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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 79 KB, 600x400, m685PHF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9187349 No.9187349 [Reply] [Original]

Choose your character

>> No.9187358

I don't like any soul calibur pre-soul calibur 4, the animation was weird and the characters were too samey

>> No.9187369

>The characters were too samey
????????????????? What the fuck game are you talking about, it sure as shit ain’t this one

I pick Xianghua, little black dress outfit

>> No.9187371
File: 217 KB, 960x900, Mina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got this game for my birthday.
i played the shit out of this game with siblings and friends. when ever i wanted to play my brother i'd ask "do you want to offer your soul?". i never considered myself good at this game, but i could stomp everyone i knew.
i have no idea what happened to my copy. i miss it terribly.
the only bad characters are necrid, yoshimitsu, and like 2 of the generic fucks at the bottom

>> No.9187373

lizardman rules fuck you

>> No.9187375

Less movement and defense options, and you had a lot of useless moves in these games, so you were doing the same thing no matter the character, tekken also had this problem.

>> No.9187378
File: 252 KB, 1200x500, squirteglass_1200x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw, lizardman chill. it's knock off yun sung and discount astraroth that i was underwhelmed with
i often played charade to mix things up but always hated the way he looked
heihachi was best extra

>> No.9187381

mother brain on the middle left

>> No.9187382

Tekken does have this problem but Soul 2 doesn’t, the characters play vastly different from each other and have noticeable strengths and weaknesses.

Many moves don’t get used, that’s correct, but that’s because the movelists are huge compared to 2D games. You going to tell me that Ivy, X, Asta and Maxi play anything like each other? Come on now. This isn’t even a favorite SC of mine but you’re way off base here.

>> No.9187384

>knock off yun sung and discount astraroth
They’re Hwang and Rock expys

>> No.9187408


Those were my jam.

>> No.9187417

Nightmare is unironically my best character. I'm not that great at the game but he's the only person I got results with in SC2 when I played with bros, so he's the only one I got gud with.

>> No.9187426

Talim was my favorite but I always chose Charade because I had this hypothesis that being stuck with having to play with the movesets of all the characters at random would make me a better player.

>> No.9187438

I choose SoFEETia

>> No.9187485

ayoo where spawn @ homie

>> No.9187498

You don't need skill when you've a giant fuckoff sword.

>> No.9187515

Kilik, because dunking on nerds with a big fuckoff stick from halfway across the arena is totally my jam.

In fact, I'll even go so far as to say any game without Kilik using a big fuckoff stick (and ONLY a big fuckoff stick, fuck outta here with that weapon master shit) is a terrible SoulCal and should never be played by anyone with any sense of good taste.

>> No.9187525

Can I choose a better game instead?

>> No.9187527

Heihachi is the only choice

>> No.9187571

Soul Calbur II needed about four more characters. The roster feels small when playing casuals with friends. Also Necrid should not have been in the game at all and Inferno should have been turned into something more interesting than just a random character + some unblockables.

Maybe someone can hack Heihachi and Spawn into the gamecube version (afaik the one that is easiest and best choice for emulation).

>> No.9187618


After I learned how to do his launcher punch into spinning backfists that was all I ever wanted to do.

>> No.9187740

>no Raphael bros in thread

>> No.9187741

i pick zangief

>> No.9187751

I always picked Necrid, with his orange design and the metal mask he looked way cooler than the regular Necrid. I loved the weird soul orb weapon thing he had.

>> No.9187753
File: 367 KB, 320x240, SC2 Taki Jiggle physics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either Taki or Xianghua. Taki has great defense via dodging attacks, good combo strings, a good toolset for pretty much any situation and also nice titties. Xianghua isn't as good as dodging but has most of Taki's other advantages, longer reach and firm bobbies as well.

>> No.9187759
File: 54 KB, 288x452, sc2-taki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9187784

Imagine if we got Cloud in the PS2 version instead of Heihachi, like was originally planned.

>> No.9187798

The HD port on 360 that's still playable on Series X does include both Heihachi and Spawn at least. No Link though, for obvious reasons. If they ever released an HD port for Switch it'd probably be the definitive version just for having all three guest fighters.

>> No.9187803
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Of course i'm picking my nigga voldo. Any game after SC2 i'm picking yoshi for the air seppuku.

