit it. That's OK, at least it proves to everyone on here you're actually a dumb fuck.

>> No.9214842
File: 5 KB, 212x238, images - 2022-08-28T192212.619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I couldn't keep those extra 200lbs off
Instant Lol. Gta might have pretty average gameplay but it always cracked me up. I remember once me and the boys were trying to complete a tough mission and I abandoned a car to steal a Faggio. I was knocked off and killed and everyone was screaming at me/punching me asking why I wanted that piece of shit FAGio which I corrected them with its FA GEE OH. We went back to grinding out that mission.

>> No.9214846

I turned the video off after three minutes because I was bored of it.
>"dude, infomercials"
Yeah, okay. I see what they're doing, but I'm not laughing.
This is enough to justify the game as being some gem of writing?

>> No.9214847

I posted it as an example of GTA humour. You clearly do not know what you are talking about if you think it's "LOL THAT GUY'S A JEW LOL".

>> No.9214848

"That guy's a Jew" is a joke that the game has.

>> No.9214849

Where was this?

>> No.9214850

The Jewish guy.

>> No.9214851

Ken Rosenberg? I cannot recall a single moment where he's ridiculed for being Jewish. You're talking out of your ass.

>> No.9214852

What game do you find funny then?

>> No.9214860

The character is the joke. "lol he's a Jewish sterotype!". It's all so shallow.
I don't think there are many games I would say are particularly funny. At least not intentionally. Harvester?

>> No.9214863

>The character is the joke. "lol he's a Jewish sterotype!". It's all so shallow.
Ken Rosenberg is a joke because he's a neurotic panicking coward. Not because he's Jewish.

I genuinely wonder if you've played Vice City like you're claiming. You sound like a complete liar.

>> No.9214864

Neurotic Jew is a stereotype.

>> No.9214868

Stop moving the goalposts, that isn't what you're saying at all. You can change his name to Ken Smith and nothing about the character changes.

>> No.9214871

Is it a good character? One that sticks with you?

>> No.9214872

Yes, he does stick with me. Not even sure what the point of your question is.

>> No.9214879

My entire point from the beginning is that all of GTA's writing is very shallow and unmemorable. It's just a series of cultural images that people recognise.
>here's a guy that looks like Tony Montana
>here's a cowardly Jew
>here's a rock star doing coke
>don't you think American media is stupid? Sure, everyone does!
I'm not taken in by it. It's boring.

>> No.9214881

>I'm not taken in by it. It's boring.
In that case I don't see why you've debated it for the best part of an hour. You could have gone away and played one of your mature games for mature people like you.

>> No.9214882

I have very little to do.

>> No.9214884

What a wonderfully fulfilling life you must have.

>> No.9214891

The mortal Kombat of its time. Every edgy kid was drooling over it but looking back at the games they sort of sucked

>> No.9214894
File: 6 KB, 320x224, images (24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think many games are funny
Are you a gamer even? Shenmue isn't a comedy game but is full of humor. The English dub especially. I'm not even talking about South Park or Deadpool video games either.

>> No.9214898

>How did you react when you first played this?
Wow finally 3D GTA, much graphix and shit, but... Where's my dedicated fart and burp button?

>> No.9214909

I bought a PS2.

>> No.9214934
File: 1.29 MB, 3840x2160, GTA_ Vice City 15_01_2021 22_47_36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ken NOSENberg amirite anon!?

>> No.9215008

I think that Anon is such an empty void nothing makes him laugh.

>> No.9215284

Made the first games look like school projects.

>> No.9215568

i was 16 and it really felt like it ushered in a completely new era of gaming.

>> No.9217034


>> No.9217037 [DELETED] 





>> No.9217042

I love Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

>> No.9217102

Same for me.
I couldn't believe how fun it was just playing it like a sandbox

>> No.9217717

it was the videogame that defined 6th it changed everything and 3d action/adventure games

>> No.9218481

I shid and pissd meself boi

>> No.9218493

Meh. Didn't get it until OG Xbox port, at which point it had been so praised I couldn't help but notice all the flaws like the shitty aimming and combat, and I hated how things were closed off. A great game, but I didn't get the hype until San Andreas. Now that game felt huge and I got addicted immediately, nig shit notwithstanding

>> No.9218556
File: 132 KB, 640x640, 1654675079749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't re3 implementations basically made up and just tested manually against the original game? From what I know, it's not really reverse engineering and open sourcing a 1:1 code replacement, it's mostly guesswork.

