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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 124 KB, 256x363, Super_mario_sunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9188301 No.9188301 [Reply] [Original]

It's better than 64. It's just a lot harder so it filters many people. Also le YouTube man keeps saying 64 is the best so NPCs believe it.

>> No.9188304

It was easier and more boring. Mario is just not interesting.

>> No.9188313

>a-actually it's all shit
kill josef

>> No.9188327

SM64 has better core gameplay
SMS is a better game overall

>> No.9188357
File: 53 KB, 1244x700, E2KGZGpoXxcpoSwAsRUaCS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it. Cozy atmosphere, nice music, clean graphics. In hindsight I would've preferred Sunshine 2 or a remake over Splatoon

>> No.9188360

SMS has better movement mechanics and is more fun to run around in
SM64 has better level design

>> No.9188371

any mainline 2d mario > sunshine > 64 > galaxy

>> No.9189814

galaxy is great
controls are a little stiff maybe and i wish toadsworth was in it but it's got a lot of charm

>> No.9189819

>It's just a lot harder
If you're literally retarded, maybe

>> No.9189827

i mean it is but not for the right reasons
there's just those really shit shines like the watermelon one and the sandbird one and the pachinko one
sure you can control your movement with fludd for platforming but that doesn't always help

>> No.9189854

Not him but I do remember some of those FLUDD-less levels being legitimately difficult

>> No.9189937
File: 616 KB, 1080x775, 1566280023380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also le YouTube man keeps saying 64 is the best so NPCs believe it.

No, they say the opposite actually.

>> No.9189941

it definitely had better controls

>> No.9189943

>It was easier
not if you're trying to 100 percent

>> No.9191843

Isle Delfino was way more comfy than Shitcastle

>> No.9191871

Wish Nintendo made a game with just hidden levels with no water flush

>> No.9191890

wow 13k views on a shmorky vid

>> No.9191896

odyssey's got a good amount at least

>> No.9191898

I want to get it over with as soon as possible, it is not a fun game, in fact even its biggest fans seem to admit it is a miserable game.

>> No.9191964

Asking again, does anyone have a download link for Sunshine Arcade 2?

>> No.9191971

it's the cosiest, most relaxing game ever made. The graphics and presentation are timeless. It's like going on holiday.

>> No.9192013

I loved it, but its not better than 64

>> No.9192294

the movement in this game is broken man. how can anyone like it? SM64 is so much more precise. in sms mario just goes zooming in a direction. its so annoying.

>> No.9192808

>the movement in smash melee is so broken man. how can anyone like it? smash 64 is so much more precise. in melee fox just goes zooming in a direction. its so annoying.

>> No.9192813

>I would've preferred Sunshine 2 or a remake over Splatoon
This is an apples and oranges comparison if there ever was one

>> No.9192817

Why was Nintendo obsessed with water during the Gamecube era? Wind Waker and this game

>> No.9192836

honestly he is a lot more slippery than i remember him, really fucks you over in the first bonus level but the rest don't seem to have that problem
i guess they're both about painting? i mean one's in the postapocalypse and one you're trying to stop paint so yeah it's not really similar besides painting

>> No.9192987
File: 340 KB, 600x450, sunshine1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great way to show off the new system's graphical capabilities, Nintendo wasn't the only one to use it.
Sunshine's water still looks pretty good

>> No.9193908

Should I pirate this game on Dolphin

>> No.9193945

It isnt pirating but yes you should.

>> No.9193951

The core gimmick is interesting for a mario game and most of the level design suits it well. That said, because it tried something different, it was bound to have some janky bits that tried to implement this gimmick in a unique way, but failed. Most of these janky bits were frustrating, like the Lilly pad, slot machine, etc. Like most games, it could've remedied these bits with a little more time in the oven, but overall I think its pretty good. Mario 64 is a classic because it was the first of its kind, but I still prefer sunshine because it was more unique and honestly just fun in my opinion.

I haven't played odyssey, so id rank the 3d games like so:
Galaxy 2 > sunshine > galaxy > 64
But none of them are bad.

>> No.9193952

At this point using emulators is pretty much superior because of the HD capabilities, considering most of these games have been abandoned or badly ported.

>> No.9193960

I actually like Sunshine but having to default to
>i-it's cause of youtubers that people dislike it!!!
Is the ultimate /vr/ cope these days

>> No.9193965

Same reason FFX is the water FF. The tec was there for the first time and it looked really fucking good

>> No.9194095

>But despite the smash success of Mario's last adventure, in Sunshine he takes his janitorial duties a bit too literally, alienating most of his fans