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9189547 No.9189547 [Reply] [Original]

Newest firmware update added a gameboy emulator. Also check Krizz’s store because there was a huge restock, I finally got to order my GBA mini today

>> No.9189597

Fuck me. I ordered a chinese clone 2 weeks ago because it was out of stock everywhere and ebayniggers were charging insane prices for originals. So far it seems to work fine, is it really a big deal to not use the official everdrive? Heard the chinks just stole Kirkzz shit and copied it 1:1.

I'm tempted to get the X7 and sell the chinese one bundled with an N64 console locally. How long do they stay in stock usually?

>> No.9189604

I’m waiting for the grey shell FXpak pros to come back in stock

>> No.9189606

that's pretty cool but how does it scale? cant be integer scaling unless its just a 1x with black bars around it

>> No.9189608

Should've done your research. Everyone knew Krikzz had made it out alive and was going to be back in business soon.

>> No.9189616

actual retard

>> No.9189630

Already have a small collection of N64 carts. Literally just wanted to play 3 games and came to the conclusion it would be a better idea to get a flashcart.

>> No.9189637

that's not why you're a retard
you're a retard because you couldn't do 30 seconds of googling

>> No.9189645

It does 1x,1.25x,1.5x

Works pretty good.

>> No.9189706

this update only for the x7?

>> No.9189716

It was last month
It is still just an emulator though

>> No.9189861

fyi I think Krikzz is only focusing all his manufacturing/firmware developing efforts on the beefiest version of each console's flashcart until he's back up to 100%

>> No.9189874

If you want a proper gameboy support you can still get the unofficial firmware for FXPakPro/SD2SNES, which replicates the real actual Super Game Boy rather than just emulating GB games. You can set it to be SGB1 or SGB2 speed, and even separately choose which of their borders to use (as in SGB2 clock speed but with SGB1's set of borders). Blasted through a recent playthrough of SML2 doing that.

>> No.9189903

pretty sure this emulator is GBC

>> No.9189931

Arent these well overpriced for the tech? I will never pay more than 50 bucks for this shit and the inflation clock is ticking. I think I have seen these for over $200 on ebay and have written the brand off forever for that, especially bc the aftermarket value will be inflated for God knows how long with as retarded a price point as that. I say this as a fan of emulation and with consideration of the limitations of n64 emulation, too. I'm not saying I'm not a pleb but I'm not coming out of the blue here- $200 or more is a really stupid bet and you can be sure comparable items 1/4 the price move more than 4x as fast in the jank chink ass emu market. Guess what attitudes drive the emulation scene... understand your customers, come on lol

>> No.9189934

>products should only cost the price of the parts

>> No.9189939

>understand your customers
You are a broke ass poorfag, not a customer. We buy everdrives because they aren’t cheap chinkshit.

>> No.9189949

Are you completely braindead or what

>> No.9189961

>understand your customers, come on lol
I think he does understand us anon lol. When you pay this kind of money for a flashcart you're definitely getting what you pay for, speaking as someone who owns an EverDrive for every other console he owns except his N64. $200 is a lot of money to me too, but you can bet your ass I've been squirreling away money to buy one of these suckers during the Black Friday sale, assuming that's back on the menu this year of course.

>> No.9190592

>is it really a big deal to not use the official everdrive
You can't update it to get new gimmicks but other than that chinese clones are fine.

>> No.9190598

You're absolutely right, krikzz has one of the strangest cults out there. Why anyone would fanboy for a certain brand of flashcart is beyond me but here it is.

>> No.9190605

Sure you can, some of them at least
I’m playing SGB on my rev x SD2SNES

>> No.9190607

Is there a good flashcart for gb/gbc? I have everdrives but the price and multiple versions of each flashcart is putting me off now i just want some cheap Chinese cart that does the same job

>> No.9190614

If you're most concerned about price, buy a clone Everdrive GB from Aliexpress.
They're like $30 and play everything without issues.

>> No.9190617

I've got ezflash jr for gameboys and don't have any complaints so far.

>> No.9190619

The biggest advantage of an authentic Everdrive compared to either of these options is battery life. You can expect these to cut battery life by a third or more.
Otherwise they're perfectly serviceable carts, but a real everdrive has its advantages too.