Am I right? I could be wrong.

>> No.9220053

>As long as it's not linux/cross-platform skeleton/compatibility layer, all of the code on the repo that's not behind a preprocessor condition(like FIX_BUGS) are completely reversed code from original binaries.
>We don't accept custom codes, as long as it's not wrapped via preprocessor conditions, or it's linux/cross-platform skeleton/compatibility layer.
They claim otherwise.

>> No.9220084

i shidded and farted and camed in my pants

>> No.9220086

If they did this for the first Mercenaries it would be wonderful.

>> No.9220093

Moshi moshi based department?

>> No.9220637

Thanks. I didn't know, that's great.

>> No.9221705
File: 1020 KB, 852x480, GTA3 2022-08-29 12-23-26.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTA3 is a perfect video game for me. I still play it to this day on the regular.

>> No.9221745

Wanted it bad for about 2-3 years since I loved Driver 2 and was constantly thinking about how cool it would be to hit peds and shoot in that game. Parents wouldn't get it for me. When Vice City came out I convinced my parents that GTA3 was an old game and the graphics were unrealistic so the violence wasn't that bad so they bought it for me. Played the ever living fuck out of it and loved it. I remember my dad would come into the room and start laughing hysterically at the radio commercials. He thought the radio ads and the Chatterbox talk show was hilarious.


>> No.9222054

That mission is so useful for getting the mr whoopee for the import/export. Plus unlike what you would expect for modern GTA which is so stupidly scripted the only win condition check for that mission is that everyone dies so shooting them and THEN selling the mr whoopee on the black market is a win-win. I would say it is the perfect crime.

>> No.9222192

I was really happy because I instantly knew games were going to get more popular because my normie girlfriend and her older brother couldn’t keep their hands off it. I was still unaware of the implications.

>> No.9222489

It seemed interesting but it didn't do much for me oddly. I was too enchanted with Counter Strike 1.3 and GTA looked like a very childish version of Mafia with none of the substance and all gimmicks.
It took me a year or two for Vice City to come out and for me to get my own PC to get into the game.

>> No.9222736

You mean nigger?

>> No.9222741

You misspelled Max Payne.

>> No.9222761

>Stop moving the goalposts
He's not. Go fuck yourself.
>You can change his name to Ken Smith and nothing about the character changes.
Not true. He would stop adhering to the neurotic Jew stereotype. You're disingenuous and retarded.

>> No.9222764

>In that case I don't see why you've debated it for the best part of an hour
A hypocrite too. God people like you are disgusting.

>> No.9222765

>Grim Fandango

>> No.9222780


>> No.9222852 [DELETED] 


>> No.9223032

>replying to an argument from 3 days ago
That desperate to get involved?

>> No.9223069
File: 223 KB, 640x1106, mammon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a slow board.

>> No.9223306

Whiggers are white niggers, white boys who adopt black culture because they lack any and all positive male rolemodels, and they've been convinced by Jewish marketing to think that black culture is masculine.

>> No.9223326

dude you sound like an absolute faggot

>> No.9223726

the term is wigger, you retarded nigger
and no one who isn't a dumb middle/high schooler or a literal cuckold thinks that way in the first place, stop looking up kids listening to rap you fuckin nonce

>> No.9223765

Little rustled, are we? I simply recounted my own experience as a child when first playing these games, not sure why this would upset you to this degree. Also, whigger is just as acceptable a spelling as wigger.

>> No.9223778

i'm not really upset, i agree that dumb kids do that and i didn't like em as a fellow dumb kid, i don't even play gta games i just entered a random thread out of boredom

>> No.9223779

You sounded pathetic.

>> No.9223790

So you agree with me. So what's the problem?

>> No.9223792

Truth hurts

>> No.9223793


>> No.9223795

You let your opinion of the game be entirely influenced by the people who surrounded you. By the sound of it, you never attempted to judge it on its own merits and just stereotyped it based on the people who you knew played it.

>> No.9223814

I let my opinion of the game be influenced by playing the game and experiencing how horrible the shooting was and how boring the missions were, as previously stated in my post. I further went on to speculate that its success had more to do with its edge gimmick rather than its quality as a game catering to specific groups of people. Regarding letting others influence my opinion of the game, all I said was that these whiggers gave me a poor first impression as a child. A first impression is not a set-in-stone opinion. Sounds to me like you're upset that I hit on some truth.

