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9161629 No.9161629 [Reply] [Original]

What's your thoughts about this game?

>> No.9161674
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artistically, technically, and mechanically a 10/10. the amount of variety in the game is staggering

>> No.9161687

I first played it at the SNES at my dentist's office in probably 1999 and have been in love with it ever since. Might be the pinnacle platformer of that era, DKfags be damned. The egg-throwing mechanic just works so well, the collecting is great, the art design is flawless. Plus the story is the most moving emotional Mario game outside of Galaxy.

>> No.9161692

It's an easy game to play but a right bitch to 100%.

>> No.9161706


This. It was probably peak 2D platforming. It added a lot of variety and mechanics, secrets etc. You could either just make it to the end of the level, like old school 2D Mario platformers, or you could explore the levels deeply for all the secrets and items. It gave you many ways to play the game, one of which made it like a Zelda game with the puzzles and exploration.

>> No.9161710


Yeah. It's really hard to 100%. I've beaten SMB2 Jap without warping, but I still have one level on this I haven't completed 100%.

>> No.9161715

objectively one of the best game ever made. but for some reasons I'm not finding it very replayable. maybe the game is just too serious, the same way having excellent grades is both respectable and quite boring.

>> No.9161731

I don't enjoy platformers but it's very beautiful looking

>> No.9161734

It's a big commitment to get into. You can't just pick it up and play it for a bit. EACH level has so much shit to find, that you are going to end up replaying some of them a couple of times to get everything. A lot of those levels are very difficult and the game itself has a lot of mechanics not in other games, so you have to learn it all again a bit the first time. It's a great game to get into for a while, but once your done you are exhausted.

>> No.9161742

It's kind of a perfect storm of talent during the SNES's twilight years that could never be quite replicated. The level design, art direction, controls, sound, music...top notch.

It's a masterpiece in platform gaming when you really sit back and look at it objectively.

>> No.9161746
File: 41 KB, 468x303, 08BD9710-981E-4191-B59E-0B19296FEC6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favorite level, /vr/?

>> No.9161775

it's the greatest escort mission ever made

>> No.9161901

that one

>> No.9162001

>What is your favorite level, /vr/?
Helicopter Yoshi and mole Yoshi.
Also the swamp land with the giant blob monster.

>> No.9162008

>tfw you reach that final red coin in a copter section
I didn't know I needed this feel

>> No.9162030

And people here will still argue that soul is a nebulous term that doesn't mean anything. The game is literally PURE SOVL confirmed

>> No.9162031

That feel when you're on track to get a 100 but then accidentally get hit so you gotta backtrack waaaaay back to get more a few stars but then can't find them

>> No.9162072

Can't you get stars by bouncing eggs off walls into enemies?

>> No.9162119

Yeah but it's hard and not reliable

>> No.9162640

The one where you trip

>> No.9162929

Call me a faggot but the first level. The introductory cave is very comfy.

>> No.9163037
File: 138 KB, 570x427, 1659340597348473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it back in October of 1995.
Great experience, one of the best as far as 2D games go.
As a kid I didn't care/got filtered by the scoring system so I just enjoyed the game casually and I had a great time.
Later on I actually completed it and got a newfound love for the game.
Nowadays I play 50% casually and 50% seriously, like I initially try to go for 100% but if I don't manage it, I just keep going until I beat the game, then I go back to any level I want to play and complete at my own pace.
Always a good time.

>> No.9163123
File: 328 KB, 808x166, dUntitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't played the game in forever but it's these.
thanks to collageanon >>9163037 i wouldn't have remembered otherwize

>> No.9163132

The image for Level 7 (touch fuzzy get dizzy) always reminded me of Stacey Stickler from Stickin' Around.

>> No.9163289

A game with good art direction and music hampered by dogshit controls and collectathon bullshit.

>> No.9163295

best looking SNES game

>> No.9163895

Loved as a kid, 100% everything, really enjoyed it. But when I played it again after the SNES mini came out, I didn’t really like it so much and it one of the last games on the mini that I finished

>> No.9163912

Yeah, I also hate how the game forces you to collect things to get to the next level.
Oh wait, it doesn't do that at all and you're just parroting buzzwords.

