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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 158 KB, 1280x720, gameboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9176391 No.9176391 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start collecting Game Boys. Anything I should know?

>> No.9176397

mods like that picture are for fags

>> No.9176402

I know, I'm not buying mods, just used a random pic.

>> No.9176439

You can buy some carts in bad condition as long as the board is fine, and just replace the plastic with something that looks better and put a new sticker.
There ya go.

>> No.9176482

I would heavily consider learning how to solder. Most of the batteries in the carts are dead and need to be replaced. I've gotten pretty good deals on relatively expensive games because the battery was dead.

>> No.9176506

I think you mean game boy games. No use in owning more than one gameboy.

>> No.9176646

arent there only like 4 gameboys, shouldnt take you that long
good luck anon

>> No.9176661

Yeah, stop before you start.

>> No.9176685

>Anything I should know?
That you're a tremendous homosexual.

>> No.9176721

you should know that unless you're buying a flashcart its a waste of money

>> No.9176781

>I think you mean game boy games.
Nope. Game Boys.

>> No.9176786


>> No.9176812

I love collecting Gameboy games. I play most Gameboy games on my 3DS now just out of convenience.
Don't worry too much about getting complete games. Just focus on getting the loose cartridges as they are way cheaper and you can oftern fid boxes d manuals on their own for fairly cheap.

>> No.9176819

Game Boy
Game Boy Light
Game Boy Color
Game Boy Pocket
Game Boy Advance
Game Boy Advance SP
Game Boy Micro

>> No.9177128
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>I want to start collecting Game Boys
If it's just for novelty I highly recommend collecting Famiclone or emulator handhelds instead, you can save money and still collect a bunch of them just to have on display or for a quick game. Anbernic RG351v is good, or cheaper ones like RG300 or M3S. If you're on a budget though just go straight up Famiclone. Already has the backlight and rechargeable battery built in, too

>> No.9177137
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Forgot to mention Miyoo Mini, it's like the new and better Game Boy along with the BittBoy from a few years ago

>> No.9177179

>Suggesting off brand bullshit

>> No.9177186

some gameboys are very expensive now because hipsters like to bulk buy them and glue them into tables and other dumb shit

>> No.9177201

Basically this >>9177186 is the reason I don't recommend collecting them anymore, aside from just having really rough hardware unless you're willing to tinker with them or buy pre-modded, both of which are just going to be even more expensive

You can buy maybe five or six of the Famiclone for the price of one Game Boy now

>> No.9177208

Oh give me a break, a GBC in good condition still only costs about 60 bucks

>> No.9177303

I want to collect the official Game Boys, not emulators.

>> No.9177591


>> No.9178576
File: 1.29 MB, 728x723, toshinden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get this game and warrior land

>> No.9178603

Get a Game Boy Player, aside from Super Game Boy Enhanced games, its the best way to play all systems if you don't care for portability.

>> No.9178608

you mean you want to buy the same item many times?

>> No.9178802

So you're some kind of fucking homo huh

>> No.9179336

Collecting isn't about efficiency.

>> No.9179340

Why not just get one Game Boy and then some games? Why do you need Game Boys?

>> No.9179347

Why do you guys struggle to comprehend the purpose of collecting?

>> No.9179375

>Anything I should know?
Chinese handheld exist.

>> No.9179421

Hi Game Boy thread, I got a cracked Game Boy screen, can I replace it without having to solder?

>> No.9179424

The screen or the screen cover?

>> No.9179425

I lucked out and got a Game Boy Player at a flea market for $25 even had the disc which is usually a pain to come by.

>> No.9179610

I'm honestly not sure. I haven't opened it up to find out.
Can I just buy a screen off Amazon and plop it in? Or do I have to solder?

>> No.9179632

If it's just the scren cover, all you have to do is peel off the old one and stick a new one on there. I just did it with my GBC.