>> No.9187942


>> No.9187959

Ivy, always

>> No.9187974

talim used to be my waifu
now i prefer sophitia due to her being a legacy character from soul edge

i could kill most of you scrubs here with any character though & i have the arcade pcb

>> No.9187984

Talim has the best looking combos.

>> No.9188000

Cassandras hot panty legs

>> No.9188051
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>> No.9188065

I usually used either Nightmare or Ivy. I never was very good, though.

>> No.9188069

I still need to play this game. I got the demo for the sequel on GameCube but never played the original. Once I get into Dreamcast games it's on my list

>> No.9188075
File: 77 KB, 540x406, tumblr_oj2ah5k82G1u6jjy9_smart1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original is still my favorite, best music and sound effects, best movement, best roster. 2 was good, but 3 got way too stupid and over the top with character designs and special effects.

I think guest characters and create-a-character were the worst things to ever happen to the series, especially fucking Link.

>> No.9188076
File: 174 KB, 646x670, EYE WILL SHOW YOU, THE GREATEST NIGHTMARE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swooord... Give me STRENGHTS

>> No.9188085
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>> No.9188585

i always felt raph was easier to cheese with because of how spammable his Y attack is.

SC4 is okay and is much better than the "function vs function" fest that is SC5, a game so bad that they had to make SC6 a reboot.

>> No.9188686

Yoshimitsu. I also like to play as Nightmare, Kilik, Mitsurugi, Raphael and Voldo.
I liked Soul Calibur 4 too but damn, I don't feel this way about 2 at all. It plays like a dream and most of the characters feel very unique. I also love Tekken though, so having lots of suboptimal or extremely situational moves is just a bonus to me. Those moves are for psychological damage.

>> No.9189183

For my dick, it's Cassandra's pantyhose.

>> No.9189225

>just kidding!

>> No.9189576
File: 392 KB, 594x330, 702302167840060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoning characters are the best. They ruined her in later games.

>> No.9189584

Zoom zoom zoom

>> No.9189725


>> No.9189749
File: 81 KB, 700x700, Raphael Sorel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though I play mostly female characters in fighting games I ended up latching onto Raphael. His fighting style really clicked with me.
When I heard in the later games he turns evil I was upset. Then, when I actually got my hands on them, I discovered Amy and figured out who she was and I was over the moon. It really felt like Namco had made a character just for me.

>> No.9189778

>the only bad characters are [...] yoshimitsu
Hang yourself as soon as possible.

>> No.9189794

Yoshimitau, Voldo, and Cervantes please.

>> No.9189830
File: 618 KB, 1500x1062, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I don't like what they did to Raphael after 2. At first he seemed like a pretty cool tough duelist, but he turned more foppish and gay with every game. Now in 6 they even gave him some stupid "all according to keikaku" glasses and turned him into a generic anime trope

>> No.9189850

Were fighting games better when they had smaller rosters /vr/?

>> No.9189954

Fucking Fugazi. Holy shit they are awesome.

>> No.9189969

I want to say he is quite literally gay in 6 and has voice lines specific to male opponents' armor breaking, but I might have those details wrong.

>> No.9190014

Lizardman is great but the one in 2 isn't Aeon Calcos, it's just some dude.

>> No.9190028

This concept art was my sexual awakening as a child. I would play Soul Calibur 2 for hours with a raging hard on.

>> No.9190710
File: 52 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting a new weapon quest mode, which girl should I play as

>> No.9190718

Yourself, you dickless indecisive

>> No.9190721


>> No.9190730

You still waiting for someone to tell your pussy ass what to do?

>> No.9191303

I grew up with 2 but I find 1 more enjoyable for some reason.

>> No.9191354

after 2 raph has always been my guy until 4. then it was just my created character with raph's moveset.

>When I heard in the later games he turns evil I was upset
he doesn't really become evil in the later games (except for maybe 5 but the story is so vague on anything not related to sir dipshit sisterfucker it's hard to confirm). him & amy just turn into vampires from the soul edge's corruption via the wounds he got from nightmare. alot of his goals in the series is basically boiled down to "keep amy safe & happy"

don't know how he is in 6 beyond that it might of soft confirmed that he was nightmare in 5 even though they're separate characters on the roster. either way 5 sucks regardless.

i'm willing to believe that he's bi (cause vampires). dude gave himself a maid harem in 4.

