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File: 25 KB, 220x274, Doom3box[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9171390 No.9171390 [Reply] [Original]

Bethesda just gave away the original Doom 3 for free to people who bought the BFG edition.

What are some essential mods?

>> No.9171414 [DELETED] 

The one that adds tits to all the monsters. The one that remonds you no one will ever love you. The one where the game uninstalls itself at startup.

>> No.9171418 [DELETED] 

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.9171419

>What are some essential mods?
DOOM 1 and 2

>> No.9171424 [DELETED] 

reddit didn't even exist when doom 3 launched dumbass

>> No.9171426 [DELETED] 

and yet, it is reddit

>> No.9171428 [DELETED] 

is reddit in the room with us right now?

>> No.9171430 [DELETED] 

no but it's on your browser tabs

>> No.9171447 [DELETED] 

Damn, shots fired.

>> No.9171454
File: 121 KB, 800x947, 12494-quake-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game with a NIN cd in the drive changed the way I enjoyed video games.

>> No.9171461

There's no such thing as an essential mod.

>> No.9171462

i play with a combo of the dhewm3 sourceport with doom 3 redux, i don't remember if there was any special setup involved but it looked and played incredibly. arguably not 100% vanilla but damn it felt perfect to me.

>> No.9171468

Wait until you play Quake 4, it's even more emarassing

>> No.9171471

Anti-Doom 3 posters usually love Quake 4.

>> No.9171473 [DELETED] 

It is not, and the last time it was, I was selling my pokemon games to redditors for hundreds of dollars :^)

>> No.9171474

i have, and i know. quake 4 is the worst game id ever made.

>> No.9171475

Id didn't make Quake 4.

>> No.9171480

overseen by them and it uses idtech 4, close enough

>> No.9171492

Apparently it works the other way around too since they gave me BFG

>> No.9171497 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 475x356, sexual-harassment-doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me where Doom 3 touched you.

>> No.9171512

Quake 4 is just DOOM 3 if it was actually fun to play

>> No.9171537

>CoD Quak, that is slower than D3 until you get stroggified
Q4 MP is the best one since Q2 and is better than anything Quake that came after, I'll give you that.
Doom 3's only fault is that you can't toogle the always run, so you have to hold shift almost all the time.

>> No.9171562

Doom 3 is the most fun doom game. playing co-op with my bud will never be topped

>> No.9171589

>playing co-op with my bud will never be topped
Not fair, everything is fun when you have your buddy co-oping each other.

>> No.9171591

>playing co-op with my bud will never be topped
Playing co-op Doom 3 is honestly an incredible experience and I feel bad for those who have never had the chance to team with a bro in the game. I would go so far as to say it's one of the best co-op games to exist.

>> No.9171597

Sounds like a true friend if he never topped. Bet you guys were a cute couple.

>> No.9172420 [DELETED] 

>To catch a Redditor...

>> No.9172427

Doom 3 sucks. It doesn't even play like a doom game. Smb2 usa does a better job representing Mario when it was just some random jap game about Arabs.

>> No.9172463
File: 498 KB, 2560x1440, DOOM 3 redux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom 3 redux is all you need. Anything is a poor life choice. https://www.moddb.com/mods/doom-3-redux

>> No.9172469
File: 110 KB, 900x900, 1659571532919799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some essential mods?

>> No.9172475

Bad fucking ass. I was just thinking this evening about how I needed the OG Doom 3 for my phone.

I don't know of any good mods, but you can play Doom 3 on an Android phone with a controller with Delta Touch. There's also a port of the Lost Mission that you can play with it.

Delta Touch costs a couple of dollars, but it includes up to date versions of GZDoom, Chocolate Doom, DoomRetro, Zandronum, and several other Doom source ports, plus Doom 3. I don't usually buy Android apps, but the develop is a really cool guy, and he deserves it. He is known to give away free keys if you can't afford to purchase, but buy it if you can.

He also has Quad Touch, which is the same thing, but for Quake 1-3, and Zeta Touch, which is for Build engine games and is free.

>> No.9172624 [DELETED] 

Not retro

>> No.9172726 [DELETED] 

Not retro

>> No.9172878
File: 143 KB, 1400x1400, 1634877230625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing Doom 3 (bfg) for the first time ever and I have pretty mixed feelings about it. Surprisingly intense and the game still looks beautiful (in fact I wish games today looked like Doom 3 and Riddick instead) but the weapons lack impact/ sometimes it almost feels like I'm not even sure if I'm hitting someone or not, as if the shots were just passing through them and it's particularly weird with the shotgun when you'd think it would have a pretty wide blast radius. Either I put an enemy into a stunlock-ish situation and kill them instantly or they somehow slip through and butcher me when they're hugging my model and suddenly I can't hit them at all anymore

Playing on Veteran for the record

>> No.9172907

Gave me an excuse to play Doom 1 and 2 again.
But the audio is terrible. 22KHz sounds play at half speed.

>> No.9172915

I replayed Doom 3 with the Mars Destruction mod and that upscaled texture pack.
>replacements for some of the more unsatisfying weapon sounds
>faster revenants and pinkies, other enemy changes
>ammo placement rebalancing, pistol and chaingun rework
Some of the “alternate fire” additions are weird but is balanced out by the one for the regular shotgun. I didn’t realize the mod had also had an option to change the cyberdemon fight to where you shoot the thing.
I’ll see if there’s some similar mods for Quake 4, I had a very poor impression of it the first hour or so I tried it.

>> No.9172916

Also the health management on nightmare was fun.

