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9186228 No.9186228 [Reply] [Original]

This game is unreasonably hard. You can't kill anything or else you run out of ammo, and enemies are hard to avoid, do lots of damage, and can open doors into rooms.

>> No.9186256
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That's what I liked most about it. I would pause the game and actually think about how to get past each room/screen. I felt like I was doing "math" when I was "calculating" which dinos to OHK with the poison darts and which to tranq/run from. This game is survival horror taken to the extreme and I fucking love it.

>> No.9186298

This game is no harder than a Resident Evil game. Quit trying to kill everything. You don't need to.

>> No.9186332

I couldn't really get into it. Not cause of the difficulty though, just cause dinos aren't that interesting to me. I keep wanting to revisit it and beat it however.

>> No.9186337

>This game is unreasonably hard.
Said no person ever.

>> No.9186359

it's definitely harder than the resident evil games of the time, which is what I was used to

>> No.9186369

The only difficult part of this game were the retarded key-card writing puzzles that I just got tired off and made me stop playing. No, I don't want to go through your stupid convoluted process of creating keycards to gain access to different parts of the facility. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9186441

slow moving zombies that can be killed in one hit vs fast running dinosaurs that can open doors and need 5 shotgun blasts to kill.

>> No.9186475

use your tranqs, you donut

>> No.9186550

doesn't kill them and you still have to do lots of backtracking. You don't get very many as well.

>> No.9186561

It's not supposed to kill them. The idea is to drop them and do what you need to. The game is supposed to be tense. Strategize which rooms you have to clear out. Learn which enemies are easy to avoid. There are a lot of rooms where dinosaurs are sleeping or being dumbasses that you can dart right through them.

>> No.9186607

You're getting intimidated too early on. It seems hard at first but it's more restrained for a majority of the game than you'd think.

>> No.9186663

I finished the game. The second half was more difficult with the giant dinosaurs, but I guess if I had killed them early on it would've been easier. I could've used more ammo than I was led to believe but the player doesn't know that for the first playthrough.

I know that, but I got stuck numerous times on what to do next so you have to revisit rooms to see if you missed anything, so the dinos will be there again.

>> No.9186672

How the fuck does a dinosaur open a door and get on the floor?

>> No.9186727

If you think the game is too hard, play dinocrisis 2.
You'll have practically infinite ammo within a few hours

>> No.9186782

I imagine it's gotta walk to it first.

>> No.9186921

Mixing for tranquil or poison darts helps.

Also shotgun shots are most effective up close than afar.

>> No.9186958

Must be your first survival horror then.

>> No.9186982

It's actually really easy to run past the dinosaurs. They have no rear attack so if they're not facing you you can run past them while they turn around.

>> No.9187031

That's true until you play it on Hard, then the game gets really difficult and enemies can kill you really fast.

>> No.9187118

if they're by themselves, yes. But later in the game they are in pairs and in narrow hallways so it gets more difficult. And if they're in a room where you have to search then you need to use up lots of ammo to kill them.

>> No.9187173

Your over-reliance on wanting to waste every dinosaur you come across is probably what's making this game so difficult for you.

>> No.9187182

>zero spatial orientation
>there is no limb damage
>limited movement and functions

Maybe it's fun in replays, but I've never liked those limitations.

>> No.9187232

So hard mode is hard?

>> No.9187454

Yeah but it also completely changes it from just a run and gun to a game where you really have to pick your upgrades carefully or else you can trap yourself.

>> No.9187461

Oh, so is this the fabled survival horror game where you ACTUALLY have to conserve ammo? Because you fucking faggots get me every time with that "hurr you totally have to conserve ammo in this game bro or you're gonna run out, like for real" and then that's not the case at all and you can comfortably make it through the entire game just shooting everything that moves.

>> No.9187484

You actually get a lot of ammo in this game before the end and you can safely tranq all the dinos and have ammo to spare. I don't know how OP is getting so trapped. All Survival horror games intimidate the player at the start with no guns and a bunch of enemies but you should be able to shoot and kill nearly everything before it is over.

>> No.9187501

Bullshit artificial difficulty

>> No.9187624
File: 2.80 MB, 640x480, Dino Crisis Dodge.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, which version are you playing?

The Western and Japanese versions are balanced completely differently. In the Western version enemies can deal more damage and kill you more quickly, but you also get a lot more pistol/shotgun/grenade launcher ammo and also more ressurection packs. In the Japanese version you really can't kill much of anything.
Remember that if you're playing the rebirth PC version, then you're playing the Japanese version, in which case original mode = Japanese, and Arrange mode = Western.

Secondly, if you want ammo, look everywhere for plugs and prioritize the Red boxes first, then the yellow ones, only keeping the green one for last. There are enough plugs in the game to open every single item box (minus one in a final boss area because there are several such areas and you're not supposed to access them all on the same playthrough), so keep searching everywhere for them plugs.

Finally, the most important in this game are darts that put dino to sleep and also darts that OHKO anything once you know how to make them, while that's not as fun as shooting everything, experiment with the mixing system. Create your own darts from scratch and then make darts more potent.

Dino Crisis has a much lower skill ceiling than any RE game, enemies are a lot easier to dodge or kill and the controls/animations are more stiff which limits your options when playing.

>> No.9187941

>plays the piss easy RE games
>gets filtered by the game that sincerely introduces limited resource difficulty into gameplay

>> No.9187954

>keycards: the game

>> No.9188134

Survival horror is all about...survival.

>> No.9188235

I tried this game out and while I enjoyed it I fucked sucked at it lol.

>> No.9190256
File: 682 KB, 607x583, dino crisis 2 front1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This game is unreasonably hard. You can't kill anything or else you run out of ammo, and enemies are hard to avoid, do lots of damage, and can open doors into rooms.

And that why i prefered dino crisis 2. I only beaten dino crisis 1 once and i did not liked it. Meanhwile i have beaten dino crisis 2 like 10 times already and i still love it.

>> No.9190271

Try trapping them with the laser bars, retard.