>> No.9223826

the missions in gta 3 are really open ended

>> No.9223829

>I further went on to speculate that its success had more to do with its edge gimmick rather than its quality as a game catering to specific groups of people.
It didn't cater to those specific people at all. You are aware it had two games (technically four if you want to include London 1961 and 1969) before it went 3D?

>Sounds to me like you're upset that I hit on some truth.
I'm the complete opposite to the stereotype you experienced as a kid. Sounds to me like you lived in a shithole and were bullied by said people. I doubt you would let your opinion be so significantly influenced by that group of people if that wasn't the case.

>> No.9223839

It's this kind of game design that made GTA special. Generally the more generic the win condition and the more tools given to the player, the more emergent gameplay you're going to see.

>> No.9223842

>You are aware it had two games
Fucking kek, you mean the games that Rockstar wanted to be featured in news articles about how dangerous they were for the youth in order to increase their allure? And really now, you keep reiterating that I base my opinions on hatred of other people, based on absolutely nothing I've written. Now you're fantasizing that I got bullied into hating GTA? Are you really psycho-analyzing a pair of anonymous 4chan posts as a last ditch effort to call someone names for not being impressed with GTA3? You're squirming.

>> No.9223860

>you keep reiterating that I base my opinions on hatred of other people, based on absolutely nothing I've written.
You twice went on a completely weird tangent about everyone you knew who played GTA III having no positive male role models in their lives, it sounds like your opinion of the game was heavily influenced by your dislike of said people.

>> No.9223873

No, I only talked about those people once, and it was in relation to how they gave me a bad first impression. The second time I responded to someone asking if I meant nigger, where I explained what a whigger is. That's not what a tangent is, the post still remained on point with the topic of the thread. You're clearly the one who is letting your biases and emotions rule you.

>> No.9223890

>No, I only talked about those people once, and it was in relation to how they gave me a bad first impression.
Looks like I was right, your opinion of the game was always going to be negative because of said people influencing you. Maybe if you weren't dumb enough to associate with those retards (despite your apparent superiority to them) you might have never had the misfortune of experiencing GTA.

>> No.9223908

I guess for some, throwing your arms in the air and declaring victory is a legitimate method of argumentation. For me personally, it just shows that the person is spent.

>> No.9223909

Made it a lot of fun.

>> No.9223920

It was obvious from your first post that you were never going to be able to judge the game in any sort of positive light. But there's no point continuing this discussion.

>> No.9223932

True that, you clearly don't have any more to contribute.

>> No.9223947

For me personally, posts like this is why doctors prescribe meds

>> No.9223948

Neither do you.

>> No.9223965

Yuh uh

>> No.9223971

Fuck off.

>> No.9223982

Nuh uh

>> No.9224019
File: 8 KB, 299x169, shenmues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember liking Shenmue better at the time. I didnt like GTA until Vice City

>> No.9224047

my cousin got it while I was living in New York at the time. I remember being blown away because I had never played a game that resembled the 'real world' where I live like that before

>> No.9224097

You're a complete retard.

>> No.9224330

I was like 12 when it came out, I remember loaned it off an older kid and literally just spent all week after school driving around exploring the city. I was hooked. Didn't even do any of the missions. Just drove around, ran people over, tried to find cool hidden locations and stuff. I got my parents to buy it like a week after that and didn't even touch the missions for maybe a month.

Playing it now, it's like there's literally nothing to do and it's kind of boring. But back then it was just such a mindblowingly new and exciting experience being able to actually explore a realistic environment like that, that it didn't matter. Your reason to play it WAS just to run around exploring the place. Me and my buddy pulled multiple all-nighters playing VC and SA. Without even considering myself a big fan of the series, I still put a crazy amount of hours into them when I was younger. Plus it definitely played a big role shaping my sense of humour, and even music taste. Those soundtracks kicked ass.

This is the reason modern open world games suck. It's not actually the game's fault, it's just that we have grown used to the concept, and take it for granted. We don't find the same joy in exploring the place for it's own sake, because we are jaded to the way games work, we are only motivated by the rewards and incentives the games give us.

>> No.9224335


You really have to have your head up your ass not to find GTA funny. It had a lot of higher brow jokes (mainly in the radio stuff) as well as much more juvenile slapstick and racial stereotypes (in the cutscenes and dialogue). It doesn't take itself too seriously, and it doesn't try too hard to be funny either. It's just kinda there, and it works.

