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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 59 KB, 640x480, DF4BEF2E-53B9-452C-AEB1-369AEDC1BA9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9191384 No.9191384 [Reply] [Original]

How about something different? Shit nobody asked for.

>> No.9191403

Is that a controller holder? What if I'm using a rumble pak?

>> No.9191430
File: 437 KB, 648x1502, PS2_HorizontalStand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody get this essential accessory for the PS2?

>> No.9191432

Good question. All I can think of is that the designer likes to make works of art from his or her video game consoles.

>> No.9191471

It at least looks cool.

>> No.9191475

Would look better if it were some hideous and roughly textured 3d printed weed like growth.

>> No.9191479
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Time had changed.

>> No.9191482

Yeah but if you have a phat model PS2 that has the front vents positioned closer to the base of the console, they'll be blocked by the stand. So it's detrimental to use on anything other than the launch model.

>> No.9191493

That is pretty fly, for a game console.

>> No.9192164

That is more of a tumor.

>> No.9192181

Uh, what am I looking at here?

>> No.9192183

Controller...perch? I'll try to find the page again if you would like to know more.

>> No.9192196


Well I looked it up again anyway.


Like, the first comment is talking about joycons, so I don't know if this is an error or what.

>> No.9192225

I need to get a 3D printer and start selling useless shit on etsy.

>> No.9192463

You should get one anyways. They’re great and you can print all the shit that would be embarrassing to otherwise but.

>> No.9192478

Its more embarrassing to make the faggy shit yourself bro. No one can see what you bought.

>> No.9192489
File: 158 KB, 1390x888, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if it quite counts, but maybe dumbest accessory related thing I can think of is how Sony had to made a second model of multitap for the PS2 slim just because the memory card port is like 2mm more shallow than it was on the fat so the original model of multitap doesn't fit in it.

Like in terms of functionality the only difference between both models of multitaps is literally just the length on the memory card connector.

>> No.9192647

I like it anyway because they made the revision resemble the slim.

>> No.9192685 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 1200x675, nintendo-3ds-1020.1419963714.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was a fever dream.

>> No.9192695

Whoa, I've never seen that second model of multitap before.

>> No.9192704
File: 763 KB, 600x900, mLaLHTT-HEysuTb7NLF442Lq86QHZf9L-3lqpbw9WMo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The very useful ability to turn the Playstation logo so it's always face-up no matter which way your console is standing.

>> No.9192770

Yep, more cost effective also perhaps. Just as all 'slim' hardware variants are.

>> No.9192773

This was actually the shit back in the day. True, nobody asked for it so I'll commend this post. Also: blue PS2 CDs. As if black wasn't badass enough...

>> No.9192794

I read this in the voice of that know-it-all kid from Polar Express. That's basically who you are irl.

>> No.9192804

That shit is bussin, no cap, I'll fight you.

>> No.9192806
File: 95 KB, 1000x1600, 35CED17D-B63E-4013-B63B-B5E13D423D1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which is why ya should have went vertical widdit dawg

>> No.9192809

Again, pretty sure 'no cap' is a negative declaration. I am slowly deciphering their language.

>> No.9192812

Ok monkey

>> No.9192824

Dead ass, wet ass, dumbass, faggot ass zoomer

>> No.9192839

No cap means authentically. It refers to gold dental caps, or the absence thereof, which would imply that you have actually had your teeth removed and replaced with gold teeth.
t. Millennial who has deciphered the zoomer codex

>> No.9192913

Ok millenial.

>> No.9192965

>blue PS2 CDs.
Those cunts never worked on my console. Always had to ask the cashier at Blockbuster what color the disc was before renting.

>> No.9192979

Apparently that was a lens issue. Should have worked on fully functional hardware. Wait are you one of those guys who sat your consoles on the carpet?

>> No.9193008

Those are useless too though, it will never tip over when vertically unless there's an earthquake.

>> No.9193025

>Wait are you one of those guys who sat your consoles on the carpet?