>> No.9172957

Never played it on nightmare. I know your health drops slowly, which I am not comfortable with as it forces me to rush in levels I am unfamiliar with. What are some tips for beating it?

>> No.9172968
File: 232 KB, 1152x864, shot00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there actually any legit improvement to the graphics? Some of the characters just look even more ill than they did before, and the flashlight doesn't even seem to have a shadow now.

Even Sikkmod with vanilla assets looks better.

>> No.9172970
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>> No.9172976

Get comfortable with how many attacks you can avoid with the crouch, and even though the health drains over time you still get it back with the soul cube and health stations. Your biggest threats will be lost souls and guards with guns.
I’m on the fence about recommending it if you’re not somewhat comfortable with the levels already, because on the other hand vanilla Doom 3 can be easy.

>> No.9173000 [DELETED] 

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.9173196

Yeah, I just started playing on veteran, and the only time I have died so far is by running into a dark corner and not hearing an enemy sneaking up behind me because of the vastly inferior audio (this wouldn't have happened if I played Doom 3 with OpenAL).

>> No.9173202


>> No.9173236

I just finished doom 3. terrific experience. couldnt even finish quake 4 a half year ago.

>> No.9173449

Overthinked Doom 3 is great. You should all play it.

>> No.9173459

The mod certainly lives up to its name.

>> No.9173481
File: 158 KB, 1024x768, 0000002388.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing this game on a CRT monitor in a dark room is pure sex.

>> No.9173502

>(in fact I wish games today looked like Doom 3 and Riddick instead)
you tried The Darkness?(ps3/x360 exclusive)

>> No.9173508 [DELETED] 

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.9173513

Only recall playing the demo, but I've only recently even realized how good games from that era looked. I'm not sure why I find the Doom 3 era specular map usage (combined with what exactly?) so visually appealing because I don't know enough about the topic, but I know I utterly hate how a lot of 7th gen UE3 games like Bioshock looked and theyre almost polar opposites visually

>> No.9173520

Doom 3 has to be one of my favorite texture works ever.

>> No.9173546

Specular maps interacting with bump maps which are both affected by dynamic lighting. Combine that with the crisp, dark, stencil shadows and you get a fucking awesome looking game.

>> No.9173580

darkness was made by the guys who developed riddick. later on they left Starbreeze and funded Machine Games(Wolfenstein TNO/TOB...)

>> No.9173585

You could co-op?
God I wish I had friends

>> No.9173586

same engine as riddick

>> No.9174187
File: 173 KB, 1152x864, missing staff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thing characterizing these games is a total lack of ambient lighting. It's kind of unrealistic, but doing ambient lighting dynamically at the time would have looked very bad.

In some ways, this unified lighting approach can be considered a precursor to PBR. Many 7th gen games also didn't have a concept of albedo maps, so normal mapping would not look right.

>> No.9174198
File: 2.72 MB, 1280x720, red dick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9174209

nice blues i never played this version, only the one bundled with dark athena.

>> No.9174212
File: 2.97 MB, 854x240, remaster.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9174218

i prefer how the remaster looks overall personally
but they went overboard with a few effects and it lack colors. i'm biased to the version that looks closest to The Darkness cause i liked this game very much.I'll replay both soon enough.

>> No.9174224
File: 31 KB, 480x290, 3c8c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, the SSAO probably makes it look worse than it should. It's such a bad implementation.
If it weren't for the overdone color grading, it would have looked great.

>> No.9174320
File: 1.21 MB, 3840x2160, Screen00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how the game looks like without it. The engine lets you choose between MSAA up to 32 or SSAO as it can't seem to be able to deal with both.

>> No.9174328

anyway, games tat were made before SSAO became popularly implemented were textured and lit to emulate it as we can see in the corners. so SSAO in these is mostly redundant

>> No.9174337
File: 1.63 MB, 3840x2160, The Chronicles of Riddick_ Assault on Dark Athena 10_04_2020 09_24_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Riddick games are great but very much about pushing technology of the time and style of the films. I think the gameplay itself is lacking but appreciate what they were attempting to achieve.

>> No.9174347

dark athena was so much worse than butcher bay

>> No.9174352

yeah the combat and controls aren't very smooth. i play Riddick for the atmosphere and as tie-in when i watch the movies. i never knew back when i had an Xbox that this game existed despite being a fan of the movies. i didn't have much time for the internet.

>> No.9174356

shamblers castle

>> No.9174360

Exbob tho


>> No.9174361

It's the definition of "greater than the sum of its parts". The audiovisuals were really the only thing truly great about it at the time

>> No.9174369

It's pretty unfortunate how this room made up 90% of the character interaction in the game, something that made butcher bay truly stand out at the time

>> No.9174382
File: 2.43 MB, 498x413, coom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9174397
File: 59 KB, 120x127, HansJag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the Butcher Bay's characters were great and all very unique.
i remember when first seeing BamBam(obvious Wolf3D reference to Hans Grosse) that these guys would develop a great Wolf remake in the spirit of Butcher Bay. to my surprise they left for machine games and made TNO but it wasn't what i expected of them.


>> No.9174401

>I'm gonna pillage some Silverman pussy when I get out of here. I'm gonna kill her, and then I'm gonna fuck her.

What was his problem?

>> No.9174404

he needed a firm neck massage desu.

>> No.9174418

*remember thinking when first seeing

>> No.9174434

What I love so much about the dialog in Riddick is how minimalist it is. Riddick as a character is a perfect avatar for the player who just cares about reaching his goals and killing stuff. When you are not interested in whatever a character has to say, Riddick responds with a simple "No" and then leaves.