>> No.9179634
File: 86 KB, 1000x702, GameBoy_Group (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP probably wants to have a bunch of different colors or something, problem is some of those colors/variants are very expensive and hard to find which is why he should just collect Tamagotchis or Famiclones or something instead, especially if he doesn't plan on playing them that often

>> No.9179692

i'd like these things if a single one of them had a decent screen. they all try to accommodate a variety of (non portable) systems which basically guarantees that none of them will look right. your options are letterboxed/pillarboxed with a cheap pixelated image, or letterboxed AND pillarboxed with an image smaller than your fingernail. i can look at an upscaled emulated game on my mobile phone if i want to. i got a portable device to play PORTABLE games dammit, i don't give a fuck that it can play genesis games too. is it too much to ask that a gameboy game on your device designed to look like a gameboy and play gameboy games looks anything like it's supposed to?

>> No.9179717
File: 296 KB, 2000x1244, retroflag-gpi-case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a Game Boy that's better than a Game Boy?

>> No.9179737
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>> No.9179756
File: 199 KB, 1024x768, 20190812_155701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a Game Boy
>not buying the superior ButtBoy

>> No.9179781

well I think the screen itself may be cracked so
what do

>> No.9179801

Don't buy too many of them. DMG is the most comfortable one in my opinion but with the least legible screen (still looks super cool though), the Pocket has the biggest screen and in black monochrome instead of green, the Color plays the most games and has the most legible screen. Buy some rechargeable batteries. Don't bother buying too many games and just buy a flash cart.

>> No.9179864
File: 179 KB, 1000x750, F86F2183-FED9-4634-8B88-297A9B290905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on with the times grandpa.

>> No.9180580

I've lost a lot of respect for you guys today.

>> No.9180648

nobody cares

>> No.9180656

Not you though, you're still cool.

>> No.9180657

I kind of do

>> No.9180660

/vr/ btfo at its own hobby, yet again. Many such cases!

>> No.9180727

You are bragging about playing oot using four face buttons on your Chinese android device? Are you a salesman for this thing?

>> No.9180778
File: 71 KB, 280x280, 1655502030548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP says he wants to collect original hardware
>emufags roll in in droves and start prattling on about how OP should collect chink trash instead
>OP clarifies that he's not interested in chink trash, only original hardware
>emufags proceed to flood the thread with a hundred flavors of chink trash for no reason
and you guys wonder why everyone hates you

>> No.9180992

Rent free

>> No.9181089

used to be, you could find them all the time at garage sales, like every garage sale I went to had a game boy with a sticker on it that said $1 or 50c, but I haven't seen any in a while, guess people caught on to the whole retro thing and sell stuff like that online now

>> No.9181093

put your money towards something else

>> No.9181110

If you want to gather them on a row to admire, then idk man, learn to solder and restore plastic, because you'll be doing a lot of it.

If you want a machine specifically play Game Boy games and have more money than sense, get an Analogue Pocket. You're gonna hear it shit on a lot, but if you're like "I'm a random millennial/zoomer that wants to play a bunch of Game Boy cartridges" then you're basically their target demographic.

If you want to play pokeyman on the bus or train or something, get an emulation handheld or a controller shell for your phone.

>> No.9181278
File: 463 KB, 598x752, 1656136089256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site is way too obsessed with emulation. What happened to appreciating authenticity?

>> No.9181482

I figure once you start replacing the LCDs with IPS panels, authenticity is already lost.

>> No.9181489

nobody has any money for authenticity any more

>> No.9181494

You can get a game boy and a low end flashcart for about $80. Anybody has money for that.

>> No.9181498

I am posting in this thread to just gush about how much I like the way the screens on the original Game Boy and the Game Boy Pocket look. The way that the pixels cast shadows as if the sprites are in a little diorama... it's wonderful. That alone has me convinced that I'll always want to keep an actual Game Boy around, and I bet younger people of the future will also find it fascinating. The lack of backlight is even a bonus to me. Gives me an excuse to sit next to a window or even sit on the porch or in my backyard whenever I play Game Boy. It's wonderful. Nothing else really offers an experience that compares.