>> No.9163931

I might let you pass the "collectathon" buzzword because maybe you're ADHD, but how the fuck do you think it has bad controls? Emulating?

>> No.9164203

The game grades you based on how many things you collected in the level. It even grades you based on the amount of time you have before Mario gets taken away, and in order to maximize that time you need to collect shit. Yoshi's Island is arguably the genesis of the terrible 3D platformer design conventions of the subsequent generation.

Egg throwing is the absolute worst mechanic to ever appear in a Mario-adjacent game. The common response to criticism of the egg throwing mechanic is that it "couldn't have been done any better on the SNES." That's not a point in its favor. That just further showcases how terrible of an idea it was in the first place if the "best" implementation of it is still clumsy at best.

Aside from the egg throwing. Yoshi is slippery. The excessive animation frames for turning make every change of direction feel delayed and unresponsive, which is really fucking bad for a platforming video game where quick changes of direction are critical. The floating mechanic is also sluggish.

>> No.9164238

>Egg throwing is the absolute worst mechanic to ever appear in a Mario-adjacent game. The common response to criticism of the egg throwing mechanic is that it "couldn't have been done any better on the SNES." That's not a point in its favor. That just further showcases how terrible of an idea it was in the first place if the "best" implementation of it is still clumsy at best.
>Aside from the egg throwing. Yoshi is slippery. The excessive animation frames for turning make every change of direction feel delayed and unresponsive, which is really fucking bad for a platforming video game where quick changes of direction are critical. The floating mechanic is also sluggish.
I just disagree with everything you said. Egg throwing just works (type B better than type A, but both work great), and the controls are super tight, there is no delay. No wonder you're emulating. But more than anything, you're bad at video games.
Of course, it could just be that you're just a shitposter and never even played the game, but lets give you the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.9164312

>The game grades you based on how many things you collected in the level
Yes, I know. I've played and beat the game at least twice.
There's nothing collectathon about it because the game doesn't require you to collect any of the collectibles at all to progress through it.

>> No.9164331

Carrying star items in your inventory is a life saver. Fuck backtracking.

>> No.9164358

I hope to one day see a game that says
>our team put a reasonable amount of effort into this game

>> No.9164380

I love this game, it's among my SNES favorite, it has the best graphics for that console, too. However, I really find the mechanics behind collecting things horrible since many of them are missable(one way doors, for example) and it because of that, whenever I replay the game I just finish the stages without trying to collect everything.

>> No.9164779
File: 3 KB, 320x120, Miiverse Yoshi's Island Final Boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoshi's Island is a masterpiece of the SNES era and easily the greatest Yoshi game of all time. I had countless great times playing the game in my childhood, and while I was disappointed that there was never a proper boss battle against Kamek, fighting Godzilla Baby Bowser at the end was one of the best video gaming experiences ever.

>> No.9164813

Not my favourite SNES platformer (I prefer Donkey Kong Country and SMW1) but I like it

>> No.9165320
File: 40 KB, 515x516, 1613144765971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy fun summer feeling masterpiece.
Fuck yeah!

>> No.9165334

It's good, but it's really boring. the level design is not fun and well railroaded, the sequel improves the controls and gameplay of the original, in my opinion yoshi story is the best game in the series. and i can't stand the visual style of this game either, i think the ds remake improves that

>> No.9165751

How the fuck do I get those, just by chance on the end level bonuses? Also do they save? Pretty sure I had one but it's gone

>> No.9165770

Why is the n64 sequel so awful ona n aesthetic level.
How did ol'miyamoto not pull out a samurai sword on himself when seeing it
Yoshi's on snes is for kids sure, but the n64 game is for literal infants. Utterly bizarre decisions made on this game

>> No.9165771

Egg throwing sucks ass dude. At least this game isn't star fox. Everyone praises that game and I just don't get it. It runs like shit. And it's not a question of ' for the time'

>> No.9165778

Fuzzy is a helluva drug

>> No.9165852

A good game but it shouldn't be called super mario world 2

>> No.9165890

I agree. I loved YI and can still have fun playing it today. YS was shit when I rented it new and it's shit now.