>> No.9174564
File: 1.82 MB, 1014x764, d3c.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh neat, so they have. I do own the BFG Edition, and now I have Doom 3 and the Resurection of Evil expansion pack. I did own a retail copy of Doom 3 at some point.

>Was there actually any legit improvement to the graphics? Some of the characters just look even more ill than they did before, and the flashlight doesn't even seem to have a shadow now.

Most people generally find the BFG edition to look worse than the original Doom 3 in many ways. BFG was modified to work with VR, as Carmack was using it to showcase the coccus Rift. One big difference is how brighter the game is compared to the original. Flashlight is much less needed. In the original Doom 3, it was criticised for being a really dark game (as in "I can't see shit") and juggling a flashlight was a turn off for some. Doom 3 created some tension by swapping between a weapon and flashlight. Which did lead to 'duct tape' mods.

>> No.9174571
File: 2.69 MB, 1024x768, Doom3oginside.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BFG version

>> No.9174593

BFG is shittier if not solely for removing fucking dynamic lighting from weapon fire. the game sucks to begin with anyway.

>> No.9174594

It's better in every way, but it's still trash.

>> No.9174602

>BFG version
The hell happened to the shadows? They really fucked it up.

>> No.9174613

I'm curious about how exactly the brightness difference was achieved. Is it the lights, or is it as simple as a global brightness modifier? Is there any in-depth analysis of the rendering difference?

>> No.9174635

Even including mods the only (and ONLY) reason to play BFG is if you have a 120hz screen as that is the one thing not able to be modded into OG doom 3. If you are limited to 60hz play vanilla and know you are missing nothing. If you do have a 120hz screen mod BFG to be as close to vanilla as possible and go with that.

>> No.9174679

a vocal minority sperged out when Doom 3 came out about its visual aspect and maybe also idthesda have a problem with more exotic approaches to graphics so made it more casual friendly with an easier torch mechanic and less spoopy dark areas because pussies.

>> No.9174693

Remember doom 3 is only hated by fags who think plutonia is the pinnacle of game design.

>> No.9174709
File: 131 KB, 1024x768, desktop_3_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love both very much

>> No.9174712 [DELETED] 

you're a fucking retard. DOOM 3 does not suck because it isn't "rip and tear", that is a reddit 2016 meme. DOOM 3 sucks because the original games were about dropping you into weird levels filled with dozens of demons to mow down with badass guns and DOOM 3 is about muh shadows and interrupting a mannerly black man coming out of a bathroom and shooting 1-2 cringeworthy enemies with nerf tier weapons that have no feedback. youre going to get anal cancer with all of that sperm in your rectum dude.

>> No.9174716

>original games were about dropping you into weird levels filled with dozens of demons to mow down with badass guns
yes you are describing plutonia.

>> No.9174720 [DELETED] 

>that is a reddit 2016 meme
not him but fuck the Doom subreddit and their fucking memes. it's my belief that bethesda astroturfed the sub to spam memes in an attempt to drive out the classic doom community of modders and mappers and replace them by zoomer consoomerz...

>> No.9174721

>you gonna get soul cube'd

>> No.9174735

I read your entire post and I agree

>> No.9174737 [DELETED] 

t. sperm butt

>> No.9174747

Nova 3 on android in 2015 was better than halo. It's done now. Jews got to it.

>> No.9174752 [DELETED] 

lmao slaughter maps

>> No.9174754 [DELETED] 

lmao wally cleaver

>> No.9174775
File: 74 KB, 400x305, 00eef1f860923e7fca6a36769167daf80c23e4bd-2758692460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spergs doom warring like it's 2003

>> No.9174779

this is /vr/, it's always 2003

>> No.9174786

Doom 3 isn't a good Doom game, but it is a good standalone game if you treat it as such.

>> No.9174787

except when it is 1993.

>> No.9174792

>health drops slowly
Never liked this mechanic, it's more an annoying pain in the ass than a challenge.

>> No.9174795

Okay, don't play it then.

>> No.9174801

Doom 3 was one of the best looking games on the original Xbox. It's amazing how much they managed to push that console.

>> No.9174802

Those textures look way better than the ones seen in the game.

Why didn't they keep them? The ultra setting is a pure meme that uses uncompressed textures. It could have used these instead.

>> No.9174806

Dozens is an understatement in Plutonia.

>> No.9174809

You sound like an incel that is about to do a hate crime. If we gave you every video game console and game would you go into isolation on an island like Australia? No kike shit yes or no abbo?

>> No.9174812

calm down dude. he's just a comfy poster. you really this mad about the wally cleavers in D3?

>> No.9174823

They probably wanted to make it "better" for the console babies.

>> No.9174826

I only play half life 2 and muh farcry and fallout are you even white

>> No.9174828

every one of those games is shit dude

>> No.9174831

Nah that actually is what they look like. Problem is, Doom 3 is unable to detect graphics cards with more than 1GB of VRAM, resulting in hideously low res textures, even with the in-game 'Ultra' setting enabled. Most people don't realize it's fucked up unless you add an autoexec enabling the Ultra settings into the game directory.

>> No.9174834

Still took the bait negrodamus

>> No.9174845

>DOOM 3 sucks because the original games were about dropping you into weird levels filled with dozens of demons to mow down with badass guns and DOOM 3 is about muh shadows
That's the exact opposite of why Doom 3 was criticized at launch. Everybody was complaining that it was too similar to the original games (mindless run and gun through corridors) and didn't bring anything new to the table. You'd know that had you actually been there, zoomer faggot.