>> No.9181507

My first Game Boy was a GBA, but I picked up a Game Boy Pocket recently. I do like the old fashioned screen, it's clearly what those graphics were designed for.
In general I like to play handheld games on the original consoles because I can't be assed setting up filters which look good enough, if they even exist.

>> No.9181523

not when $80 is the price of a tank of gas

>> No.9181542

I can budge on my original hardware purism for practically everything but original Game Boy games, ironically enough. I'm glad you can appreciate the aesthetic of these old games. Plus, the original Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket and Game Boy Color are still pretty unparalleled as far as ergonomics in handhelds go if you ask me. The only other things that come close are the original GBA, PSP and maybe the PS Vita. Even the ghosting looks cool, and it's clear that some early games were designed with it in mind.
I'm right there with you with filters. Setting them up more or less saps my motivation to actually play games. I'm someone who otherwise loves to tinker with hardware and software, too.

>> No.9181545

I feel extremely serendipitous that my commute to work right now is barely ten minutes long and that I'm more or less a shut-in on the weekends. I was making a half hour commute to work a few years ago and I would be in dire straits right now if that were still the case.

>> No.9181878

Blame scalpers and retro collectors on YouTube who ruined it for everyone. Also, hardware purists can be kind of annoying sometimes. Aside from that it's just cheaper and more convenient, original Game Boys didn't have the greatest hardware to begin with, now that we have better technology there are better options out there.

He wants to collect them, not just buy one

>> No.9182315

Fucking this.

>> No.9182365
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>> No.9182735

Use rechargeable batteries to play the games

>> No.9182738

Also, beware of shitty refurbished game boys with chinese shit quality cases on ebay and other listing sites alike claiming it is 100% original

>> No.9182747

How many gameboys do you need for authenticity?

>> No.9182765

yeah, the cool ones use laminated ips screens.

>> No.9182780
File: 93 KB, 960x1280, 2022-08-16 15.13.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>authenticity is already lost
I'd rather have authentic hardware with improved screens than not be able to see shit. Just modded this yesterday.

>> No.9182795

That's not authentic hardware. Go use your emulator toys.

>> No.9182796

Go suffer with your shitty lightless screen

>> No.9182801

Game Boys are getting rather expensive, especially when it still got the box.
For some colors you might want to check overseas like Japan or Korea.
Also colored original Game Boys often loose their sound, I don't know how to fix this.
Sometimes the buttons won't work, get some IPA (alcohol) and clean the contacts and silicon domes.
Check for battery leaking in the battery compartment.

>> No.9182806
File: 916 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_4438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you do this?

>> No.9182815

Yes, any emulator can.

>> No.9182817

Can you do this with your modless "authentic" game boy?

>> No.9182821

>can I do inauthentic things with my authentic game boy
This does not merit a response.

>> No.9182826

Also, go ahead and explain how this is an emulator.

>> No.9182832

Then enjoy your shitty vision I guess

>> No.9182838

I had an sp101 since they came out.
I mostly play on a 100% stock atomic purple GBC.
I use a thing called a "reading lamp." People used to own them back when people read books.

>> No.9182840

There's no need to do that, Grandpa. We have better screens today.

>> No.9182848

Does replacing old capacitors count as not being authentic anymore? Where is the line drawn?

>> No.9182849

Buy a handheld with one of those, then.

>> No.9182856

But I want the authentic hardware with better screens.

>> No.9182861

You're not getting the authentic hardware. You're taking the authentic hardware out and throwing it in the trash.

>> No.9182867

Yeah because the entire console is the screen.

>> No.9182868

I've had a "better screen" since sp101 came out. I don't really like it.
Luckily I made sure to get one of each gameboy model that are 100% stock, before you kids ruin them all.

>> No.9182871

>before you kids ruin them all.