>> No.9165938

YS was the only game I felt was shit as a kid. I rented it and it was garbage.

>> No.9165945

Graphics, 8/10. Would be a 9 or 10 if they were anything but kiddy looking.
Music 9/10. Some of the best on the entire SNES.
GAMEPLAY 2/10. Absolute dog shit compared to all before it. Stopping to collect and shoot eggs or recapture a crying baby Mario was not my idea of fun.

>> No.9165950

Agree. Although as a kid I enjoyed stunt race fx and that ran like shit too. Star fox was just too janky.

>> No.9165961

yeah people try to hype up star fox as one of nintendos foundational franchises but it really is just a tech demo of a game. It's a series that runs exclusively on the goodwill of SF64 and the most delusional nostalgic men.
The most you can say is 'isnt is incredible a snes can run this' with the word run being used very loosely

>> No.9166005

the fun of starfox is all the secrets and alternate routes. its simply an over the shoulder shootemup, it even has galaga enemies show up.

>> No.9166397

No Mr Miyamoto I am not going to throw the eggs I am going to go ride the swordfish instead

>> No.9167051

These are opinions I've held about the game since its release in 1995. I played it on original hardware back then, thought it sucked ass, and moved on. Years later people started heaping endless praise on the game and I played through the entirety of it on an official cartridge on my SNES to see if my initial impressions were wrong. I hated every second of the game and all of my complaints were still relevant 20 years later.

Yoshi's Island sucks, it always sucked. Despite that, Nintendo still kept making games with the shitty egg throwing mechanic even on platforms with touch screens and then refused to use the touch screen for that egg throwing mechanic despite it being a superior input method for the kind of gameplay Yoshi games want to provide.

The grading mechanic ENCOURAGES collecting the collectables. It says "hey, you beat the level but here's what you SHOULD have done!" Playing the game isn't fun by itself, and the game wanting you to collect the stupid bullshit makes it even less so.

>> No.9167063

>recapture a crying baby Mario

confirmed for being shit at the game

>> No.9167271

When I was a kid I didn't care about the score at all so maybe you have a completionist complex.

>> No.9167342

>The grading mechanic ENCOURAGES collecting the collectables
Sure, but it's not an essential part of the gameplay. The game doesn't stop you because you didn't, say, collect all the flowers in the stage.
YI is not a collectathon. You either have some misunderstanding of the term or just some silly personal grudge towards the game as a whole.

>> No.9167451
File: 51 KB, 355x539, 15364165581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I love the following:

Love Mario
Love Link
Love Samus
Love Yoshi
Love Kirby
Love Wario
Love Red

Life is good and complete.


>> No.9167559

>low IQ way of understanding Yoshi's Island:
Never get pass a level until you've 100%'d it. Keep replaying the same one over and over until you pass it and then move on to the next.
>normal IQ way of understanding Yoshi's Island:
Play the game from start to finish without ever caring about scoring, enjoy the kino final boss and then start over the next time you want to play it
>high IQ way of understanding Yoshi's Island:
Play the game from start to finish, follow your instincts and aim for a complete level score, but keep going if you miss something. Finish the game, then go back to specific levels you want to play at any given time and then this time aim for the goal. Can toggle between different levels through different worlds for variety.
>ascended mind way of understanding Yoshi's Island
Play the game from start to finish, never have to re-do any level, get 100% on all levels, never hear a baby cry, not Mario, and especially not (You)

>> No.9167583

I don't remember it very well, in terms of having a good visualization of the overview of the game, the way I do for the other Mario and DKC games. I do remember it being good, but taking a little while to pick up. Later on, in the castle levels, I remember thinking it was really good, surprisingly good. The bosses are interesting.

>> No.9168479

I ain't never played a mario or yoshi game. Even a platformer in general to be honest