>> No.9174849

>Everybody was complaining that it was too similar to the original games
-6/10 bait

>> No.9174859

You have effectively admitted that you either weren't there at launch, or that you had no interest in the game. Go back and read any review for the game and you'll see I'm right.

>> No.9174893

take your meds.

>> No.9174969
File: 2.91 MB, 850x480, doomthree.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. While you guys argue about bullshit, I've been enjoying this overthinked mod very much. I highly recommend it but only if you enjoyed Doom 3 unironically.

The difficulty is bullshit but it's enjoyable enough.

>> No.9174985

looks intense

>> No.9175006

I've never seen the hellknight teeth look that sharp, even with corrected settings.

>> No.9175129
File: 2.94 MB, 854x480, 080122.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went through 3 recently but this mod still looks interesting.

>> No.9175139
File: 79 KB, 600x629, 1571010721220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to add ADS, you need to tone the sway the fuck down

>> No.9175158

What mod is this?

>> No.9175183
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, benched.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It has a bunch of visual mods, they look great but if it's too much for some people they can be disabled to get the vanilla look.

>> No.9175193

Nice animations, but fucking hell, that ADS is abominable.

>> No.9175194

Doom 3 is so slow and boring. Like a snail lurking around shooting the 2 or 3 other snails that appear on screen at a time

>> No.9175464

Project brutality looks amazing in that webm.

>> No.9175503

i feel like there's been a little revisionism in the backlash of doom 3. doom 3 is the legacy of the original doom in aspects that get overlooked in rhetoric that focuses on enhancing contrast.

>> No.9175534

Have you ever bottomed?

>> No.9175540

>playing Resident Evil: Mars
Pass. At least BFG had the real Dooms available in them.

>> No.9175549

Good thing you get strogged less than an hour into the game then

>> No.9175586

There's a source port of Doom 3 BFG, and the audio is good. I imagine there's a Windows build if you're on Windows; if not, it compiles out of the box on every distro I've tried.

>> No.9176224
File: 1.18 MB, 1606x834, Screenshot from 2022-08-14 10-26-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Steam version of Doom II now includes Final Doom and Master Levels as well. Final Doom and Master Levels still show up as separate items in my library, though, which is nice because I like having the box art there. They're technically pointless now that the Doom II download includes them, but it's not like I keep any of the bloated Steam versions installed anyway. I copied the WADs into ~/.config/gzdoom and then removed the Steam installs with all of Bethesda's Unity port garbage.
I assume the Final Doom and Master Levels in my library just have grandfathered status or something, and that people who buy Doom II today won't see the expansions listed separately in their libraries. I got all the classic Doom games years ago, at a point when buying the whole Doom bundle was just as cheap or cheaper than buying Doom 3 by itself.

>> No.9176235
File: 235 KB, 1920x1080, Doom-3-Hi-Def-3.0-Mod-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any reason to play D3 over the BFG edition?

I find it a bit hypocritical how a lot of people seem to be shitting on the BFG edition for including a suit flashlight, when everyone and their mother was using the duct-tape mod when the game first launched.

>> No.9176257

BFG is missing some graphical effects like the plasma rounds not illuminating the game world as they travel for example. really you should be looking at what does BFG bring to the table vanilla cannot and the answer to that is 120hz support (no dhewm 3 doesn't support it). If you have a 60hz screen stick of vanilla.

>> No.9176272

>Is there any reason to play D3 over the BFG edition?
Better mod compatibility, original aesthetics, no cut level sections. BFG also adds even more ammo for some reason but you can at least get support for 120fps.

>> No.9176459

>and interrupting a mannerly black man coming out of a bathroom
>that is a reddit 2016 meme
The "rip and tear" meme is way older than reddit itself but it was completely turned on its head by Brootal community, and then picked up by Beth.

>> No.9176548
File: 181 KB, 876x817, toodarkcantseeshitz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better mod compatibility, original aesthetics, no cut level sections. BFG also adds even more ammo for some reason but you can at least get support for 120fps.

I actually remember playing Doom 3 on an Athalon XP 2700+ overclocked, with 1GB DDR2, GeForce FX 5700 ultra with 256MB RAM, and I could run Doom 3 quite well at 1024x786, but it wasn't perfect. Playing on a VGA monitor, the original Doom 3 was an incredibly dark game. It was hard to see anything at times. Even game reviewers and such would complain. But the original Doom 3 had a survival horror element to it, with the flashlight juggling and lower ammunition count . Doom BFG is like Carmack turned up the lighting in the environments and just threw in more ammo to make BFG feel more like a run and gun. You can still run and gun in the OG Doom 3. But on first time playt hroughs, the game would have more of a survival tone.

>> No.9176554

I remember my PC struggling to even launch the damn thing, let alone play it at a respectable framerate, HL2 in comparison ran like butter. It did a great job of building up atmosphere and the ambient sounds were all really well done, but outside of a handful of scenes it just teleports monsters behind you and tries to spook you out by (literally) turning off the lights.

>> No.9176570

It's the best game raven software ever made.

>> No.9176575

I didnt want it. How do I remove it.

>> No.9176598

>I remember my PC struggling to even launch the damn thing, let alone play it at a respectable framerate, HL2 in comparison ran like butter. It did a great job of building up atmosphere and the ambient sounds were all really well done, but outside of a handful of scenes it just teleports monsters behind you and tries to spook you out by (literally) turning off the lights.