I wonder if a lot of Americans don't realise it's satirising American culture, or if maybe they're just butthurt because of that.

>> No.9224807

everyone here started with vice city, then san andreas and a few kept playing sa-mp, gta 3 was unfortunately memoryholed

>> No.9224856

where is "here"

>> No.9224883

I was impressed. From still shots and descriptions, the game didn't really sell itself. I remember thinking it can't be that great. The ps2 surely isn't powerful enough to make a 3D gta worth playing. It will be severely limited, relying on the allure of a 3d open world and not much else (because not enough gigabytes or whatever dumbass reason I had concocted in my teenage brain) Wait, vehicle deformation? Weather cycles? Day/night? Ha ha I can heal by picking up hookers! Ha ha I can refund myself by killing the hooker! Wow this is great!

>> No.9224908

Weird generalization. 30+ most likely played GTA3 first and definitely was not memory holed by that age group. This game was unforgettable but I agree that Vice City/San Andreas immediately replaced it in the public consciousness.

>> No.9225234

Any idea where to get the latest binaries? >>9196251
I understand the unwillingness to share source but there must be newer builds?

>> No.9225610

probably the most fun i ever had with a video game up to that point, because going around shooting people was actually very cathartic, and got a very primal thing out of my system.

>> No.9225671

The cars, people and weapons made it fun in the beginning. Also the fact that you could play it wherever since it was console. To be honest though I think it was slightly overrated. Ya it's fun but I think the gameplay itself wasn't as groundbreaking as everyone pretending it was at the time. Other than maybe the motorcycle stunt jumps.

The newer series are only fun because of the same reasons, driving and shooting (music is decent too). The stories for all mostly suck and gradually only get shittier

Don't really play that often and almost always rather play something else, if I'm even going to waste time on a game

>> No.9225681

Cars and the maps (and now the pedestrian interactions) are the best part otherwise it's just another game

The newer ones were a letdown in regards to realism. They went backwards in physics with the cars too. Made me laugh when I played it how unrealistic the driving felt in comparison to the one with Nico in it

>> No.9225835

Please stop using the spoiler tag in this manner. It's cringe.

>> No.9226123




>> No.9226135

>sport cars with the body roll of a 40 year old Volvo is realistic

>> No.9226252
File: 42 KB, 622x350, D086C59A-1C3B-4039-BCF0-9C5065B8868C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of this genre, been watching the new Saints Row get ripped apart, but I couldn’t help but notice some of older games looked fun in the same way Yakuza games do.

We’re any of the older games worth playing?

>> No.9227647
File: 136 KB, 889x456, aoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. 3 years old in 2002

>> No.9227658

Mindless violent fun with crude graphics.

>> No.9227759

Lazlo's radio station. that was all I liked. I drove around and listened to that. Laughed my ass off. Once that got old I sold it. I never cared for the GTA games personally.

>> No.9229434 [DELETED] 


>> No.9229485


>> No.9229494
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x800, 1649380466587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh I figured I was the only one who felt that way. Something about the charm of 2 seemed lost in 3 when I first played it at a friends house. But since it took a year to come to PC I'd already more or less moved on from it, especially when all the popularity came up

>> No.9229530

LCS has Craig Conner musics too

>> No.9229552

60 break physics but it still alright if you just wanna fuck around

>> No.9229563

I capped the game to 48fps and it plays fine and looks smooth enough.

>> No.9229596

1 and 2 are worth trying
also, not /vr/

>> No.9229652

I was 15 when it came out and it felt like a real revolution, the ultimate video game, like every game I had played in my life had led up to this one. It's probably the game I logged the most hours into. Making tanks fly with cheat codes, finding new ways of accessing the blue hell, spending hours mastering flying the dodo to get to the ghost town, recording my rampages and killing spree on VHS... I explored every bit of content in that game.
For me, it was the perfect game at the perfect time, and I still believe to this day that, unbeknownst to me at the time, I was witnessing the birth of the open world game genre. It truly is one of the most important video games in the history of gaming, and I will fistfight anyone who does not agree on its historical significance.
Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.9229798

do you know how old the ps3 and 360 are now?

>> No.9230092

Not that Anon but those aren't considered retro by /vr/ standards.

>> No.9230248