>> No.9190621

I'd like to see some real power consumption tests done with these carts

>> No.9190631

There are some but they're not as complete as I'd like. I'll put one together myself soon.
As you can see, the everdrive x5 is miles ahead of the alternatives.

>> No.9190647

Yeah that's pretty drastic, would make me buy an everdrive if I could.

>> No.9190650

I don't take my game boy outside so it honestly doesn't bother me. But it's important to be informed about what you're buying.

>> No.9190716 [DELETED] 

>marketing thread

>> No.9190728

If you're ordering one, expect double the shipping times listed on the website as they are still shipping out of Ukraine, so EU/Uk is like 40 days

>> No.9190737

There's a firmware for the clones that emulates gbc too. Here's an installation guide


>> No.9190753

I've actually beat it some games using real carts (megaman iv, duck tales 2 and gargoyles quest) and a transferpak using the standalone Dodrio tower rom in a clone N64 flashcart, you can speed up and all, but the compatibility is very sparce, still pretty cool tho.

>> No.9190801

Chinese manufacturing has come a long way, but in many ways they are still "buyer beware." Kirkzz stuff is a known entity with known quality and plenty of reviews. Chinese clones are not just highly variable between all the many cloners, they are highly variable between batches from the same seller. And when you're dealing with 30 year old consoles with parts at the end of their lifespan, a noisy unfiltered 3.3V line that's dumping noise into the cart pins means random crashes. And you're talking a device that you'll use for years and years to come, it's not likely that a better one that's worth the upgrade will arrive next year or the year after. You'll easily amortise the cost.

>> No.9190816

I'd rather pay 200 dollars to play an entire console library than 120+ dollars for one used game.

>> No.9190909

The biggest problem for me with "original" carts and ode's is that they're constantly out of stock while the clones on ali are always there.
Makes me hope they clone fenrir soon because that shit is impossible to buy.

>> No.9190941

Not a marketing thread. I did it FOR FREE because I wanted my fellow /vr/edditors to have first dibs on the new stock. Sorry you can’t understand what a sense of community is zoomer

>> No.9192339

>Arent these well overpriced for the tech?
Depends on how you look at it. If you have no games then getting a flashcart is the better deal every time since you'll have access to the entire library unless it's the PC Engine, then again if you're getting a PC Engine system you don't give a shit about money in the first place. along with being able to play most romhacks and fan translations on real hardware. Obviously the Krikzz ones aren't the only carts out there, but by now it's the only product line that's covering this many systems and people trust his quality and, more importantly, his customer service. If money's really a problem for you, just wait for yearly holiday sale where he knocks things down by 15 - 20% or grab a chinese clone from the usual websites.

>... understand your customers, come on lol
If you want an example of someone who doesn't understand their customers go look at what the GDEmu/Rhea/Pheobe guy does to sell his stuff.

>> No.9192342

bummer. I have an x5. I cant justify the price for the x7.

>> No.9193451

>what the GDEmu/Rhea/Pheobe guy does to sell his stuff
Can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.9193642
File: 18 KB, 500x323, Yo-Dawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yo dawg i put an emulator in your emulator

>> No.9194019

He doesn't make enough supply and everything that you can buy is on backorder. It's not like krikzz who makes them en masse (pre war, at least.) You basically have to buy a clone if you want to get one in the same way you'd buy any product.

>> No.9194093

Same anon-I just spent way more than an everdrive costs on some genuine gear just because it's real. Doesn't mean I'm gonna go spend that same money on $25 2022 chinese made flash cart hardwares produced in gargantuan proportions. Not everyone who is smart to some overpriced chinkcart forum marketing is a poorfag. I picked up a comparable cart for my retro style gba sp recently too- $40, reasonable. Ill buy twenty $40 buck chinkcarts before I buy one $200 chinkcart. I respect a market when it respects me. You dumb negroes paying $200 for bling toys without thinking a second thought- you are the perpetual poorfags, successful men who build up instead of consoooming down do not behave like that.

>> No.9194103

Dude I’m american. I make $200 an hour since covid started. I can afford to send a ukranian some pennies

>> No.9194115

Not the comparison being made. I'd rather pay $40 or 50 for the same oem parts that one particular chink company is uses to exploit fanboys at $xxx a pop though. This is age old marketing shit. Anyone who gets swept away by these threads should be ashamed- you are cattle to the internet.