Doom 3 was a heavily demanding game. But it also relied heavily on OpenGL, and at the time, ATi cards would generally get worse OpenGL performance than the Nvidia cards. Which is something that actually has never really changed, since Nvidia cards still get the best OpenGL benchmarks overall. But with thinks like Vulkan, that is a not really an issue. Half-Life 2 use to get great performance on my machine. Actually, though Valve did the HDR lighting update that caused the game to be unplayable on the same specs. Also, Far Cry came out in 2004 and was one of those 'ooh shaders' games. Far Cry, Half-Life 2 and Doom 3. The three big PC FPS games of 2004.

>> No.9176623

None. Doom 3 is perfect as is. Then you have chucklefuck shitposters like this:

>consists of walkingthrough endless identical corridors
Wrong, the gameplay has numerous environmental shifts, going from isolated technician areas, to waste disposal, to surface-of-mars segments, to energy sectors, to hell itself, which by the way, it has the best representation of Hell in any game ever made.

>shooting a small variety of identical enemies
Another wrong statement. There's 6 more enemy types than in Doom 1, totaling nearly 14, not counting bosses, and if you make room for the unique enemies within subtypes, you get 19.

>talking to identical NPC's
Wrong. There's few NPC's you talk to, but each of which is completely and entirely unique in their circumstances you encounter them in and some have a unique gameplay encounter, like the man guiding you through the dark with the lantern, encountering the guy trapped in a disposal area and you can choose to free or kill him, and the scientist you encounter dissecting demon corpses.

>audio logs with meaningless purile dialogue
Wrong, many of them contain contains required for opening cabinets which provide a plethora of ammo, armor, and health, while also foreshadowing upcoming enemies or bosses.

>you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine
Yes, that segment that lasts barely 2 minutes through a 14 hour game, what a travesty.

>B movie monster closet jumps cares
Just like in the original games.

>retarded enemy designs
Opinion, and a shitty one at that, since the Hell Knights and Lost Souls are objective improvements over their original counterparts.

>a fucking sprint meter

>a flashlight you had to toggle because the xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time
Doom 3 was developed with PC in mind first and foremost, with the console port coming out a year later.

>> No.9176625

>flashlight you had to toggle
On top of the other reason, they chose to make the flashlight toggle because it added to the mood and pacing of the game, which was markedly different from Doom 1 and 2 on purpose, as they were trying to create a horror-action game as opposed to some casual shooter. The flashlight forces you micromanage shadows and darkness. Only brainlets cannot comprehend this.

>reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin wacky turkey puncher
In-jokes are now reddit? That has to be the most fucking stupid, reddit-tier complaint I've ever seen.

>the "plot"
Of which Doom has never been about and serves only to make the gameplay feel more cinematic, not to actually make the player deeply involved within the storytelling narrative.

>despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro
It's 2 minutes actually, and no cutscene in the game goes longer than it, except for maybe the ending.

>less enthralling than the original game's story
Ah yes, your bunny got killed by demons so you go on a shooting spree, riveting and truly inspirational storytelling. Eat my ass.

>Doom 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made
No, that would be your shitpost which you just shit out all over the internet for everyone to painstakingly read and laugh at.

>> No.9176654
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x1440, ogvsov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the gameplay changes are worth a try but I'm not a fan of the graphical overhaul going on here.

>> No.9176660

>i play with a combo of the dhewm3 sourceport with doom 3 redux, i don't remember if there was any special setup involved but it looked and played incredibly. arguably not 100% vanilla but damn it felt perfect to me.

This. The dhewm3 source port is probably the best way to play the original Doom 3 on a modern system: https://dhewm3.org/

Works with Mac and Linux too. It stays close to the original, while giving you some new features. But BFG Edition is 120Hz. Carmack was using BFG Edition to showcase VR, and it needed a refresh rate higher than 60hz.

It's nice that they gave me the original for free on Steam. I know people bitch about Steam. But I love having older PC games readily available on websites like Steam and GOG. I have unlisted things like Duke Nukem 3D and the Megaton Edition, and so forth. Maybe they are giving both away for free because Doom 3 and the BFG Edition might be unlisted from Steam soon? Just a theory?

>> No.9176665

Yeah, this shit has color grading, DOF, HDR and Bloom at the same time and constantly in your face.

You can turn them all off, thankfully. I just keep HDR on because it makes the flashlight brighter which is useful for this game.

>> No.9176670


>> No.9176707
File: 64 KB, 600x600, GxArvL-6VJxrJvyQVYwk-vGacG6bjDTm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't tell if you're being satirical or not.

>the gameplay has numerous environmental shifts, going from isolated technician areas, to waste disposal, to surface-of-mars segments, to energy sectors

a bunch of fancy names when in fact you're going from one industrial looking area to another. You're always looking at poorly lit, metallic, copy / pasted corridors with the occasional bloody wall.

>it has the best representation of Hell in any game ever made.

hyperbolic much? Even if that were the case, the game does absolutely nothing memorable with the hell sections, which are over as quickly as they start.

>Wrong, many of them contain contains required for opening cabinets which provide a plethora of ammo, armor, and health, while also foreshadowing upcoming enemies or bosses.

The audio logs are literally just cabinet code memos, they add absolutely nothing to the story.

>Doom 3 was developed with PC in mind first and foremost, with the console port coming out a year later.

Flat out wrong, go watch some of the developer diaries before the game even launched. The game was designed with the technical limitations of the OG Xbox in mind.