>> No.9193037

Ok. Smoker perhaps? Early PS2 models were apparently prone to CD read errors. Maybe it actually had something to do with the color. I'm not an engineer so who knows.

>> No.9193039

>unless there's an earthquake.

Which is probably why it was mandatory for all PS2s sold in Japan. Tee hee.

>> No.9193137

I just bought a second hand PS2 that came with this. Looks kinda neat. Blue was a popular color in the early 2000s because the whole blue LED thing was brand new back then. Before that, you only had red, green and yellow LEDs. That is also why a lot of products from that time came with random blue LEDs. I think that is partially where they got the idea of using blue accents for the PS2.

>> No.9193153

>I'm not an engineer
We can tell

>> No.9193163

Here is your cookie.

>> No.9193635

>Shit nobody asked for.
But I've been asking for a dildo for 4 gals with horizontal slits for ages

>get device that allows you to easily and cheaply produce an infinite range of innovative and useful devices
>just use it to print cringe designed by tards
Many such cases

>> No.9193850

Not /vr/, but I say build one dawg.

>> No.9193860

not retro.
also it was mostly used for left handed players in stuff like kid icarus, only a few games used it as an actual second stick

>> No.9193870

>Maybe it actually had something to do with the color
The color has no effect on functionality. You can test this yourself with silver bottom PS2 CDs.
Sony stopped using colored discs sometime in 2007. That's why late-era european shovelware and reprints have silver CDs. Also the Squenix re-releases of their PS1 catalogue that they sold on the Square online store up until early 2010's had silver CDs eventually too.
It's weird how this isn't more common information when there's people out there who are self-proclaimed experts on N64 box seal patterns. Then again even there noone talks about ROM chip manufacturer variance...

>> No.9194010 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 224x225, 1631251187307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok monkey

>> No.9194234

You don't mess with the orientation of a man's PS2 logo.

>> No.9194283
File: 1.96 MB, 389x292, 1508085432540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc, the N3DS's right nub was backwards compatible with the circle pad pro but not the other way around.

>> No.9194569
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>> No.9194616
File: 741 KB, 1200x680, Genesis-SEGA-Activator-box-front-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9194692

Wouldn't this cause stress on the system from the "cartridge" being pulled by the weight of controllers in different directions?

>> No.9194706

>3DS is retro for this underage fag
Get out. I don't even consider GBA retro or whatever this board advocates as retro these days.

>> No.9194708

It might be a problem if it goes all the way into the cartridge port. But if it's just sitting inside of the hole then it's only "stressing" the outer case.

>> No.9195048

every game that enabled a high res mode with this ended up butchering the frame rate in the process

>> No.9195137

Quality post right there. I recall also Kutaragi mentioning that he thought of that shade of blue and space, somehow. Maybe darkening sky or some suchlike?

>> No.9195139

Well I am pretty much the smartest person I know.

>> No.9195143

Another quality post with good info. As a non-engineer, I'm to understand that a blue surface has no effect at all on a blue laser? What about red? Are there any non-colored lasers?

>> No.9195148


I forgot it was made for Kid Icarus Uprising or whatever it was called. I missed out on it because I didn't ever own a 3DS. Didn't a Resident Evil game on the machine use it too?

>> No.9195154

Fun fact: 'classic' cars for comparison used to be defined as 20 years old or more. That may have changed, so it sounds applicable in our realm of work and play as well. Hell, computer tech moves way faster than auto tech so maybe it's less than 20 years even. More? Who knows. It's up to you to decide of course.

>> No.9195441

>Fun fact: one kid on the internet used this definition once

>> No.9195492

Damn, you got me. A 'classic' car is apparently 25 years aged according to google. Thanks for clarification.

>> No.9197587

the fact that this is an official product is kinda hilarious. like why?

in the case of tabletop games it's more embarrassing to spend hundreds of dollars on overpriced minis & game pieces than to just make proxies yourself.

>> No.9198059

"retro" is different from "classic", this is the retro games board, not the classic games board, nor is it the vintage games board nor the old games board.
Retro can mean something that just looks old or mimicking an older style, making any newly released game that has sprite based graphics a retro game.