>> No.9194257

I mean, it's the same with fenrir and psio and xstation

>> No.9194278

Yeah I hear that
The x7 is basically just one quality of life improvement, that's it.

>> No.9194282

have fun ruining your consoles with incorrect voltage draws

>> No.9194360

Of course they are. Always funny to see the zoomers seething about posts like this.

I paid 50 bucks for my old ED64 clone from China. All it lacks is the RTC, which doesn't matter because I don't fucking want to play どうぶつの森, that series is shit, and if I really wanted to play it, I'd play the e+ version on GC instead.

>> No.9194386

In an extremely unlikely case this actually happens buying another snes or genesis is still cheaper than $200 cartridge lel

>> No.9194396

the $200 mega everdrive pro can also play Sega CD and SMS games btw

>> No.9194401

>all the faggots mad at you
The ukranian jew really brainwashed these retards

>> No.9194438

>all the poorfags malding
It's okay to compromise but you have to accept it's a compromise

>> No.9194451 [DELETED] 

a lot of mental gymnastics at play here, lol

>> No.9194456

In most cases it's exactly the same functionality. There's no compromise.

>> No.9194458

The bigger issue is that he is not a good vendor to deal with. He has refused several opportunities to partner up with others to produce his ODEs, and only ever sells them in small, irregular batches on Facebook (which is also the only place he really announces them in advance). Even if you land an order, you're not guaranteed to have it fulfilled and the guy has even cancelled a few orders on his own simply because he overestimates how many units he'll be able to push out.
In my case, I had an order put down for a Rhea during one sale period, and still never received it by the time his next sale period came about. When I asked him if he was still going to fulfill my order he told me he had to cancel it because he didn't have enough to ship out, and that if I wanted one I would just have to catch the next available sale period to come about (no date posted and the guy does not allow for notifications). I cut my losses right there and withdrew.
Thankfully the Fenrir came out by then and I was able to buy and receive one in less than a month's time compared to the Rhea guy.

It's nowhere near the same situation. With those three they haven't had any severe issues with supply up until covid fucked up the world. Even then, you don't jump through hoops and use social media in order to make what is essentially an under-the-table sale with a dude who can't even grasp the basics of customer service.
Fenrir, X-Station, PSIO, and most of the other ODE solutions are readily available for purchase through several online stores and most of the vendors that manufacture them also have their own storefronts set up so you can buy directly from them. Also want to specifically mention that Krikzz has excellent customer service and will gladly deal with issues on his carts, even if you bought them from elsewhere like Stoneagegamer.

>> No.9194479

yeah except for the fact that it's pulling the wrong voltage and generating a shitload of heat, the battery is more prone to fail, it cant support custom chips and has limited compatibility (no Virtua Racer, etc), doesn't emulate peripherals like a Sega CD etc
its a compromise

if that all works for you, cool, but if you genuinely don't understand what you're paying for in a high end flashcart so you assume it's a rip off, you are completely braindead

>> No.9194486

My clone plays SMS as well.
Now Sega CD support is a real worthwhile feature you should use to market your cartridge over clones instead of scaremongering with urban legends like "incorrect voltage draw"

>> No.9194514

its not an urban legend lmao
run your flashcart for 30 minutes and then put your hand around it - it will be hot because the console outputs 5V and these chink flashcarts all run at 3.3V
Everdrives have resistors to limit the current but chink flashcarts are made as inexpensively as possible so there are almost never any in line resistors
So instead the diodes that are in place to protect against an instantaneous short instead have to perpetually handle the conduction and dissipate it as heat, and it'll kill your console over time

have fun!

>> No.9194515

Krikzz has high end and low end products too.

>> No.9194523

Electricity is a myth bro

>> No.9194526 [DELETED] 

It's true, those slots around your house are actually key cleaners - give it a try!

>> No.9194545

>Everdrives have resistors to limit the current but chink flashcarts are made as inexpensively as possible so there are almost never any in line resistors
Opened my clone, there's a 3.3v voltage regulator on VCC, starting a game on it, let's see how hot it gets in 30 minutes

>> No.9194559

Keep us updated. Genuinely curious.