And I'm sick and tired of people defending the fucking retarded flashlight being it's own weapon slot, the year is 2145 and they still haven't figured out how to attach a light source to a weapon?

>> No.9176720 [DELETED] 

>>a fucking sprint meter
Doom 3 has a stamina bar that depletes when you sprint. I don't understand why that other anon thinks this is a bad thing.

>> No.9176738

>>a fucking sprint meter
Doom 3 has a stamina bar that depletes when you sprint. It doesn't bother me and I don't see why it would be considered a bad thing. Would infinite sprint be an improvement?
>You're always looking at poorly lit, metallic, copy / pasted corridors with the occasional bloody wall.
I dunno man I'm just not buying it. I was playing Doom 3 last night and the environments look absolutely incredible.

>> No.9176748

>And I'm sick and tired of people defending the fucking retarded flashlight being it's own weapon slot, the year is 2145 and they still haven't figured out how to attach a light source to a weapon?
to be fair classic doom weapons such as the pistol and shotguns are a weird one for an almost type II civilization...
also the flashlight was there to bring a sense of vulnerability, it you want to see your weapons are away. i mean i get that it's not everyone's cup of tea but you know why it's there

>> No.9176769

Not saying they look bad, under the right conditions the game can look absolutely stunning. It's the fact that there's very little variety is what ultimately kills it.

>also the flashlight was there to bring a sense of vulnerability, it you want to see your weapons are away. i mean i get that it's not everyone's cup of tea but you know why it's there

I can understand the logic behind it, but there's no denying that it hampers the overall gameplay experience, the fact that they changed it in the BFG re-release kinda proves my point.

>> No.9176776

it proves that pussies rule the internet these days

>> No.9176802

BFG Edition cuts a bunch of content (many different areas in RoE), makes the game easier by giving the player way more supplies, makes most of the game way brighter even though they already give you a flashlight on your shoulder for seeing in the dark, etc.

It's playable, but it's also not ideal.

>> No.9176803

>You're always looking at poorly lit, metallic, copy / pasted corridors with the occasional bloody wall.
This is legit criticism and a flaw that is also visible even in Half Life 2. Level design becomes so linear in nature you never get a sense of a real place. It feels like a theme park ride design.

Funny how E1M1 accomplished a better feel of place with its little exterior area.

It's even worse in Half Life 2. Valve somehow made a city area and its surroundings feel like a fucking corridor.

>> No.9176823 [DELETED] 


>> No.9176826

I just don't feel that way, about Doom 3 or Half-Life 2. HL2 has even greater variety to its environments than Doom 3, and it isn't even separated into individual "levels" like D3 is, making it even more convincing.

>> No.9176829

>also the flashlight was there to bring a sense of vulnerability, it you want to see your weapons are away. i mean i get that it's not everyone's cup of tea but you know why it's there

I mean, the flashlight was definitely there to limit the players' actions, and become a constant hindrance. There are a few sections that completely turn off the lights and make you use it. For people new to the game, it does give the game a survival horror element for at least a few playthroughs. but for anyone familiar with the game, you could run through Doom 3 without the flashlight (except for the parts that force you to use it) and 'run and gun' the game. One of the most popular mods for the OG Doom 3 was the 'duct tape' mod, that attached the flashlight to your weapon.


This was an inspiration for the flashlight in Doom 3 BFG. The flashlight mechanic was the most polarising thing about the game, originally. Fans of Doom 1 and 2 were a bit divided because it took away the 'rip and tear' aspect of the first two Dooms. Some people prefer the BFG style of Doom 3 more, because the gameplay feels a bit more streamlined.

>> No.9176837
File: 6 KB, 305x234, doom3kittlytorch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the Hello Kitty duct tape mod.

>> No.9176846


So it just projects a hello kitty light? Hilarious.

>> No.9176848

lol yeah. It was one of the first mods for Doom 3.

>> No.9176851

>I honestly can't tell if you're being satirical or not.
Then you're an idiot.

>a bunch of fancy names when in fact you're going from one industrial looking area to another.
Objectively wrong. There are literally multiple sections of the game that are markedly different. Even if someone were to give you that all the mars base levels are the same, you're still wrong in saying the entire game looks like that since there's Hell, then the mines, then the ancient civilization, all which look completely different.

>You're always looking at poorly lit, metallic, copy / pasted corridors with the occasional bloody wall.
That's funny, since that's literally Doom 1. Doom 3 has thousands of different environmental textures. So not only is your statement a factual lie, but it's much closer to the reality of the original game, which you worship so fervently.

>Even if that were the case, the game does absolutely nothing memorable with the hell sections, which are over as quickly as they start.
Several hours is "quickly"? Hyperbolic much?

>The audio logs are literally just cabinet code memos, they add absolutely nothing to the story.
All of the story is pretty much contained in the audio logs, although not every single one contains story-pertinent information. Again, wrong.

> The game was designed with the technical limitations of the OG Xbox in mind.
No, it wasn't. YOU go and listen to John Carmac.


He developed Doom 3 first-and-foremost with PC in mind, which is why Doom 3 on xbox was such a huge downgrade and the flashlight, one of the more prominent features of the game, didn't even cast shadows. Lie out your ass-hole-of-a-mouth some more why don't you? The game had a lower native resolution, fewer dynamic light sources, lower polycount,

>> No.9176876

Overstatement would be more apt, Plutonia has only barely more monsters than Doom without its expansion episode, and way less with it, also way less than Doom 2.
>Doom: 2942
>The Ultimate Doom: 4678
>Hell On Earth: 3587
>Evilution: 4880
>Plutonia: 3061
There's also only one level in Plutonia which is outright slaughter, and that's the secret Map 32, adding 206 monsters alone (which is actually rather low by slaughter standards, even for the mid 1990s). In reality, Plutonia has a comparatively low count of monsters and instead just fucks you in clever ways, doing more with less.