>> No.9191413

nightmare is my favorite but big props to voldo and yoshimitsu players, the swag and mind games are huge for those characters. facing different direction n shit. always loved that yoshi healed himself by jacking off his sword while sitting

>> No.9191423

Berserker da best

>> No.9191428

>I don't like any soul calibur pre-soul calibur 4, the animation was weird
>Less movement
I'm sorry the game's speed filtered you anon. I guess Slow Calibur 4 is more your speed.

>> No.9191440

Astaroth in this game was so fucking fun, my friend and I still play this every few months. That fucking back throw he has where he just throws your bitch ass in the air and then you clip them on the way for huge damage was so sweet.

>> No.9191558

I miss the fast paced gameplay older fighting games had.

>> No.9191567


>> No.9191568

Raphael becomes Nightmare in 5, safe to say he turned evil

>> No.9191587

Yoshimitsu is so much fun to play in practically every fighting game he appears in. I do it for the swag. I would get my friends so fucking angry with my Yoshimitsu antics when I was younger.

>> No.9191601


>> No.9191602

Player 2 Taki of course

>> No.9193129

yeah and viola is clearly amy. as i said almost everything about 5 sucks.

>try to do a "new generation of fighters" like SF & MK did.
>spend the entire game focusing on the two worst characters on the roster (sophita's kids).
>give ZERO context on everyone else.
>most of newcomers are basically inferior clones (taki, kilik & xianghua are replaced by shitty shonen protags while sophitia's shit kids replace sophita, cassandra & setsuka).

>> No.9193313

Link, Yoshimitsu and the Samurai guy were my faves.

>> No.9193330

I used to be such a Triple Botta in Tempo shitter my friends banned from playing Raphael

>> No.9193471
File: 1.44 MB, 500x375, 80f14cdd844458f06bad98ed8968d10dbd335b81_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PC fan port with Link, Heihachi, and Spawn all in it when?

>> No.9193658

lol I always remember his fighting dialogue for some reason and I don't really remember the rest. Doesn't he also go RAH RAH RAH RAH or whatever?

>> No.9193806

Most of the time

>> No.9193810

Would have been sick. Would actually be tough to pick between the GameCube and PS2 versions then.

>> No.9193815

Never, fuck Link and fuck Nintentoddlers

>> No.9193867
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>> No.9193905

You shouldnt fuck toddlers bro. That shit is wrong.

>> No.9194945

Raphael all day

>> No.9195050

>liking spawn or heihachi
heihachi was at least relatively unique to soul calibur due to him being unarmed but spawn was such a crap choice for a guest character that was only outdone in crappiness by the star wars characters in 4.

>> No.9195063

Guest characters are cancer, get that secondary shit out of here

>> No.9195096

Soul Calibur 1 had more sovl.

>> No.9195105

i don't mind guest characters as long as they fit with the tone/theme or make sense.

link, kratos, ezio, geralt in soul calibur? sure. they're all fantasy characters and SC is a relatively fantasy setting.

tekken characters make sense in that they're both made by namco and having an unarmed fighter in a weapon based fighting game is actually interesting.

2B & star wars characters don't really fit due to them all being sci-fi characters in a fantasy setting.

>> No.9195324

I legit fapped to this art a few times as a teenager.

>> No.9195329

I specifically agree with you on the character creation thing. The guest character thing is gay as fuck, but CAW absolutely destroyed these games.

>> No.9195339

>but CAW absolutely destroyed these games.
how so?

>> No.9195342

thanks anon. you mean costume 2 right? not just blue taki?

>> No.9195350

>Ass physics

Why was this not a thing? Was it too demanding?

>> No.9195470

Who else would be in it that would be over-hated?
Dante? Wolverine? Prince of Persia? Blade? fucking Skellitor?

>> No.9195515

The series need a shota trap character so probably brigetastolfo. Don't >> at me.

>> No.9195654

Ivy second costume for that sweet gold sword

>> No.9195720

fun fact: dante was going to be in 3.

>> No.9195741

It was definitely a thing later on. I distinctly remember it on Ivy and Shure in IV.

>> No.9195742

Aw, man... that would have been so sick

>> No.9195787

Nobody would hate on Skeletor.

>> No.9196020

>The HD port on 360 that's still playable on Series X
Is it? I can't find it on the store. Which region?

>> No.9196379


>> No.9196493

I choose Hwang with the Phantom sword.

