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File: 1.51 MB, 722x1029, ContraHardCorps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9175981 No.9175981 [Reply] [Original]

Contra feels like one of the few retro series that is actually harder in the west then in Japan. The japanese version of Hard Corps has a three hit meter on top of the 3 lives but the U.S. version just says fuck you. What other examples of retro games are there of this? I always got the impression that it was the reverse.

>> No.9176003

Ninja Gaiden III is the best example I can think of. Japanese version is a very easy game especially compared to other Ninja Gaiden games but American version is very brutal

>> No.9176012

Donpachi (Hong Kong version) is insanely harder than the jap version.
Streets of Rage 3 US iirc is harder than JP.

>> No.9176069

>What other examples of retro games are there of this?
Probably a ton. The whole business of being able to rent games really irritated the japs.

>> No.9176078

Konami america were a bunch of assholes, the american version of their games had things like paid health bars, they were doing microtransactions before everyone else

>> No.9176119

anything localized by working designs

>> No.9176147

The Japanese games are harder than western games seems to be a myth to me. Other than Mario 2 (which is a completely different game) I can't think of a single game that's easier in the west.

>> No.9176281
File: 39 KB, 459x175, working_designs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9176302

The US version of Devil May Cry gave enemies 20% more health and damage. For 3 it was 25% more damage and double health.

>> No.9176313

DMC3 fucked up all the difficulties. Easy was Normal, Normal became Hard, and Hard was an all-new level of difficulty. The Special Edition restored them to their Japanese standards and turned the new Hard into its own "Very Hard".

>> No.9176443

Final Fantasy 2 (SNES)
Last Resort (Neo Geo)
Phantasy Star 2
Most NA games had their difficulty ratcheted up for the rental market, not out of some sense of regional balance. CV 3 and SoR 3 are incredibly unplayable compared to their Japanese counterparts.

>> No.9176445

Castlevania III. The american version is way too hard compared to the japanese one, though it has a worse OST.

>> No.9176449

>really irritated the japs
So? Japanese were not allowed to rent games, so it`s only american version that were fucked and I'm pretty sure it was not japanese people that fucked that up.

>> No.9176725

the vast majority of arcade games are harder in their original japanese versions

>> No.9176751

technically all remaining untranslated text-heavy japanese games are harder in the west

>> No.9176765

most games were intentionally made harder for the West in order to fuck over people who rented games. the thought process was to make the game so difficult and so punishing that there would be no way anyone could actually become good enough to finish the game in a rental.

>> No.9176814

are you sure about that ?

Double Dragon 3

>The U.S. version also features item shops where players could use additional credits to purchase in-game items such as weapons, additional moves and new playable characters in one of the earliest forms of microtransactions in a video game, although this system would end up being removed in the later-released Japanese version of the game in favor of a conventional character select feature similar to Golden Axe or Final Fight.

>> No.9176817

Is the game better for it?

>> No.9176835

In 1 it made getting critical hits on Shadows not a guaranteed kill like with every other enemy. In 3 it made the game feel slower becoming enemies had so much more health and took longer to go down. Not a huge deal in 1 but I think it made the original US release of 3 worse.

>> No.9178812

Streets of Rage 3
Dynamite Headdy
Sonic 1, technically (JP version fixed spike bug)

>> No.9178987

>What other examples of retro games are there of this?

There are many actually. Everything Working Designs did for example.

>> No.9179003

>CV 3 and SoR 3 are incredibly unplayable compared to their Japanese counterparts.
They are playable. Git gud

>> No.9179106

>pretty sure it was not japanese people that fucked that up.
Are you implying that the ability to rent games shouldn't be allowed? If the game made was able to be beat in a weekend or not good enough for me to want to purchase then that's them for making a shit - meh product.

>> No.9179107

*on them

>> No.9179117

I'm implying those things where done by the american publishers and whatnot because of renting. It was not the japanese people who did that.

>> No.9179431

Actually, it usually was the Japs who did it. Not just because of the renting, but they believed Americans liked things harder.

>> No.9179448
File: 1.20 MB, 1030x893, 2 stoola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Contra feels like one of the few retro series that is actually harder in the west then in Japan.
It's all because it's one of those "Anti-Rental" games.
In USA games could be rented (rent? im not from usa so i forgot the word lol).
So kids could just beat a game over the weekend and return it.

So to make people actually "buy" games, some japanese companies were making special "anti-rental" games for american market - they would cut health bars and remove some continues and so on.

I personally had japanese version as a kid and so thankful for that. I have no idea how would you play that shitty cut-healthbar version as a small child that just wants to have fun.

I remember there are some other games like that from 16 bit era

>> No.9179452

>but they believed Americans liked things harder
Pretty sure Final Fantasy USA/Mystic Quest goes against that.

>> No.9179462

>but they believed Americans liked things harder.
No, dummy
sm2 literally didnt reach usa because it was too difficult for amerikans.

>> No.9179463

Isn't Mega Man 2's normal mode in the west the Japanese version's hard mode?

>> No.9179494

There's an easier mode? How could MM2 get any easier?

>> No.9179505

Japanese player need man up.

>> No.9179527

RPGs are the exceptions

RPGs: harder in Japan
action games: harder in the west

>> No.9179536

>RPGs: harder in Japan
That is false, too. JRPG for consoles maybe, but every JRPG made is easier than any RPG made in the west. You are deluded if you think any JRPG is harder than any of the Wizardry games.

>> No.9179539

It wasn't just the difficulty, they were concerned that it was too similar to the original, and with it being made specifically to challenge players who'd already mastered that game, general audiences wouldn't see a reason to buy it.

>> No.9179540

>Contra feels like one of the few retro series that is actually harder in the west then in Japan.

This is true of a lot of series.

>> No.9179542

I never knew about this, details?

>> No.9179550
File: 55 KB, 795x1208, 7th saga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys don't mind us, just pumping up the stats of everything besides the player to ridiculous levels, making the game nearly unwinnable in certain situations. on the other hand that's probably the only reason anybody remembers this game too. even the instruction manual trolls you by suggesting you play as the knight even though his stat gains got fucked over the hardest, making him the worst possible choice in the game.

>> No.9179554
File: 10 KB, 215x251, dragonforce account.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Force wasn't made any harder

>> No.9179558

get the patches to fix all that shit

>> No.9179571

I thought that was the norm actually. American versions are almost always harder if we are talking 4th and 5th gen

>> No.9179573
File: 213 KB, 800x1129, TMNT_Turtles_in_Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Konami arcade games were significantly harder in the US:

Turtles in Time (more enemy spam, strict invisible timer, fewer powerups, bosses have way more health)
Simpsons (similar to above)
X-Men (removed both mutant power and health pickups entirely, changed how mutant powers work in order to kill the player faster)
Metamorphic Force (removed normal life bar in favor of Gauntlet-style health that ticks down no matter what, tougher enemy configurations, less healing)
Crime Fighters (similar to above)
Mystic Warriors (bosses take way longer to die)
Sunset Riders (removed all extra 1ups, bosses take a million hits to die)

>> No.9179584

JP Mega Man 2 didn't have a difficulty option.
US Mega Man 2's Difficult Mode was the original JP game while Normal Mode was exclusive to the US release.

>> No.9180009

I remember getting caught by one of those little wheely fuckers in the original TMNT arcade game and no matter how hard I mashed it wouldn't let go and drained my entire health bar. Fucking bullshit.