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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 344 KB, 1026x803, image0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9163252 No.9163252 [Reply] [Original]

>post picture of a game running on a CRT
>CRTfags say it "doesn't look right" and claim it's actually a CRT filter
kek the irony

>> No.9163260

the problem is you cant photograph a CRT with a digital camera and view it on a digital monitor and still expect it to look how it looks in person, its retarded

and the problem with most CRT filters is they look like they're replicating what CRTs look like in digital photos which is doubly retarded

>> No.9163292

Makes me laugh everytime

>> No.9163294

good thing you can disable the texture filtering in quake 64

>> No.9163297

You can, but it creates a giant image file thats too large to post here

>> No.9163316

There are no possible combinations of RGB pixels which can replicate a CRT not even a photo of a CRT. Photos of a CRT are fundamentally no different to a CRT filter, one could argue they are a CRT filter.

>> No.9163318

Sounds like mental gymnastics to me.

>> No.9163351

Lighting was a problem in crt, hd crt are the best ones to play 3D games

>> No.9163360

>and the problem with most CRT filters is they look like they're replicating what CRTs look like in digital photos which is doubly retarded
This is true
On my TV I can only see the lines if I really look hard and that's how it should be. It's baffling that people play with venetian blinds over their screen and think that's more authentic somehow.

>> No.9163384
File: 345 KB, 730x597, 1539043890458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9163389
File: 2.51 MB, 1440x1080, Mega Man X8 (USA)-220726-204930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most CRT filters is they look like they're replicating what CRTs look like in digital photos which is doubly retarded
what's your onion on this filter?

>> No.9163393
File: 2.96 MB, 1411x1080, Sonic the Hedgehog 2-220628-235422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9163484
File: 2.99 MB, 4000x2250, 1636451084912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9163513


>> No.9164005

It’s more blurry than what I had but I grew up in the GameCube generation

>> No.9164063
File: 432 KB, 1372x1372, pvmvslcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRTs look different from one another so most of the time its just people going "doesn't look like the CRT *I* own!", not considering that the maker of the shader owns a different CRT. My CRT TV is a tiny Emerson, you can only see lines if you look uncomfortably close. But a Trinitron is gonna have more prominent lines. And frankly, a PVM/BVM isn't too dissimilar from a CRT shader, though their owners tend to get pissy if you point that out.
Also, most people are viewing CRT shaders far more close than they would an actual TV, so of course the lines are gonna appear more prominent. You're supposed to sit away from it like you would an actual TV. Using GTUv50 and sitting a few feet away, I don't notice the lines.

>> No.9164219

What are yo even talking about? A standard CRT displays a VERY narrow color gamut(smaller than even a cheap LCD display in fact). It was one of the main reason why artist, print companies and production companies had to resort to ludicrously expensive reference displays.

>> No.9164241

They might be saying there's not enough pixels to convincingly replicate a CRT's mask/grille, but you can do that with 4K resolution. Even 1080p can fake a PVM/BVM look at a distance.
Where shaders fail is motion clarity, that's out of their scope.

>> No.9164246

too artifacty, looks like it lacks color depth causing weird banding.

>> No.9164262

Play how you want but CRT shaders for 6th gen games is really silly. They didn't have that "scanline" look so all you're doing is just blurring up the image. If you have the processing power to throw on shaders then you have the power to upscale the image or apply some sort of AA.

>> No.9164284

CRTs run on magic, everyone knows that

>> No.9164317

This made me chuckle

>> No.9164395

This, but unironically
I have a 14inch TV, and when displaying footage from my mini-dv camera, the footage looks as good as real life as if the tv was replaced with a portal. When the same footage is transfered to the computer its looks so terrible as to be nearly unwatchable. The CRT tv really does have magic powers.

>> No.9164471

A CRT Monitor isn't the same as a CRT TV. Fuck PVM fags.

>> No.9164491

You're supposed to play somewhat far away when using shaders or a real CRT.