>> No.9196714


>> No.9196721

Calm down, fag.

>> No.9197290

ken yo... SAGARE WARE NI

>> No.9197453

Cassandra was the hottest character and I'm tired of people pretending she's not.

>> No.9197458

It's a shame so many designs from 1 & 2 only got worse from 3 on (baring Ivy anyway)

>> No.9198068

Ryu or Ken

>> No.9198101

Oohhhhh maaad sooo maaaadd haha.
You're a master troll dude omfg

>> No.9198108

I thought Nightmare was voiced by Brian Drummond but seems to somebody else

>> No.9198316
File: 389 KB, 426x600, MaxiAndKilik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maxi or Kilik, because swords are boring.

>> No.9198349

I wanna have sex

>> No.9198454

There is a dicsord of people who mod the game. They have gotten to where they can import the movesets and voice sfx for the other games guest characters all into 1 version with extra slots for them and everything. But they still only can use the models of other characters in that game version so for example Heihachi uses Misurugi's model on Gamecube/Xbox

>> No.9198846

I play Ivy and Astaroth. I hope Namco ports it to the PS4, so I can wreck casuals online. I was surprised they removed the HD port from XBLA recently.

>> No.9198857

Namco quietly removed it like two months ago. Nobody knows why.

>> No.9199079

Shit, lame. I could but a cd key off GAME but it's fairly expensive. Oh well, it might get listed again soon.

>> No.9199089
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>The original

The sheer disrespect! The legend will never die!

>> No.9199096
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who wins?

>> No.9199097

The viewing audience

>> No.9200225
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i still fap to it

>> No.9200316

soulblade was perfect

>> No.9200402

Tbf to him, Soul Blade might as well be it's own game.

>> No.9200434
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>> No.9200442

Original Soulcalibur. Soul Blade / Soul Edge is not the same series.

>> No.9200474

This is kinda hilarious, probably the only reason the game sold in the US.

>> No.9200481
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>> No.9200497
File: 156 KB, 800x1200, Voldo-sc2fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek Yoshi is one of the best characters, man. You're a SC fan though, so I'm not going to call you a dumb nigger for your incorrect opinion.
Also Seong Mina was pretty dope.

My personal favorite was always Voldo, though.
fucking based, my two faves as well.
It was fun to occasionally cheese as Cervantes and teleport-dunk on plebs though

>> No.9200525

Sancho finally given positional freedom. Ten Hag understands him and will unlock him

>> No.9200527

fucking hell, kek, wrong thread

>> No.9200716
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>> No.9200736


>> No.9200742
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>> No.9200750
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>> No.9200753
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>> No.9200759
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>> No.9200761
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>> No.9200767
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>> No.9200770
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>> No.9200782
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>> No.9200784
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>> No.9200791
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>> No.9200796
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thank god for xbone's screencapture

>> No.9200839

What they should've done with Spawn is have Todd McFarlane design a period appropriate version. You could keep Keith David but have it be a new Spawn

>> No.9200862
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already had one, in a DC game no less.

>> No.9201349

Awesome...too bad you can't hide that window like you can in Soulcalibur :(

>> No.9201365

Nightmare/Siegfried or Assassin/Hwang.

>> No.9201392


>> No.9202034

while a version of him that's period/setting appropriate would've been okay i feel spawn works as a guest character in a game where you don't have to tone him down.

he works as a guest character in MK11 because of the ultra violence and edgy/mature tone of mortal kombat but he would've absolutely sucked as a guest in injustice 2 because DC would've gone for a more PG-13 take (i.e. like what we saw in MKvDC).

he only really "makes sense" in soul calibur because todd mcfarlane did some the art for SC2 and designed nercrid

>> No.9202236


>> No.9204469


>> No.9204582

Mitsurugi dur

>> No.9204807


>> No.9205149

I don’t like any soul caliber after 4. Ironically the series lost it’s SOUL.

>> No.9206148

I always have a fond spot for this game because I bought it when it first came out and barely played it because I had no one to pay it with, and then like 5 or 6 years later I was in university and brought my gamecube and for like a year it was THE game people would sit around and play.

>> No.9206179
File: 582 KB, 2560x1440, 20191212101335_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always split my time between Astaroth and Mitsurugi

>> No.9206189

I feel you, I was the same with SC2. My high school friends were really into it, we had a lot of late nights duking it out and I wonder if it's not the game but the circumstances around it that make me think it's the best in the series.