>> No.9176879

>No, it wasn't. YOU go and listen to John Carmac.

sure, I'll even include a nifty little timestamp to the video YOU linked


They knew the capabilities of the OG Xbox before it even came out and the game was designed around those limitations.

Maybe drop the playback speed to 0.5 if you're still struggling to understand what's being said in the video.

>> No.9176890 [DELETED] 

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.9176905

>Lost souls are an "objective" improvement over the original
this was all I needed to read to know that you are legitimately stupid and have bad opinions.

>> No.9176942

First off, they're talking about the engine in that clip, as a way of promoting the future release of it on consoles. Anyone with a brain can see that, especially considering that Xbox's specs didn't come anywhere near the basic requirements for the game on PC.

Secondly, they developed Doom 3 to be a technical power-house and when it released it was the best looking PC game on the market.

Thirdly, the feature of translating the crosshair into a mouse pointer on interactive screens was specifically designed with a mouse in mind.

Fourthly, saying it was "designed for consoles" is equivalent to saying Half Life 2 was designed specifically for consoles.

>> No.9176954

>'rip and tear' aspect of the first two Dooms
Not that there is much of it in Doom 3 anyway.

>> No.9177130

>>'rip and tear' aspect of the first two Dooms
>Not that there is much of it in Doom 3 anyway.

yeah, Doom 3 could only really handle a few monsters on screen at once without the game slowing to a crawl on Pentium 4/ AMD Athlon XP era machines. I think using the darkness was a way to make each monster feel more menacing. Doom 3 BFG is still closer to the classic Doom style gameplay than the original Doom 3 is. the original Doom games still had their moments where the game would go dark and you would have to use night vision. That kind of thing was always in Doom. But Doom 3 makes a whole game around it. The flashlight is a handicap. Doom 3 BFG was modified to work with VR in mind, as 60fps is jarring in VR, and 120hz solves that. Carmack shown up at a few Quakecon or E3 events with Doom BFG set up to an coccus headset. I think the lighting was also to help VR.


I also think this version was made to please the fans who didn't like the flashlight mechanic and would play the game with the ducttape mod. I don't think Bethesda made the 'VR' aspect of BFG clear, but John Carmack intended the 120hz enhancement for VR.

>> No.9177162 [SPOILER] 
File: 431 KB, 939x829, occuluskigoogles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doom BFG set up to an coccus headset.

And by "Oculus" I clearly mean: A pair of ski googles with a mobile phone screen ducttaped to them with a pair of gaming headphones... Yeah, Carmack just showed up at e# 2012 with this makeshift headset, and a prototype of Doom BFG edition. It was more exciting than any 3D TV presentation.

>> No.9177324 [DELETED] 

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.9177423 [DELETED] 

>designed around those limitations
That's literally not what Carmack says. He said that they designed the engine with the CAPABILITIES of the Xbox in mind, not its limitations. They are referencing the Xbox's shader-based rendering, like bump mapping and such, which was similar enough to PC tech at the time for a port of Doom 3 to be feasible.

>> No.9177446 [DELETED] 

>Secondly, they developed Doom 3 to be a technical power-house and when it released it was the best looking PC game on the market.
That reminds me the "Ultra" graphical setting in the game recommends 512MB of VRAM, which wasn't even available at the time the game released.

>> No.9177458

>designed around those limitations
That's literally not what Carmack says. He said that they designed the engine with the CAPABILITIES of the Xbox in mind, not its limitations. They are referencing the Xbox's shader-based rendering, like bump mapping and such, which was similar enough to PC tech at the time for a port of Doom 3 to be feasible.
>Secondly, they developed Doom 3 to be a technical power-house and when it released it was the best looking PC game on the market.
That reminds me that the "Ultra" graphical setting in the game recommends a graphics card with 512MB of VRAM, which wasn't even available at the time the game released.

>> No.9177507
File: 483 KB, 2560x1024, orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the argument that the Xbox port wasn't an afterthought doesn't hold up when you consider all the downgrades, especially to the level sizes.

Which makes it all the more amazing that Riddick is so competitive.

>> No.9177514

Quake 4 is the game that is as bad as people claim Doom 3 is. It's so boring.

>> No.9177531

That's funny, because Plutonia seemed to take itself seriously with the secret maps as a challenge, even though they were arguably some of the easier maps.

>> No.9177690 [DELETED] 

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.9177726
File: 838 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to use Riddick as an example
>ignores the low-res textures in the Riddick image
>uses anti-aliasing on the Riddick image
>doesn't use anti-aliasing on the Doom 3 image
>uses an extreme closeup

There's a reason you're using a cherry-picked example of Doom 3, and it's because it looks better in every single regard, even after Riddick got a graphical overhaul on PC.

>> No.9177742

Riddick is amazing and the human characters do look more convincing than in Doom 3. However, the environments, texture work, animations, and use of light and shadow Doom 3 are far superior.

>> No.9177936 [DELETED] 

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.9178083

>gives regular D3 owners BFG
>can finally play the VR mod because I have BFG

>> No.9178102
File: 839 KB, 1903x2153, butcher bay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses anti-aliasing on the Riddick image
Zoom in around the contour of the guy. There's no AA. Please go see an optician.