>> No.9194562

Post a picture of the board

>> No.9194565
File: 2.43 MB, 4000x1800, j0otnc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please forgive the bad camera quality.
Here's the voltage regulator IC on my clone EDGB.
Looks like it's a MAX6037AAUK33+T.

>> No.9194665
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After 30 minutes of S3&K the whole board is still room temp.

Top SNES, bottom MD

>> No.9194709

factually incorrect, since you're implying via meme that an n64 flash cart (or any flash cart, really) works via emulation when all it is is a delivery system, the console is still doing all the work just like it does when you plug in a retail cart

the gb/gbc games are the ones being emulated, as the n64 doesn't have native support to run those games

>> No.9194737

All these posts about everdrive being out of stock, shipping from Ukraine
You realize there are authorised resellers that have stock in the US and Uk etc
You can buy directly from them and get the cart the next day or so.
And $180 or whatever for the entire library on one cart is not expensive, I was paying £60 for new N64 games 25 years ago
Now I can play any game with a wireless retro fighters controller on a whim
I can’t believe there is this degree of consternation over whether an everdrive is worth paying for.

>> No.9194746 [DELETED] 

>doesn't specify

A lot of pilpul at play here, actually. You guys are the same as gay reddit marketers but worse relative to them for being fish out of water and not moderating the space you're marketing in.

>> No.9194762

Based checks-shit-out-for-himself 5's poster

>> No.9194763

The argument is not "buying everdrive vs. not buying anything", it's legit vs.clone.
"$180 for entire library" is expensive when you can have the same but for $60

>> No.9194778

Are they adding meaningless crap to everdrives in order to still claim advantage over cheap Chinese clones that can play every commercial game? Seriously, isn't the point of buying a flash cart to NOT emulate? Who the fuck ever said "boy I wish I could play emulated gameboy on my N64"

>> No.9194780

I guess I don’t ever consider $180 expensive because I have a job, the time wasted worrying about the Chinese knock off not working properly is not worth the money saved

>> No.9194805

Guess krikkz should bump up the price to $380 then, since his loyal customers are so wealthy they don't notice the difference.

>> No.9194898

You only need to buy it once

>> No.9194929

Expansion pak anyone? Should one get third party or used og?

>> No.9195229

so no integer scaling

>> No.9195238

The main thing is you probably don't want to update the firmware. It used to brick older models. Not sure about the newer everdrive clones.

>> No.9195261

I would go for a used og, every time I see a listing for a third party one people jump into the comments saying it causes crashes and other weird issues

>> No.9195318

OEM over aftermarket every time

>> No.9195436

>an optical drive emulator is not an emulator
>a cartridge emulator is not an emulator

>> No.9195453


>> No.9195495

should only cost the price of parts right?

>> No.9195527
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What's the ETA on order to delivery for a Canuck?

>> No.9195630

awh shit anon my crystal ball just broke what a shame

>> No.9195662

aw sweet, free bike day at the titty hortons

>> No.9196472

I don't think clone makers are selflessly selling theirs for just the price of parts, they're turning a good profit on these

>> No.9197026

because of the production amount

>> No.9197039

So the clones are more popular?

>> No.9197042

Yes, they are not. The games on a flashcart are not being emulated, they are being run 100% the same way as the real cart versions of them. All the flashcart does is trick the console into thinking it has an authentic cart socketed in.

>> No.9197062
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I strongly appreciate a poster who'll actually physically test someone else's claim to demonstrate whether or not they're telling the truth. Very good quality posts.

>> No.9197064

because of production abundance
it's one of the reasons that some are approaching cost of the original products
original producers can't afford to keep up with their amount

>> No.9197069

Well, yes, it's the exact same ROM content, all the same 1s and 0s being fed to the console like with any other cart.

>> No.9197074

I saw someone mod an expansion pak by attaching a heatsink onto it, as the thing generates heat over time. Is this a worthwhile thing to try out?