A more apt name for this board would be classic, not retro. And there should be a definite cut-off, not a sliding scale that lets a generation in every couple of years.

>> No.9198094


>> No.9198173

>all that cope
Top kek, one kid on the internet

>> No.9198238

I think mgs 3 needed it too but I don't have one and haven't played snake eater on 3ds

>> No.9198323

N3DS basically has circle pad pro built in, including the four shoulder buttons. Not retro.

>> No.9198623

No, what I'm saying is the CPP and the N3DS' extra buttons are actually separate from a coding perspective. So if a later game, or a homebrew game, supports the N3DS buttons it might not work with the CPP.

>> No.9198673


Have you ever read this board's stuck post that is there every time you come here? If not, do feel free to do so at your leisure.


>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games.

>> No.9198754

GBA came out in 2001. For reference thats closer to the year 1980, than we are in 2022 to 2001.

>> No.9198757

oh I see, very strange and interesting

>> No.9199003

Yeah, so what's your fucking point?
Mine still stands that the name of this board is a misnomer despite what some faggot jannie has stickied, and then revises every 2 years to appease the newest batch of retards who grew up on hardware that isn't all that far removed from what is current.

>> No.9199057

You tell 'em, anon. That'll teach 'em.

>> No.9199174

...and stop those damn kids skateboarding on the sidewalk!

>> No.9199757

Skateboarding is rad, it's them damn crossdressing kids and their tiktoks that is ruining this fine country... I mean board.

>> No.9199765
File: 89 KB, 350x256, DonkeyKong64CoverArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit pisses me off. Has there EVER been another game that had to correct a game-breaking bug with a hardware add-on? Not to mention Nintendo's false advertising about it making the system more powerful when its just adding 4MB of RAM.

The worst part is it costs $60 these days and its required to play only like 3 games, but one of those games is Majora's Mask.

>> No.9199783

Maybe not "more powerful" but doubling the RAM made the console surely "more capable". It also started the modern trend of choosing between "details" and "speed"

>> No.9199786
File: 406 KB, 706x851, Screenshot_20220822-082421_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all fine and good but they pretty blatantly lied about how big of an upgrade it was.

Especially since some of the "enhanced" games actually ran worse with the pak since increasing the resolution would destroy the framerate

>> No.9200314

yeah, we remember late 99 and early 2000. Nintendo shit on the bed with expansion pak

>> No.9200343

I got one for 20 last year.
Perfect dark 4 players is worth it.

>> No.9200663

Haha, I remember going over my friends house and we played Eternal Champions with this thing.

>> No.9200672
File: 948 KB, 2048x1536, post-8713-0-23718100-1382668748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what would be sweet? Getting your ass kicked at Street Fighter AND actually feeling it, all while wearing a fuckhueg vest.

>> No.9200696

No one cared back then.
Why do you?

>> No.9200702

Not retro but this thing was a godsend in both KI and MH

>> No.9200763

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t there a technical distinction for this? Like the blue discs were CDs and the later ones were DVDs?

>> No.9201079

I thought one of the colors was dual layer.

>> No.9201105

You're correct.

>> No.9201121

He must feel even smarter since you're in the thread

>> No.9201142

I had this as a kid, worst thing ever, it was just a fucking speaker encased in a plastic backpack

>> No.9201232

Retard detected. This was back in the age where 16MB of ram on a a home computer was "more than any consumer needed". Keep in mind that its contemporaries had even less ram initially. The Playstation only had a piddly 2MB of ram. 8MB was impressive back then, kiddo.

>> No.9201236
File: 71 KB, 900x300, PBF134-Game_System.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9201254

CDs use Infrared lasers, DVDs use Red lasers. Look up wave length and what ever media you are looking to learn about.

>> No.9201268

You are off by a decade, zoom zoom. 16MB ram on a 486dx4 was bad ass. 64MB ram on a Pentium 2 was bad ass.