>> No.9182873

It's the only good reason to use one nowadays. There are many better ways of playing Game Boy games if that's all you want.

>> No.9182882

They're gonna go the way of those portable gamecube screens eventually. Cut up into custom modded e-waste.

>> No.9182893

>portable gamecube screens
I haven't heard about this before, what's the deal?

>> No.9182904
File: 129 KB, 600x600, gc-gamescreen-lcd-monitor-intec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that these really need "preserving" outside of maybe a museum, but...
When people started doing stupid maker shit around 08/09, they needed lcd screens to make portable n64s and such. So everyone cannibalized these portable gc screens and now there's very few left.
guess you're too young to remember

>> No.9182972
File: 3.14 MB, 4032x3024, 37E797E1-9716-4486-86ED-9C457AD4FA9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how many game boys I’m gonna ruin.

Anyway, I save the OEM screens, I don’t throw them away.

>> No.9182975

grab a q5 for your gbc

>> No.9182994
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, CBF5F9E4-5ABF-4D33-BB93-D92E748F0607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s the one I have on the atomic purple one.

>> No.9183032

like a pig in shit

>> No.9183068

im so glad i waited to mod mine until the q5 was available

>> No.9183145

If you want to use them for playing them I recommend you learn how to solder. You can probably buy a cheap broken Gameboy with an easy to fix issue and also look into how to remove stickers without leaving that much glue in the plastic.

>> No.9183158

Oh, I knew they made those for the PSone but not the Gamecube. Pity.

>> No.9183293

I thought this thread was about collecting Game Boys :(

>> No.9183337

Nope, it's about collecting chink emulators

>> No.9183381

>not collecting all the Play It Loud! colors

>> No.9183483

>Are you a salesman for this thing?
You can use the coupon 341ELEC at checkout on ali for an additional 15 bucks off

>> No.9183506

Most likely what OP is looking to do, either that or all of the Game Boy Pocket or Game Boy Color variants

Heck I don't even have all of the Famiclone colors yet, just two gray ones, a white and a transparent black one

>> No.9183645

It's simple. Coomlectors lost the most recent Emuli-Collect War.
Besides, in this particular case, emulation was a thing even waaaay the fuck back when GB was still around, so go fucking figure.

>> No.9183676

Thats not authentic bro. You arent playing it correctly. Thats not how the developers intended

>> No.9183697
File: 1.82 MB, 3120x3977, 20190311_000512_HDR~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, yeah, that'd be weird

>> No.9183910

Do you sell them or just like getting them? I also see one of your silver SPs has a green hinge cover. Is that a 101? Mine had the same discoloration and the plastic became really brittle. The screwposts shattered when I had to open it up to repair it so I think it's a flaw with the plastic on those.

>> No.9184009

It's several factors. Always enjoyed the gameboy and the fun colors it came out in, some were ridiculously cheap, and some came with games that I resold for more than I bought the bundle and ended up keeping the gameboy. Yeah, that entire top row of SP are actually AGS-101 models. I use one of the Graphite 101's for my regular playing so hopefully wont have to worry about the plastic shattering lol

>> No.9184015

I can't really remember seeing one for the Xbox in real life back then, but I definitely saw these around for both models of PS2 and the GameCube.

>> No.9184046

For bonus points resell it on ebay but make sure the label looks identical. Many such bids

>> No.9184226
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, EA4A18C3-195A-4046-8992-A5A0AE46C283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9184429


>> No.9184438

fucking based worm light

>> No.9184726

Found a dude selling a used GBA SD with replaced battery for 74€, is this a good deal? I have no clue about GB prices but seems alright

>> No.9184763

Keked at the sideways picture

>> No.9185849


>> No.9185859

That's a little pricey but it could be worse. It should at least be in good cosmetic condition if it costs that much. Do you know if it's the backlit one or the frontlit one?

>> No.9186353

yes: buy them without the box because otherwise you'll be broke