>> No.9197092

it's well within safe levels of heat

>> No.9197292
File: 340 KB, 1927x1236, n64 flash carts btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone wanting flash carts that have full features and don't cost retarded prices, there's hope on the horizon now

>> No.9197375

Sounds like a Pi Pico based board from the name. Awesome if true. Open flashcards based on commodity hardware are the end point

>> No.9197409

>hoping some no name braindead swede who doesn't even know how to implement non-reset saving will save you a couple bucks on an entire console's library of games someday
embarrassing desu

>> No.9197795

So what, you will wait a year plus and get an untested alternative requiring reset saving to avoid shelling out like an extra eighty dollars or whatever you would save against buying an everdrive now?

>> No.9198130 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 440x396, babymario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low iq poorfag cope

>> No.9198614 [DELETED] 

Got a warning for my on topic description of a conversation happening here, where I accused shitty chinese marketers of not being jannies. Since the rest of the discussion remains up, I assume the problem they had was my claim that marketers don't run this place. >>9189931

>> No.9198627

Is there a way to give an ED64p the updated ED OS? Not paying more than $75 for a flashcart

>> No.9198694 [DELETED] 

History will look back on you fondly as one of the bravest retards to have ever lived

>> No.9198695
File: 180 KB, 402x516, CJ-GTASA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arent these well overpriced for the tech?

Are they? What's the comparison point? It's impossible to say when no equivalent exists. There's a reason people will pay $170 for a Krikkz flashcart over paying $50 for a chinese one after all. If you think it's overpriced get a chinese one by all means, but its impossible to say if Krikkz is overpriced when there is no competition out there.

Keep in mind its not like Krikks is a hobbyist, this shit is his entire revenue stream and the revenue stream of several others, and from posting his home on Twitter before he had to flee Ukraine it doesn't seem like he ever lived all too lavishly.

Posts like this come off as extremely entitled. He can charge whatever people will pay for for his product, that's how capitalism works. If you don't like it, either dont buy it or take the risk and buy a chinese one. You will screech KRIKKZ SHILL at me but you have the power as the consumer here. Seriously, taking the energy to complain about the pricing means you want the product in some capacity. Buy it or don't, its literally up to you.

>> No.9198705


Not the exact same thing, but the equivalent.

>> No.9199529

I'd be absolutely stocked to have an open source flash cart I can assemble myself, even if that would end up costing more than a regular one.
Just not for N64, there's no way I'm buying that thing just to make a flash cart for it.

>> No.9199534

N64 emulation sucks, out of all the systems it's the one that makes the most sense to own a flashcart IMO.

>> No.9199540

>If you think it's overpriced get a chinese one by all means, but its impossible to say if Krikkz is overpriced when there is no competition out there.
This doesn't make sense, the chinese carts are the competition.
Like $200 FXPAK and $100 Rev X play the exact same games, they're directly competing.
Only Krikkz cart that doesn't have a clone (yet) is Mega Everdrive Pro

>> No.9199545

Many of Krikzz's premium tier carts don't have clones yet. For example the best GB cart you can get is the ED GB x7, but the best clone would be the EZ Flash Jr which only has feature parity with the x5 and has much worse battery life.

Krikzz carts are significantly more expensive in cases where the products are the same, though.

>> No.9199642

I ordered mine during pandemic took about a month, could be longer now considering current events

>> No.9199804 [DELETED] 

Aww. Is the wittle tranny janny angwy with the fact that an emulator is an emulator? scd.

>> No.9199814

This and it always will suck because N64 emulation as a scene is dominated by twitch streamers running randomizers who do not give a single shit about console accuracy and only care about how many visual filters they can put over their shitty upscaled smoothed 4k textures. It's a sad state of affairs.

>> No.9199815

Found Rev X on aliexpress and the buyer question and answer section says special chip games runs into glitches

>> No.9199831

Sure they do krikkz

>> No.9199853
File: 40 KB, 998x639, revx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I see? I went looking and all the listings have positive customer reviews. This one says the opposite, even.

>> No.9201757

i kinda wish i went that route instead, my x7 arrived with a defective real time clock with my only recourse to ship it back to them, i decided not to due to how long it took to arrive and glad i did as the whole war thing broke out shortly after, likely would have not seen my x7 again if i had sent it off.

>> No.9201781

not had that, did get a screen flicker at one point in BoF2

>> No.9201861

weird, how did you even find out? were you trying to play animal forest?
the real time clock is such a meme anyway, the non-reset saving is really nice tho