>> No.9201270

God damn I never knew this.

>> No.9201291

>Assembled in Mexico

>> No.9201493

Shut the fuck up you absolute dickhead

>> No.9201525
File: 62 KB, 600x415, cover_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It enabled 4 player mode in Gauntlet Legends which justified its existence as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.9201532


>> No.9201671

You can slam your game cartridge in there as hard as you want. Won't do shit.

>> No.9201690
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9201697

I can play Turok 2 on hi-resolution widescreen mode

>> No.9201750

Early immersion extending hardware for such aged now systems...wow. I'd give it a try. I'll imagine that current/modern similikes are intense too...

>> No.9201759

Infrared lasers eh? Vey interest. Similar to old CRT remotes, as well as one of the front projectors on modern day smartphones. Different levels of focus, perhaps. What say...IR blasters on other phones as well.

>> No.9201796

It was later discovered that this game was always intended to require the expansion pak. It wasn't to fix a bug. Nintendo really wanted them to get the game working without the pak (for poorer consumers), but they couldn't get the memory leak patched for the release so it remained an expansion pak only game.

>> No.9201852

I remember reading some quote from a sony designer being asked wtf this stand was for and they just said "it added style and height"

I will say though I do really love the love of a PS2 sitting on that vertical stand. If I was forced to lay my PS2 horizontal I'd think about getting that stupid stand (to add style and height)

>> No.9202245

Nice not-quite-AR glasses there. Then again... (¯▿¯)

>> No.9204112

I like how this ad doesn't even bother explaining how this shit worked.

>> No.9204512

I kind of wish I had a 3D TV laying around, I'd buy one if I found one at a pawn shop or something. There's a not-insignificant number of PS3 games that support 3D and it's kind of annoying seeing so many games with 3D features I never got to try.

>> No.9205454

nice retro accessory

>> No.9206698

"Videogame acessories" = "Crap you throw away in 2 months"

>> No.9206715

These were actually really nice monitors, only downfall of it was the price which is why it did so bad. When they dropped the price it sold like hot cakes but too costly to produce.

>> No.9206772

>Know that "no cap" means to be authentic
>Didn't know that it originated from gold teeth
Well I'll be fucked, I just learned something today.
t. 34 year old

>> No.9207428

>When they dropped the price it sold like hot cakes.
that's basically playstation stuff after 6th gen in a nutshell.

>> No.9207461


Ikr... I didn't ask for a gimmicky shit system that was a total downgrade from NES and SNES, and that couldn't even deliver Killer Instinct 1 on it

>> No.9208067

Honestly the real downfall of it now is the fact the EEPROMs on them want to kill themselves. At least people sell replacements. Saw some people at one point also finding there's a write enable leg on there, so maybe lifting it could also prevent it from killing itself.

>> No.9209595
File: 737 KB, 678x678, 1461624316024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back.

>> No.9209640

do people actually replace their teeth with gold teeth? i thought it was just a cartoon trope
although people do plastic surgery so ig i shouldn't be too surprised but teeth are a lot more painful to get removed as opposed to body fat

>> No.9209664
File: 2.98 MB, 471x261, rc_an (234).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no firm idea or information about any weird modern trends, but the best dental fillings used to be either a silver or gold amalgam (an amalgam is a precious metal dissolved in liquid mercury). To fix a tooth, you'd have the amalgam poured over in a mould, and you'd have a gold or silver filling when the mercury evaporated. It's a very common dental procedure dating back over a hundred of years. Gold fillings were more desirable since gold doesn't tarnish as easily as silver does.
Modern dentistry brought about porcelain fillings, which are "supposed" to look just like normal teeth.

That said, there was a more modern trend of people covering their teeth with caps or grills. Originally these just went on top, but apparently lately there has apparently been a trend of surgically altering one's teeth for closer fitting caps. (Oh boy, where have I heard this sort of unnecessary cosmetic surgical treatment before...)

>> No.9209806
File: 254 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_or1nviELTu1rzhs5zo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]