>> No.9206197

I never really had fun with it or appreciated it until I could play it against actual people.

>> No.9206207

I picked up SC6 and quickly realized that. I have yet to play with a friend, just a few randos on the internet once and decided that was sad and unfun. Like sex, it's a multiplayer activity. Fightan' is a social genre that belongs in arcades and living rooms with friends. Playing alone or online against nameless players is desolate.

>> No.9206593

>he only really "makes sense" in soul calibur because todd mcfarlane did some the art for SC2 and designed nercrid
And McFarlane toys did the SC2 line.

>> No.9206735

Cassandra in this game might be the reason I have a fetish for pantyhose now. In fact I'm certain my exposure to her as a teen is the cause of that.

>> No.9206906
File: 129 KB, 500x500, a7d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will pogo your ass, flip your ass and shank you or kill you by killing myself

>> No.9206924

In no particular order:
Cassandra 2P (BEST), 1P
Sophitia 1P, 3P > 2P but all three are good
Taki 2P > 1P but I like both
Talim 1P
Ivy 1P, 3P
Xianghua 3P
Seung Mina 1P

>> No.9207075
File: 318 KB, 1000x1415, Cassandra Alexandra Indiscriminate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No man needs a reason to like pantyhose on a nice pair of legs.
Pantyhose isn't a fetish, it's eudaimonia.

>> No.9207306

me and my buddy used to play that a lot its great fun with a friend we would just make custom characters and battle them he would always make guys with butts for a face or freaks and i would make total coomer bait characters. i hope you find a fren to play it with someday cause it truly is the best way to enjoy it.

>> No.9207357
File: 348 KB, 554x800, navy ivy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cassandra 1P
Taki 1P
Xianghua 2P 3P

And Navy Ivy is underrated

>> No.9207582

Same here
Theater mode is great

>> No.9207586

The chick with her tits I'm those air tight tit socks and exposed pokey nipples. Always.

>> No.9207610

you will now remember the sophitia, cassandra and raphael threesome hellabunna manga

>> No.9207750

I think I'd like it more if not for the hairstyle change.

>> No.9207967

I still to this day can't believe that they got this art through with a T rating. DOA never would have gotten away with nipples that prominent.

>> No.9208001
File: 69 KB, 640x448, SoulCalibur II (PlayStation 2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse Trap Ivy is the best

>> No.9208313
File: 1.96 MB, 3840x2160, 25-08-2022_19-20-54-zau22j5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just crossdressing more or less

>> No.9208315
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>> No.9208316
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>> No.9208318
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>> No.9208319
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>> No.9208321
File: 2.19 MB, 3840x2160, 25-08-2022_19-23-14-ud15ipz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9208325
File: 1.75 MB, 3840x2160, 25-08-2022_19-21-19-p10lpi12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9208328
File: 1.53 MB, 3840x2160, 25-08-2022_19-21-49-ingmuju4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9208330

Why would you want the arcade pcb? The Dreamcast version of SC1 is a lot better.

>> No.9208334
File: 1.62 MB, 3840x2160, 25-08-2022_19-22-03-kivbaqio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9208335
File: 1.11 MB, 3840x2160, 25-08-2022_19-21-33-nahbjgja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9208429


>> No.9208743

For me it was:
Nightmare - only flaw is that he's a manlet
Mitsurugi - just do a massive shitton of damage by spamming Y or thrusts
Link - shit-tier character, but a fucking Nintendo crossover in the year 2002

>> No.9209176


no other announcer is this hype.
taki and ivy btfo all the other waifus

>> No.9209330

I don't remember Taki's eyes looking that Asian in SC2. Looks better, though.

>> No.9209341
File: 13 KB, 250x333, YoshimitsuSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soul Calibur Yoshimitsu always kinda felt like he lacked an identity. The Tekken Yoshimitsu has so many iconic and cool looking outfits. Like how most people's go-tos are his Tekken 3 and 4 outfits. But SC Yoshi's outfits are all on the weak side.
I did really like the concept art for his first appearance. Too bad they didn't actually make him look that badass in game. pic related

>> No.9209346
File: 61 KB, 600x800, YoshimitsuSC-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, tiny image.

>> No.9209694

A poster needs a soul, and a soul needs a sword