>> No.9178118

man I need to play the original version of this game. ive been cucked by athena this whole time and never knew it. what's the best way to get this nowadays? have a hard time finding a good torrent and it doesnt seem like original is sold anywhere other than physical.

>> No.9178120

What's wrong with physical? I bought a sealed copy off ebay for 20 bucks about 2 months ago.

>> No.9178123

I got it on both PC and Xbox, with the latter even being a "promotional copy, not for resale". Not sure how that ended up in a second-hand market.

>> No.9178134

i dont have an optical drive. yes i know im a faggot for having a tower with no drive and i could buy an external one if i really needed to but im purposely digitizing everything so i can rid myself of my coomlector habits. there has to be some way to get a clean copy digitally, no?

>> No.9178142
File: 379 KB, 1296x1584, stencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was 2004. Games weren't sold digitally unless it came from Valve.

You're honestly not missing out on much. It's basically the same game, but with a few more quirks that were addressed in the remaster. It's only worth it as a token of 2004 software engineering, which calls for a matched PC.

>> No.9178145

Did you check Direct2Drive? I think that's where it was originally sold digitally.

>> No.9178151

yeah nothing there, oh well. a torrent will pop up eventually if somebody actually seeds it. at least now i know it's worth looking for.

>> No.9178724

here you go


their download speeds are abysmal, but everything I've downloaded so far has worked perfectly fine

>> No.9178964

Oh look it's the riddick shill again

>> No.9179005 [DELETED] 

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.9179867

>zoom in around the contour of the guy
>implying this means there was no AA used

Go see an IQ specialist, you may be a retard. AA doesn't get rid of jaggies, it simply minimizes them.

>> No.9179998

Resurection of Evil really sucks

>> No.9180137

but Ram Ranch really rocks

>> No.9180145

To me it's the best doom 3. It's actually fun and not terribly repetitive. Riddick really is the better game however.

>> No.9180153


>> No.9180161

is there any way to stop the decals from turning off in the Dark Athena version?

>> No.9180163

idk I tried the dark athena one when it came out and immediately noticed the awful mouse behavior with its weird smoothing and acceleration. It was unplayable to me. Looked pretty I guess

>> No.9180171

yeah this game plays better with a controller.

>> No.9180172

I still remember the torture twins.

>> No.9180174


>> No.9180302


bfg is the bad edition.

OG requires flashlight to be held without a weapon. That is the atmosphere experience they wanted.

Just play it fresh as fuck and love it.

>> No.9180328

was 2004 a good year for fps?

>> No.9180454
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, cstdoom3_v2_0_chaingun_smoke_off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes aside, my favourite vanilla-esque mod for D3 is cstDoom3. It's got features like an aspect-corrected HUD, the removal of screen shake from damage, and an option to turn off muzzle smoke particles. It's also got some gameplay-related toggles like a headlamp that actually sticks to the crosshair and the ability to show locker codes on the HUD whenever you get up to one.
It's a modular experience which I'd 100% recommend for any first playthrough of the game.

>> No.9180470

stencil shadows make my pp feel funny.

>> No.9180485

Stencil shadows are the future, mark my words

>> No.9180610
File: 59 KB, 694x440, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>J-just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there

There's no fucking AA, you absolute imbecile. I don't even think there is a menu option for it, and I haven't touched the NVIDIA AA settings.

>> No.9180616

Used to scare the shit outta me back in 2004

>> No.9180720

There isn't any AA option in the PC port of Butcher Bay. Some sort of limitation in how GPUs handled AA and shader model 2.0+ back in those days. Doom 3, on the other hand, fully supports up to 16xAA out of the box.

>> No.9181015

How is that even possible? I recall as little as 6x AA being a selling point of hardware at the time. Not even half of 16.

>> No.9181045

I don't know the technical reasons, but it was a rendering limitation with shader model 2.0b and 3.0, both of which were brand new. Shader based rendering was very demanding in the mid-2000s and graphics cards simply could not do both sm2.0+ stuff and anti-aliasing at the same time.

>> No.9181272

I wonder if the BFG edition still comes with a copy of the original Doom and Doom2

>> No.9181361

I'm talking about Doom 3 (which has no concept of shader models versions AFAIK). How can it do 16x AA when you couldn't even force 8x in the GPU control panel at the time?

>> No.9181502

The BFG edition of that mod is great as you can restore 90% of OG features while keeping the refresh rate.

>> No.9181607
File: 263 KB, 1920x1080, toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never noticed any issues with the mouse in that.

The original, however...

Is there a problem?

>> No.9181678
File: 2.91 MB, 768x400, mech.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9182158

I think the geforce 6800 cards from 2004 can do 16xAA - not that anyone was actually using it in Doom 3 at the time.

>> No.9182297

Even if any interest in non-linear level design was killed at this point, it might have been the last good year with Halo 2, Half Life 2, and Doom 3. Things went downhill from here for the most part.

>> No.9182959

sounds like a compatibility issue desu


>> No.9183164
File: 31 KB, 450x400, 78 fps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall 16x being heavily associated with the Geforce 8, though that may specifically be in relation to the new CSAA modes.
I had a 8800 myself and remember cranking Doom 3 up to 16x. It started choking despite how much of a beast that card was.

>> No.9183212

I wish anandtech (iirc it was them) did more of those flagship through the generations articles as those old games that were super hard to run (but run unlocked) are amusing to see getting obliterated by modern computational power.