>> No.9164703
File: 3.00 MB, 1832x1006, 1659033527386946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe people actually play games with CRT shaders on LCD screens
Surely none of them ever saw a real CRT running video games up close
It's the most autistic meme zoomer retrogamers ever fell for

>> No.9165148

Why don't CRT filters ever replicate real CRT faults like brightness blooming, that bend at the middle of the screen, when the colour beams don't line up fully near the edges, and when the picture geometry is kind of off at one spot in the screen so when graphics are scrolling it looks kind of weird but you can't tell what's wrong? That's what CRTs really look like. CRT filters are always just thicc memelines and composite smudging.

>> No.9165158

I think there are some that let you adjust the fake convergence and geometry.

>> No.9165171

Whatever it is, it's not original hardware. Quake 1 ran in lined-doubled mode 13h by default, and also supported various SVGA modes. No mode had 240p scanlines like you got on consoles.

>> No.9165195

Quake on N64

>> No.9165239

>muddy colors
>too dark
>blur all over the place like it was played using composhite
>scanlines for a 480i game
all wrong

>> No.9165253

>Fuck PVM fags.
Maybe. But fuck CRT monitors faggots too. Imagine playing 240p console games on a fucking computer screen. Consumer CRT all the way. Through RGB indeed, cause I'm not a dumb murican.

>> No.9165274

Whats funny about that? Its never gonna look authentic when photographed and then viewed on a LED screen

>> No.9165281

Is this really how bad RF or composite looks in NTSC? Its not blurry in Europe

>> No.9165292

no, its not nearly this bad

>> No.9165306

Probably a shitty cable. Maybe one of those garbage channel modulators. RF, more than any other signal type, really needs to have high quality cables with good shielding.

>> No.9166017

I don't see scanlines, if anything the cells are more visible as columns than rows

>> No.9166023

>blur all over the place like it was played using composhite
Yes that is the intention you egg, PS2 games used dithering
The games were made for 480 over composite. With a simple upres you get dithering, banding, and wonky 2D assets

>> No.9166180

Play the game however you want.

>> No.9166812

Christ how small are those textures, 16x16?

>> No.9166827

I specifically avoid real CRTs because the shit geometry quirks drive me up the wall. Hate that shit

>> No.9166830

There's no scanlines in that image, that's just the CRT mask (which is how a CRT looks when running 480p content)

>> No.9166859
File: 128 KB, 180x261, monhun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that even modern games use dithering, right? It doesn't mean that the game was designed to be blurred to hell.
Sixth gen was the start of many games becoming multiplat and getting ported to PCs, Mega Man X8 being one of them.

>> No.9166870

God bless pixel perfect modes.
Fuck you, CRT/scanlines elitists.

>> No.9166913

CRTs are and will always be garbage. Just because they’re sold on eBay for $900 to dumb kids doesn’t make that any less true.

>> No.9166938


>> No.9166943

I lived with this shit for my entire young adult life. CRTs aren’t worth what people pay for them. My only consolation is knowing that very soon now the flybacks on their meme TVs will start dying with no way to replace them.

>> No.9166953

I'm sorry you had a shitty CRT but not everyone does

Until we have modern panels with the same level of motion clarity as a CRT, then my PVM is by far the best looking display I have for retro games, and fuck if I could get one of those FW900's for my primary PC monitor I would in a heart beat. I'll settle for OLED, but I'm never touched an LCD screen again, ever.

>> No.9167137 [DELETED] 

I have a PVM too and I agree they’re great for retro games, but by no means are they worth what people pay for them. I got my big ass PVM1943md for $90 (the price of shipping) from a liquidator, yet people regularly spend 500+ for them.

Idiot kids.

>> No.9167143

I have a PVM too and I agree they’re great for retro games, but by no means are they worth what people pay for them. I got my big ass PVM1943md for $90 (the price of shipping) from a liquidator, yet people regularly spend $500+ for them to only use them to play N64 games over composite.

Idiot kids.